Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Outer Space." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Driving" Next: "Clean Teeth"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big purple screen comes up with "Outer Space" written on it with asteroids and who created the episode underneath)

Narrator: Since the dawn of Dillydale, the Mr. Men and Little Misses have looked to the heavens with wonder and awe!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small use their telescope to look at Little Miss Chatterbox (who is obviously daydreaming) and Mr. Fussy (who is wearing a face mask and cucumbers over his eyes). Mr. Fussy notices Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small spying on him and looks at them in surprise)

Narrator: Or just plain nosiness.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then use their telescope to look up towards space. Rockets piloted by Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Rude are shown)

Narrator: They've traveled to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in every type of rocket imaginable. It takes great courage to travel into outer space.

(Mr. Bump is shown in a rocket looking at a satellite with great concern)

Narrator: Especially when your name is Mr. Bump and you've been sent on a very important mission.

Mr. Bump: Uh. Um, so, let me get this straight, Miss Helpful. You want me...

(Mr. Bump walks away from the window and the scene cuts to inside the rocket. Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Helpful are also shown on the ship helping Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump walks onto the platform that will send him out into space with the push of the red button next to it)

Mr. Bump: To leave the safety of the spaceship, and go out

(Mr. Bump points outside)

Mr. Bump: THERE to fix the satellite?

Miss Helpful: Don't worry, Mr. Bump. This satellite repair will be as easy as peasy.

Mr. Bump: But going into space is so dangerous!

(Little Miss Whoops walks over to Mr. Bump)

Miss Helpful: As long as you follow my instructions,

Mr. Bump: Hmm...

Miss Helpful: Everything will be fine!

Mr. Bump: Why don't I find that very comforting?

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Maybe because you need a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: No! No! (laughs) Okay! Okay!

(Mr. Bump hits a button)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): I'm going!

(The hatch Mr. Bump was standing on opens. This sends Mr. Bump into outer space, much to the surprise of Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (gasps)

Mr. Bump (overlap): Oh!

(Outside the spaceship, Mr. Bump is shown holding his breath)

Mr. Bump: (muffled noises)

(Mr. Bump pushes a button on his spacesuit and his helmet activates and covers his head so he can breathe)

Mr. Bump: I am outside the ship! It is very quiet.

(The scene cuts back into the rocket. Little Miss Helpful is wearing a headset used to communicate with Mr. Bump)

Miss Helpful: Tell us when you reach the satellite, Mr. Bump!

(Mr. Tickle rises up for a moment before hiding underneath the desk. The scene cuts outside the spaceship where Mr. Bump is space-swimming over to the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Will do! Hey! This is pretty fun! Who knew I was such a good space swimmer? (laughs)

(An asteroid zooms past Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Yow!

(Mr. Bump makes it to the satellite and grabs hold of it)

Mr. Bump: Um, Miss Helpful. I'm at the satellite.

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): Good work, Mr. Bump.

(The scene cuts back to the rocket. Inside, Little Miss Helpful has a big book all about the satellite in front of her)

Miss Helpful: Just let me find the right page!

(Little Miss Helpful opens the big book about the satellite)

Miss Helpful: Uh...

(Little Miss Helpful finds the correct section of the book)

Miss Helpful: Here it is!

(Mr. Tickle slowly rises behind Little Miss Helpful. Mr. Tickle stretches out his arms eager to tickle her. An eager/excited expression is also on his face)

Miss Helpful: "How to fix a satellite". (clears throat) "Satellites are very useful".

(The scene cuts back outside to the trembling Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is still clinging on tightly to the satellite as asteroids speed past him)

Mr. Bump: (whimpers)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): "They are mostly reliable but sometimes..."

(An tiny asteroid hits the satellite)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): Like kitchen appliances.

Mr. Bump: I-I think we can skip that part, Miss Helpful. Just tell me what to do!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Tickle)

Miss Helpful: Okay. "What to do."

Mr. Tickle: How about...

Miss Helpful: Oh?

Mr. Tickle: Have a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Helpful. The camera cuts back to Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is shaking in fear as asteroids zoom past him)

Mr. Tickle (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit and overlap): (laughs)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit and overlap): No, Mr. Tickle! (laughs)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): Stop! (laughs)

Mr. Bump: Now is not the time for tickling! One of you could hit a button and who knows what could

(The spaceship takes off and Mr. Bump's tether is severed from the spaceship, leaving Mr. Bump stranded on the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Go wrong. Miss Helpful? Mr. Tickle? Anyone!?

(Several asteroids zoom past Mr. Bump and the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Wah! (screams)

(A few tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Asteroids.

(More tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Mayday! Mayday!

(More tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: In other words, HELP!!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Bump's mouth and the scene transitions to Dillydale Ground Control)

Mr. Stubborn: This is Mr. Stubborn at Dillydale Ground Control! What is your problem?

(Mr. Stubborn takes a sip of his coffee)

Mr. Bump (over the radio): Oh, thank goodness!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Bump in outer space)

Mr. Bump: This is Mr. Bump. I was out here fixing the satellite when my fellow astronauts left me behind! Now, I'm stranded in space!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Stubborn at Dillydale Ground Control)

Mr. Stubborn: You are not stranded in space!

