Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Parks." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Sand and Surf" Next: "Surprises"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big light green screen comes up with "Parks" written on it with Mr. Rude as a bean burger and who created the episode underneath. Birds are heard chirping in the background followed by the sound of something falling and going splat)

Mr. Messy (voiceover): That's what I'm talking about!

(The episode begins with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey riding unicycles and holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun)

Narrator: On a beautiful day, you'll find the Mr. Men and Little Misses out and about in Dillydale Park. They use the park for exercise...

(The camera moves over to Mr. Happy and Mr. Lazy throwing a frisbee around. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Lazy doesn't catch the frisbee)

Narrator: To play games,

(Mr. Bump is shown roller skating when the frisbee hits him in the face and knocks him off the path)

Mr. Bump: Ow!! Woah!

(The camera moves over to Little Miss Sunshine playing her guitar. Little Miss Helpful runs passed her trying to catch a butterfly)

Miss Helpful: (laughs)

Narrator: Or simply...

(Mr. Bump trips over Little Miss Sunshine's picnic basket and lands in Little Miss Helpful's butterfly net)

Narrator: To enjoy the great outdoors!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking towards a park bench and sitting down on it so he can read his newspaper. Mr. Tickle walks by enjoying some ice cream when he spies Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: Of course, some people would prefer to be left alone.

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

Narrator: But that's not always possible in Dillydale Park.

(Mr. Tickle moves back towards Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: Hello Mr. Grumpy! Great to see you!

Mr. Grumpy (in falsetto): I'm not Mr. Grumpy. Goodbye!

Mr. Tickle: (chuckles) You can't fool me! I've tickled those feet before!

Mr. Grumpy (in his normal voice): Hello, Mr. Tickle.

(Mr. Tickle sits next to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: Want some of my ice cream?

Mr. Grumpy: No, thank you.

Mr. Tickle: How about a one-handed tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: No! I'd like to read my newspaper in peace if you don't mind!

(Mr. Tickle sulks. A pigeon then flies down and coos)

Mr. Grumpy: Humph! And stop that cooing!

(The pigeon flies away. Mr. Strong jogs over)

Mr. Strong: (breathing hard)

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

Mr. Tickle: Mr. Strong! Would you like a tickle? I've got one hand free.

Mr. Strong: Uh, thanks. But not right now, Mr. Tickle. I've gotta exercise!

(Mr. Strong starts doing push-ups)

Mr. Strong: (grunting) 110! (grunting) 120!

Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles)

Mr. Tickle: Nobody wants a tickle! Not even this ice cream cone can make me feel better.

Mr. Grumpy: Do you two mind? I'm trying to read! Between your grunting and your sulking, I can't even finish one sentence.

Mr. Strong: 300! Uh...sorry, Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: Ugh.

(Mr. Strong moves and starts doing jumping jacks. Shaking the ground in the process)

Mr. Strong: (grunting)

Mr. Tickle: Ooh! Ooh!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh?

(The shaking causes Mr. Tickle's ice cream to fall off the cone and onto Mr. Grumpy's knee)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah!

Mr. Tickle: My ice cream! Oh!

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

(Mr. Tickle throws the cone away)

Mr. Tickle: Oh well. Now I can give a two-handed tickle!

Mr. Grumpy: Not if you value your arms! (sighs)

(Mr. Grumpy takes the ice cream off his knee and throws it on the ground. Mr. Strong jogs over, picks up the bench, and starts powerlifting it)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Tickle: Yay! (laughs) Now I can give you a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy but Mr. Grumpy stops him)

Mr. Grumpy: No! No! Stop! Strong, put us down this instant!

(Mr. Strong notices Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy on the bench and puts it down)

Mr. Strong: Oh! Sorry, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy slide off the bench)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

Mr. Strong: I got so carried away with my workout, I forgot you were there!

Mr. Grumpy: Obviously! It's clear that I'm not going to be able to sit on my favorite bench and read my newspaper quietly. Alone.

Mr. Strong: You want a quiet spot? Hey, I know just the place!

(Mr. Strong picks Mr. Grumpy up and puts Mr. Grumpy back on the bench)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong picks up the bench and throws it towards the left like a football. Mr. Grumpy hangs on for dear life)

Mr. Grumpy: (screams)

(Mr. Grumpy and the bench land on the ground and slide in front of a fountain before stopping. Mr. Grumpy looks around for a moment before taking a liking to his new location)

Mr. Grumpy: This is more like it!

