Mr. Tickle in Twoland is a story from the 1986 Annual.
Mr. Tickle loves tickling people! He has extraordinarily long arms capable of stretching to great lengths just to tickle people from far distances. One day, Mr. Tickle decided to visit a country called Twoland. On his way there, he saw some sheep in a field that is separated from the road by a hedge. Mr. Tickle grinned and stretched one of his extraordinarily long arms over the hedge and tickled one of the sheep in the field. The sheep nearly laughed their wool off!
Eventually, Mr. Tickle arrived in Twoland. Everything in Twoland was doubled and had a pair. Mr. Tickle road on a double decker bus that took him into Twotown. Then, Mr. Tickle walked down High Street in search of someone to tickle. Now, in Twoland, it is not just the places and objects that have a pair. Everyone has a twin or works in a pair! They even speak in double talk! Mr. Tickle found that out when he saw two policemen standing outside the Twotown Police Station! Two arms used to tickle two policemen!
After that, Mr. Tickle tickled two traffic wardens, two postmen, and two waitresses in the Take-Away-Away restaurant! Twice the tickling, twice the mischief, twice the laughter, TWICE THE FUN!! Then, Mr. Tickle met two Little Misses who were impossible to tell apart. Little Miss Twin and Little Miss Twin. The twins said hello to Mr. Tickle in double talk. Fortunately, Mr. Tickle is fluent in double talk and said hello back. The twins invited Mr. Tickle over to their twin cottages for tea. When it was time to go home, Mr. Tickle had just two more tickles to give. Can you guess who those two tickles were for for?