Mr. Noisy and the Fire Brigade is a story from the 1981 Annual.
Mr. Noisy is a very noisy person. If he was reading this story right now, you can probably hear him no matter where you were currently! This story starts with Mr. Noisy heading down to Wobbletown to do his daily shopping. As this was going on, Mr. Splash, the chief of the Wobbletown Fire Brigade, discovered that something the silver bell on top of the engine used to warn people when there was a fire was missing. The firemen looked high and low but couldn't find it anywhere. Problems grew more severe when the manager of the Wobbletown Paper Mill called Mr. Splash about a fire at the mill. It was an emergency; but without the bell, they couldn't warn everyone and thus couldn't get to the mill in time to put out the fire!
Mr. Splash heard Mr. Noisy head over to the greengrocer's shop from a great distance away. Mr. Splash got an idea and fetched Mr. Noisy without any hassle. Explaining the situation to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Splash asked if he could act as the replacement bell by sitting in the fire engine and shout, "FIRE! FIRE!" as they head to the mill. Mr. Noisy, who loves being loud, was more than happy to oblige. Especially since nobody asked Mr. Noisy to shout before. Thanks to Mr. Noisy, everyone in Wobbletown heard the Fire Brigade coming and they made it to the Paper Mill just in time!
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Noisy
- Mr. Splash
- Mayor of Wobbletown
- Paper Mill Manager
- Greengrocer