Mr. Sneeze in Coldland is a story from the 1999 Annual.
Mr. Sneeze lives in Coldland; a country so cold that ice cream doesn't need a freezer. Everything is covered in white snow and the citizens have perma-colds. One day, Mr. Tickle and Mr. Greedy come to Coldland to visit Mr. Sneeze. But a visit to Coldland isn't all snowmen and igloos. Poor Mr. Tickle and Mr. Greedy get frozen feet, Coldland colds, and have to eat frozen food that even Mr. Greedy refuses to eat. The two almost get buried in snow falling from Mr. Sneeze's house and cut the visit short and head back south. Luckily, Mr. Sneeze doesn't mind his friends leaving as Mr. Greedy's rumbling stomach removed all the snow from Mr. Sneeze's house and now he can spend the rest of his day building snowmen in his snow garden