Mr. Jelly in the Park is a story from the 1982 Annual.
One afternoon, Mr. Jelly is sitting at a bench in the park reading a book, afraid to turn every page because he feels something scary may be at the start of the next page, when the book is really just about growing tomatoes. He then decides to have forty winks, which is really twenty because he sleeps with one eye open. As he starts to close his left eye, he sees what appears to be a monster and then hides under the bench. It turns out to be one of Mr. Clever's balloons.
Mr. Jelly goes back on the bench to recover then nap again, but this time he closes his right eye. He then hears a noise from the rosebush, thinking its a centipede monster, but it turns out to be Mr. Slow raking the soil. He then offers Mr. Jelly to have a cup of tea, or rather, in Mr. Jelly's case, a saucer of tea, as he kept spilling it from shaking so much, and in Mr. Slow's case, a sip of tea in two hours.