Mr. Small's Big Adventure is a story from the 1993 Annual.
Mr. Small lives in a small house hidden under a daisy at the bottom of Mr. Robinson's garden. It was pouring raining one day and Mr. Small was stuck inside as it can be very dangerous to go out in the rain for someone of his size. Mr. Small didn't like being cooped up in his house as well and craved something exciting in his life. An adventure just like other people have. Just a small one. Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Small!
The rain soon became so hard that Mr. Robinson's garden started to flood. The water soon started to engulf Mr. Small's house and Mr. Small had to escape his house and climb onto the chimney to avoid getting swallowed up by the large puddle. But the rain soon fell even harder and Mr. Small's house was soon underneath the large puddle. Mr. Small desperately called for help but his small voice was nearly impossible to hear, especially when the loud rain drowns it out. The only way to escape the flood was by riding a daisy leaf and hope it would take him to dry land. Horrifyingly enough, the leaf instead carried Mr. Small to a storm drain with no way to escape! Mr. Small would have fallen down the storm drain had Mr. Robinson not shown up and blocked the leaf. What a big adventure for such a small Mr. Man!