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Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Mr. Mean (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Mr. Daydream (Cartoon)" Next: "Mr. Chatterbox (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out from a cloud. The camera zooms out until the camera fully shows a dilapidated house)

Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)

Narrator: Mr. Mean lived up to his name. He lived in what could've been a nice house but wasn't.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean's house)

Narrator: He never painted it, or mended it, or repaired the roof.

(The scene transitions to inside the house. The room was completely empty with the ceiling and walls peeling paint)

Narrator: Inside, it was the same. No carpets...

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: curtains, no pictures, no fires.

(The camera cuts over to a chair made out of wooden orange boxes)

Narrator: And Mr. Mean was so mean, he made his furniture out of old...

(The camera zooms in on two nails on the floor)

Narrator: boxes, and then complained about the price of nails.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Narrator: Why, he was so mean, do you know what he gave his brother,

(The camera cuts to a white background where a hand is coming in towards the right. In this hand, is a piece of coal)

Narrator: For Christmas last year? A piece of coal!

(The hand stops at the middle of the screen)

Narrator: It wasn't that Mr. Mean didn't have any money. Oh no.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean standing in the middle of the screen holding the piece of coal in his right hand)

Narrator: He had lots of money. But would he spend it? Not old Meany. Not if he could help it.

(The scene transitions to the camera zooming out from Mr. Mean's window into the barren kitchen. There, Mr. Mean is shown sitting on his wooden furniture eating a gloomy meal)

Narrator: One day, he was sitting in his gloomy kitchen...

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: ...having a gloomy meal. When, there was a knock at the door.

(The sound of someone knocking is heard)

Mr. Mean: Drat!

Narrator: He said, because he didn't like people.

Mr. Mean: Drat and bother.

(Mr. Mean walks to the door and grabs the doorknob)

Narrator: He opened the door, and there...

(Mr. Mean opens the door to find a plump wizard standing on his doorstep)

Narrator: ...on his doorstep, stood a wizard. A rather fat wizard.

Wizard: Hello.

Narrator: Said the Wizard

Wizard: I wonder if, uh, by any chance, as it’s such a warm day, you could possibly, if it’s not too much trouble, um, be so kind as to, if it's not inconvenient, perhaps, as I'm very thirsty, provide me with, do you think, a glass, if it's not too much to ask, of water, please?

Narrator: He was a very wordy wizard.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: No.

(The camera pans to the Wizard)

Narrator: Replied Mr. Mean rudely.

(The camera stops moving)

Narrator: And shut the door in his face

(Mr. Mean slams the door shut and starts walking back inside the house. Unexpectedly, the Wizard is shown inside in front of Mr. Mean. The camera zooms out to show both the Wizard and Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: How did you get in?

Wizard: Well...

Narrator: Replied the Wizard.

Wizard: It was by, how shall I put it, I just, well, you know, waved the old whatsitsname, magic wand don't you know, and, then, well you know,

(The camera moves closer to the Wizard)

Wizard: Here I am, if you know what I mean!

(The Wizard look around)

Wizard: You must be very poor.

(The Wizard look around)

Narrator: He remarked kindly, looking around.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: Oh yes, I am.

Narrator: Lied Mr. Mean.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean and the Wizard in the frame)

Wizard: Then, uh, perhaps, I can help you.

Narrator: Said the Wizard.

(The camera cuts over to the Wizard holding a wooden box)

Narrator: Pulling up a box to sit down on

(The camera zooms out from the box)

Narrator: The box didn't move.

(The Wizard lifts the box up onto its side)

Narrator: So the Wizard pulled it harder. And this time, it did move.

(The box opens up and all of Mr. Mean's money (which are gold coins) spill out of the box. The camera zooms in on the money as it rolls on the floor to the right of the screen)

Narrator: In fact, it tipped up and spilled Mr. Mean's money all over the floor.