(A split screen between Mr. Bump and Mr. Stubborn forms. Mr. Bump on the right and Mr. Stubborn on the left)

Mr. Bump: Well, actually, I am.

(A few small asteroids fall onto Mr. Bump's head (or rather the space helmet that is protecting his head) and bounce off)

Mr. Bump: Ow! And now I'm being pelted by asteroids!

(Mr. Bump looks behind him and sees something)

Mr. Bump: WOAH!! Big asteroids!

(A blue comet hits Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Oh.

Mr. Stubborn: You are mistaken!!! There are no asteroids in space!!! Over and out!!!

(Mr. Stubborn's side of the screen turns off like a TV, leaving Mr. Bump all alone)

Mr. Bump: Mr. Stubborn! Are you there? Oh, I should never have become an astronaut!

(A giant asteroid zooms over and crashes into the satellite. Mr. Bump ends up unharmed but loses his grip on the satellite and starts spinning away)

Mr. Bump: Wo-ah! Wo-a-a-h! Woah!! Oh, poopity poop!

(Mr. Bump crashes face first onto the windshield of the spaceship. Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Tickle are shown piloting the ship)

Mr. Bump: Ooh!

Miss Helpful: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump.

Mr. Bump: Hmm. Mmm!

Miss Helpful: I must have hit the wrong switch.

Mr. Bump: Oh, not to worry, Miss Helpful. Oh, I'm just glad that you're here.

Mr. Tickle: You know what you need?

Mr. Bump: To go back to Dillydale?

Mr. Tickle: No! A tickle.

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Bump from inside the space ship)

Mr. Bump: No! (laughs) Don't tear my suit!

(Little Miss Whoops crash lands a rocket. The rocket starts cracking down the middle before splitting in two and transitioning to the first bumper. A spaceship lands on an unknown planet. Mr. Nervous briefly looks outside before leaving the spaceship. Mr. Nervous plants a flag on the planet. From inside the crater where he planted the flag, a one-eyed alien comes out very annoyed with Mr. Nervous)

Alien: (meows)

(Mr. Nervous runs back onto the spaceship in fear and launches it off of the planet. The alien turns towards the viewers and blinks. The screen fades to black and the next scene begins with a spaceship (which looks like a flying saucer) flying though space)

Narrator: If you travel deep into outer space, you may see some...

(A space whale wearing a sailor's hat, eyepatch, and a mustache, flies by the spaceship holding onto a different spaceship via a t-bar. The spaceship flies over the space whale)

Narrator: Unusual things. Or hear something so mysterious,

(The spaceship approaches a planet and flies towards it)

Narrator: You must investigate at once.

(The spaceship lands on the mystery planet. The rocks they land by resemble swiss cheese)

Narrator: Like Mr. Strong.

(The camera cuts to inside the spaceship. Mr. Strong is shown piloting the spaceship)

Narrator: And his...

(A banging sound is heard. The camera cuts to Mr. Nervous wearing headphones, Mr. Grumpy playing computer checkers on the spaceship's computer, and Mr. Quiet looking out the window)

Mr. Grumpy: (humming)

Narrator: Brave crew.

(Mr. Strong accidentally breaks off the steering mechanism from the ship)

Mr. Strong: Oh, pickles!

(The banging is heard again)

Mr. Strong: Do you still here Mr. Nervous.

Mr. Nervous: Oh yes, Mr. Strong.

(Mr. Nervous takes his headphones off)

Mr. Nervous: Hideous, horrible noises that can only mean one thing...ALIENS!!

(Mr. Strong walks over to the rest of the group)

Mr. Grumpy: Will you two keep it down? I'm trying to play computer drafts.

(Mr. Strong walks over)

Mr. Strong: Sorry, Mr. Grumpy. I think we ought to go investigate. We have to find out what's making this noise.

(Mr. Nervous pops up)

Mr. Nervous: Yes, Or...leave the planet immediately!

Mr. Strong: Oh, we can't do that, We're astronauts on a mission, Right, Mr. Grumpy?

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, for noodles sake! Fine, I'll go! But let's hurry it up so I can get back to my drafts.

(Outside the ship, a ramp is deployed for the crew. Mr. Strong then opens the doors with his strength but dents them in the process. Mr. Strong realizes the damage he caused)

Mr. Strong: Oh, double pickles!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet leading Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, and Mr. Nervous to the location of the sound. Mr. Quiet is wearing headphones and holding a sound tracking device. The sound grows louder and everyone soon hears it and is startled)

Mr. Nervous: (yelps) Oh! There it is again! I'm going back!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, I don't think that's that's aliens.

Mr. Strong: That must be the aliens!

(Mr. Strong points to the left)

Mr. Strong: It's coming from over there! Everyone set your lasers to stun and follow me!

(All four of them activate their stun lasers from within their gloves in a four-way split screen. Everyone resumes following the sound with Mr. Nervous passing Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Quiet: I'm pretty sure those aren't aliens.

(The four Mr. Men approach a cave that is the source of the sound)

Mr. Nervous: Oh, I just know they're going to get us! They'll probably keep me as their pet! Must get away while I still can!