(Mr. Grumpy starts reading his newspaper again. Suddenly, Mr. Scatterbrain surfaces from the water in the fountain wearing a snorkel. Water from the snorkel squirts out at a surprised Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Grumpy! Having a nice day at the park?

(Mr. Grumpy gets fed up with everything that is happening at the park)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Grumpy stands up and throws his hat down in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: I'm going home!

(Mr. Grumpy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain holds his nose and resumes his swim in the fountain as the screen fades to black. The first bumper plays. Mr. Nervous walks over to the fountain and drops a coin in it. A walrus comes out of the fountain and spits water onto Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear as the walrus looks at the viewers in confusion. The next scene shows Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox at Dillydale Park. They're just sitting down enjoying some cool bottles of water)

Narrator: It's always nice when two friends get together to enjoy a beautiful day at the park.

(Little Miss Chatterbox drinks some water from her water bottle while Mr. Rude squirts the water from his water bottle into his mouth)

Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox, I must admit, for once you had a good idea coming to the park.

Miss Chatterbox: Thanks, Mr. Rude. (chuckles) It's really fun at the park. Isn't it? Much better than just staying home! I wonder what I'd be doing at home? Maybe feeding my parrot, Featherbrain. She really likes papaya. And strawberry jam! But not together in a sandwich.

Mr. Rude: Oh, you are making me hungry. Uh, where are the snacks for us?

(Little Miss Chatterbox realizes something)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Goodness me! I completely forgot to bring snacks!

(Little Miss Magic appears)

Miss Magic: Ooh! Did someone say "snacks?"

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hickle-dee-bickle-dee, bop-i-dee-band, show me Miss Magic's Snack Stand!

(Little Miss Magic makes her snack stand appear. Both Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox are happy about this)

Miss Chatterbox: Ah!

Mr. Rude: Ha-ha!

(Mr. Rude even rubs his hands together in excitement)

Miss Chatterbox: Hi, Miss Magic!

Mr. Rude: (giggles)

Miss Chatterbox: I wish I could do magic! I can't even do a card trick! Even the really easy ones! Like find the Ace, or King, or Queen, or Jack, or...what is a Jack anyway?

Mr. Rude: Oh, cut the chitchat! I'm hungry as a bear! I'll have a beanburger, extra onion, and a side of baked beans!

Miss Chatterbox: Ooh! That sounds good to me too! Only, no onion on mine! Yuck! Bad breath!

Miss Magic: Ha! Coming right up!

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hickle-dee-bickle-dee, bop-i-dee-tude, bring my friends their order of food!

(Little Miss Magic makes two bears appear)

Bears: (growls)

Miss Magic: (giggles) Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Rude: I said "beans!" Not "bears!"

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out her cellphone)

Miss Chatterbox: Wait! I have to take a picture for Miss Scary! She'll love this! Okay bears, say cheese!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes a picture)

Bears: (roars)

Miss Chatterbox: I think we know who's been eating onions, don't we?

Mr. Rude: Uh! Enough with the wildlife lesson! Bring me my beanburger!

Miss Magic: Ha! Don't worry, Mr. Rude! I can fix this!

(Little Miss Magic uses her magic to make the bears disappear)

Miss Magic: Za-ra-zee!

(Little Miss Magic accidentally turns Mr. Rude's head into a beanburger)

Miss Magic: Ta-da!

(Little Miss Magic realizes her mistake and looks at Mr. Rude with a concerned look on her face)

Miss Magic: (gasps)

Mr. Rude: What is going on?

Miss Chatterbox: (scoffs) Mr. Rude, you're a beanburger!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes a picture of Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: Actually you look good in lettuce and ketchup. Brings out the colour in your eyes!

Miss Magic: Oh! I know what to do this time!

(Little Miss Magic turns Mr. Rude's head back to normal and makes a table with plates covered by lids appear on it)

Miss Chatterbox: Ah!

Mr. Rude: Humph! Finally! You nincompoop!

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me! Enjoy your lunch!

(Little Miss Magic disappears along with her snack stand. Mr. Rude lifts the cover off his food and finds a skunk on his plate)

Mr. Rude: (screams) SKUNK!!

(Mr. Rude runs away and the skunk chases after him. Little Miss Chatterbox lifts the cover off her food and finds papaya on her plate)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Papaya! Yum! Featherbrain is going to be so jealous!

(The skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: She loves papaya! I'll have to bring some home in a doggy bag!

(The skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: I wonder if it's called a birdie bag if it's for your bird? It's a shame Mr. Rude wasn't around to have some. He was so hungry.

(Little Miss Chatterbox starts eating her papaya while the skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: Leave me alone! Go away!

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Mr. Nervous, a little more nervous than before, walks over to the fountain and drops a coin in it. A swamp monster comes out of the fountain and licks Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Blech! (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear as the swamp monster stares in confusion)

Swamp Monster: (growls)

(The scene transitions to a dance video. It begins with Mr. Quiet dancing in front of a brown background with flowers on it. Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Curious join Mr. Quiet on a purple and violet background and dance with him. The dance video transitions to Mr. Stubborn dancing over Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy is shown sleeping until Mr. Stubborn leaps over him and offscreen. Finally, the dance video shows Mr. Happy dancing in front of a similar background to the one Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Curious danced in front of. Mr. Grumpy is also there and joins Mr. Happy in the dance after a bit of hesitation. Afterwards, the scene transitions to Little Miss Giggles flying a kite in Dillydale Park)

Narrator: A park is also the perfect place to test a new kite!

(Little Miss Giggles walks away as she continues to fly her kite. As she walks away, Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Sunshine are revealed to have been hiding behind Little Miss Giggles. Mr. Fussy is also preparing to fly a kite)

Narrator: Especially if you're Mr. Fussy. Who likes to do things perfectly.

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Ooh! I love kites! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!

Mr. Fussy: Miss Sunshine, your role will be that of...kite holder! You will hold the kite and I will hold the string. Once the kite is up in the air, your job is done and I will do the flying!

(Little Miss Sunshine raises her hand)

Mr. Fussy: Do you have any questions?

Miss Sunshine: Yes. May I put some ribbons on the tail to match my hair ribbons?

(Little Miss Sunshine takes out some hair ribbons)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Certainly!

(Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Perfect! No trees, no electricity lines. and no other kite flyers.

(Mr. Messy walks over with a tuna sandwich in one hand and a bag in the other)

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Fussy! Miss Sunshine!

(Mr. Fussy turns around. Mr. Fussy is displeased with Mr. Messy arrival. Little Miss Sunshine waves hello to Mr. Messy)

Miss Sunshine: (gasps)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy!

Mr. Messy: What are you guys doing?

Miss Sunshine: We're about to launch Mr. Fussy's brand new kite!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite out of his tuna sandwich)

Miss Sunshine: Oh, it's so exciting!

Mr. Messy: (burps)

Mr. Fussy: Yes. So please, stand back so as not to interfere! And make sure you get none of that tuna sandwich on my kite!

Mr. Messy: No problem!

(Mr. Messy puts his tuna sandwich into his bag)

Mr. Messy: I'll save it for later!

(Mr. Messy takes a ball of rubbish out of his bag)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy, you really shouldn't bring your rubbish to the park!

(Mr. Fussy points to a rubbish can behind Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: But if you must, there's a waste receptacle right behind.

Mr. Messy: This isn't rubbish! It's me kite!

Miss Sunshine: I didn't know kites could be round.

Mr. Fussy: They can't. That ball of scraps will never get off the ground!

(Mr. Messy places his rubbish onto a picnic table and takes a pot of glue with a paintbrush out of his bag)

Mr. Messy: Oh, me kite's not finished! I'm still working on it! Don't mind me.

Mr. Fussy: Let's continue, shall we, Miss Sunshine? Uh please, hold the kite above your head.

(Little Miss Sunshine follows Mr. Fussy's instructions. Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Ah! A breeze! Let go, Miss Sunshine!

(Little Miss Sunshine lets go of the kite and the kite falls to the ground)

Mr. Messy: Oh shame! Your wind wasn't strong enough!

Mr. Fussy: I think I know how to fly a kite.

(Little Miss Sunshine picks up Mr. Fussy's kite and notices Mr. Messy's rubbish stuck to him due to the glue he was using to make his kite)

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Messy! You've become the kite!

Mr. Messy: I know! It's crazy!

Mr. Fussy: Crazy indeed. Miss Sunshine, if you please. Let us try this again.

(Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Perfect wind! Now, Miss Sunshine!

(Little Miss Sunshine releases the kite and the kite flies into the air)

Miss Sunshine: Ah!

(The kite stays in the air for a few seconds before crash landing on Mr. Fussy's head)

Mr. Fussy: Oh!

Mr. Messy: Too much wind that time.

Mr. Fussy: Just what do you know about kite flying?

Mr. Messy: Who me? Lots!

(Mr. Messy shows everyone his rubbish made kite)

Miss Sunshine: Ah!

Mr. Fussy: Oh! How disgusting! That THING doesn't belong in the sky!

Mr. Messy: What are you talking about, Mr. Fussy? My kite is beautiful! Eh, would one of you be my kite holder?

(Little Miss Sunshine raises her hand to offer her help)

Miss Sunshine: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

(Mr. Fussy taps his foot and looks at Little Miss Sunshine with a crossed look on his face)

Miss Sunshine: (scoffs innocently) I just thought, since your kite isn't really working, Mr. Fussy...

Mr. Fussy: If anyone can get this tattered mess off the ground it's me!

(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: I'll assist Mr. Messy.

Miss Sunshine: Okiey-dokey! I'll go and pick some flowers!

(Little Miss Sunshine leaves to pick flowers. Mr. Fussy grabs Mr. Messy's kite but it gets stuck to his hand)

Mr. Messy: There's the wind!

Mr. Fussy: (struggling noises)

Mr. Messy: Let her go!

Mr. Fussy: I can't! I seem to be stuck! This glue is still wet!

(Mr. Messy goes over to Mr. Fussy and tries to help Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Get me out of here, at once!

(Mr. Messy's kite string accidentally gets Mr. Fussy tangled up. The wind picks up and carries both Mr. Messy's kite and Mr. Fussy off the ground. Luckily, the wind unsticks Mr. Messy's kite from Mr. Fussy's hand. Mr. Messy proceeds to fly Mr. Fussy and his kite)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Little Miss Sunshine returns with a small bouquet of daisies)

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Messy, your kite is flying!

Mr. Messy: Pretty cool, eh?

Mr. Fussy: (screams) Mr. Messy! Real me in!

(Mr. Messy gets nervous)

Mr. Messy: Eh...

(Birds fly passed Mr. Fussy)

Birds: (cawing)

Mr. Fussy: Ooh! Ah! Ey! I thought you said you knew how to fly a kite!?

Mr. Messy: I just know how to get them up! Not down!

Mr. Fussy: You...are really the most infuriating...

(Mr. Fussy hits a blimp being piloted by Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. Mr. Fussy starts falling to the ground)

Mr. Fussy: Oof! (screams)

(Mr. Small raises his hat)

Mr. Small: Lovely day for kite flying!

(Mr. Fussy is shown falling from the sky)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Messy is shown looking for something to catch Mr. Fussy with)

Mr. Messy: Don't worry, Mr. Fussy! I'll catch you!

(Mr. Messy grabs a trash can and notices something on the top)

Mr. Messy: Hey!

(Mr. Messy takes a trainer out of the trash)

Mr. Messy: Someone threw away a perfectly good trainer!

(Mr. Fussy continues to fall)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy lands on his kite. The kite breaks his fall but is crushed in the process. Little Miss Sunshine walks over to Mr. Fussy with a bouquet of daisies)

Miss Sunshine: Would you like a daisy Mr. Fussy? I picked them myself.

(Mr. Fussy lifts his face off the ground)

Mr. Fussy: Oh. Thank you, Miss Sunshine. You're very kind.

(Mr. Fussy face falls back to the ground)

Mr. Fussy: Ugh.

(The scene fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Nervous, even more nervous than before, is shown at the fountain)

Mr. Nervous: Ooh!

(Mr. Nervous hesitantly and drops a coin into the fountain)

Mr. Nervous: (sighs)

(Mr. Scatterbrain (wearing swim goggles) comes out with a chest full of treasure)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear. Much to Mr. Scatterbrain's disappointment)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): (screams)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey preparing to head home from the park. Mr. Small jumps on the picnic basket to make sure everything is in)

Narrator: Another day in Dillydale's finest park comes to a close.

(Mr. Nosey picks up Mr. Small and the picnic basket and head home. The camera pans to Mr. Strong putting down two trash cans and heads home with Mr. Bounce. Mr. Fussy approaches one of the trash cans dragging his destroyed kite behind him)

Narrator: Some days at the park can leave you weary.

(Mr. Fussy throws his destroyed kite in the trash. The scene then shows Mr. Messy happily sitting down on a little hill flying his kite)

Narrator: While others are so perfect, you never want them to end.

(Mr. Messy continues to fly his kite as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big light green screen comes up with "Parks" written on it with Mr. Rude as a bean burger and who created the episode underneath. Birds are heard chirping in the background followed by the sound of something falling and going splat)

Mr. Messy (voiceover): That's what I'm talking about!

(The episode begins with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey riding unicycles and holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun)

Narrator: On a beautiful day, you'll find the Mr. Men and Little Misses out and about in Dillydale Park. They use the park for exercise...

(The camera moves over to Mr. Happy and Mr. Lazy throwing a frisbee around. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Lazy doesn't catch the frisbee)

Narrator: To play games,

(Mr. Bump is shown roller skating when the frisbee hits him in the face and knocks him off the path)

Mr. Bump: Ah! Woah!

(The camera moves over to Little Miss Sunshine playing her guitar. Little Miss Helpful runs passed her trying to catch a butterfly)

Narrator: Or simply...

(Mr. Bump trips over Little Miss Sunshine's picnic basket and lands in Little Miss Helpful's butterfly net)

Narrator: To enjoy the great outdoors!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking towards a park bench and sitting down on it so he can read his newspaper. Mr. Tickle walks by enjoying some ice cream when he spies Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: Of course, some people would prefer to be left alone. But that's not always possible in Dillydale Park.

(Mr. Tickle moves back towards Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: Hello Mr. Grumpy! Great to see you!

Mr. Grumpy (in falsetto): I'm not Mr. Grumpy. Goodbye!

Mr. Tickle: (chuckles) You can't fool me! I've tickled those feet before!

Mr. Grumpy (in his normal voice): Hello Mr. Tickle.

(Mr. Tickle sits next to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: Want some of my ice cream?

Mr. Grumpy: No thank you.

Mr. Tickle: How about a one-handed tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: No! I'd like to read my newspaper in peace if you don't mind!

(Mr. Tickle sulks. A pigeon then flies down and coos)

Mr. Grumpy: And stop that cooing!

(The pigeon flies away. Mr. Strong jogs over)

Mr. Tickle: Mr. Strong! Would you like a tickle? I've got one free hand.

Mr. Strong: Yo, thanks. But not right now, Mr. Tickle. I've gotta exercise!

(Mr. Strong starts doing push-ups)

Mr. Strong: (grunting) 110! (grunting) 120!

Mr. Tickle: Nobody wants a tickle! Not even this ice cream cone can make me feel better.

Mr. Grumpy: Do you two mind? I'm trying to read! Between your grunting and your sulking, I can't even finish one sentence.

Mr. Strong: 300! Yo sorry, Mr. Grumpy

(Mr. Strong moves and starts doing jumping jacks. Shaking the ground in the process)

Mr. Strong: (grunting)

(The shaking causes Mr. Tickle's ice cream to fall off the cone and onto Mr. Grumpy's knee)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah!

Mr. Tickle: My ice cream! Oh!

(Mr. Tickle throws the cone away)

Mr. Tickle: Oh well. Now I can give a two-handed tickle!

Mr. Grumpy: Not if you value your arms!

(Mr. Grumpy takes the ice cream off his knee and throws it on the ground. Mr. Strong jogs over, picks up the bench, and starts powerlifting it)

Mr. Grumpy: Woah!

Mr. Tickle: Yay! (laughs) I knew you really wanted a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy but Mr. Grumpy stops him)

Mr. Grumpy: No! No! Stop! Strong, put us down this instant!

(Mr. Strong notices Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy on the bench and puts it down)

Mr. Strong: Oh! Sorry, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy slide off the bench)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Strong: I got so carried away with my workout, I forgot you were there!

Mr. Grumpy: Obviously! It's clear that I'm not going to be able to sit on my favorite bench and read my newspaper quietly. Alone.

Mr. Strong: You want a quiet spot? Hey, I know just the place!

(Mr. Strong picks Mr. Grumpy up and puts Mr. Grumpy back on the bench)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong picks up the bench and throws it towards the left like a football. Mr. Grumpy hangs on for dear life)

Mr. Grumpy: Woah!!!

(Mr. Grumpy and the bench land on the ground and slide in front of a fountain before stopping. Mr. Grumpy looks around for a moment before taking a liking to his new location)

Mr. Grumpy: That's more like it!

(Mr. Grumpy starts reading his newspaper again. Suddenly, Mr. Scatterbrain surfaces from the water in the fountain wearing a snorkel. Water from the snorkel squirts out at a surprised Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Grumpy! Having a nice day at the park?

(Mr. Grumpy gets fed up with everything that is happening at the park)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Grumpy stands up and throws his hat down in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: I'm going home!

(Mr. Grumpy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain holds his nose and resumes his swim in the fountain as the screen fades to black. The first bumper plays. Mr. Nervous walks over to the fountain and drops a coin in it. A walrus comes out of the fountain and spits water onto Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear as the walrus looks at the viewers in confusion)

(A commercial for Little Miss Daredevil's Tiny Train Tour begins)

Miss Daredevil: Miss Daredevil here to tell you about my Tiny Train Tour!

(Little Miss Daredevil blows the train's whistle)

Miss Daredevil: Where you'll get to see all of Dillydale Park from the comfort of a tiny train! But don't take my word for it! Hear what Mr. Nervous has to say!

Mr. Nervous: Oh I'm just glad it doesn't go too fast!

Miss Daredevil: Not without rockets it doesn't!

(Little Miss Daredevil activates the rockets on her train)

Mr. Nervous: (gasps in horror)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!

Mr. Nervous: What happened to slow? I liked slow!

Miss Daredevil: Thanks to my rockets, you'll get to see every part of Dillydale Park in under one minute!

(The tiny trains derails from the track)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(The tiny train lands in a pond and zooms passed flamingos)

Miss Daredevil: You'll see the flamingo pond!

Mr. Nervous: Perilous patch of pink!

(The tiny train zooms through a forest)

Miss Daredevil: The Dillydale Fern Forest!

Mr. Nervous: Fiendishly thorny ferns!

Miss Daredevil: And the best part of all...Avalanche Ridge!

(The trains zooms through Avalanche Ridge)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!

(A large rock falls and just barely misses the train)

Mr. Nervous: Oh no! No, no, no! This is the last time I ever leave the safety of my home!

(The train returns to the tracks and parachutes deploy to slow the train down. Mr. Nervous immediately gets out of the train when it stops)

Mr. Nervous: (incoherent babbling)

(Mr. Nervous faints)

Miss Daredevil: Another satisfied customer of "Miss Daredevil's Tiny Train Tour!" Come on down and give us a try! I dare ya!

(Little Miss Daredevil starts the train up again and it zooms offscreen with one last blow from the train whistle before fading to black)

(The next scene shows Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox at Dillydale Park. They're just sitting down enjoying some cool bottles of water)

Narrator: It's always nice when two friends get together to enjoy a beautiful day at the park.

(Little Miss Chatterbox drinks some water from her water bottle while Mr. Rude squirts the water from his water bottle into his mouth)

Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox, I must admit, for once you had a good idea coming to the park.

Miss Chatterbox: Thanks, Mr. Rude. (chuckles) It's really fun at the park. Isn't it? Much better than just staying home! I wonder what I'd be doing at home? Maybe feeding my parrot, Featherbrain. She really likes papaya. And peanut butter! Not together in a sandwich or anything.

Mr. Rude: Oh, you are making me hungry. Uh, where are the snacks for us?

(Little Miss Chatterbox realizes something)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to bring snacks!

(Little Miss Magic appears)

Miss Magic: Ooh! Did someone say "snacks?"

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hickle-dee-bickle-dee, bop-i-dee-band, show me Miss Magic's Snack Stand!

(Little Miss Magic makes her snack stand appear. Both Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox are happy about this. Mr. Rude even rubs his hands together in excitement)

Miss Chatterbox: Ah! Hi, Miss Magic! I wish I could do magic! I can't even do a card trick! Even the really easy ones! Like find the Ace, or King, or Queen, or Jack, or...what is a Jack anyway?

Mr. Rude: Oh, cut the chitchat! I'm hungry as a bear! I'll have a beanburger, extra onion, and a side of baked beans!

Miss Chatterbox: Ooh! That sounds good to me too! Only, no onion on mine! Yuck! Bad breath!

Miss Magic: Ha! Coming right up!

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hickle-dee-bickle-dee, bop-i-dee-tude, bring my friends their order of food!

(Little Miss Magic makes two bears appear)

Bears: (growls)

Miss Magic: Ha-ha! Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Rude: I said "beans!" Not "bears!"

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out her cellphone)

Miss Chatterbox: Wait! I have to take a picture for Miss Scary! She'll love this! Okay bears, say cheese!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes a picture)

Bears: (roars)

Miss Chatterbox: I guess we know who's been eating onions, don't we?

Mr. Rude: Ugh! Enough with the wildlife lesson! Bring me my beanburger!

Miss Magic: Ah! Don't worry, Mr. Rude! I can fix this!

(Little Miss Magic uses her magic to make the bears disappear)

Miss Magic: Za-da-zee!

(Little Miss Magic accidentally turns Mr. Rude's head into a beanburger)

Miss Magic: Ta-da

(Little Miss Magic realizes her mistake and looks at Mr. Rude with a concerned look on her face)

Mr. Rude: What is going on?

Miss Chatterbox: (scoffs) Mr. Rude, you're a beanburger!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes a picture of Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: Actually you look good in lettuce and a pickle. Brings out the color in your eyes!

Miss Magic: Oh! I know what to do this time!

(Little Miss Magic turns Mr. Rude's head back to normal and makes a table with plates covered by lids appear on it)

Mr. Rude: Humph! Finally! You nincompoop!

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me! Enjoy your lunch!

(Little Miss Magic disappears along with her snack stand. Mr. Rude lifts the cover off his food and finds a skunk on his plate)

Mr. Rude: (screams) SKUNK!!

(Mr. Rude runs away and the skunk chases after him. Little Miss Chatterbox lifts the cover off her food and finds papaya on her plate)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Papaya! (giggles) Yum! Featherbrain is going to be so jealous!

(The skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: She loves papaya! I'll have to bring some home in a doggy bag!

(The skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: I wonder if it's called a birdie bag if it's for your bird? Too bad Mr. Rude wasn't around to have some. He was so hungry.

(Little Miss Chatterbox starts eating her papaya while the skunk continues to chase after Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: Leave me alone! Go away!

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Mr. Nervous, a little more nervous than before, walks over to the fountain and drops a coin in it. A swamp monster comes out of the fountain and licks Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear as the swamp monster stares in confusion)

(The scene transitions to a dance video. It begins with Mr. Quiet dancing in front of a brown background with flowers on it. Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Curious join Mr. Quiet on a purple and violet background and dance with him. The dance video transitions to Mr. Stubborn dancing over Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy is shown sleeping until Mr. Stubborn leaps over him and offscreen. Finally, the dance video shows Mr. Happy dancing in front of a similar background to the one Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Curious danced in front of. Mr. Grumpy is also there and joins Mr. Happy in the dance after a bit of hesitation. Afterwards, the scene transitions to Little Miss Giggles flying a kite in Dillydale Park)

Narrator: A park is also the perfect place to test a new kite!

(Little Miss Giggles walks away as she continues to fly her kite. As she walks away, Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Sunshine are revealed to have been hiding behind Little Miss Giggles. Mr. Fussy is also preparing to fly a kite)

Narrator: Especially if you're Mr. Fussy. Who likes to do things perfectly.

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Ooh! I love kites! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!

Mr. Fussy: Miss Sunshine, your role will be that...of kite holder! You will hold the kite and I will hold the string. Once the kite is up in the air, your job is done and I will do the flying!

(Little Miss Sunshine raises her hand)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, do you have any questions?

Miss Sunshine: Yes. May I put some ribbons on the tail to match my hair ribbons?

(Little Miss Sunshine takes out some hair ribbons)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Certainly!

(Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Perfect! No trees, no power lines. and no other kite flyers.

(Mr. Messy walks over with a tuna salad sandwich in one hand and a bag in the other)

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Fussy! Miss Sunshine!

(Mr. Fussy turns around. Mr. Fussy is displeased with Mr. Messy arrival. Little Miss Sunshine waves hello to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy!

Mr. Messy: What are you guys doing?

Miss Sunshine: We're about to launch Mr. Fussy's brand new kite!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite out of his tuna salad sandwich)

Miss Sunshine: Oh, it's so exciting!

Mr. Messy: (burps)

Mr. Fussy: Yes. So please, stand back so as to not interfere! Oh! And make sure you get none of that tuna salad on my kite!

Mr. Messy: No problem!

(Mr. Messy puts his tuna salad sandwich into his bag)

Mr. Messy: I'll save it for later!

(Mr. Messy takes a ball of trash out of his bag)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy, you really shouldn't bring your trash to the park!

(Mr. Fussy points to a trash can behind Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: But if you must, there's a waste receptacle right over there.

Mr. Messy: This isn't trash! It's my kite!

Miss Sunshine: I didn't know kites could be round.

Mr. Fussy: They can't. That ball of junk will never get off the ground!

(Mr. Messy places his trash onto a picnic table and takes a pot of glue with a paintbrush out of his bag)

Mr. Messy: Oh, my kite's not finished! I'm still working on it! Don't mind me.

Mr. Fussy: Let's continue, shall we Miss Sunshine? Uh please, hold the kite above your head.

(Little Miss Sunshine follows Mr. Fussy's instructions. Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Ah! A breeze! Let go Miss Sunshine!

(Little Miss Sunshine lets go of the kite and the kite falls to the ground)

Mr. Messy: Too bad! Your wind wasn't strong enough!

Mr. Fussy: I think I know how to fly a kite.

(Little Miss Sunshine picks up Mr. Fussy's kite and notices Mr. Messy's trash stuck to him due to the glue he was using to make his kite)

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Messy! You've become the kite!

