Mr. Mean's Party is a story from the 1993 Annual
Mr. Mean is feeling very left out lately. He wasn't invited to Mr. Greedy's barbecue or Little Miss Magic's magic show. When he met Mr. Happy on a walk one day and explained his problem. Mr. Happy wisely explained that it was because he never invites anyone over to his house and thus, doesn't get invited to anything in return. Mr. Mean, wanting to be included with his fellow Mr. Men and Little Misses, decided to have a party. Woefully, Mr. Mean, being Mr. Mean, decides to invite people who wouldn't come to the party. Including Mr. Forgetful, Little Miss Late, Little Miss Fickle, Mr. Jelly, Mr. Lazy, and Mr. Dizzy. He used the cheapest cards he had and didn't do anything to prepare for the party. He'll hold the perfect party for himself; a party without any guests!
Disastrously, Mr. Mean, who had been too mean to buy stamps, asked Mr. Muddle to deliver the invitations and Mr. Mean ended up with the people NO ONE would ever want at a party come to his party instead of the people who wouldn't come to a party. Mr. Noisy, who played noisy games with Little Miss Trouble, Mr. Greedy and Little Miss Plump, who ate all of Mr. Mean's food, Little Miss Naughty, who had fun her own way, Mr. Bump, who bumped into everything, and Mr. Messy, who messed up the house! Mr. Mean might not have had a good time, but his guests sure did. Which means, Mr. Mean will be invited to other to other events in the future!
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Mean
- Mr. Happy
- Mr. Muddle
- Little Miss Naughty
- Mr. Messy
- Little Miss Plump
- Mr. Noisy
- Mr. Bump
- Little Miss Trouble
- Mr. Greedy
- Little Miss Magic
- Little Miss Fickle
- Mr. Forgetful
- Mr. Jelly
- Mr. Dizzy
- Mr. Lazy