(Mr. Nervous tries to run away)

Mr. Nervous: (whimpers)

(Mr. Strong holds Mr. Nervous by the head to prevent his retreat)

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Oh, don't worry, Mr. Nervous.

(Mr. Quiet looks inside the cave)

Mr. Strong: I got you covered.

Mr. Quiet: That's definitely not aliens.

Mr. Grumpy: Those aliens certainly sound dangerous.

(Mr. Nervous covers his head, closes his eyes, and turns away)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Dreadful doom!

(Mr. Nervous accidentally fires his laser. The laser hits a boulder seated at the top of the cave. The boulder is blasted into smaller rocks)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(The smaller rocks tumble down and bury Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Hmm.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! Be careful with your point that thing! Someone could get hurt!

(Mr. Quiet emerges from the pile of rocks)

Mr. Quiet: (groans)

(Mr. Quiet spits out a rock. A small rock falls off the top of the cave and hits Mr. Quiet on his head)

Mr. Quiet: Ow!

Mr. Strong: On the count of three, we're going in!

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: One...

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: Two...

(A ping pong ball hits Mr. Quiet on the back of the head. Knocking Mr. Quiet out of the rock pile and onto the ground)

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh!

(Mr. Nervous trembles in fear)

Mr. Strong: Huh.

Mr. Nervous: (gasps) No! No! No! No! I won't let them take me alive!

(Mr. Nervous starts blasting his laser willy-nilly before running away in fear)

Mr. Nervous: (screaming)

(Mr. Quiet stands up, sees the ping-pong ball on his nose, and shows it to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Strong)

Mr. Quiet: See! I told you it's not aliens.

Mr. Strong: We're coming in you aliens.

(Mr. Strong runs through the pile of rocks)

Mr. Strong: Ha!

(Mr. Strong runs into the cave. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Quiet look at each other before running after Mr. Strong. Inside the cave, Mr. Quiet looks around)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): There!

(Mr. Quiet looks at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Huh!!

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, and Mr. Quiet stop in their tracks and look at something in disbelief)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Ho-ho! Yeah.

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Daredevil! Mr. Noisy!

(Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Noisy are shown playing ping pong)

Mr. Noisy: Hello there! I didn't know you fellas like ping-pong.

Mr. Strong: Actually, we thought you were aliens.

(Little Miss Daredevil keeps playing ping pong as she explains the situation)

Miss Daredevil: No. My spaceship batteries needed to be recharged. So we thought we'd play a few games until it was ready to launch again.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh well, If that's the case I'm going back to the ship to finish my game of drafts.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Strong: So, can we give you a lift back to Dillydale?

Miss Daredevil: No thanks. My ship will be ready to go soon.

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Hey! How about you and Mr. Quiet join us for a game of doubles?!

Mr. Quiet: Hey! Now you're talking!

Mr. Strong: Well, I never turn down the chance to play a game of ping-pong?

(Mr. Quiet teams up with Mr. Noisy while Mr. Strong teams up with Little Miss Daredevil for their game of doubles)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): (chuckles) SUPER!!!

(Mr. Quiet hits the ping pong ball)

Mr. Quiet: Hoo!

(The screen fades to the next bumper. A spaceship lands on an unknown planet. Mr. Nervous briefly looks outside before leaving the spaceship. Mr. Nervous plants a flag on the planet. An alien shows up and hijacks Mr. Nervous' spaceship. Leaving Mr. Nervous stranded and inaudibly yelling at the alien to come back. The flag he planted also falls over unbeknownst to him. The screen cuts to a dance video featuring Little Miss Sunshine. Little Miss Sunshine dances in outer space surrounded by planets, moons, and stars. She also dances three different aliens. The dance video ends with Little Miss Sunshine making a square with her fingers and the camera zooms in on it to transition to the next plot)

Mr. Happy (voiceover): It's a wonderful way to get the news everyday! It's the Dillydale Morning News! With Miss Naughty and Miss Scary!

(The scene cuts to the news studio where Little Miss Naughty is preparing to read the news)

Miss Naughty: This is Miss Naughty with some late-breaking news!

(A small image of a UFO appears next to Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: Giant, slimy monsters from outer space have landed in Dillydale!

(Little Miss Naughty crouches down under the desk but peeks up to talk to the viewers)

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Witnesses say the aliens are stomping through the city; crushing everything in their path!

(Little Miss Naughty climbs on top of the desk)

Miss Naughty: They even captured Miss Scary! So run! Get in your cars and get out of town!

(Tentacles approach Little Miss Naughty from the right side of the screen)

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Oh no!

(Little Miss Naughty grabs the tentacles, falls behind the desk, and entangles herself in the tentacles. She climbs her way back up to show the viewers the frightening situation she is in)

Miss Naughty: The aliens have found their way into the newsroom!

(Little Miss Naughty struggles to free herself from the tentacles)

Miss Naughty: Go! (breathes heavily) Take your tentacles off me! It might be too late already.

