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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Paint." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
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UK Transcript[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big mauve screen comes up with "Paint" written on it, pots of paint and paint brushes, paint splotches, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of someone painting is heard)
(The episode begins with a camera pan of Dillydale before panning over to Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty is painting a bench red)
Narrator: There's nothing more satisfying than seeing something become new again. With a fresh coat of paint!
(Little Miss Naughty looks around and sees Mr. Grumpy approaching with a newspaper in his hand. Purposefully not putting a "wet paint" sign up, Little Miss Naughty leaves. Mr. Grumpy shows up, sits on the wet paint-covered bench and starts reading his newspaper. The camera pans to the left to show Mr. Rude painting a portrait of Little Miss Sunshine. Little Miss Sunshine is wearing a wreath of flowers on her head and Mr. Rude is wearing a beret)
Narrator: Or seeing a portrait come to life with a few strokes of color.
(Mr. Rude shows Little Miss Sunshine her portrait. The portrait does not look like Little Miss Sunshine at all as her head is the wrong shape, her smile is too big, and the nose is the wrong color. Needless to say, Little Miss Sunshine is not pleased with her portrait. A paintbrush comes down on an angle and paints the next part of the scene. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown painting white spots on a fire hydrant)
Narrator: Often, the idea is to make something stand out.
(A yellow dog walks into the frame and stops when they notices that the fire hydrant is painted to match their collar)
Narrator: So there can be no chance of overlooking it.
Dog: (whimpers in a confused tone)
(Mr. Scatterbrain resumes the painting of the white spots on the fire hydrant)
Narrator: But no matter...
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy as he continues reading his newspaper of the bench covered in wet paint)
Narrator: The purpose, the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(Mr. Grumpy finishes reading his newspaper, gets up from the bench, and walks away. When Mr. Grumpy turns to show the viewers his backside, it is covered in red stripes due to the wet paint on the bench. Something Mr. Grumpy is oblivious too)
Narrator: Welcome a splash of color to brighten up their day!
(Little Miss Naughty is shown giggling over the fact that Mr. Grumpy sat on the bench without realizing the paint was still wet)
Miss Naughty: (giggles)
(The screen iris' out. The first scene begins with a wide shot of Dillydale. Out on the water, ships are setting sail as the ship's horn blows and a buoy bobs in the middle of the water with its bell ringing. The camera cuts to a tall skyscraper where Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong are pulling a bosun chair up the skyscraper so they can do some painting. Mr. Bump is extremely worried over the though of painting so high up)
Mr. Bump: Uh, are you sure I couldn't just stay down there and paint the low part?
Mr. Strong: Not to worry, Mr. Bump.
(Mr. Strong steps on the platform to prove its sturdiness)
Mr. Strong: These platforms are as safe as can be.
(Mr. Bump looks down)
Mr. Bump: Uh...
(Mr. Bump gets dizzy upon seeing the ground. Cars honk their horns)
Mr. Bump: (whimpers)
(Mr. Bump resumes helping Mr. Strong pull the platform up to the top of the skyscraper)
Mr. Bump: T-tell me when we get to the top.
Mr. Strong: We've got a way to go, yet. Keep pulling!
(Mr. Bump keeps pulling)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
(Mr. Strong starts pulling at a faster pace. This causes the platform to lean towards Mr. Strong's side)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Oh! (grunts)
(Mr. Bump notices Mr. Strong's side going up faster than his and he starts pulling faster to try and keep up)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Uh, Mr. Strong!
(Three paint cans slide off the platform)
Mr. Bump: (grunts fast)
(Mr. Bump tries to keep up with Mr. Strong by increasing the speed of his pulling)
Mr. Strong: Still not there!
Mr. Bump: Oh, woah!
(Two paint cans slide off the platform)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Just a little further.
(One of the paint cans that slid off the platform falls to the ground and green paint spills everywhere. This makes Mr. Bump even more troubled)
Mr. Bump: Oh!
(Two more paint cans slide off the platform)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ah! Ah!
(Mr. Bump grabs the cables on his side of the platform to prevent being knocked off the platform. This results in Mr. Bump dangling from the cable)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Oh! The paints!! Oh!
(A paint can knocks Mr. Bump off the platform and he starts falling towards the ground)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
Mr. Strong: Uh, Mr. Bump?
(Mr. Bump is shown falling down to the ground along with a paint can)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(One of the paint cans lands on the ground)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screams)
(Mr. Bump lands in the paint can. This turns the paint color from green to Mr. Bump blue)
Mr. Bump: Oof!
(Mr. Scatterbrain walks into the frame)
Mr. Bump (from inside the paint can): Ow! Oh! Ow! (muffled noises) Ow! Ow!
(Mr. Scatterbrain hears the noises and picks up the paint can)
Mr. Bump (from inside the paint can): Help me!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oooh!
(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a paintbrush and dips it into the paint can)
Mr. Scatterbrain: I love this color!
(Mr. Scatterbrain paints across the screen. Mr. Bump appears as a result)
Mr. Bump: Oh, Poopity-Poop!
(Paint drips down from the top of the screen and transitions to the first bumper. Little Miss Helpful is shown painting a fence red. Little Miss Helpful leaves but forgets to put up a wet paint sign. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive. Mr. Small stops to look at the time on his watch while Mr. Nosey looks through a hole in the fence. Mr. Nosey's front winds up covered in red paint except for a little hole that on his face due to there being a hole in the fence; as is revealed when Mr. Nosey turns towards the viewers. Purple paint drips down onto the screen. The screen is covered in purple paint until all the paint moves away revealing the next scene. The next scene begins by showing various portraits of various Mr. Men. Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Mr. Persnickety. The camera pans over to the painter of these portraits, Mr. Rude, and his assistant, Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Rude: Let's move, Miss Chatterbox.
Mr. Quiet (overlap): Hmmm...uh, I don't know
Mr. Rude (overlap): I do not have all day.
(Little Miss Chatterbox comes out from behind a screen. Little Miss Chatterbox is wearing a laurel wreath on her head)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! Sorry, Mr. Rude. But, I wanted to look my best. I mean, how often does a person sit to have their portrait done? I mean, hardly ever. Maybe once or twice.
