Mr. Greedy Keeps Fit is a story from the 1983 Annual.
One morning, Mr. Greedy was exploring the countryside and working up an appetite for lunch. He was walking down a lane when he came across the entrance to an enormous country house. Being a curious sort of fellow, Mr. Greedy decided to have a look and see who lived there. He walked up the long drive which led to a big front door. The long walk had tuckered Mr. Greedy out and made him rather hungry. Just then, he saw a notice on the door. It said: "Welcome to Sunnyside Health Farm".
Mr. Greedy thought a Health Farm sounded rather nice. Farms usually have cows and cows make milk and milk makes delicious things like butter and cream and other foods made from milk. The thought of all the food made from milk made Mr. Greedy's mouth water. He was excited to try all the lovely things he could eat at Sunnyside Health Farm. Mr. Greedy stood up and pressed the doorbell. A kind looking man in a white coat opened the door. His name was Dr. Makeyouslim.
Dr. Makeyouslim looked down at Mr. Greedy's large tummy and recognized him immediately. The doctor invited Mr. Greedy inside to stay at the farm for a few days "to make a new man out of [Mr. Greedy]". Mr. Greedy was delighted to find that there were a lot of other people staying at Sunnyside Health Farm. They were all rather fat, like himself. "The food must be good here." chuckled Mr. Greedy to himself, as Dr. Makeyouslim led the way inside the house to the dining room.
However, the food at Sunnyside Health Farm turned out to be the opposite of what Mr. Greedy thought it was! Mr. Greedy sat at a table and a waiter brought him the menu. Mr. Greedy looked at it in horror. The only thing on the menu was lettuce! Mr. Greedy couldn't understand how a farm didn't have all the food it usually had. Dr. Slim explained that Sunnyside Health Farm is a fitness farm where people come to lose weight and eat less! Mr. Greedy realized that he couldn't get out of this mess he put himself in and ate the whole plateful of lettuce. But it didn't fill Mr. Greedy's large tummy even a tiniest bit
After his lack-luster mean, Dr. Makeyouslim took Mr. Greedy to his room. It was a large bedroom with the biggest four-poster bed Mr. Greedy had ever seen. Mr. Greedy climbed into bed and fell asleep straightaway. But the trouble was, Mr. Greedy spent the whole night dreaming about food! He dreamt about roast chicken and creamed potatoes, baked apple pies and chocolate milk-shakes, whipped cream cakes and hot sausage rolls.
That afternoon, Mr. Greedy went to Dr Makeyouslim's keep fit class. Mr. Greedy had to jog up and down the drive five times, skip with a rope fifty times, and bend down and touch his toes one hundred and forty four times! Then it was time for tea. But all the waiter brought Mr. Greedy was a small glass of carrot juice and half a biscuit. Poor Mr. Greedy. He was exhausted after all that exercise and he was still very hungry.
Mr. Greedy woke up the next morning feeling hungrier than ever. It was breakfast time and all Mr. Greedy was given was a large glass of water and a while slice of lemon. It wasn't much food but Mr. Greedy began to feel a little better that day. And, what's more, Mr. Greedy began to look a little better. The day after that, Mr. Greedy felt much better and he looked much better, too. He also got used to the little food he was given and it filled him up more. After one week, Mr. Greedy felt as fit as a fiddle and after two weeks, he was as thin as a toothpick and healthy as a horse!
Mr. Greedy left Sunnyside Health Farm in great shape and an idea in mind. He was going to write to a friend of his who could also benefit from Dr. Makeyouslim and his services. A Little Miss who is as plump as a cushion and extremely fond of her food Can you guess who Mr. Greedy is going to write to? That's right! Little Miss Plump!
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Greedy
- Dr. Makeyouslim
- Little Miss Plump (mentioned)
- This is the first story to mention a Little Miss