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Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself is the book adaptation of Mr. Nonsense's Strange Illness. It was published in France in 1998 then released globally in 2014.


It mostly follows the same plot as Mr. Nonsense's Strange Illness.

Differences Between the Book Version & TV Version[]

  • Little Miss Late and Little Miss Scatterbrain don't discuss on who they believe will win the Nonsenseland Cup.
  • The scene where Mr. Nonsense, Mr. Silly, and Little Miss Dotty play cards isn't shown.
  • Mr. Nonsense doesn't talk about how ridiculous a pig playing tennis is.
  • Little Miss Dotty worries about Mr. Nonsense not waking up instead of losing his memory.
  • Mr. Small is correctly coloured in the book version. He is also revealed to be the one who created the helmet with wings.
  • Mr. Quiet and his silent radio aren't shown.
  • Mr. Nonsense doesn't wake up and show signs on amnesia until he is shown his house.
  • Mr. Bounce has multiple eggs that can bounce instead of one.
  • In the TV version, Mr. Impossible is shown with a nose. This error is corrected in the book version.
  • Mr. Nonsense craves a strawberry jam and mustard omelette upon getting his memory back in the book version. In the TV version, he craves a toasted custard sandwich.
  • The book version reveals that Mr. Nonsense now wears Mr. Small's winged helmet whenever he plays tennis.

List of characters[]


  • In the French version of the book, one scene pictures Mr. Small blue instead of red just like in the TV version.
  • The UK version shows Little Miss Fun's bow is red instead of blue in one scene. In the second shot and the rest her bow is back to her normal colour.
  • The illustration of Mr. Bounce juggling eggs, his pose is reused from an official artwork of Mr. Small.


Book Covers[]

Book Screenshots[]

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{{NavboxLibrary |name = Book Adaptations |title = Book Adaptations |group1bg = #860e9d |group1 = Mr. Men |list1 = Mr. Bump Goes on Holiday •Mr. Chatterbox's Parrot •Mr. Clever Flies a Kite •Mr. Greedy Comes Round for Lunch •Mr. Jelly and his Small Friend •Mr. Mean's Good Deed •Mr. Mischief the Artist •Mr. Muddle's Good Catch •Mr. Noisy The Musician •Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself •Mr. Nosey and the Excellent Idea •Mr. Silly and the Silly Secret •Mr. Slow Rolls On •Mr. Small's Big Dream •Mr. Strong Looks for a Job •Mr. Tall and the Big Surprise •Mr. Tickle Saves the Day •Mr. Worry's Christmas |}