(Mr. Fussy (who is wearing a microphone headset) pops up in front of the camera)

Mr. Fussy: What is going on in here!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Fussy in front of the desk Little Miss Naughty is standing behind. Little Miss Naughty stops fighting off the tentacles she is tangled up in)

Mr. Fussy: Stop those cameras this instant!

(Little Miss Naughty turns to Mr. Fussy in annoyance)

Miss Naughty: Not now, Mr. Fussy, We're doing the news.

(The camera zooms out to reveal that the alien is actually Little Miss Scary in an alien costume)

Miss Scary: And for once, its news worth watching.

Mr. Fussy: This is not news, if it is completely false!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Making up stories as a way to scare people, is unacceptable!

Miss Scary: (snorts) I thought it was fantastic!

(Little Miss Scary shows Mr. Fussy her costume)

Miss Scary: This thing looks totally scary.

(Little Miss Scary slaps one of the tentacles in Mr. Fussy's face)

Miss Scary: AAARRRGH!!

Mr. Fussy: (incoherent noises)

(Mr. Fussy moves the tentacle away from his face)

Mr. Fussy: Stop! Enough! I honestly don't know what is wrong with you two! Now, if you don't mind, read the real news!

(Mr. Fussy walks off the set)

Mr. Fussy: Let's continue.

Miss Naughty: Humph!

(Disappointed, Little Miss Naughty untangles herself from the fake tentacles)

Miss Naughty: I'm Miss Naughty.

(Little Miss Scary takes off her costume and joins Little Miss Naughty behind the desk)

Miss Scary: And I'm Miss Scary. And this is the news.

(Little Miss Scary starts reading the real news)

Miss Scary: Mr. Bump has failed to fix the Dillydale satellite.

(Real tentacles from real aliens start approaching Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary from all sides. The two immediately notice and become terrified)

Miss Naughty: (gasps)

Miss Scary: (yelps)

(Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary hold each other tightly)

Miss Naughty: (screams)

Miss Scary: (yelps)

(The camera zooms out to show two giant green space aliens each standing on one side of the desk)

Miss Naughty: (screams) Space monsters!!! This time it's for real!!

(Mr. Fussy walks back onto the set in annoyance and frustration)

Mr. Fussy: I have had just about enough of this foolishness!

(One of the space monsters grabs Mr. Fussy by their tentacle)

Mr. Fussy: (gags)

(Mr. Fussy grabs the tentacle)

Mr. Fussy: And as for this fake foam rubber monster of yours, I-

(Mr. Fussy is picked up by the space monster and is now looking directly at it)

Mr. Fussy: Woah! (Screams)

(Mr. Fussy realizes the truth)

Space Monster #2: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Good gracious! This hideous creature is real!

(The camera cuts down to a terrified Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Naughty: Not to mention terrifying!

Miss Scary: It's fantastic! (snorts and laughs)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy and the space monster)

Space Monster #2: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Naughty! Miss Scary! Do something!!

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary takes out her green mask and scares the space monsters)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Space Monsters: (unintelligible dialect)

(The first space monster puts Mr. Fussy back down)

Mr. Fussy; Ooh!

(The two space monsters run away)

Miss Naughty: Those real space monsters were much scarier than our fake ones!

(Mr. Fussy picks himself up)

Miss Scary: I know! Wish for something long enough and it really can come true.

(The screen fade to black and the scene transitions to the third bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nervous planting a flag on a pink planet plays. The pink planet then grabs the flag with its hand scaring Mr. Nervous away. The pink planet is then revealed to be a giant Mr. Scatterbrain. The giant Mr. Scatterbrain waves the tiny flag. The screen fades to black. The next scene shows Mr. Rude flying his rocket back to Earth)

Narrator: And so, another day exploring outer space comes to an end in Dillydale.

(The camera cuts to Earth with Mr. Rude flying his rocket over Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house)

Narrator: And what a day it has been.

(Little Miss Daredevil flies her rocket close to the ground with Mr. Quiet as her passenger. They fly past Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops is navigating a rocket to land similar to how a grounds-person does so for a plane)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(Little Miss Whoops struggles to guide the rocket to the ground)

Narrator: Know that outer space is full of surprises.

(Little Miss Whoops accidentally causes the rocket to crash to the ground. She still gives the rocket the "okay" sign though)

Narrator: Even so...

(The space monsters then run across the screen in fear as they are being chased by Little Miss Scary. They run past Mr. Strong's spaceship where Mr. Quiet looks at the monsters in fear. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Strong look at the aliens in surprise while Mr. Nervous tremble in fear)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

Narrator: They never miss a chance to rocket into outer space.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Strong and Mr. Nervous)

Narrator: And brave...

(Mr. Nervous faints)

Mr. Nervous: (sighs)

Narrator: The unknown!

(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big purple screen comes up with "Outer Space" written on it with asteroids and who created the episode underneath)

Narrator: Since the dawn of Dillydale, the Mr. Men and Little Misses have looked to the heavens with wonder and awe!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small use their telescope to look at Little Miss Chatterbox (who is obviously daydreaming) and Mr. Fussy (who is wearing a face mask and cucumbers over his eyes). Mr. Fussy notices Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small spying on him and looks at them in surprise)

Narrator: Or just plain nosiness.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then use their telescope to look up towards space. Rockets piloted by Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Rude are shown)

Narrator: They've traveled to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in every type of rocket imaginable. It takes great courage to travel into outer space.