(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)

Wizard: Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, ooh, well, well, well, well. It would appear to me, that you sir, are an old meany!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mean cleaning up the money that spilled from the box. The camera zooms out from the box full of money)

Narrator: Mr. Mean didn't hear him. He was too busy scrambling all over the floor trying to pick up,

(The camera stops zooming out once Mr. Mean is seen in the frame)

Narrator: His money.

(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)

Wizard: And meanies need to be taught a lesson!

Narrator: And so saying, he waved his magic wand.

(The Wizard waves his wand. The camera cuts over to a worried Mr. Mean as his money turns into potatoes)

Narrator: All the money turned into potatoes!

(The camera zooms in on the potatoes in the crate)

Narrator: POTATOES!

(The camera cuts to Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: Oh dear! Oh! Oh dear me! Oh dear me! Please turn my money back into money! Oh please, please, please!

(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)

Wizard: Perhaps.

Narrator: Replied the Wizard.

Wizard: But, on the other hand, taking all things into account, by and large, things being what they are, on the face of it, perhaps not. However,

Narrator: Continued the wordy wizard.

Wizard: If you make me a solemn promise never to be mean again, then I'll turn your money back into money. But,

(The camera zooms in on the Wizard)

Narrator: He added sternly.

(The camera stops zooms in)

Wizard: If you are ever mean again, then it's, how shall I put it? Then it's potatoes for you, my lad. If not other vegetables as well!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Mean walking down the road to the right side of the screen)

Narrator: The following day, Mr. Mean decided to walk to town. He never took the bus because that cost money!

(Mr. Mean starts walking towards a old woman standing in the middle of the road carrying a huge bag of washing)

Narrator: On the way...

(The camera zooms in on the old washer woman)

Narrator: ...he met an old washer woman carrying an enormous bundle of washing.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Washer Woman: Oh, please, please, kind sir.

Narrator: She said.

Washer Woman: Could you possibly help me to carry this washing?'s so heavy!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean and the washer woman in the same frame)

Mr. Mean: No.

Narrator: Replied Mr. Mean.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: It's your washing. You carry it!

Narrator: But, as soon as he said that, he felt a tingling in his nose.

(Mr. Mean's nose changes into a carrot)

Narrator: Mr. Mean's nose turned into a carrot!

Mr. Mean: Oh no!

Narrator: He gasped.

(The camera zooms out to show the Washer Woman with Mr. Mean. The Washer Woman was chuckling inaudibly)

Narrator: And then Mr. Mean remembered the Wizard's words.

Mr. Mean: Yes! Oh yes!

Narrator: He cried in a panic.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: Of course I'll help you! Of course!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean carrying the bag of washing for the washer woman. Mr. Mean's nose changes back to normal)

Narrator: And the carrot turned back into a nose.

(Mr. Mean walks to the right and carries the washing towards where the woman wanted him to put it down)

Narrator: And off he went.

(The Washer Woman chuckles inaudibly)

Narrator: The old washer woman...

(Mr. Mean walks out of the frame)

Narrator: ...chuckled again.

(The washer woman transforms into the Wizard)

Narrator: And turned back into the Wizard. (laugh)

(The camera zooms in on the Wizard)

Narrator: It had been him all along, you see!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Mean, no longer carrying the washing, walking down the road to the right of the screen)

Narrator: Then Mr. Mean passed by a cottage garden.

(Mr. Mean walks towards the cottage garden and sees an old man standing behind his garden gate)

Narrator: In the garden, there was an old man chopping wood.

(Mr. Mean stops walking)

Old Man: Oh! (stammers) Oh! Hey! Hey! Hey! Excuse me. Excuse me!

Narrator: He called.

Old Man: Uh, could you give an old man a hand, a bit of a hand young fellow-me-lad?

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: No.

Narrator: Replied Mr. Mean.

Mr. Mean: It's your wood, you chop it!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean and the old man in the same frame)

Narrator: But, as soon as the words had passed his lips,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Guess what happened?