(Mr. Rude looks at Mr. Quiet)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Well actually, had an uncle who had his portrait done about 10 times.
(Mr. Quiet remembers something and tells Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen and overlap): But that's because he had hiccups.
Mr. Quiet (overlap): I'm telling you, she can't talk!
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): And it was really hard for him to sit still.
Mr. Rude: Are you finished?
Miss Chatterbox: Finished with what?
Mr. Rude: That noise your mouth is making!
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! You mean talking? Oh! Well, I don't know. That might be difficult. I don't know if I ever really finished.
Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox!
(Mr. Rude pretends to zip his lips)
Mr. Rude: Zip it, and sit! Do your thing, Mr. Quiet.
(Mr. Quiet moves Little Miss Chatterbox to the little wooden chair)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, okay.
(Little Miss Chatterbox sits down on the wooden chair)
Mr. Quiet: You can just get up here.
(Mr. Quiet thinks for a minute)
Mr. Quiet: And, oh...and uh...
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks at Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Oh, okay.
(Mr. Quiet gets an idea)
Mr. Quiet: Hmmm! I got it!
(Mr. Quiet lifts up Little Miss Chatterbox's right arm)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): And there we go!
(Mr. Quiet lifts up Little Miss Chatterbox's left arm)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): And there!
(Mr. Quiet lifts up the corners of Little Miss Chatterbox's mouth to make her smile)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): And, uh, smile!
(Mr. Quiet makes Little Miss Chatterbox stand up)
Mr. Quiet: And up! Here we go! Yeah! Uh-huh! Right!
(The camera zooms out to show the posed Little Miss Chatterbox basked in the beam of light)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Yeah!
(A canary flies onto Little Miss Chatterbox's hand)
Mr. Quiet: Ah!
Mr. Rude: What is with the canary?
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! This is Featherhead! I thought she'd add an artistic touch!
(Mr. Rude facepalms himself)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Do you like her?
(Mr. Quiet walks over)
Mr. Quiet: Yes.
(Mr. Rude realizes something)
Mr. Rude: Wait! Something is missing. This painting is boring.
(Mr. Rude snaps his fingers)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm.
(Mr. Quiet walks away)
Mr. Quiet: Okay.
(Mr. Quiet wheels in a fan to the right of Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm...
(Mr. Quiet turns on the fan)
Mr. Quiet: There you go.
(Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead are not very comfortable with the breeze and struggle to remain posed)
Mr. Rude: Better.
Featherhead: (squawks) Artistic touch!
(Mr. Rude begins to paint)
Mr. Rude: Who asked you...canary!
(Mr. Quiet adjusts the fan)
Mr. Quiet: Is that good?
(Mr. Rude paints ferociously)
Mr. Quiet: I think it looks okay.
(Mr. Quiet accidentally adjusts the fan upwards)
Mr. Quiet: Oh no! Oh! Oh! Oh! O-o-oh!
(The fan flies up and Mr. Quiet (who is still hanging onto it) is taken with the fan)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! Featherhead loves to giver her opinion!
(Mr. Quiet flies between Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): She's really, really talkative!
(Mr. Quiet flies in front of Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): A bit like me. It's probably where she gets it from, actually.
(Mr. Quiet flies behind Mr. Rude)
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
Mr. Rude: You are making that noise again.
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
Miss Chatterbox: Gotcha! Heh! Not another word!
(Featherhead covers her beak with her wings)
Featherhead: (squawks) Not another word!
(Mr. Rude continues painting vigorously)
Mr. Quiet: Can someone get help?
(Mr. Quiet blows the fan very close to Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Featherhead: Oh! N-n-n-no!
(The fan blows all of Featherhead's feathers off)
Featherhead: (squawks)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Sorry!
(Featherhead flies away in embarrassment)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasp) Featherhead! Come back!
(Little Miss Chatterbox chases after Featherhead and Mr. Rude stops painting)
Mr. Rude (furious): That's it! I quit!
(Mr. Rude breaks the canvas in half and walks away. Mr. Quiet blows feathers away as the fan lowers with him still clinging to it)
Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)
(The fan runs out of power and crashes to the ground)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(All of Featherhead's feathers fall onto Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet blows a few away to reveal his face)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs) P-too!
(Mr. Quiet looks at the viewers as he is annoyed and upset with what happened)
Chicken (voiceover): (clucking)
Mr. Quiet: Hmmm.
(The screen iris' out. A dance video starring Mr. Messy plays)
Mr. Pernickety (voiceover): Come on, let's dance! But do it neatly.
(The dance video ends with Mr. Scatterbrain peeking in from the top of the screen. Mr. Scatterbrain then pulls the bottom of the screen up and brings in the next bumper. The next bumper begins at a wooden fence. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive. Mr. Small stops to look at the time on his watch while Mr. Nosey looks through a hole in the fence. On the opposite side of the fence, Little Miss Helpful is shown painting the fence red. Upon painting over the hole in the fence, Little Miss Helpful accidentally paints Mr. Nosey's face. Mr. Nosey's face winds up covered in red paint; as is revealed when Mr. Nosey turns towards the viewers. A paintbrush paints blue paint all over the screen. Then the paintbrush wipes across the screen, removes the paint, and reveals the next scene. The next scene begins with Mr. Noisy showing Little Miss Whoops a vehicle that paints the yellow lines on the road)
Mr. Noisy: This is the Line-o-Matic Street Painting machine! I assume you've driven one of these things before.
Miss Whoops: Of course! I am a trained professional!
(Mr. Noisy moves closer to Little Miss Whoops and pulls her in for a side hug)
Mr. Noisy: Excellent! Today, we need you to paint new yellow lines on Happy Drive!
(Mr. Noisy steps back)
Miss Whoops: Yellow? Happy?
(Little Miss Whoops climbs into the Line-o-matic Street Painting machine)
Miss Whoops: Consider it done, Mr. Noisy.
(Little Miss Whoops wiggles her fingers and drives away in the Line-o-matic. The camera cuts to Little Miss Whoops in the Line-o-Matic)
Miss Whoops: Hmmm. Now which lever do I pull?
(Little Miss Whoops pulls down a lever with a yellow handle and the part of the vehicle that paints the lines from underneath lower down and start streaking out yellow lines on the road. Mr. Grumpy then shows up driving in his car. Seeing Little Miss Whoops paint the yellow lines from the vehicle, he follows her)
Miss Whoops: I wonder what...
(Little Miss Whoops pulls down another lever)
Miss Whoops: This one does?
(Yellow paint squirts out of the machine and onto Mr. Grumpy's windshield. Mr. Grumpy uses his windshield wipers to wipe the paint away)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!
(Some leftover yellow paint flies off Mr. Grumpy's windshield. Little Miss Whoops accidentally swerves and the yellow lines come out curved)
Miss Whoops (from inside the Line-O-Matic): Whoops!
(Mr. Grumpy sees the curved lines on the road)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm!
(Mr. Grumpy manages to stay within the lines and continues following Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops drives through a wig shop and Mr. Grumpy follows her. Snipping, buzzing, and the sound of a blow dryer are heard from inside the shop. Mr. Grumpy drives out of the shop wearing a blond girl's wig with a hair ribbon tied on top of it. Mr. Grumpy notices the wig on his head)
Mr. Grumpy: Oy!
(Mr. Grumpy removes the blond girl's wig from his head only to find a curly black afro underneath it)
Mr. Grumpy: (grunts) Mm-hmm!
(Mr. Grumpy removes curly black afro from his head only to find a pink mohawk underneath it)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm! Arrgh!
(Mr. Grumpy removes the pink mohawk from his head and is finally back to wearing just his green hat)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm.
(Mr. Grumpy continues following Little Miss Whoops. They pass a sign for a turkey farm. Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive through a turkey coop)
Turkeys (from inside the coop): (gobbling)
(Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive out of the turkey coop. Mr. Grumpy's car has picked up five turkeys as passengers)
Turkeys: (gobbling)
(Mr. Grumpy continues following Little Miss Whoops)
Turkeys: (gobbling)
(Little Miss Whoops turns the wheel to the left)
Miss Whoops: Wha-?
(The Line-o-matic and Mr. Grumpy turn left. They pass a sign for an autobody shop. Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive through the autobody shop. Drilling, hammering, the sound of a wrench turning, and spraying are heard. Little Miss Whoops drives out of the autobody shop with the Line-o-matic unscathed. Mr. Grumpy, on the other hand, drives out of the autobody shop with his car now painted black black with purple flames on the front. The turkeys are also decked out in rapper chains and hats. The turkeys start bobbing their heads to the background music while the two in the back of the car start break-dancing. Mr. Grumpy sees them dancing and gives them a gesture as a sign to stop goofing around)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm! Knock it off! I'm trying to drive.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump. He is carrying a bundle with the intention of hitchhiking)
Mr. Bump: Going my way?
(Little Miss Whoops honks the Line-o-matic's horn. Mr. Bump drops his bundle and crouches down to protect his head)
Mr. Bump: (screams) O-oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Little Miss Whoops sees Mr. Bump and activates a feature on the Line-o-matic that extends the vehicle into the air as it continues to drive. Two yellow lines get painted onto Mr. Bump as the vehicle drives away. Mr. Bump gets up and sees the two stripes painted on him)
Mr. Bump: Oh, stripes really are slimming. (chuckles)
(Mr. Grumpy drives towards Mr. Bump and hits Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Oh!
(Mr. Bump is thrown onto Mr. Grumpy and holds onto his head)
Mr. Bump: (screams) Oh!
Mr. Bump and Mr. Grumpy: (screams)
(Little Miss Whoops drives the Line-O-Matic to a junkyard and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys follow in Mr. Grumpy's car)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Slow down!
(Little Miss Whoops drives the Line-O-Matic to a car crusher and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys follow in Mr. Grumpy's car)
Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Ooh!
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Not the crusher!
(Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys approach the crusher)
Mr. Bump: Oh! (screams)
Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Look out!
(Little Miss Whoops swerves away)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Whoops!
(The turkeys fly away)
Turkeys: (gobble)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
Mr. Grumpy: No!
(The crusher squishes Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bump into a cube)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
(Once off the conveyor belt, the two uncube themselves and sit in a pile of scrap metal)
Mr. Grumpy: (grunts) Next time, I'm taking the bus!
(The screen irises out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are standing by a wooden fence. Little Miss Helpful then appears struggling to control an airbrush gun. As she rides across the screen, Little Miss Helpful sprays red paint all over the fence and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then walk away showing the viewers the silhouettes left behind on the fence. Unexpectedly, the silhouettes walk away in the opposite direction. Then Little Miss Daredevil pushes the scene while flying on her rocket boots. The scene transitions to a paint store)
Mr. Lazy (offscreen): Welcome to the Dillydale Paint Store. Can I help you?
(The camera cuts inside the paint store where Little Miss Calamity is talking to Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy is working behind the counter)
Miss Calamity: Mr. Lazy, I've picked the perfect colour for my bedroom walls.
(Little Miss Calamity is shown holding three color shops showing various shades of purple, blue, and pink)
Miss Calamity: But I need you to mix it for me.
Mr. Lazy: Can't do, Miss Calamity. Today's "Mix it Yourself Day".
(Mr. Lazy points to the paint mixing machine)
Mr. Lazy: The machine's right over there.
(The camera shows the viewers the high-tech paint mixing machine for a moment before cutting back to a reluctant Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh dear! I'm not very good with machinery.
Mr. Lazy: I'm not very good with anything that involves work.
(Little Miss Calamity reluctantly makes her way to the paint mixing machine and pushes the buttons for the paint she wants mixed)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Purple, blue, pink!
(Little Miss Calamity hops onto a stepstool and places her hand on the lever that starts the machine)
Miss Calamity: Oh! This seems easy-peasy after all!
(Little Miss Calamity pulls the lever down and the machine shakes and rattles so vigorously that the whole store shakes as well. Mr. Lazy doesn't seem to notice, however. Little Miss Calamity then falls off the stepstool and into the machine)
Miss Calamity (from inside the machine): Ooh! Ooh! What a calamity!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy, then the camera cuts back to Little Miss Calamity. The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is shown trapped in the machine stuck in a current of purple, blue, and pink paint)
Miss Calamity: Oh dear!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is now shown trapped in the machine stuck in a swirling vortex of purple, blue, and pink paint)
Miss Calamity: Ooh-hoo-hoo!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is shown trapped in the machine going through the current of purple, blue, and pink paint again. Little Miss Calamity feet are then shown exiting the machine as she goes through a big paint dispense. She is then blasted out of the machine along with the mixed purple, blue, and pink paint)
Miss Calamity: Ooh! (screams)
(Little Miss Calamity slides along the floor of the paint store, now covered in purple, blue, and pink paint (including the paint cans), and stops in front of the counter Mr. Lazy is sitting behind, reading a magazine)
Mr. Lazy: Break over.
Miss Calamity: I think I've changed my mind about the colour.
(Little Miss Calamity stands up)
Miss Calamity: I'll be going now.
(Little Miss Calamity leaves)
Mr. Lazy: Glad I could be of service.
(A paint roller paints streaks of red paint up and down the screen. The paint roller then pushes the painted screen away and reveals the next scene. It is a dance video starring Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Noisy (voiceover): Get off your seat and move to the beat! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
(Little Miss Helpful comes up onscreen and paints the next bumper with a paint roller. The next bumper shows Mr. Nosey looking through a hole in the fence while Mr. Small simply stands there. Little Miss Helpful walks by to the left and Mr. Small raises his hat to say hello. After Little Miss Helpful leaves, Little Miss Naughty comes up from behind the wooden fence and dumps an entire can of red paint all over Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey is speechless over this terrible prank, Mr. Small is very crossed as he puts his hat back on, and Little Miss Naughty inaudibly chuckles to herself. Several cans of purple paint each appear in either a light green square or a brownish-green square. The squares cover the screen. They all lower away to reveal the next scene. The next scene takes place at Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's duplex. Inside Mr. Messy's side of the house, Mr. Messy is shown carrying a ladder on his shoulder and holding a can of purple paint with the other)
Mr. Messy: Tighty-right-oh!
(Purple paint is spilling all over the floor. Mr. Messy then climbs up the ladder and begins to paint his living room very messily)
Mr. Messy: There right! Yes! A bit up here! Hey-yo! Ah!
(Paint spills from the can Mr. Messy is holding and gets onto the floor right at the edge of the wall that divides Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's houses. Over at Mr. Pernickety's side of the house, Mr. Persnickety is shown vacuuming his floor)
Mr. Pernickety : (humming)
(The spilled paint starts seeping into Mr. Pernickety's side of the house and Mr. Pernickety notices)
Mr. Pernickety: Huh? Hmmm?
(Mr. Pernickety sees the purple paint covering his floor)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh! Oh! (gasps)
(Mr. Pernickety sees that his shoes are covered in the purple paint)
Mr. Pernickety: Paint everywhere!
(Mr. Pernickety faints, splashing into the purple paint. The scene then cuts to Mr. Messy's purple house where Mr. Pernickety can be heard knocking the door. Mr. Messy runs to the door and opens it)
Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Pernickety. You match my room!"
Mr. Pernickety: "Mr. Messy! I have endured your filth long enough. Now you have gone mad with all this purple paint!"
Mr. Messy: I know what you mean. I thought I'd like the colour, but it's like living inside a grape.
(Mr. Messy gets an idea)
Mr. Messy: I think I'm gonna repaint.
(Mr. Messy closes the door)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): "Thanks for stopping by, Mr. P!"
(The scene transitions to Mr. Pernickety's bedroom that evening. Mr. Pernickety is sound asleep with a hot water bottle on his head)
Mr. Pernickety: (snores then sighs)
(Back at Mr. Messy's house, Mr. Messy uses a screwdriver to open up a can of white paint. Paint that is identical to the color of the room Mr. Persnickety was vacuuming earlier)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): (grunts) Oh!
(After opening up the paint can, Mr. Messy climbs up the ladder and begins to paint his living room very messily)
Mr. Messy: Right! Here we go! Yeah! That's better! (hums)
(Like earlier, paint spills from the can Mr. Messy is holding and gets onto the floor right at the edge of the wall that divides Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's houses. The white paint seeps through the wall and covers up the purple paint that had completely covered and stained the floor on Mr. Pernickety's side of the house. The scene transitions to the next morning)
Rooster (offscreen): (crowing)
(Mr. Pernickety walks into the room and sees the color of the floor is back to normal. Mr. Pernickety even takes his glasses off as he inspects the area)
Mr. Pernickety: (yawns) Oh, thank goodness! It was just a hideous, horrible nightmare!
(Mr. Pernickety puts his glasses back on)
Mr. Pernickety: (sighs)
(Mr. Pernickety walks outside and, because Mr. Persnickety's repainted floors were still wet)
Mr. Pernickety: (hums)
(Mr. Pernickety leaves paint covered shoeprints behind him)
Mr. Pernickety: (gasps)
(Mr. Pernickety looks down and notices the paint covered shoeprints he has left behind)
Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Messy!!
Mr. Messy (offscreen): "You like it?"
(The screen irises out and the scene transitions to some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Rude painting Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead's portrait)
Narrator: And so we find that the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
Bird (offscreen): (chirping)
Narrator: Dedicate themselves adding a little...
(Little Miss Naughty comes up from behind the wooden fence and dumps an entire can of red paint all over Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey is speechless over this terrible prank, Mr. Small is very crossed as he puts his hat back on, and Little Miss Naughty inaudibly chuckles to herself)
Narrator: More colour to Dillydale.
(Mr. Messy walks by holding a latter and carrying a can of purple paint that's spilling all over the ground. Mr. Grumpy is shown reading a newspaper while sitting on a recently painted bench)
Narrator: Maybe a little more than is necessary.
(Mr. Grumpy gets up from the freshly painted bench and reveals the wet paint marks from the bench on his backside as he walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown with the can of paint that Mr. Bump fell into)
Narrator: But honestly, is there such a thing as too much colour.
(Mr. Scatterbrain paints Mr. Bump onto the screen again along with other splotches of different colored paint)
Mr. Bump: Oh, Poopity-Poop!
(The screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Transcript[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big mauve screen comes up with "Paint" written on it, pots of paint and paint brushes, paint splotches, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of someone painting is heard)
(The episode begins with a camera pan of Dillydale before panning over to Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty is painting a bench red)
Narrator: There's nothing more satisfying than seeing something become new again, with a fresh coat of paint!
(Little Miss Naughty looks around and sees Mr. Grumpy approaching with a newspaper in his hand. Purposefully not putting a "wet paint" sign up, Little Miss Naughty leaves. Mr. Grumpy shows up, sits on the wet paint-covered bench and starts reading his newspaper. The camera pans to the left to show Mr. Rude painting a portrait of Little Miss Sunshine. Little Miss Sunshine is wearing a wreath of flowers on her head and Mr. Rude is wearing a beret)
Narrator: Or seeing a portrait coming to life with a few strokes of color.
(Mr. Rude shows Little Miss Sunshine her portrait. The portrait does not look like Little Miss Sunshine at all as her head is the wrong shape, her smile is too big, and the nose is the wrong color. Needless to say, Little Miss Sunshine is not pleased with her portrait. A paintbrush comes down on an angle and paints the next part of the scene. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown painting white spots on a fire hydrant)
Narrator: Often, the idea is to make something stand out.
(A yellow dog walks into the frame and stops when they notices that the fire hydrant is painted to match their collar)
Dog: (whimpers in a confused tone)
(Mr. Scatterbrain resumes the painting of the white spots on the fire hydrant)
Narrator: So there can be no chance of overlooking it.
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy as he continues reading his newspaper of the bench covered in wet paint)
Narrator: But no matter the purpose...
(Mr. Grumpy finishes reading his newspaper, gets up from the bench, and walks away. When Mr. Grumpy turns to show the viewers his backside, it is covered in red stripes due to the wet paint on the bench. Something Mr. Grumpy is oblivious too)
Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses welcome a splash of color...
(Little Miss Naughty is shown giggling over the fact that Mr. Grumpy sat on the bench without realizing the paint was still wet)
Narrator: To brighten up their day!
(The screen iris' out. The first scene begins with a wide shot of Dillydale. Out on the water, ships are setting sail as the ship's horn blows and a buoy bobs in the middle of the water with its bell ringing. The camera cuts to a tall skyscraper where Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong are pulling a bosun chair up the skyscraper so they can do some painting. Mr. Bump is extremely worried over the though of painting so high up)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) Uh, are you sure I couldn't just stay down there and paint the low part?
Mr. Strong: Oh, not to worry, Mr. Bump.
(Mr. Strong steps on the platform to prove its sturdiness)
Mr. Strong: These platforms are as safe as can be.
(Mr. Bump looks down)
Mr. Bump: Woah!
(Mr. Bump gets dizzy upon seeing the ground. Cars honk their horns)
Mr. Bump: (whimpers)
(Mr. Bump resumes helping Mr. Strong pull the platform up to the top of the skyscraper)
Mr. Bump: Uh-uh tell me when we get to the top.
Mr. Strong: Uh, we got a ways to go. Keep pulling!
(Mr. Bump keeps pulling)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
(Mr. Strong starts pulling at a faster pace. This causes the platform to lean towards Mr. Strong's side. Mr. Bump notices Mr. Strong's side going up faster than his and he starts pulling faster to try and keep up)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Uh, Mr. Strong!
(Three paint cans slide off the platform. Mr. Bump tries to keep up with Mr. Strong by increasing the speed of his pulling)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Oh, still not there!
Mr. Bump: Oh, woah!
(Two paint cans slide off the platform)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Just a little further.
(One of the paint cans that slid off the platform falls to the ground and green paint spills everywhere. This makes Mr. Bump even more troubled)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Ah!
(Two more paint cans slide off the platform. Mr. Bump grabs the cables on his side of the platform to prevent being knocked off the platform. This results in Mr. Bump dangling from the cable)
Mr. Bump: Oh no, the paints!!
(A paint can knocks Mr. Bump off the platform and he starts falling towards the ground)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
Mr. Strong: Uh, Mr. Bump?
(Mr. Bump is shown falling down to the ground along with a paint can)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(One of the paint cans lands on the ground and Mr. Bump lands in the paint can. This turns the paint color from green to Mr. Bump blue)
Mr. Bump: Woah!
(Mr. Scatterbrain walks into the frame)
Mr. Bump (from inside the paint can): (muffled noises)
(Mr. Scatterbrain hears the noises and picks up the paint can)
Mr. Bump (from inside the paint can): Help me!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oooh!
(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a paintbrush and dips it into the paint can)
Mr. Scatterbrain: I love this color!
(Mr. Scatterbrain paints across the screen. Mr. Bump appears as a result)
Mr. Bump: Oh, Poopity-Poop!
(Paint drips down from the top of the screen and transitions to the first bumper. Little Miss Helpful is shown painting a fence red. Little Miss Helpful leaves but forgets to put up a wet paint sign. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive. Mr. Small stops to look at the time on his watch while Mr. Nosey looks through a hole in the fence. Mr. Nosey's front winds up covered in red paint except for a little hole that on his face due to there being a hole in the fence; as is revealed when Mr. Nosey turns towards the viewers. Purple paint drips down onto the screen. The screen is covered in purple paint until all the paint moves away revealing the next scene. The next scene begins by showing various portraits of various Mr. Men. Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Mr. Persnickety. The camera pans over to the painter of these portraits, Mr. Rude, and his assistant, Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Rude: Let's move, Miss Chatterbox.
Mr. Quiet (overlap): Uh, I don't know.
Mr. Rude (overlap): I do not have all day.
(Little Miss Chatterbox comes out from behind a screen. Little Miss Chatterbox is wearing a laurel wreath on her head)
Miss Chatterbox: (scoffs) Sorry, Mr. Rude. But I wanted to look my best. I mean how often does a person sit to have their portrait done? I mean, hardly ever. Maybe once or twice.
(Mr. Rude looks at Mr. Quiet)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Well, actually had an uncle who had his portrait done about 10 times.
(Mr. Quiet remembers something and tells Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen and overlap): But that's because he had the hiccups.
Mr. Quiet (overlap): Uh, she can't talk.
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): And it was really hard for him to sit still.
Mr. Rude: Are you finished?
Miss Chatterbox: Finished with what?
Mr. Rude: That noise your mouth is making!
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! You mean talking? Oh-ho! Well I don't know, that would be kind of hard. I don't know if I've ever really finished.
Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox!
(Mr. Rude pretends to zip his lips)
Mr. Rude: Zip it, and sit! Do your thing, Mr. Quiet.
(Mr. Quiet moves Little Miss Chatterbox to the little wooden chair)
Mr. Quiet: Okay.
(Little Miss Chatterbox sits down on the wooden chair)
Mr. Quiet: Okay you can go right here.
(Mr. Quiet thinks for a minute)
Mr. Quiet: Hmmm...I don't know.
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks at Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): No, wait! No!
(Mr. Quiet gets an idea)
Mr. Quiet: I got it!
(Mr. Quiet lifts up Little Miss Chatterbox's right arm)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Hmmm...there! There we go!
(Mr. Quiet lifts up Little Miss Chatterbox's left arm)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): And like that.
(Mr. Quiet lifts up the corners of Little Miss Chatterbox's mouth to make her smile)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): There! Oh! There!
(Mr. Quiet makes Little Miss Chatterbox stand up)
Mr. Quiet: Okay, that's it.
(The camera zooms out to show the posed Little Miss Chatterbox basked in the beam of light)
Mr. Quiet: There!
(A canary flies onto Little Miss Chatterbox's hand)
Mr. Quiet: Huh? Oh.
Mr. Rude: What is with the canary?
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! This is Featherhead! I thought she would add an artistic touch!
(Mr. Rude facepalms himself. Mr. Quiet walks over and Mr. Rude realizes something)
Mr. Quiet: Huh. Uh...
Mr. Rude: Wait! Something's missing. This painting is boring.
(Mr. Rude snaps his fingers)
Mr. Quiet: Oh.
(Mr. Quiet walks away)
Mr. Quiet: Okay.
(Mr. Quiet wheels in a fan to the right of Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm...
(Mr. Quiet turns on the fan)
Mr. Quiet: Here we go.
(Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead are not very comfortable with the breeze and struggle to remain posed)
Mr. Rude: Better.
Featherhead: (squawks) Artistic touch!
(Mr. Rude begins to paint)
Mr. Rude: Who asked you...canary!
(Mr. Quiet adjusts the fan)
Mr. Quiet: Is that good?
(Mr. Rude paints ferociously)
Mr. Quiet: I think it looks-
(Mr. Quiet accidentally adjusts the fan upwards)
Mr. Quiet: Oh no! Woah!
(The fan flies up and Mr. Quiet (who is still hanging onto it) is taken with the fan)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! Featherhead loves to giver her opinion!
(Mr. Quiet flies between Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet (overlap): Woah!
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): She's really, really talkative!
(Mr. Quiet flies in front of Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Quiet (overlap): Woah!
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): Kind of like me. It's probably where she gets it from, actually.
(Mr. Quiet flies behind Mr. Rude)
Mr. Quiet: Woah! It's going!
Mr. Rude: You are making that noise again.
Mr. Quiet: It's going!
Miss Chatterbox: Gotcha! Heh! Not another word!
(Featherhead covers her beak with her wings)
Featherhead: (squawks) Not another word!
(Mr. Rude continues painting vigorously)
Mr. Quiet: Can someone get help?
(Mr. Quiet blows the fan very close to Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Featherhead: (squawks)
(The fan blows all of Featherhead's feathers off)
Featherhead: (squawks)
(Featherhead flies away in embarrassment)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasp) Featherhead! Come back!
(Little Miss Chatterbox chases after Featherhead and Mr. Rude stops painting)
Mr. Rude (furious): That's it! I quit!
(Mr. Rude breaks the canvas in half and walks away. Mr. Quiet blows feathers away as the fan lowers with him still clinging to it)
Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)
(The fan runs out of power and crashes to the ground)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(All of Featherhead's feathers fall onto Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet blows a few away to reveal his face)
Mr. Quiet: P-too!
(Mr. Quiet looks at the viewers as he is annoyed and upset with what happened)
Chicken (voiceover): (clucking)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(The screen iris' out. A dance video starring Mr. Messy plays)
Mr. Persnickety (voiceover): Come on, let's dance! But do it neatly.
(The dance video ends with Mr. Scatterbrain peeking in from the top of the screen. Mr. Scatterbrain then pulls the bottom of the screen up and brings in the next bumper. The next bumper begins at a wooden fence. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive. Mr. Small stops to look at the time on his watch while Mr. Nosey looks through a hole in the fence. On the opposite side of the fence, Little Miss Helpful is shown painting the fence red. Upon painting over the hole in the fence, Little Miss Helpful accidentally paints Mr. Nosey's face. Mr. Nosey's face winds up covered in red paint; as is revealed when Mr. Nosey turns towards the viewers. A paintbrush paints blue paint all over the screen. Then the paintbrush wipes across the screen, removes the paint, and reveals the next scene. The next scene begins with Mr. Noisy showing Little Miss Whoops a vehicle that paints the yellow lines on the road)
Mr. Noisy: This is the Line-o-Matic Street Painting machine! I assume you've driven one of these babies before.
Miss Whoops: Oh sure! I'm a trained professional!
(Mr. Noisy moves closer to Little Miss Whoops and pulls her in for a side hug)
Mr. Noisy: Excellent! Today, we need you to paint new yellow lines on Happy Drive!
(Mr. Noisy steps back)
Miss Whoops: Yellow? Happy?
(Little Miss Whoops climbs into the Line-o-matic Street Painting machine)
Miss Whoops: Consider it done, Mr. Noisy.
(Little Miss Whoops wiggles her fingers and drives away in the Line-o-matic. The camera cuts to Little Miss Whoops in the Line-o-Matic)
Miss Whoops: Hmmm. Now which lever do I push?
(Little Miss Whoops pulls down a lever with a yellow handle and the part of the vehicle that paints the lines from underneath lower down and start streaking out yellow lines on the road. Mr. Grumpy then shows up driving in his car. Seeing Little Miss Whoops paint the yellow lines from the vehicle, he follows her)
Miss Whoops: I wonder what...
