Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1992 is a book released on 1 August, 1991.[1] It's packed with stories, activities and fun things to do! It was the first Mr. Men Annual book to be released by Adam Hargreaves, as he takes on the business after Roger Hargreaves' death in 1988.

Book Cover
List of Contents[]
- A Lunch to Remember (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Dotty's Soccer Special (Story)
- A Bad Dream (Mini Comic)
- The Mr. Men and Little Miss Mastermind Quiz (Quiz)
- Mr. Strong's Egg-Stravaganza (Quiz Game)
- Mr. Slow's Stopping Train (Puzzle Game)
- Little Miss Scatterbrain Saves the Day (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Small's Night Out (Story)
- Mr. Men Party Masks (Arts and Crafts)
- Mr. Busy's Parcel Problem (Puzzle)
- Little Miss Scatterbrain's Shopping List (Puzzle)
- At the Bus Stop (Wordless Mini Comic and Game)
- Little Miss Shy's Marvellous Marbles (Story)
- Mr. Funny Wins a Cup (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Greedy's Fruity Crossword (Puzzle)
- Little Miss Twins' Twin Recipe Page (Cookery)
- Mr. Greedy's Menu Mates (Puzzle)
- Mr. Worry's Weather Word Search (Puzzle)
- What's the Time? (Variety)
- Little Miss Splendid's Picnic Surprise (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Mischief's New Year (Story)
- A Lunch to Remember, Mr. Funny Wins a Cup, At the Bus Stop, and Mr. Mischief's New Year were previously seen in the 1987 annual.
- A Bad Dream, What's the Time?, and Mr. Small's Night Out were previously seen in the 1986 annual.