(Mr. Mean's ears change into tomatoes)

Narrator: His ears turned into tomatoes!

Mr. Mean: Oh no!

Narrator: He gasped.

(The camera cuts over to the old man as he chuckles inaudibly)

Narrator: The old man chuckled.

(The camera pans to the left over to Mr. Mean)

Narrator: Mr. Mean remembered the Wizard's words.

Mr. Mean: Oh yes! Yes!

Narrator: He cried.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: Well, yes! Yes, of course I'll give you a hand! Of course! (moans)

(Mr. Mean is shown chopping wood)

Narrator: He chopped and chopped until all the wood was cut.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mean. The tomatoes turn back into ears)

Narrator: And the tomatoes turned back into ears.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mean walking past the old man as he resumes his walk into town)

Narrator: And off he went.

(Mr. Mean walks out of the frame. the scene transitions to Mr. Mean walking down the road into town towards the right of the screen)

Narrator: Eventually, Mr. Mean arrived in the town.

(Mr. Mean approaches a wall)

Narrator: There was a little boy crying,

(The camera pans to show the blonde little boy crying and his ball stuck on top of a wall)

Narrator: Because his ball got stuck at the top of a wall.

(Mr. Mean stops walking and the camera stops moving)

Little Boy: Oh! (sniffs) Oh, please, please sir.

(The boy up points to his ball)

Little Boy: Could you, (sniffs) could you reach my...

(The boy stops pointing)

Little Boy: ...get me ball down for me?

Mr. Mean: No.

Narrator: Retorted Mr. Mean.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: It's your ball, you-

Narrator: He stopped.

(The camera pans down to Mr. Mean's feet)

Narrator: There was a funny tingling in his feet.

(The camera pans back up to Mr. Mean)

Mr. Mean: Oh! Um! I mean yes! Yes!

(The camera zooms out to show the boy smiling)

Narrator: He said hurriedly.

Mr. Mean: Oh, yes! Of course I will! Oh course! Mmm!

(The camera stops zooming out. Mr. Mean reaches up and grabs the ball)

Narrator: And he reached up, and passed the ball...

(Mr. Mean hands the ball back to the boy)

Narrator: the boy.

(The camera cuts to the boy smiling as he held his ball)

Narrator: And he want on his way...

(The camera zooms out to show the boy fully in the frame)

Narrator: ...looking anxiously at his feet.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: The little boy stopped crying...

(The boy turns into the wizard)

Narrator: ...and turned into the Wizard.

Wizard: I think....

Narrator: He said to himself.

(The camera zooms in towards the Wizard)

Wizard: I think that Mr. Mean, by and large, is beginning, if I'm not very much mistaken, uh...

(The camera stops zooming in)

Wizard: be quite not so mean. And, I think, although I could be wrong, although I never am, uh, that he has, thank goodness, learned his lesson.

(The camera cuts to Mr. Mean walking down the road to the right of the screen)

Narrator: And do you know something? Mr. Mean had learned his lesson. Today, he's nothing like so mean as he used to be. And he doesn't keep his money in a box in the kitchen any more.

(The scene transitions to a nice window outside of a house. The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Mean's house having been renovated and looking a thousand times nicer than before)

Narrator: Today, his house is mended and painted...

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: ...and spick and span.

(Mr. Mean appears inside his house and is seen through the window)

Narrator: And he's turned into quite a generous sort of fellow.

(Mr. Mean stops walking)

Narrator: Goodness, he's so generous, do you know what he gave...

(The camera cuts to a white background where Mr. Mean's hand is coming in towards the right. In his hand, is a piece of coal)

Narrator: ...his brother last Christmas?

(Mr. Mean's hand stops at the middle of the screen and a second piece of coal appears in Mr. Mean's hand)

Narrator: TWO pieces of coal! (chuckles)

(The episode ends here)

US Dub[]

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Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful