Mr. Forgetful's Unforgettable Party is a story from the 1980 Annual.
Mr. Forgetful woke up one morning and went downstairs for breakfast. He then retreated upstairs. Why? Mr. Forgetful forgot to get dressed! After getting dress and returning back downstairs for breakfast, Mr. Forgetful found a card addressed to himself on the breakfast table. The card said, "DON'T FORGET!!" Mr. Forgetful did remember to put the card on the table the night before but he had forgotten why he wrote it to begin with. Mr. Forgetful spent all of breakfast trying to remember what he wasn't supposed to forget.
First, Mr. Forgetful thought he forgot to return his library books and went to the library. But his books were due back next week. So that wasn't it. Next, Mr. Forgetful thought he forgot about his dentist appointment and went to the dentist office. But his appointment wasn't until next month. So that wasn't it either. He soon met up with Mr. Greedy, who was walking along with a large bag of mince pies. Mr. Greedy told Mr. Forgetful that he was off to Mr. Forgetful's party and brought the pies in case he had forgotten. It was then Mr. Forgetful remembered what he wrote the card for: To remember his party! Mr. Forgetful managed to send invitations to all of his friends and even sent one to himself so he wouldn't forget!
By the time Mr. Greedy and Mr. Forgetful got back to Forget Me Not Cottage, everyone had arrived with food and drinks. They knew Mr. Forgetful well enough that he would forget the party supplies. Mr. Happy was surprised that Mr. Forgetful forgot despite sending himself an invitation. Now, he did remember to send himself the invite, but Mr. Forgetful forgot to open the invite which said "COME TO MY PARTY!" Maybe next time, he should've written "DON'T FORGET TO OPEN THIS INVTE" the next time he sends one to himself.
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Forgetful
- Mr. Greedy
- Mr. Happy
- Mr. Funny
- Mr. Rush
- Mr. Tickle
- Mr. Skinny
- Mr. Chatterbox
- Mr. Small
- Mr. Tall
- Mr. Mean
- Mr. Dizzy