Mr. Quiet and the Donkey is a story from the 1993 Annual
Early one morning, Mr. Quiet was woken up to the sound of an animal braying. A very noisy donkey had wandered into Mr. Quiet's garden and is braying non-stop. Mr. Quiet does not want the donkey to disrupt his quiet and knows the donkey can't stay. But where did it come from? Mr. Quiet might not get a straight answer but he is determined to find Mr. Donkey a home.
Mr. Quiet first tries to give Mr. Donkey to Mr. Fussy, alas, the donkey kept trampling Mr. Fussy's rows of carrots and was eating all his cabbages. So Mr. Quiet had to take the donkey somewhere else. His next attempt was to give Mr. Donkey to Mr. Jelly, but just like Mr. Quiet, the braying bothered Mr. Jelly as it kept scaring him. Mr. Quiet soon took the donkey to Little Miss Splendid's. She almost agreed but the noisy braying resulted in her refusing the donkey. Mr. Quiet even tried asking Mr. Busy, but he didn't even stop to listen. In the end, Mr. Quiet figured out the perfect person for Mr. Donkey to live with...MR. NOISY!!!