(Mr. Bump is shown in a rocket looking at a satellite with great concern)

Narrator: Especially when your name is Mr. Bump and you've been sent on a very important mission.

Mr. Bump: Um. Uh, so, let me get this right, Miss Helpful. You want me...

(Mr. Bump walks away from the window and the scene cuts to inside the rocket. Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Helpful are also shown on the ship helping Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump walks onto the platform that will send him out into space with the push of the red button next to it)

Mr. Bump: To leave the safety of the spaceship, and go out

(Mr. Bump points outside)

Mr. Bump: THERE to fix the satellite?

Miss Helpful: Don't worry, Mr. Bump. This satellite repair will be easy as pie.

Mr. Bump: But going into space is so dangerous!

(Little Miss Whoops walks over to Mr. Bump)

Miss Helpful: As long as you follow my directions, everything will be fine!

Mr. Bump: Why don't I find that very comforting?

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Maybe because you need a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: No-ho-ho! No! No! Okay! Okay!

(Mr. Bump hits a button and the hatch he was standing on opens. This sends Mr. Bump into outer space, much to the surprise of Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Helpful. Outside the spaceship, Mr. Bump is shown holding his breath)

Mr. Bump: (muffled noises)

(Mr. Bump pushes a button on his spacesuit and his helmet activates and covers his head so he can breathe)

Mr. Bump: I am outside the ship! It is very quiet.

(The scene cuts back into the rocket. Little Miss Helpful is wearing a headset used to communicate with Mr. Bump)

Miss Helpful: Tell us when you reach the satellite, Mr. Bump!

(Mr. Tickle rises up for a moment before hiding underneath the desk. The scene cuts outside the spaceship where Mr. Bump is space-swimming over to the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Will do! Hey! This is pretty fun! Who knew I was such a good space swimmer? (laughs)

(An asteroid zooms past Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Yee-oh!

(Mr. Bump makes it to the satellite and grabs hold of it)

Mr. Bump: Uh, hoo-hoo! Miss Helpful, I'm at the satellite!

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): Good work, Mr. Bump!

(The scene cuts back to the rocket. Inside, Little Miss Helpful has a big book all about the satellite in front of her)

Miss Helpful: Just let me find the right page!

(Little Miss Helpful opens the big book about the satellite)

Miss Helpful: Uh...

(Little Miss Helpful finds the correct section of the book)

Miss Helpful: Here it is!

(Mr. Tickle slowly rises behind Little Miss Helpful. Mr. Tickle stretches out his arms eager to tickle her. An eager/excited expression is also on his face)

Miss Helpful: "How to fix the satellite". (clears throat) "Satellites are our robot friends".

(The scene cuts back outside to the trembling Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is still clinging on tightly to the satellite as asteroids speed past him)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): "They are mostly dependable but sometimes..."

(An tiny asteroid hits the satellite)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): "Like robot friends..."

Mr. Bump: I think you can skip that part, Miss Helpful. Just tell me what to do!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Tickle)

Miss Helpful: Okay. "What to do."

Mr. Tickle: How about have a tickle?

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Helpful. The camera cuts back to Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is shaking in fear as asteroids zoom past him)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): No! (laughs) Stop! (laughs)

Mr. Bump (overlap): Now is not the time for tickling! One of you could hit a button and who knows what could-

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit)(overlap): (laughs)

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): Mr. Tickle! No!

(The spaceship takes off and Mr. Bump's tether is severed from the spaceship, leaving Mr. Bump stranded on the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Go wrong.

Miss Helpful (through Mr. Bump's spacesuit): (laughs)

Mr. Bump: Miss Helpful? Mr. Tickle? ANYONE!?

(Several asteroids zoom past Mr. Bump and the satellite)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(A few tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Asteroid!

(More tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Mayday! Mayday!

(More tiny asteroids hit Mr. Bump on the head)

Mr. Bump: Oh, in other words...HELP!!!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Bump's mouth and the scene transitions to Dillydale Ground Control)

Mr. Stubborn: This is Mr. Stubborn at Dillydale Ground Control! What is your problem?

(Mr. Stubborn takes a sip of his coffee)

Mr. Bump (over the radio): Oh, thank goodness!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Bump in outer space)

Mr. Bump: This is Mr. Bump. I was out here fixing the satellite, when my fellow astronauts left me behind! Now I'm stranded in space!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Stubborn at Dillydale Ground Control)

Mr. Stubborn: You are not stranded in space!

(A split screen between Mr. Bump and Mr. Stubborn forms. Mr. Bump on the right and Mr. Stubborn on the left)

Mr. Bump: Well, actually, I am.

(A few small asteroids fall onto Mr. Bump's head (or rather the space helmet that is protecting his head) and bounce off)

Mr. Bump: Ow! And now I'm being pelted by asteroids!

(Mr. Bump looks behind him and sees something)

Mr. Bump: Woah!! Big asteroids!

(A blue comet hits Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: You are mistaken!!! There are no asteroids in space!!! Over and out!!!

(Mr. Stubborn's side of the screen turns off like a TV, leaving Mr. Bump all alone)

Mr. Bump: Mr. Stubborn! Are you there? Oh, I should never have become an astronaut!

(A giant asteroid zooms over and crashes into the satellite. Mr. Bump ends up unharmed but loses his grip on the satellite and starts spinning away)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Wo-ah! Wo-a-a-h! Woah!! Poopity poop.

(Mr. Bump crashes face first onto the windshield of the spaceship. Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Tickle are shown piloting the ship)

Mr. Bump: W'ah!!

Miss Helpful: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump. I must've hit the wrong switch.

Mr. Bump: Oh, not to worry Miss Helpful! Oh, I'm just glad you're here!

Mr. Tickle: You know what you need?

Mr. Bump: To go back home to Dillydale?

Mr. Tickle: No! A tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Bump from inside the space ship)

Mr. Bump: No! (laughs) Don't tear my suit!!

(Little Miss Whoops crash lands a rocket. The rocket starts cracking down the middle before splitting in two and transitioning to the first bumper. A spaceship lands on an unknown planet. Mr. Nervous briefly looks outside before leaving the spaceship. Mr. Nervous plants a flag on the planet. From inside the crater where he planted the flag, a one-eyed alien comes out very annoyed with Mr. Nervous)

Alien: (meows)

(Mr. Nervous runs back onto the spaceship in fear and launches it off of the planet. The alien turns towards the viewers and blinks. The screen fades to black and the next scene begins with a bunch of gorillas in an enclosure with a giant black block of stone in the middle of them)

Gorillas: (grunting)

(Mr. Messy shows up, takes large black block of stone from the gorilla troop, and leaves with it. Then he starts singing "Space Junk")

Mr. Messy: 🎶I travel through space collectin' cosmic trash

In my ultra-groovy spaceship with the decks on the jazz.

I've got some rockin' blocks

And a meteorite

I got this junk of spaceship

With a broken headlight.

If one person's junk

If one person's junk is another one's treasure

Then the stuff I find in outer space brings double the pleasure!

It's intergalactic!

It's outta sight!

Like this rusty rocket

Or this satellite!

I love my space junk

Whether it's in the hunk or in the trunk

Don't be jealous of my space junk

Gotta have solar-powered funk to be down with the junk!


(The song ends and the next scene begins with a spaceship (which looks like a flying saucer) flying though space)

Narrator: If you travel deep into outer space, you may see some...

(A space whale wearing a sailor's hat, eyepatch, and a mustache, flies by the spaceship holding onto a different spaceship via a t-bar. The spaceship flies over the space whale)

Narrator: Unusual things. Or hear something so mysterious,

(The spaceship approaches a planet and flies towards it)

Narrator: You must investigate at once.

(The spaceship lands on the mystery planet. The rocks they land by resemble swiss cheese)

Narrator: Like Mr. Strong.

(The camera cuts to inside the spaceship. Mr. Strong is shown piloting the spaceship)

Narrator: And his...

(A banging sound is heard. The camera cuts to Mr. Nervous wearing headphones, Mr. Grumpy playing computer checkers on the spaceship's computer, and Mr. Quiet looking out the window)

Narrator: D'uh...brave crew.

(Mr. Strong accidentally breaks off the steering mechanism from the ship)

Mr. Strong: Aw pickles!

(The banging is heard again)

Mr. Strong: You still hear it, Mr. Nervous?

Mr. Nervous: D'oh, yes, Mr. Strong.

(Mr. Nervous takes his headphones off)

Mr. Nervous: Hideous, horrible noises that can only mean one thing...ALIENS!!

(Mr. Strong walks over to the rest of the group)

Mr. Grumpy: Will you two keep it down?! I'm trying to play computer checkers.

(Mr. Strong walks over)

Mr. Strong: Sorry, Mr. Grumpy. I think we ought to go investigate. We have to find out what's making this noise.

(Mr. Nervous pops up)

Mr. Nervous: Yes. Or...leave the planet immediately!

Mr. Strong: Oh, we can't do that. We're astronauts on a mission. Right, Mr. Grumpy?

Mr. Grumpy: Oh for noodles sake! Fine, I'll go! But let's hurry it up so I can get back to my checkers.

(Outside the ship, a ramp is deployed for the crew. Mr. Strong then opens the doors with his strength but dents them in the process)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong realizes the damage he caused)

Mr. Strong: Oh, double pickles!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet leading Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, and Mr. Nervous to the location of the sound. Mr. Quiet is wearing headphones and holding a sound tracking device. The sound grows louder and everyone soon hears it and is startled)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! There it is again! I'm going back!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, I don't think that's aliens.

Mr. Strong: That must be the aliens!

(Mr. Strong points to the left)

Mr. Strong: It's coming from over there! Everyone set your lasers to stun and follow me!

(All four of them activate their stun lasers from within their gloves in a four-way split screen. Everyone resumes following the sound with Mr. Nervous passing Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Quiet: Oh, I'm pretty sure those aren't aliens.

(The four Mr. Men approach a cave that is the source of the sound)

Mr. Nervous: Oh, I just know they're going to get us! They'll probably keep me as their pet! (whimpers) Must get away while I still can!

(Mr. Nervous tries to run away but Mr. Strong holds him by the head to prevent his retreat)

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Oh, don't worry, Mr. Nervous.

(Mr. Nervous starts running in place in an effort of escaping Mr. Strong's grip)

Mr. Strong: I got you covered.

(Mr. Quiet looks inside the cave)

Mr. Quiet: Yeah. It's definitely not aliens.

Mr. Grumpy: Those aliens sure sound dangerous.

(Mr. Nervous covers his head, closes his eyes, and turns away)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Dreadful doom!

(Mr. Nervous accidentally fires his laser. The laser hits a boulder seated at the top of the cave. The boulder is blasted into smaller rocks. The smaller rocks tumble down and bury Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! Be careful with your point that thing! Someone could get hurt!

(Mr. Quiet emerges from the pile of rocks)

Mr. Quiet: (groans)

(Mr. Quiet spits out a rock. A small rock falls off the top of the cave and hits Mr. Quiet on his head)

Mr. Quiet: Ow!

Mr. Strong: On the count of three, we're going in!

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: One...

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: Two...

(A ping pong ball hits Mr. Quiet on the back of the head. Knocking Mr. Quiet out of the rock pile and onto the ground)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(Mr. Nervous trembles in fear)

Mr. Nervous: Geeh! No! No! No! No! No! I won't let them take me alive!!

(Mr. Nervous starts blasting his laser willy-nilly before running away in fear)

Mr. Nervous: (incoherent stammering)

(Mr. Quiet stands up, sees the ping-pong ball on his nose, and shows it to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Strong)

Mr. Quiet: See I told ya. It's not aliens.

Mr. Strong: We're coming in for you aliens!

(Mr. Strong runs through the pile of rocks)

Mr. Strong: Hoorah!

(Mr. Strong runs into the cave. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Quiet look at each other before running after Mr. Strong. Inside the cave, Mr. Quiet looks around)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Nyah!

(Mr. Quiet looks at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Ha!

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, and Mr. Quiet stop in their tracks and look at something in disbelief)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Ho, ho!

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Daredevil!? Mr. Noisy!?

(Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Noisy are shown playing ping pong)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Hello there! I didn't know you fellas like ping pong!

Mr. Strong: Uh, actually, we thought you were aliens.

(Little Miss Daredevil keeps playing ping pong as she explains the situation)

Miss Daredevil: Nah! My spaceship batteries needed to be recharged. So we thought we'd play a few games until it was ready to launch again.

Mr. Grumpy: Well if that's the case, I'm going back to the ship to finish my game of checkers.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Strong: Oh, can we give you a lift back to Dillydale?

Miss Daredevil: No thanks. My ship will be ready to go soon.

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Hey! How about you and Mr. Quiet join us for a game of doubles?!

Mr. Quiet: Hey! Now we're talking!

Mr. Strong: Oh, when do I turn down the chance to play a game of ping-pong?

(Mr. Quiet teams up with Mr. Noisy while Mr. Strong teams up with Little Miss Daredevil for their game of doubles)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): (chuckles) SUPER!!!

(The screen fades to the next bumper. A spaceship lands on an unknown planet. Mr. Nervous briefly looks outside before leaving the spaceship. Mr. Nervous plants a flag on the planet. An alien shows up and hijacks Mr. Nervous' spaceship. Leaving Mr. Nervous stranded and inaudibly yelling at the alien to come back. The flag he planted also falls over unbeknownst to him. The screen cuts to a dance video featuring Little Miss Sunshine. Little Miss Sunshine dances in outer space with stars circling around her. The camera cuts to Little Miss Sunshine looking up at planets and moons as they circle around her head. In a 4-way split-screen, Little Miss Sunshine dances in both the upper right and lower left corners with stars above her head. In the lower right and upper left corners are satellites transmitting a message. On a green background, Little Miss Sunshine dances with a green alien. The background changes to a purple background with stars and Little Miss Sunshine dances with a purple alien wearing a green hat. After that, the background changes to brown and Little Miss Sunshine dances with an orange alien. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Sunshine looking up at planets and moons as they circle around her head; this time Little Miss Sunshine is upside down. Finally, the camera cuts back to Little Miss Sunshine dancing in outer space with stars circling around her. The dance video ends with Little Miss Sunshine making a square with her fingers and the camera zooms in on it to transition to the next scene. The next scene begins with the introduction to the Dillydale Morning News and its logo)

Mr. Happy (voiceover): It's a wonderful way to get the news everyday! It's the Dillydale Morning News! With Miss Naughty and Miss Scary!

(The scene cuts to the news studio where Little Miss Naughty is preparing to read the news)

Miss Naughty: This is Miss Naughty with some late breaking news!

(A small image of a UFO appears next to Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: Giant, slimy monsters from outer space have landed in Dillydale!

(Little Miss Naughty crouches down under the desk but peeks up to talk to the viewers)

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Witnesses say the aliens are stomping through the city; crushing everything in their path!

