Mr. Happy’s Mystery Tour is a story from the 1981 Annual.
Mr. Happy had received a hot air balloon from a friendly wizard as a Christmas present. Mr. Happy loved his present and decided to invite some of his friends along for a balloon ride. Mr. Quiet agreed to come, as the balloon makes very little noise and just drifts in the wind, and Mr. Clever accepted the invitation without hesitation. Mr. Clever loves sharing fun facts about the places they visit. In town that day, Mr. Happy met Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Worry as they were returning from the shops. Both Mr. Men were in not-so-happy moods; Mr. Grumpy was complaining about everything and Mr. Worry was worrying about Mr. Grumpy and other what-if worries.
Mr. Happy decided to invite his two troubled friends for the balloon rid. Amazingly, Mr. Grumpy agreed to come along for the ride despite knowing that he wouldn't enjoy it and Mr. Worry, despite worrying about all that could happen while in the balloon, was persuaded by Mr. Happy to join him and the others for the ride. Mr. Happy and his four friends climbed into the balloon basket and headed up into the sky for their adventure. No one knew where they were going or how to get there but let the balloon take them where the wind blew it.
The balloon continues soaring into the night and drifted towards snow-topped mountains. Both Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Worry were grumbling/worried about either bumping or crashing into the mountains. While they did land and get stuck in a pile of snow for a while, they didn't bump or crash into anything. By morning, the balloon was still being carried in the wind and they ventured into a desert where a small oasis stood out when looking down. The balloon landed in the pool and the five Mr. Men built hundreds of sandcastles before resuming the tour.
They visited the South Pole, landed in the middle of the jungle, and finally returned to Happyland where the tour ended. Even Mr. Grumpy admitted he had fun. Mr. Worry didn't know where they've been. Mr. Happy laughed and declared that what they experienced was a mystery tour! You don't know where you are going but it's still a wonder to see.