(Little Miss Whoops pulls down another lever)
Miss Whoops: This one does?
(Yellow paint squirts out of the machine and onto Mr. Grumpy's windshield. Mr. Grumpy uses his windshield wipers to wipe the paint away)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!
(Some leftover yellow paint flies off Mr. Grumpy's windshield. Little Miss Whoops accidentally swerves and the yellow lines come out curved)
Miss Whoops (from inside the Line-O-Matic): Whoops!
(Mr. Grumpy sees the curved lines on the road)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm!
(Mr. Grumpy manages to stay within the lines and continues following Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops drives through a wig shop and Mr. Grumpy follows her. Snipping, buzzing, and the sound of a blow dryer are heard from inside the shop. Mr. Grumpy drives out of the shop wearing a blond girl's wig with a hair ribbon tied on top of it. Mr. Grumpy notices the wig on his head)
Mr. Grumpy: (yelps)
(Mr. Grumpy removes the blond girl's wig from his head only to find a curly black afro underneath it)
Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)
(Mr. Grumpy removes curly black afro from his head only to find a pink mohawk underneath it)
Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)
(Mr. Grumpy removes the pink mohawk from his head and is finally back to wearing just his green hat. Mr. Grumpy continues following Little Miss Whoops. They pass a sign for a turkey farm. Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive through a turkey coop)
Turkeys (from inside the coop): (gobbling)
(Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive out of the turkey coop. Mr. Grumpy's car has picked up five turkeys as passengers)
Turkeys: (gobbling)
(Mr. Grumpy continues following Little Miss Whoops)
Turkeys: (gobbling)
(Little Miss Whoops turns the wheel to the left)
Miss Whoops: Ah!!
(The Line-o-matic and Mr. Grumpy turn left. They pass a sign for an autobody shop. Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Grumpy drive through the autobody shop. Drilling, hammering, the sound of a wrench turning, and spraying are heard. Little Miss Whoops drives out of the autobody shop with the Line-o-matic unscathed. Mr. Grumpy, on the other hand, drives out of the autobody shop with his car now painted black black with purple flames on the front. The turkeys are also decked out in rapper chains and hats. The turkeys start bobbing their heads to the background music while the two in the back of the car start break-dancing. Mr. Grumpy sees them dancing and gives them a gesture as a sign to stop goofing around)
Mr. Grumpy: Knock it off! I'm trying to drive.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump. He is carrying a bundle with the intention of hitchhiking)
Mr. Bump: Uh, going to my-
(Little Miss Whoops honks the Line-o-matic's horn. Mr. Bump drops his bundle and crouches down to protect his head)
Mr. Bump: Woah!! (screams)
(Little Miss Whoops sees Mr. Bump and activates a feature on the Line-o-matic that extends the vehicle into the air as it continues to drive. Two yellow lines get painted onto Mr. Bump as the vehicle drives away. Mr. Bump gets up and sees the two stripes painted on him)
Mr. Bump: Oh, stripes really are slimming.
(Mr. Grumpy drives towards Mr. Bump and hits Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump is thrown onto Mr. Grumpy and holds onto his head)
Mr. Bump: Oh no! (screams)
(Little Miss Whoops drives the Line-O-Matic to a junkyard and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys follow in Mr. Grumpy's car)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Slow down!
(Little Miss Whoops drives the Line-O-Matic to a car crusher and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys follow in Mr. Grumpy's car)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): No! Not the crusher!
(Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, and the turkeys approach the crusher)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Little Miss Whoops swerves away)
Miss Whoops: Whoops!
(The turkeys fly away)
Turkeys: (gobble)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(The crusher squishes Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bump into a cube. Once off the conveyor belt, the two uncube themselves and sit in a pile of scrap metal)
Mr. Grumpy: Next time, I'm taking the bus!
(The screen irises out and Paint the World plays)
Mr. Scatterbrain: "Everything I need! Paint, brushes, and my rubber ducky!"
Mr. Scatterbrain: "🎵A flip of the brush, a stroke of paint.
It's almost enough to make some Mister Men faint.
A wall painted purple!
A sky painted blue!
It's time for some remaking!
I'll tell you what to do.
Go out and Change the World!
One color at a time.
Paint it something different, it's the Dillydale style.
A splash of pink, or a stripe of green!
Make it the grooviest place, that you've ever seen.
Go out and Change the World!
One color at a time.
Paint it something different, it's the Dillydale style.🎵"
(Paint the World ends and the next bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are standing by a wooden fence. Little Miss Helpful them appears struggling to control an airbrush gun. As she rides across the screen, Little Miss Helpful sprays red paint all over the fence and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then walk away showing the viewers the silhouettes left behind on the fence. Unexpectedly, the silhouettes walk away in the opposite direction. Then Little Miss Daredevil pushes the scene while flying on her rocket boots. The scene transitions to a paint store)
Mr. Lazy (offscreen): Welcome to the Dillydale Paint Store. How may I help you?
(The camera cuts inside the paint store where Little Miss Calamity is talking to Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy is working behind the counter)
Miss Calamity: Mr. Lazy, I've picked the perfect color for my bedroom walls.
(Little Miss Calamity is shown holding three color shops showing various shades of purple, blue, and pink)
Miss Calamity: But I need you to mix it for me.
Mr. Lazy: No can do, Miss Calamity. Today's "Mix it Yourself Day".
(Mr. Lazy points to the paint mixing machine)
Mr. Lazy: The machine's right over there.
(The camera shows the viewers the high-tech paint mixing machine for a moment before cutting back to a reluctant Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Uh, oh dear! I'm not very good with machinery.
Mr. Lazy: Yeah, well I'm not very good with anything that involves work.
(Little Miss Calamity reluctantly makes her way to the paint mixing machine and pushes the buttons for the paint she wants mixed)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Purple, blue, fuchsia!
(Little Miss Calamity hops onto a stepstool and places her hand on the lever that starts the machine)
Miss Calamity: Oh! This seems pretty easy after all!
