Mr. Nosey is a comic from the 1998 Annual.
It's Spring-cleaning time in Misterland. Mr. Nosey, like almost everyone else in Misterland, is off to help a friend tidy up their house. He stops over at Ramshackle House and sees that it needs a good cleaning. Mr. Nosey, being Mr. Nosey, goes inside and prepares to tidy up. Still, Mr. Nosey couldn't resist looking inside all the boxes Mr. Messy has lying around. Including what turned out to be a jack-in-the-box!
This sets off a chain reaction that leads to Mr. Nosey slipping on a banana peel and crashing into a huge pile of saucers, pans, pot, and cups. After recovering and making his way into the bedroom, Mr. Nosey decides to look see what the books on the bookcase were about. Disastrously, all the books tumbled down when Mr. Nosey grabbed just one. Now the whole house is messier than when Mr. Nosey arrived. It's a good thing Mr. Messy likes his house messy and the two Mr. Men have a good laugh about it when Mr. Messy returned home. All's well that ends well.