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Mr. Mischief's New Year is a story from the 1987 Annual and the 1992 Annual.


It's New Year's Eve in Misterland and Mr. Mischief was working on his list of New Year's resolutions. A list of naughty things he planned to do in the upcoming year. At the stroke of midnight, Mr. Mischief decided to start the year off with his naughtiest trick yet. Mr. Mischief got up, went into a cupboard, and took out a small box. He took the small box all the way to Town Hall and made sure no one was looking. Mr. Mischief went to a little door at the side of the Town Hall, opened it, went inside, climbed up a staircase, and reached the clock at the top of Town Hall. That particular clock was one everyone in town depended on. They relied on the clock going "tick-tock."

Mr. Mischief then opened the small box and, somehow, stole the clock's tick-tock! This, in turn, stopped the clock! Messing up everyone's sense of time? That really is a naughty way to kick off the new year!

Just then, Mr. Mischief saw Mr. Happy coming home from a New Year's party. Mr. Happy saw the box and wondered what Mr. Mischief was up to after seeing him hiding it behind his back and stating that "it's just a little New Year's Eve surprise."

The next morning, on New Year's Day, there was chaos throughout the town! Everyone was late because Mr. Mischief had stopped the clock! The milkman was late delivering Mr. Happy's milk, the policeman was late for traffic duty and caused all the drivers to get stuck in traffic jams, the news reader on the radio read the seven o'clock news at half-past ten, and Mr. Greedy's favourite restaurant was late opening and served the wrong meals at the wrong time!

Everyone was crossed and turned to Mr. Clever to have a look at the clock. But Mr. Clever couldn't figure out why the clock had stopped. Mr. Happy, remembering what Mr. Mischief told him the night before, came to the conclusion of who was responsible for the clock stopping.

Later that day, Mr. Happy took Little Miss Magic over to Banana Skin Cottage to see Mr. Mischief. As soon as Mr. Mischief opened the door, Little Miss Magic saw the box and commanded it to open. With her magic, the box opened and the tick-tock starting sounding. She ordered it to increase in volume until Mr. Mischief begged her to stop the tick-tocking. She agreed but only if Mr. Mischief stopped his naughty tricks. Reluctantly, Mr. Mischief agreed and Little Miss Magic commanded the ticking to stop and closed the box.

Then, Little Miss Magic took the box to Town Hall and put it back into the clock! Time does fly when you're stopping someone like Mr. Mischief!

List of Characters[]


1987 Version[]

1992 Version[]

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Annuals, Activities, & Stories
The Mr. Men Annual No. 1 (1980) Mr. Nosey's New Stilts|Mr. Happy's Fun Page|Mr. Bump's Christmas Wish|Mr. Strong and the Windy Day|Mr. Fussy's Fuss Pots|Mr. Noisy's Quiet Day|Mr. Clever's Crossword Puzzle|Mr. Silly's Page of Fun|Mr. Dizzy the Famous Author|Mr. Tickle Lends a Hand|Mr. Busy's Iced Biscuits|Mr. Rush|Mr. Wrong's Not Quite Right Page|Mr. Jelly's Frightful Day|Mr. Greedy's Cat And Mouse Game|Mr. Impossible Goes Visiting|Mr. Daydream's Daydream|Mr. Small's Picture Puzzles|Mr. Forgetful's Unforgettable Party|Mr. Men Pop Up Party Cards|A Topsy-Turvy Walk|Mr. Tall and the Balloon Race|Mr. Nosey's Let's Find Out Page|Mr. Bounce|A Surprise for Mr. Mischief|Mr. Slow|Mr. Clumsy's Christmas|Mr. Funny's Joke Page|Mr. Mean's Magic Money|Mr. Muddle's Puzzles|Snow White and the Mr. Men
The Mr. Men Annual No. 2 (1981) Mr. Mischief’s Holiday|Mr. Funny’s Special Delivery|Laugh and Have Fun with Mr. Tickle|Mr. Strong's Egg Box Buggy|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Bump and the Birthday Party|Mr. Greedy’s Picnic|Mr. Dizzy's Dotty Puzzles|Mr. Daydream’s Daydream|Mr. Happy’s Mystery Tour|Mr. Jelly and the Scarecrow|Mr. Muddle Finds a Job|Mr. Noisy and the Fire Brigade|Mr. Nosey|A Silly Day with Mr. Nonsense|Mr. Mean|Mr. Impossible and The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Mr. Men Annual No. 3 (1982) A Job for Mr. Small|Mr. Jelly in the Park|Mr. Fussy and the Falling Leaves|Mr. Tickle's Christmas Eve|Mr. Nonsense|Mr. Worry's Washing Day|Mr. Mean and the Rainy Day|A Day With Mr. Busy|Mr. Dizzy and the Wishing Well|A Surprise for Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Impossible and the Rainbow|Mr. Silly and the Blue Moon|Mr. Uppity and the Goblins' Party
The Mr. Men Annual No. 4 (1983) Mr. Worry and the Weather|A Long Chat|A Quiet Surprise|The Boat Trip|A Dizzy Sum|Mr. Greedy Keeps Fit|A Day with Mr. Jelly|Mr. Small’s Week|Mr. Nosey’s Holiday|At Home with Mr. Messy|Mr. Muddle Goes Shopping|A Winter Holiday with Mr. Sneeze|What Nonsense!|Mr. Strong and the Holiday Express|Mr. Happy and the Christmas Lights
The Mr. Men Annual No. 5 (1984) Mr. Nonsense Wins a Cup|A Day at the Fair|Mr. Small's Adventure

A Visit to the Zoo With Mr. Tickle|Mr. Daydream and the Football Match|A Happy Ending|Mr. Dizzy's Clever Idea|Mr. Forgetful's Seaside Holiday|Mr. Mischief's Birthday|Christmas Eve With Mr. Bump|Mr. Nosey Learns a Lesson|Mr. Happy's Christmas Pudding|Make a Noisy Puppet

The Mr. Men Annual No. 6 (1985) A Week With Mr. Strong|Little Miss Bossy's New Hat|Mr. Rush Goes on Holiday|Name the Books|Mr. Greedy's Breakfast|A Dotty Birthday Present|At the Seaside with Mr. Small|The Picnic|Christmas With Mr. Worry|On the Farm with Mr. Bounce|A Funny Party|The Cleverest Person in the World
The Mr. Men Annual No. 7 (1986) A Bad Dream|Mr. Nosey's New Job|Mr. Happy on Holiday|Little Miss Fickle's Diary|A Funny Day|The See-Saw|Mr. Tickle in Twoland|Mr. Dizzy and the Clever Pig|Mr. Small's Night Out|What's the Time?
The Mr. Men Annual No. 8 (1987) A Lunch to Remember|Little Miss Helpful on the Farm|Mr. Muddle's Story Time Puzzle|Mr. Small the Great Inventor|Mr. Funny Wins a Cup|At the Bus Stop|Mr. Bump Buys a Car|Mr. Mischief's New Year
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1992 A Lunch to Remember|Little Miss Dotty's Soccer Special|A Bad Dream|Little Miss Scatterbrain Saves the Day|Mr. Small's Night Out|At the Bus Stop|Little Miss Shy's Marvellous Marbles|Mr. Funny Wins a Cup|What's the Time?|Little Miss Splendid's Picnic Surprise|Mr. Mischief's New Year
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1993 Mr. Greedy's Dream|Mr. Nosey's New Job|The Snow Mess|The Egg and Spoon Race|Mr. Nonsense's Daft Ditties|Mr. Lazy's Picnic|Mr. Small's Big Adventure|The Race is On|Mr. Quiet and the Donkey|Mr. Noisy's Musical Instruments|A Conversation|Mr. Greedy's Pizza Faces|Little Miss Plump's Sail Boats|Little Miss Giggles' Silly Riddles|Little Miss Dotty's Dot-to-Dot Picture|Mr. Busy's Not So Busy Day|The See-Saw Puzzle|Wriggly Worms|Mr. Mean's Party
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1996 Mr. Tickle's Special Day|Mr. Nosey and the Bees|Mr. Sneeze's New Job|Little Miss Contrary|Mr. Noisy and the Worms|Mr. Funny's Funny Day|Mr. Bounce at Wimbledon|Little Miss Shy and the Twins |Mr. Clever and Fred the Flea|Mr. Silly's Silly Day|Little Miss Scatterbrains's Tea Party|Mr. Messy Meets Mr. Neat and Mr. Tidy|Mr. Bump and the Tyres|Mr. Fussy Goes for a Drive |A Lesson for Mr. Mean|Mr. Topsy-Turvy Meets Mr. Cheerful| Little Miss Bossy and the Bossy Boots|Mr. Impossible Goes Flying|Mr. Uppity Saves the Day
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1997 Mr. Happy|Mr. Clever's Falling Over Dance|Mr. Silly Gets Wet!|The Great Egg Race|Little Miss Trouble|Who Ate All The Cakes|Mr. Nosey|Little Miss Dotty's Band|The Lost Handbag|Little Miss Bossy|Mr. Greedy|Dandelion Counting|Mr. Tickle|SSSHH! Quiet Please!|Mr. Small and his Tin of Beans|Mr. Noisy Plays the Drums|Little Miss Naughty|The Broken Vase|Mr. Sneeze|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Giggles and the Sheep|The Jumble Sale|Mr. Bump|A Very Clean House|Little Miss Helpful
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1998 Mr. Tickle|Little Miss Bossy|Mr. Greedy's Guessing Game|The Missing Jigsaw Piece|Mr. Nosey|Little Miss Busy and the Lucky Horse Shoe|Little Miss Trouble|Mr. Daydream's Best Dream Ever|Mr. Happy and the Windy Day|Mr. Bump|A Day at the Seaside|Mr. Clumsy's Game of Football
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1999 Mr. Happy in Happyland|Mr. Funny's Holiday Postcards|Mr. Clever Helps Mr. Dizzy|Funny Things Happen in Nonsenseland|Little Miss Twins in Twoland|Mr. Rush in Sleepyland|Mr. Sneeze in Coldland|Little Miss Shy Plays Hide and Seek|Little Miss Contrary in Muddleland|Mr. Dizzy in Cleverland|Mr. Bump's Bumpy Foggy Day
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 2000 Mr. Tickle and the Juggler|Catch the Rabbits with Little Miss Twins|Shadow Shapes with Little Miss Somersault|Little Miss Bossy's Fancy Dress Party|Mr. Nosey's Dream|Little Miss Sunshine's Sunny Garden|Mr. Happy at the Seaside|Things That Go Bump! Crash! Splash!|Little Miss Contrary's Day|Little Miss Naughty Goes for a Swim
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 2010 Rainy Day|Mr. Stubborn Plans a Picnic|Mr. Pernickety's Sofa|Mr. Quiet's Umbrella|Physical|Mr. Lazy's Aerobics Class|The Dillydale Gymnastics Contest|Mr. Bounce's Hole in One|The Dillydale Relay Race|Farm|Mr. Pernickety Feeds the Pigs|Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops Go Haymaking|Tell a Story|Mr. Grumpy's Corn Field|Bugs|The Tickle Express|The Visitor|Mr. Scatterbrain's Invention|Termites