(Little Miss Calamity pulls the lever down and the machine shakes and rattles so vigorously that the whole store shakes as well. Mr. Lazy doesn't seem to notice, however. Little Miss Calamity then falls off the stepstool and into the machine)
Miss Calamity (from inside the machine): Ooh! Ooh-hoo-hoo! What a calamity!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy, then the camera cuts back to Little Miss Calamity. The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is shown trapped in the machine stuck in a current of purple, blue, and fuchsia paint)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Ah!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is now shown trapped in the machine stuck in a swirling vortex of purple, blue, and fuchsia paint)
Miss Calamity: Woah! Oh!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy before cutting back to Little Miss Calamity again. Little Miss Calamity is shown trapped in the machine going through the current of purple, blue, and fuchsia paint again. Little Miss Calamity feet are then shown exiting the machine as she goes through a big paint dispense. She is then blasted out of the machine along with the mixed purple, blue, and fuchsia paint)
Miss Calamity: Ooh! Woah! Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity slides along the floor of the paint store, now covered in purple, blue, and fuchsia paint (including the paint cans), and stops in front of the counter Mr. Lazy is sitting behind, reading a magazine)
Mr. Lazy: Break over.
Miss Calamity: I think I changed my mind about the color.
(Little Miss Calamity stands up)
Miss Calamity: I'll be going now.
(Little Miss Calamity leaves)
Mr. Lazy: Glad I could be of service.
(A paint roller paints streaks of red paint up and down the screen. The paint roller then pushes the painted screen away and reveals the next scene. It is a dance video starring Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Noisy (voiceover): Get up your seat and move to the beat! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
(Little Miss Helpful comes up onscreen and paints the next bumper with a paint roller. The next bumper shows shows Mr. Nosey looking through a hole in the fence while Mr. Small simply stands there. Little Miss Helpful walks by to the left and Mr. Small raises his hat to say hello. After Little Miss Helpful leaves, Little Miss Naughty comes up from behind the wooden fence and dumps an entire can of red paint all over Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey is speechless over this terrible prank, Mr. Small is very crossed as he puts his hat back on, and Little Miss Naughty inaudibly chuckles to herself. Several cans of purple paint each appear in either a light green square or a brownish-green square. The squares cover the screen. They all lower away to reveal the next scene. The next scene takes place at Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's duplex. Inside Mr. Messy's side of the house, Mr. Messy is shown carrying a ladder on his shoulder and holding a can of purple paint with the other. Purple paint is spilling all over the floor. Mr. Messy then climbs up the ladder and begins to paint his living room very messily)
Mr. Messy: (humming)
(Paint spills from the can Mr. Messy is holding and gets onto the floor right at the edge of the wall that divides Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's houses. Over at Mr. Persnickety's side of the house, Mr. Persnickety is shown vacuuming his floor)
Mr. Persnickety : (humming)
(The spilled paint starts seeping into Mr. Persnickety's side of the house and Mr. Persnickety notices)
Mr. Persnickety: Hmmm?
(Mr. Persnickety sees the purple paint covering his floor)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh! Oh! (gasps)
(Mr. Persnickety sees that his shoes are covered in the purple paint. Mr. Persnickety faints, splashing into the purple paint. The scene then cuts to Mr. Messy's purple house where Mr. Persnickety can be heard knocking the door. Mr. Messy runs to the door and opens it. Mr. Persnickety is outside with his head and face covered in purple paint)
Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Persnickety. You match my room!
Mr. Persnickety: "Mr. Messy! I have endured your filth long enough. Now you have gone mad with all this purple paint!"
Mr. Messy: I know what you mean. I thought I'd like the color, but it's like living inside a grape.
(Mr. Messy gets an idea)
Mr. Messy: Think I'm gonna repaint.
(Mr. Messy closes the door)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): "Thanks for stopping by, Mr. P!"
(The scene transitions to Mr. Persnickety's bedroom that evening. Mr. Persnickety is sound asleep with a hot water bottle on his head)
Mr. Persnickety: (snoring)
(Back at Mr. Messy's house, Mr. Messy uses a screwdriver to open up a can of white paint. Paint that is identical to the color of the room Mr. Persnickety was vacuuming earlier. After opening up the paint can, Mr. Messy climbs up the ladder and begins to paint his living room very messily)
Mr. Messy: (humming)
(Like earlier, paint spills from the can Mr. Messy is holding and gets onto the floor right at the edge of the wall that divides Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's houses. The white paint seeps through the wall and covers up the purple paint that had completely covered and stained the floor on Mr. Persnickety's side of the house. The scene transitions to the next morning)
Rooster (offscreen): (crowing)
(Mr. Persnickety walks into the room and sees the color of the floor is back to normal. Mr. Persnickety even takes his glasses off as he inspects the area)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh! Oh, thank goodness! It was just a hideous, horrible nightmare!
(Mr. Persnickety puts his glasses back on)
Mr. Persnickety: (sighs)
(Mr. Persnickety walks outside and, because Mr. Persnickety's repainted floors were still wet, Mr. Persnickety leaves paint covered shoeprints behind him)
Mr. Persnickety: Hmm...
(Mr. Persnickety looks down and notices the paint covered shoeprints he has left behind)
Mr. Persnickety: Mr. Messy!!
(The screen irises out and the scene transitions to some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Rude painting Little Miss Chatterbox and Featherhead's portrait)
Narrator: And so we find that the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
Bird (offscreen): (chirping)
Narrator: Dedicate themselves adding a...
(Little Miss Naughty comes up from behind the wooden fence and dumps an entire can of red paint all over Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey is speechless over this terrible prank, Mr. Small is very crossed as he puts his hat back on, and Little Miss Naughty inaudibly chuckles to herself)
Narrator: Little more color to Dillydale.
(Mr. Messy walks by holding a latter and carrying a can of purple paint that's spilling all over the ground. Mr. Grumpy is shown reading a newspaper while sitting on a recently painted bench)
Narrator: Maybe a little more than is necessary.
(Mr. Grumpy gets up from the freshly painted bench and reveals the wet paint marks from the bench on his backside as he walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown with the can of paint that Mr. Bump fell into)
Narrator: But honestly is there such a thing as too much color.
(Mr. Scatterbrain paints Mr. Bump onto the screen again along with other splotches of different colored paint)
Mr. Bump: Oh, Poopity-Poop!
(The screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)