Mr. Forgetful's Seaside Holiday is a story from the 1984 Annual.
Mr. Forgetful is going on a summer holiday at the seaside. He remembered his bucket and spade but forgot his suitcase. He almost forgot where he was going by the time he reached the railway station; luckily, the ticket collector was able to figure out where he was going. Upon reaching the seaside, it took Mr. Forgetful four wrong hotels before he remembered the hotel he was to be staying at. Hopefully, Mr. Forgetful will remember that his room number is 99.
The next day, Mr. Forgetful went to the beach and went to dive in the sea. Disastrously, the tide was out and he landed on a rock. That's gotta hurt! Using the bucket and spade he brought, Mr. Forgetful built a sandcastle and it was glorious. But he was so busy building, he failed to realize that the tide came back in and got stuck on top of his sandcastle. By chance, Mr. Tickle (who was also at the hotel) rescued Mr. Forgetful and the two spent the rest of their holiday together. For both of them, it was a holiday that they would never forget!