(Little Miss Naughty climbs on top of the desk)

Miss Naughty: They've even captured Miss Scary! So run! Get in your cars and get out of town!

(Tentacles approach Little Miss Naughty from the right side of the screen)

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Oh no!

(Little Miss Naughty grabs the tentacles, falls behind the desk, and entangles herself in the tentacles. She climbs her way back up to show the viewers the frightening situation she is in)

Miss Naughty: The aliens have found their way into the newsroom! Go!

(Little Miss Naughty struggles to free herself from the tentacles)

Miss Naughty: D'ah! Take your tentacles off me! (gasps) It might be too late already.

(Mr. Fussy (who is wearing a microphone headset) pops up in front of the camera)

Mr. Fussy: What is going on in here?!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Fussy in front of the desk Little Miss Naughty is standing behind. Little Miss Naughty stops fighting off the tentacles she is tangled up in)

Mr. Fussy: Stop those cameras this instant!

(Little Miss Naughty turns to Mr. Fussy in annoyance)

Miss Naughty: Not now, Mr. Fussy! We're doing the news.

(The camera zooms out to reveal that the alien is actually Little Miss Scary in an alien costume)

Miss Scary: And for once, it's news worth watching.

Mr. Fussy: This is not news, if it is completely false!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Making up stories as a way to scare people is unacceptable!

Miss Scary: (snorts) I thought it was fantastic!

(Little Miss Scary shows Mr. Fussy her costume)

Miss Scary: This thing looks totally scary.

(Little Miss Scary slaps one of the tentacles in Mr. Fussy's face)

Miss Scary: AAARRRGH!!

(Mr. Fussy moves the tentacle away from his face)

Mr. Fussy: Stop! Enough! I honestly don't know what is wrong with you two! Now, if you don't mind, read the real news!!

(Mr. Fussy walks off the set)

Mr. Fussy: Let's continue.

Miss Naughty: Humph!

(Disappointed, Little Miss Naughty untangles herself from the fake tentacles)

Miss Naughty: I'm Miss Naughty.

(Little Miss Scary takes off her costume and joins Little Miss Naughty behind the desk)

Miss Scary: And I'm Miss Scary. And this is the news.

(Little Miss Scary starts reading the real news)

Miss Scary: Mr. Noisy has won this year's Dillydale Dance Contest.

(Real tentacles from real aliens start approaching Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary from all sides. The two immediately notice and become terrified)

Miss Naughty: (yelps)

(Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary hold each other tightly)

Miss Naughty: (screams)

(The camera zooms out to show two giant green space aliens each standing on one side of the desk)

Miss Naughty: (screams) Space monsters!!! This time is for real!!

Space Monster #2: (growls)

(Mr. Fussy walks back onto the set in annoyance and frustration)

Mr. Fussy: I have had just about enough of this foolishness!

(One of the space monsters grabs Mr. Fussy by their tentacle)

Mr. Fussy: (gags)

(Mr. Fussy grabs the tentacle)

Mr. Fussy: And as for this fake foam rubber monster of yours, I-

(Mr. Fussy is picked up by the space monster and is now looking directly at it)

Mr. Fussy: Dah! (Screams)

(Mr. Fussy realizes the truth)

Space Monster #2: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Good gracious! This hideous creature is real!

(The camera cuts down to a terrified Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Naughty: Not to mention terrifying!

Miss Scary: It's fantastic! (snorts and laughs)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy and the space monster)

Space Monster #2: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, Miss Naughty! Miss Scary! Do something!!

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary takes out her green mask and scares the space monsters)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Space Monsters: (unintelligible dialect)

(The first space monster puts Mr. Fussy back down and the two space monsters run away)

Miss Naughty: Those real space monsters were way scarier than our fake ones!

(Mr. Fussy picks himself up)

Miss Scary: I know! Wish for something long enough and it really can come true.

(The screen fade to black and the scene transitions to the third bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nervous planting a flag on a pink planet plays. The pink planet then grabs the flag with its hand scaring Mr. Nervous away. The pink planet is then revealed to be a giant Mr. Scatterbrain. The giant Mr. Scatterbrain waves the tiny flag. The screen fades to black. The next scene shows Mr. Rude flying his rocket back to Earth)

Narrator: And so, another day exploring outer space comes to an end in Dillydale.

(The camera cuts to Earth with Mr. Rude flying his rocket over Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house)

Narrator: And what a day it's been.

(Little Miss Daredevil flies her rocket close to the ground with Mr. Quiet as her passenger. They fly past Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops is navigating a rocket to land similar to how a grounds-person does so for a plane)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(Little Miss Whoops struggles to guide the rocket to the ground)

Narrator: Know that outer space is full of surprises.

(Little Miss Whoops accidentally causes the rocket to crash to the ground. She still gives the rocket the "okay" sign though. The space monsters then run across the screen in fear as they are being chased by Little Miss Scary. They run past Mr. Strong's spaceship where Mr. Quiet looks at the monsters in fear. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Strong look at the aliens in surprise while Mr. Nervous tremble in fear)

Narrator: Even still they never miss a chance to rocket into outer space.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Strong and Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous faints)

Narrator: And brave the unknown!

(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests