Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1997 is a book released on 1 August, 1996.[1] It's packed with stories, activities and fun things to do!

Book Cover
Table of Contents[]
- Mr. Happy (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Twins at the Seaside (Game)
- Mr. Clever's Falling Over Dance (Poem)
- Mr. Silly Gets Wet! (Poem)
- Little Miss Splendid's Banana Milkshake (Cookery)
- The Great Egg Race (Picture Word Story)
- Little Miss Trouble (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Funny and the Mixed-Up Clothes (Game)
- Mr. Busy and his Picture Presents (Spot the Difference Game)
- Little Miss Curious and the Mixed Up Shadows (Quiz Game)
- Who Ate All The Cakes (Picture Word Story)
- Mr. Nosey (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Star's Chocolate Crispy Cakes (Cookery)
- Little Miss Dotty's Band (Poem)
- Mr. Strong's Word Puzzle (Crossword Puzzle Game)
- The Lost Handbag (Story)
- Little Miss Bossy (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Slow and his Not Very Fast Maze (Game)
- Mr. Rush and Other Things in a Hurry (Factual)
- Mr. Greedy (Mini Comic)
- Dandelion Counting (Story)
- Mr. Tickle (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Busy's Word Puzzle (Crossword Puzzle)
- SSSHH! Quiet Please! (Story)
- Mr. Small and his Tin of Beans (Short Poem)
- Mr. Noisy Plays the Drums (Short Poem)
- Little Miss Brainy and the Silly Shapes (Game)
- Little Miss Naughty (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Perfect's Perfect Packet of Peas (Game)
- The Broken Vase (Story)
- Little Miss Fun's Page of Jokes and Riddles (Comedy)
- Mr. Topsy-Turvy's Funny Face Pizza (Cookery)
- Mr. Sneeze (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Quick and her Puzzling Picture (Spot the Difference)
- Mr. Tall and Other Things That Go Up and Up (Factual)
- Little Miss Sunshine (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Magic And the Amazing Way Home (Game)
- Mr. Uppity's Pizzling Puzzles (Game)
- Little Miss Neat (Mini Comic)
- Little Miss Giggles and the Sheep (Poem)
- Find Out About Five Famous Friend (Quiz)
- The Jumble Sale (Picture Word Story)
- Mr. Bump (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Cheerful's Page of Jokes and Riddles (Comedy)
- Mr. Brave and the Windy Wednesday (Game)
- Mr. Jelly's Jolly Marzipan Fruits (Cookery)
- A Very Clean House (Story)
- Mr. Busy and Little Miss Helpful's Competition (Prize Entry)
- Little Miss Helpful (Mini Comic)
- Mr. Muddle's Balloons (Game)
- The Little Miss Dotty's Band poem is reused from Mr. Silly's Nonsenseland Band.
- There is a bonus game to find Little Miss Tiny on each page of the annual. How many times can you find her?
- In the Dandelion Counting story, Little Miss Stubborn is blue and could be mistaken for Mr. Perfect or Little Miss Shy.