Mr. Nonsense's Daft Ditties is a bunch of short poems from the 1993 Annual.
Poem 1[]
Silly old Mr. Bump,
Fell with quite a thump,
Whilst trying to jump,
Over Little Miss Plump!
Poem 2[]
When helping out Little Miss Fickle,
Mr. Tickle got in a real pickle.
For tying string
Is no easy thing.
But this he quite forgot-
And tied his arms in a knot!
Poem 3[]
The problem for Mr. Nosey
Is that he just can't cozy.
It's not that he's silly;
It's just that he's chilly.
For each night in bed,
Hus nose turns bright red.
Poem 4[]
Mr. Tall
Had a long way to fall,
For unlike Mr. Small,
He is tall.
But Mr. Small
Doesn't have far to fall,
For unlike Mr. Tall,
He is small!