Mr. Muddle's Story Time Puzzle is a story from the 1987 Annual.
Oh no! Mr. Muddle has tried to put together the upcoming story! Now all the images are muddled up! Can you put the story back in the proper order? Well, if you're as lazy as Mr. Lazy and do not want to, here's what happened.
"It was a snowy day in Misterland. Mr. Happy, wearing his cure snow cap, went over to Rise and Shine Cottage, the home of Little Miss Sunshine. He asked her if she wanted to help him build a snowman and was delighted to help. Together, the two rolled snowballs together to make the snowman's body and head. Then they decorated him with a hat, sticks for arms, rocks for his face, and a yellow and red striped scarf. You know, that snowman they built looks likes someone familiar. Can you figure out who?"