Mr. Messy: I know! It's crazy!

Mr. Fussy: Crazy indeed. Uh, Miss Sunshine! If you please, let us try this again.

(Mr. Fussy puts his finger in his mouth and uses the finger to check if the wind is blowing)

Mr. Fussy: Perfect wind! Now, Miss Sunshine!

(Little Miss Sunshine releases the kite and the kite flies into the air. The kite stays in the air for a few seconds before crash landing on Mr. Fussy's head)

Mr. Messy: Too much wind this time.

Mr. Fussy: Just what do you know about kite flying?

Mr. Messy: Who me? Lots!

(Mr. Messy shows everyone his trash made kite)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! How disgusting! That THING doesn't belong in the sky!

Mr. Messy: What are you talking about, Mr. Fussy? My kite is beautiful! Uh, would one of you be my kite holder?

(Little Miss Sunshine raises her hand to offer her help)

Miss Sunshine: Ooh! Ooh!

(Mr. Fussy taps his foot and looks at Little Miss Sunshine with a crossed look on his face)

Miss Sunshine: (scoffs innocently) I just thought since your kite isn't really working, Mr. Fussy...

Mr. Fussy: If anyone can get this tattered mess off the ground it's me!

(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: I'll assist Mr. Messy.

Miss Sunshine: Okiey-dokey! I'll go pick flowers!

(Little Miss Sunshine leaves to pick flowers. Mr. Fussy grabs Mr. Messy's kite but it gets stuck to his hand)

Mr. Messy: There's the wind! Let her go!

Mr. Fussy: I can't! I seem to be stuck! This glue is still wet!

(Mr. Messy goes over to Mr. Fussy and tries to help Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Get me out of here, at once!

(Mr. Messy's kite string accidentally gets Mr. Fussy tangled up. The wind picks up and carries both Mr. Messy's kite and Mr. Fussy off the ground. Luckily, the wind unsticks Mr. Messy's kite from Mr. Fussy's hand. Mr. Messy proceeds to fly Mr. Fussy and his kite)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Little Miss Sunshine returns with a small bouquet of daisies)

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Messy, your kite is flying!

Mr. Messy: Pretty cool, huh.

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy! Real me in!

(Mr. Messy gets nervous and birds fly passed Mr. Fussy)

Birds: (cawing)

Mr. Fussy: (screams) I thought you said you knew how to fly a kite!?

Mr. Messy: I just know how to get them up! Not down!

Mr. Fussy: You...are really the most infuriating...

(Mr. Fussy hits a blimp being piloted by Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. Mr. Fussy starts falling to the ground)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Small raises his hat)

Mr. Small: Lovely day for kite flying!

(Mr. Fussy is shown falling from the sky)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Messy is shown looking for something to catch Mr. Fussy with)

Mr. Messy: Don't worry, Mr. Fussy! I'll catch you!

(Mr. Messy grabs a trash can and notices something on the top)

Mr. Messy: Hey!

(Mr. Messy takes a sneaker out of the trash)

Mr. Messy: Someone threw away a perfectly good sneaker!

(Mr. Fussy continues to fall)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy lands on his kite. The kite breaks his fall but is crushed in the process. Little Miss Sunshine walks over to Mr. Fussy with a bouquet of daisies)

Miss Sunshine: Would you like a daisy Mr. Fussy? I picked them myself.

(Mr. Fussy lifts his face off the ground)

Mr. Fussy: Oh. Uh, thank you, Miss Sunshine. You're very kind.

(Mr. Fussy face falls back to the ground)

Mr. Fussy: Doh.

(The scene fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Nervous, even more nervous than before, is shown at the fountain. Mr. Nervous hesitantly and drops a coin into the fountain. Mr. Scatterbrain (wearing swim goggles) comes out with a chest full of treasure)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away in fear. Much to Mr. Scatterbrain's disappointment. The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey preparing to head home from the park. Mr. Small jumps on the picnic basket to make sure everything is in)

Narrator: Another day at Dillydale's finest park comes to a close.

(Mr. Nosey picks up Mr. Small and the picnic basket and head home. The camera pans to Mr. Strong putting down two trash cans and heads home with Mr. Bounce. Mr. Fussy approaches one of the trash cans dragging his destroyed kite behind him)

Narrator: Some days at the park can leave you weary.

(Mr. Fussy throws his destroyed kite in the trash. The scene then shows Mr. Messy happily sitting down on a little hill flying his kite)

Narrator: While others are so perfect, you never want them to end!

(Mr. Messy continues to fly his kite as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
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Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests