Mr. Mean and the Rainy Day is a story from the 1982 Annual.
Wizards are very remarkable people. They always seem to have a touch of magic about them. Especially when they have to teach someone a lesson, as Mr. Mean found out the other day when he was being particularly mean. One rainy afternoon, Mr. Mean was out walking. Mr. Mean was using a large sheet of newspaper to shield him from the rain because he was too mean to buy an umbrella. On his way, he met Mrs. Washer at the bus stip. Mrs. Washer had forgotten to bring her umbrella and was getting soaked in all that rain.
Mrs. Washer asked Mr. Mean is she could shelter under the newspaper Mr. Mean was using, but Mr. Mean refused very rudely. A fat, kind wizard was standing behind a tree near the bus stop and had witnessed what Mr. Mean had done. The wizard was not fond of mean people at all and decided to teach Mr. Mean a well deserved lesson. With a wave of his magic wand, the wizard turned all the rain that had been falling on Mr. Mean into tomatoes. Ripe, squashy tomatoes! Hundred of tomatoes fell from the sky and landed on Mr. Mean. He was head to toe is squashy tomatoes!
As for Mrs. Washer, the rain stopped for her and turned into sunshine. Mrs. Washer was soon dried off by the warm sun. The wizard then warned Mr. Mean not to be so mean in the future. Mr. Mean complied and gave Mrs. Washer half a sheet of newspaper the next time he saw her in town. And it wasn't even raining!