Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Parties." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Robots" Next: "Up and Down"


Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big magenta screen comes up with "Parties" written on it with Mr. Messy, scribbles, balloons, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of party noise makers, whistles, and horns honking are heard)

(The episode begins with balloons flying into the air and the town of Dillydale bouncing to the beat of party music)

Narrator: "Everyone loves a party! That's why the good people of Dillydale have lots of them!"

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil hanging up party decorations)

Narrator: Whether they be big celebrations...

(The camera moves down to show Mr. Bump hanging up decorations with Little Miss Whoops filling a balloon with helium. Little Miss Whoops is oblivious to how big the balloon is getting)

Narrator: With fancy decorations...

(The balloon grows so big, it pops in Mr. Bump's face and he falls off the ladder)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Sunshine having a tea party with Little Miss Helpful, Mr. Rude, and a dog)

Narrator: Or simple tea parties with crustless sandwiches.

(Little Miss Sunshine passes a tray of sandwiches to Little Miss Helpful. Little Miss Helpful takes a sandwich and passes the tray to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: Blech!

(Mr. Rude passes the tray to the dog and the dog starts scarfing down all the sandwiches on the tray)

Narrator: One thing about parties is certain.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Noisy's house where the viewers can see Mr. Noisy throwing a loud party. The camera pans over to Mr. Quiet's house. Mr. Quiet is covering his ears in pain due to the loud noise. Then, Mr. Quiet gets an idea)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know how to have a good time!

(Mr. Quiet goes into his house and comes out wearing a pair of earmuffs. As Mr. Quiet leaves his house, the camera pans over to Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Naughty, who are heading to Mr. Messy's house for his party)

Narrator: Down the block, there's another party going on! At Mr. Messy's house!

Miss Naughty: Come on, Mr. Fussy! We don't want to be late!

Mr. Fussy: I enjoy a party as much as the next person, but somehow, a party at Mr. Messy's house sounds...

Miss Naughty: Fun?

Mr. Fussy: No. Filthy. However, it is only polite to accept a neighbour's invitation. I will do my best to have a good time.

(Just as Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Fussy arrive at Mr. Messy's house, Little Miss Naughty gets an idea and stops. Mr. Fussy bumps into her)

Miss Naughty: You know what would be a good time? Releasing a crate of chickens in Mr. Messy's house!

Mr. Fussy: Not only is that tastelessly naughty, it would be pointless! Mr. Messy would never notice chickens wandering about in this junkyard he calls a home.

Miss Naughty: I'm going to go get some anyway. Just in case their party's boring!

(Little Miss Naughty leaves to get some chickens. Mr. Fussy walks to the door and knocks on it. Mr. Messy answers it. "Dillydale Dance Floor" is heard in the background)

Mr. Messy: "Hey, Mr. Fussy! Glad you could make it!"

Mr. Bump (on a radio offscreen): "🎵You know you wanna, but your hips won't shake. It's like...🎵"

Mr. Messy: "Come on in!"

Mr. Bump (on a radio offscreen): "🎵Your wiggle's on a...🎵"

Mr. Bump and Mr. Messy (on a radio offscreen): "Permanent break!🎵"

(The scene cuts inside Mr. Messy's house. Mr. Lazy is sleeping on the couch and "Dillydale Dance Floor" is blaring out of a radio)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): "🎵The beat is jammin', you got something to prove🎵"

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Fussy: [shouting] "Where are all the guests?"

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵Don't be a Mr. Grumpy, now let's move to the groove!🎵

Mr. Messy (shouting): "Oh! Mr. Lazy's the only other person so far!"

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵The beat is hot and this is the spot! Come on and get down on the Dillydale Dance Floor🎵

(Mr. Fussy walks over to the radio)

Mr. Fussy (shouting): "Perhaps, we should turn down this noise."

Mr. Bump (on the radio): "🎵Don't be a chump and sit like a lump🎵"

Mr. Fussy (shouting): "So we don't wake him!"

Mr. Bump (on the radio): "🎵Come on and get-🎵"

[Mr. Fussy turns off the radio; Mr. Lazy continues snoring while he blows the party noise maker]

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Messy: "Doesn't feel much like a party without the music, but okay!"

(Mr. Messy starts walking to the other side of the room)

Mr. Messy: "Hey! Come check out the food!"

[Mr. Fussy follows Mr. Messy]

Mr. Fussy: I am in need of some refreshments.

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Fussy walk over the the refreshments table. Mr. Messy grabs a bowl of dip and offers it to Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Messy: Want some dip? The crackers are over there!

(The camera pans to a box of old, stale crackers. A mouse pops out of the box eating one of the crackers0

Mouse: (squeaks)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy, who is disgusted by the dip)

Mr. Fussy: Dah! No thank you.

(Mr. Fussy pushes the dip away)

Mr. Fussy: Uh...dip upsets my stomach!

(Mr. Messy offers Mr. Fussy an old carrot)

Mr. Messy: How about a carrot?

Mr. Fussy: I only eat peeled vegetables. Peeled and washed!

Mr. Messy: Suit yourself!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite from the carrot)

Mr. Fussy: I'll just have some punch.

(The doorbell rings and Mr. Messy walks over to answer the door)

Mr. Messy: The punch bowl's right over there!

(Mr. Fussy walks over to the punch bowl. Unbeknownst to Mr. Fussy, a goldfish is shown swimming in it. Mr. Fussy grabs a cup and pours some punch into it and takes a sip)

Mr. Fussy: Hmmm....

(Mr. Fussy smacks his lips together)

Mr. Fussy: This is actually quite tasty.

(Mr. Fussy lifts up his cup of punch and notices the goldfish. The goldfish waves hello. Mr. Fussy is, unsurprisingly disgusted. Mr. Fussy does a spit take and drops his cup of punch. Spilling his drink and the goldfish swimming in it)

Mr. Fussy: (gasp) "Sweet smiling coinker!"

(The goldfish crawls back into the punch bowl as Mr. Messy returns with a stack of pizzas)

Mr. Messy: "Pizzas are here!"

Mr. Fussy: "Mr. Messy, are you aware that there is a goldfish in your punch bowl?"

Mr. Messy: "Oh sure! That's Barry! I needed to use his bowl for the punch."

(Mr. Messy takes out a cup of punch. The camera cuts to Barry who also has a cup and is having a wonderful time)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): "So I had to invite him!"

(Barry smiles. The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is drinking some punch)

Mr. Fussy: "But it's very unsanitary!"

(Mr. Messy tosses his cup over his shoulder and it breaks offscreen)

Mr. Messy: "Ah, don't worry! Barry's clean! He takes baths all day!"

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Well...oh!

(Mr. Fussy looks at his wrist as if he has a watch on and pretends to check the time)

Mr. Fussy: "Look at the time! I must be going!"

(Mr. Fussy tries to leave but Mr. Messy stops him)

Mr. Messy: "You can't leave until you've taken a pop at the piñata!"

(Mr. Messy walks over with a bat)

Mr. Fussy:" Really!"

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy the bat)

Mr. Fussy: I prefer not to participate!

(Mr. Messy takes out a blindfold and ties it over Mr. Fussy's eyes. Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Fussy over to the piñata)

Mr. Messy: "Go ahead! Whack it!"

(Mr. Fussy walks over to the piñata)

Mr. Fussy: "Oh, very well."

(Mr. Fussy starts swinging at the piñata)

Mr. Fussy: (grunts)

Mr. Messy: "You're close Mr. Fussy!"

(Mr. Fussy hits the pinata and breaks off a leg. But instead of candy, blackberry jam falls out of the pinata and covers Mr. Fussy in jam from head to toe)

Mr. Fussy: "What's this?"

Mr. Messy: "I didn't have any sweets, so I used blackberry jam instead!"

(Blackberry jam gets on the boombox and the boombox turns on and plays "Beachin' with the Boombox)

Mr. Strong (on the radio): "🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵"

(Mr. Fussy (still covered in jam) walks to the door. A disco ball lowers from the ceiling and starts spinning. Mr. Messy slides into frame and takes Mr. Lazy's pillow)

Mr. Messy: "Now that's what I'm talking about! It's disco pillow fight time!"

Mr. Strong (on the radio): "🎵Yeah! Blarin' tracks on the deck!🎵"

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy a pillow)

Mr. Strong (on the radio): "🎵Got the whole crowd up and dancin'🎵"

Mr. Fussy: "Please! Mr. Messy, I am in no mood for..."

(Mr. Messy starts hitting Mr. Fussy with his pillow and Mr. Fussy gets covered in feathers due to the jam that makes the feathers stick to his body)

Mr. Messy: "Shazam! Now we're partying!"

(Mr. Messy starts chasing Mr. Fussy around as he hits him with his pillow)

Mr. Fussy: "Oh! Oh!"

Mr. Strong (on the radio): "🎵On our sand dune discotheque, yeah🎵"

(Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy run past a window. Outside, Little Miss Naughty pokes her head up and looks inside the house)

Mr. Fussy: "That's it! I'm going home!"

(Mr. Fussy, still covered in feathers, walks over to the door, opens it to leave and finds chickens outside)

Chickens: (clucking)

Mr. Messy: "Yay! More guests!"

(Hearts form over the heads of each chicken as they fall in love with Mr. Fussy, who they believe is a giant chicken)

Chickens: (clucking)

(The chickens start flying around Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: "Shoo! Get away!"

(Mr. Fussy runs outside and the chickens follow him)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): "I am not your mother!" (screams)

(Mr. Fussy and the chickens run past Little Miss Naughty)

Mr. Fussy: "Leave me be!"

Chickens: (clucking)

Miss Naughty: (laughs triumphantly) "Sometimes, I just can't help myself! Ha-ha!"

(Balloons fly up and transitions the scene to the first bumper. Little Miss Whoops is shown blowing up a balloon with helium. The balloon gets stuck on the valve. By the time Little Miss Whoops gets the balloon off the valve, it's so big that Little Miss Whoops and the balloon fly away as the screen fades to black. The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous driving in a pizza delivery van on his way to deliver pizzas to a party)

Narrator: "A pizza delivery person is always a welcome sight of a party in Dillydale, which should make Mr. Nervous very popular this evening."

Miss Helpful (over the radio): "Mr. Nervous, are you Mr. Tickle's party yet?"

(Mr. Nervous picks up the radio and talks into the transceiver)

Mr. Nervous: "Roger, Miss Helpful!"

(Mr. Nervous arrives at Mr. Tickle's house and parks the van)

Mr. Nervous: "I'm parallel parking right now!"

Miss Helpful (over the radio): "Excellent! They're waiting for their pizzas."

Mr. Nervous: "I'll be there in a minute! Over and out!"

(Mr. Nervous exits the van, takes out a stack of pizzas, and heads over to Mr. Tickle's house. The radio turns on again and Little Miss Helpful's voice is heard)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): "Oh! Well, I thought you'd want to know that Mr. Tickle is having a fancy dress party!"

(Little Miss Helpful gets no reply)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): "Mr. Nervous?"

(Little Miss Helpful realizes that Mr. Nervous left)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): "Oh well. Just trying to be helpful! Heh! Over and out!"

(Mr. Nervous walks over to Mr. Tickle's front door with the pizzas and rings the doorbell. Nobody answers, so Mr. Nervous lets himself inside)

Mr. Nervous: "Anybody home?"

(Mr. Nervous looks around)

Mr. Nervous: "P-pizza delivery!"

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small zoom over dressed as a pirate and a parrot respectively)

Mr. Small: Ahoy, matey!

(Because Mr. Nervous got Little Miss Helpful's message, he thinks that Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are a real pirate and parrot)

Mr. Nervous: "Go-hoh!"

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): "Hideous, horrible pirates!"

(Mr. Nervous trembles with fear and hands over the pizzas)

Mr. Nervous: "Here! Take the treasure! Just don't make me walk the plank!"

(Mr. Nosey takes the pizzas from Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nosey: "Gee thanks, Mr. Nervous! Is that your costume?"

Mr. Nervous: "Oh! Mustn't speak to pirates! Must run now!"

(Mr. Nervous runs away. Much to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's confusion. Mr. Nervous runs into another room)

Mr. Nervous: (breathes heavily)

(Mr. Nervous is horrified to find the room filled with people in costumes. But, as stated before, Mr. Nervous doesn't know that they're in costumes. The people at the party and their costumes include; Mr. Quiet as a Native American chief, Little Miss Chatterbox as a princess, Little Miss Scary as Dementicon, Little Miss Whoops as a male police officer, Little Miss Naughty as celery, and Mr. Scatterbrain wearing a lampshade on his head and a barrel over his waist. Mr. Grumpy is also there but he isn't in costume and protected by his party protector. Also at the party is Little Miss Daredevil as a ghost. Little Miss Daredevil flies over to Mr. Nervous)

Miss Daredevil: "Hiya, Mr. Nervous! Guess who?"

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Nervous is horrified)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Nervous: "Ghastly, ghoulish, ghosts!"

(Mr. Nervous stops in his tracks upon seeing Little Miss Naughty in her costume)

Miss Naughty: "Ha-ha! Like my costume, Mr. Nervous? I'm an overgrown celery stick!"

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Nervous is horrified)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): "Menacing, giant celery!"

(Mr. Nervous looks around in a panic)

Mr. Nervous: "Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!"

(Mr. Nervous hides under a table and pulls out a tape recorder)

Mr. Nervous: "'Dear Diary, I have wandered into a party of ghosts, pirates, and vegetables! I fear my life may be in danger.!"

(Giant spider legs appear next to Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): "There you are, Mr. Nervous!"

(The camera zooms to reveal thar Mr. Tickle is dressed up as a spider)

Mr. Tickle: "How much do I owe your for the pizzas? Would a tickle cover it?"

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Nervous but he runs away and screams)

Mr. Nervous: "Perilous party of pandemonium!"

(Mr. Nervous runs through the wall (leaving a Mr. Nervous shaped hole behind), gets into the pizza van, and drives away with the giant pizza on the van falling off. Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Tickle walk outside and watch the scene)

Mr. Tickle: "Mr. Nervous really needs a good long tickle!"

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Whoops is shown blowing up balloons. Mr. Bump walks by and Little Miss Whoops mistakes him for a balloon. Little Miss Whoops grabs him, fills him up with helium, ties a string around him, and walks away. The scene fades to black and a dance video plays. Mr. Bump is shown playing drums, Little Miss Whoops then appears playing keyboards, Mr. Nosey appears playing a guitar, and Mr. Small appears as the lead singer. The four then start playing music and the audience cheers)

Audience: (cheers)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine dancing on the dance floor. The scene then cuts to Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing on the dance floor with Mr. Grumpy refusing to dance and wearing his party protector. The scene cuts back to Little Miss Whoops and the camera zooms in on her playing the keyboards. The same thing is done for Mr. Nosey shortly after. After the close-up on Mr. Nosey, the camera zooms out to show the whole band, along with the audience cheering)

Audience: (cheers)

(A scene transition featuring wrapping paper of music notes and stars comes up on screen and Little Miss Chatterbox pops out of it. The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Tall dancing with a scene transition occurring through a close-up of Mr. Tall. The scene transitions to Little Miss Whoops' garden party where Mr. Bump is leaning on a pink ice sculpture of Little Miss Whoops with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walking by)

Narrator: "A garden party can be a wonderful event!"

(Mr. Nervous walks by)

Narrator: And Miss Whoops has many delightful surprises in store!

(Little Miss Whoops walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: "Uh...great party, Miss Whoops!"

Miss Whoops: "Thanks, Mr. Bump! I'm a natural when it comes to parties!"

(Mr. Bump points to the pink ice sculpture)

Mr. Bump: "I was just admiring this ice sculpture!"

Miss Whoops: "I carved it myself!"

Mr. Bump: "Uh, no! Really? Oh, I am impressed!"

Miss Whoops: "Give it a taste!"

(Little Miss Whoops breaks off one of the legs of the pink ice sculpture)

Miss Whoops: "It's strawberry flavoured!"

(Little Miss Whoops starts sucking on the strawberry-flavoured ice she broke off)

Mr. Bump: "Oh, I don't know. That ice looks exceptionally cold."

[Little Miss Whoops stops sucking on the ice]

Miss Whoops: "It's not that cold! Go on! Try it!"

(Mr. Bump starts having second thoughts)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): "Strawberry is your favourite!"

(Mr. Bump licks his lips in excitement)

Mr. Bump: "It is indeed, Miss Whoops! Well...why not!"

[Mr. Bump licks the ice sculpture and his tongue gets stuck to it. He tries to get his tongue off the ice sculpture]

Mr. Bump: (makes slurred noises)

Miss Whoops: "Whoops! Maybe that wasn't a good idea."

(Mr. Bump continues tries to get his tongue off the ice sculpture)

Mr. Bump: [slurred] "Are you telling me?"

[Mr. Bump finally gets his tongue off the ice sculpture. Little Miss Whoops walks away]

Miss Whoops: "Time to bob for apples!"

(The pink ice sculpture falls onto Mr. Bump and breaks on him)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(The scene cuts to Miss Whoops walking over to two buckets filled with water)

Miss Whoops: "Hmm, now where did I leave my pet octopus? I think it was in that one!"

(Miss Whoops points to one of the buckets, then fills one of the barrels with apples)

Miss Whoops: "I'll use this one for the apples."

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Bump, Mr. Small, Mr. Bounce, and Miss Sunshine walk over)

Miss Whoops: "Okay, what you to is try to get an apple in you mouth like this."

(Little Miss Whoops leans into the bucket, bites an apple, and takes it out)

Miss Whoops: Who wants to try it?

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Small, Mr. Bounce, and Miss Sunshine look at Mr. Bump, and then step out to avoid bobbing for the apples)

Mr. Bump: "Ah! Okay, I'll just give it a whirl!" [chuckles]

(Mr. Bump walks over to the barrel and tries to get an apple in his mouth, but instead drinks the water and spits it out)

Mr. Bump: (chuckles) "They're slippery little apples, aren't they?"

[One of the legs of the octopus grabs Mr. Bump and wraps its leg around him, and then pulls him into the bucket, much to everybody's shock and concern]

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Miss Whoops: "Whoops! There's my pet octopus."

[The octopus flings Mr. Bump away and he crashes into the other ice sculpture, breaking it]

Mr. Bump: "Ow!"

(Mr. Bump spits the apple out. The scene cuts back to the other partygoers)

Miss Whoops: "Time to bounce in the bouncy castle!"

(The scene cuts to the rest of the partygoers at the bouncy castle. Mr. Bump walks over to it while dazed)

Miss Whoops: "Who wants to go first?"

Mr. Bump: "I think I'll pass!"

Miss Whoops: "Go on! It's a party! Have fun!"

Mr. Bump: "That's what I've been trying to do, Miss Whoops."

(Mr. Strong walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Strong: "Oh! Don't worry, Mr. Bump. I'll be here to catch you if you bounce too much."

(Mr. Bounce bounces by in the background)

Mr. Bounce: "Woohoo! You can never bounce too much!"

Mr. Bump: "Well, okay. If you all think it's a good idea then."

Miss Whoops: "We do! Go on in, Mr. Bump!"

(Mr. Bump steps in the bouncy castle and starts bouncing in it)

Mr. Bump: "Woo! Woo! Hey, this is kind of fun!"

Miss Whoops: "Why don't you go in too, Mr. Strong?"

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (laughs)

Mr. Strong: "Yeah! You don't need to ask me twice!"

(Mr. Strong enters the bouncy castle)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(When Mr. Strong bounces, he sends Mr. Bump flying out of the bouncy house and creates a hole in it)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Mr. Strong: Aw, pickles!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and flying out of Earth)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump slams into the moon)

Mr. Bump: Ack!

(After that, Mr. Bump falls down back to Earth)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump lands on the bouncy castle, squashing it in the process)

Mr. Bump: "Oof!"

Miss Whoops: "Do I know how to throw a party or what?"

(The screen fades to black and transitions to the last bumper showing Little Miss Whoops blowing up balloons. Little Miss Whoops starts getting tired when Little Miss Magic shows up. With a wave of her wand, Little Miss Magic uses her magic to make more balloons for Little Miss Whoops. Unfortunately, she makes so many that they fill up the entire screen and Little Miss Magic and Little Miss Whoops get stuck)

(The scene fades to the ending scene with Mr. Bump walking in the background with a cast on his right arm and a crutch on his left arm)

Narrator: "No matter what kind of time the Mr. Men and Little Misses have at a party..."

(Mr. Nervous drives by in his pizza van)

Narrator: "The fact is, they're always ready for another one."

(Mr. Fussy runs by Mr. Bump covered in feathers and runs past Mr. Tickle's house with Miss Naughty and Mr. Tickle in their costumes dancing, along with Mr. Messy dancing. Mr. Lazy is shown asleep)

Mr. Fussy: "No!" (cries and screams)

Mr. Tickle: "Great costume, Mr. Fussy!"

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Bump watching Mr. Fussy running away. As he continues walking, the chickens pass by him and he falls)

Narrator: "Once they've had a chance to rest."

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)

Deleted Scene[]

(An ad for Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector plays. It begins with Mr. Happy, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Whoops, and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing at a party. Mr. Grumpy pops up and faces the viewers)

Mr. Grumpy: Do you find parties annoying? I know I do.

(Mr. Grumpy puts on his party protector)

Mr. Grumpy: "That's why I've invented, "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector!" With just a push of a button, you'll create an invisible force field that will keep people away!"

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox walking over to Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy is wearing his party protector)

Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) "Hi, Mr. Grumpy! Nice party, huh? (chuckles) I love parties! Especially parties with hula dancing! (giggles) I like pineapples too!"

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Little Miss Chatterbox is pushed away)

Miss Chatterbox: "Whoa!"

(Little Miss Chatterbox crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Grumpy: "See how easy that was?" (chuckles)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy (wearing his party protector) carrying a plate and walking to a buffet table)

Mr. Grumpy: "With my party protector..."

(Mr. Rude takes Mr. Grumpy's plate and pushes Mr. Grumpy out of the way so he can get to the buffet table)

Mr. Grumpy: "You won't have to push your way to the front of the food queue, you'll have the whole buffet to yourself!"

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Mr. Rude is pushed away)

(Mr. Rude knocks over the food display at the buffet table and crashes into something offscreen. Unfazed, Mr. Grumpy takes his plate back. The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy arriving at a birthday party)

Mr. Grumpy: "And my party protector really comes in handy at birthday parties!"

(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Happy, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Chatterbox surprising Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Happy, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Chatterbox: SURPRISE!!

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and everyone is pushed away)

Miss Chatterbox: "Oh!"

(Everyone crashes into something offscreen. Mr. Grumpy walks over to his birthday cake and blows out the candles)

Mr. Grumpy: "As a bonus, my party protector is waterproof!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy standing in a pool. Mr. Quiet walks by and Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine are shown relaxing on deck chairs)

Mr. Grumpy: "So you can use it a pool parties!"

(Mr. Tickle swims over and tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Mr. Tickle is pushed away)

Mr. Tickle: (screams)

(Mr. Tickle splashes into the pool offscreen)

Mr. Grumpy: "So, if you have to go to a party, you're gonna need your very own..."

(The camera shows "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector" up close)

Mr. Grumpy (voiceover): "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector!"

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: "Because, face it! The last thing you need at a people!"

(The screen fades to black)


Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big magenta screen comes up with "Parties" written on it with Mr. Messy, scribbles, balloons, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of party noise makers, whistles, and horns honking are heard)

(The episode begins with balloons flying into the air and the town of Dillydale bouncing to the beat of party music)

Narrator: "Everyone loves a party! That's why the good people of Dillydale have lots of them!"

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil hanging up party decorations)

Narrator: "Whether they be big celebrations..."

(The camera moves down to show Mr. Bump hanging up decorations with Little Miss Whoops filling a balloon with helium. Little Miss Whoops is oblivious to how big the balloon is getting)

Narrator: With fancy decorations...

(The balloon grows so big, it pops in Mr. Bump's face and he falls off the ladder)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Sunshine having a tea party with Little Miss Helpful, Mr. Rude, and a dog)

Narrator: Or simple tea parties with crustless sandwiches.

(Little Miss Sunshine passes a tray of sandwiches to Little Miss Helpful. Little Miss Helpful takes a sandwich and passes the tray to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: Blech!

(Mr. Rude passes the tray to the dog and the dog starts scarfing down all the sandwiches on the tray)

Narrator: One thing about parties is certain.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Noisy's house where the viewers can see Mr. Noisy throwing a loud party. The camera pans over to Mr. Quiet's house. Mr. Quiet is covering his ears in pain due to the loud noise. Then, Mr. Quiet gets an idea)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know how to have a good time!

(Mr. Quiet goes into his house and comes out wearing a pair of earmuffs. As Mr. Quiet leaves his house, the camera pans over to Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Naughty, who are heading to Mr. Messy's house for his party)

Narrator: Down the block, there's another party going on! At Mr. Messy's house!

Miss Naughty: Come on, Mr. Fussy! We don't want to be late!

Mr. Fussy: I enjoy a party as much as the next person, but somehow, a party at Mr. Messy's house sounds...

Miss Naughty: Fun?

Mr. Fussy: No. Filthy. However, it is only polite to accept a neighbor's invitation. I will do my best to have a good time.

(Just as Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Fussy arrive at Mr. Messy's house, Little Miss Naughty gets an idea and stops. Mr. Fussy bumps into her)

Miss Naughty: You know what would be a good time? Setting free a crate of chickens in Mr. Messy's house!

Mr. Fussy: Not only is that tastelessly naughty, it would be pointless! Mr. Messy would never notice chickens wandering about in this junkyard he calls a home.

Miss Naughty: I'm going to go get some anyway. Just in case their party's boring!

(Little Miss Naughty leaves to get some chickens. Mr. Fussy walks to the door and knocks on it. Mr. Messy answers it. "Dillydale Dance Floor" is heard in the background)

Mr. Messy: Hey, Mr. Fussy! Glad you could make it!

Mr. Bump (on a radio offscreen): 🎵You know you wanna, but your hips won't shake it's like...🎵

Mr. Messy: Come on in!

Mr. Bump (on a radio offscreen): 🎵Your wiggle's on a...🎵

Mr. Bump and Mr. Messy (on a radio offscreen): Permanent break!🎵

(The scene cuts inside Mr. Messy's house. Mr. Lazy is sleeping on the couch and "Dillydale Dance Floor" is blaring out of a radio)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵The beat is jammin', you got something to prove🎵

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Fussy (shouting): Where are all the guests?

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵Don't be a Mr. Grumpy, now let's move to the groove!🎵

Mr. Messy (shouting): Oh! Mr. Lazy's the only other person so far!

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵The beat is hot and this is the spot! Come on and get down on the Dillydale Dance Floor🎵

(Mr. Fussy walks over to the radio)

Mr. Fussy (shouting): Perhaps, we should turn down this noise.

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵Don't be a chump and sit like a lump🎵

Mr. Fussy (shouting): So we don't wake him!

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵Come on and get-🎵

(Mr. Fussy turns off the radio)

Mr. Lazy: (snoring while blowing a party noise maker)

Mr. Messy: Doesn't feel much like a party without the music, but okay!

(Mr. Messy starts walking to the other side of the room)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Come check out the food!

(Mr. Fussy follows Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: I am in need of some refreshments.

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Fussy walk over the the refreshments table. Mr. Messy grabs a bowl of dip and offers it to Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Messy: Want some dip? The crackers are over there!

(The camera pans to a box of old, stale crackers. A mouse pops out of the box eating one of the crackers0

Mouse: (squeaks)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy, who is disgusted by the dip)

Mr. Fussy: Dah! No thank you.

(Mr. Fussy pushes the dip away)

Mr. Fussy: Uh...dip upsets my stomach!

(Mr. Messy offers Mr. Fussy an old carrot)

Mr. Messy: How about a carrot?

Mr. Fussy: I only eat peeled vegetables. Peeled and washed!

Mr. Messy: Suit yourself!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite from the carrot)

Mr. Fussy: I'll just have some punch.

(The doorbell rings and Mr. Messy walks over to answer the door)

Mr. Messy: The punch bowl's right over there!

(Mr. Fussy walks over to the punch bowl. Unbeknownst to Mr. Fussy, a goldfish is shown swimming in it. Mr. Fussy grabs a cup and pours some punch into it and takes a sip)

Mr. Fussy: Hmmm....

(Mr. Fussy smacks his lips together)

Mr. Fussy: This is actually quite tasty.

(Mr. Fussy lifts up his cup of punch and notices the goldfish. The goldfish waves hello. Mr. Fussy is, unsurprisingly disgusted. Mr. Fussy does a spit take and drops his cup of punch. Spilling his drink and the goldfish swimming in it)

Mr. Fussy: (gasp) Sweet Henrietta!

(The goldfish crawls back into the punch bowl as Mr. Messy returns with a stack of pizzas)

Mr. Messy: Pizzas are here!

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy, are you aware that there is a goldfish in your punch bowl?

Mr. Messy: Oh sure! That's Lester! I needed to use his bowl for the punch.

(Mr. Messy takes out a cup of punch. The camera cuts to Lester who also has a cup and is having a wonderful time)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): So I had to invite him!

(Lester smiles. The camera cuts back to Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is drinking some punch)

Mr. Fussy: But it's very unsanitary!

(Mr. Messy tosses his cup over his shoulder and it breaks offscreen)

Mr. Messy: Ah, don't worry! Lester's clean! He takes baths all day!

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Well...oh!

(Mr. Fussy looks at his wrist as if he has a watch on and pretends to check the time)

Mr. Fussy: Look at the time! I must be going!

(Mr. Fussy tries to leave but Mr. Messy stops him)

Mr. Messy: You can't leave until you've taken a whack at the piñata!

(Mr. Messy walks over with a bat)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, no! Really!

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy the bat)

Mr. Fussy: I prefer not to participate!

(Mr. Messy takes out a blindfold and ties it over Mr. Fussy's eyes. Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Fussy over to the piñata)

Mr. Messy: Go ahead! Hit it!

(MR. Fussy walks over to the piñata)

Mr. Fussy: Oh, very well.

(Mr. Fussy starts swinging at the piñata)

Mr. Fussy: (grunts)

Mr. Messy: You're close Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Fussy hits the pinata and breaks off a leg. But instead of candy, blackberry jam falls out of the pinata and covers Mr. Fussy in jam from head to toe)

Mr. Fussy: What's this?

Mr. Messy: I couldn't find any candy, so I used blackberry jam instead!

(Blackberry jam gets on the boombox and the boombox turns on and plays "Beachin' with the Boombox)

Mr. Strong (on the radio): 🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵

(Mr. Fussy (still covered in jam) walks to the door. A disco ball lowers from the ceiling and starts spinning. Mr. Messy slides into frame and takes Mr. Lazy's pillow)

Mr. Messy: Now that's what I'm talking about! It's disco pillow fight time!

Mr. Strong (on the radio): 🎵Yeah! Blarin' tracks on the deck!🎵

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy a pillow)

Mr. Strong (on the radio): 🎵Got the whole crowd up and dancin'🎵

Mr. Fussy: Please! Mr. Messy, I am in no mood for...

(Mr. Messy starts hitting Mr. Fussy with his pillow and Mr. Fussy gets covered in feathers due to the jam that makes the feathers stick to his body)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! Now we're partying!

(Mr. Messy starts chasing Mr. Fussy around as he hits him with his pillow)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Oh!

Mr. Strong (on the radio): 🎵On our sand dune disco deck, yeah🎵

(Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy run passed a window. Outside, Little Miss Naughty pokes her head up and looks inside the house)

Mr. Fussy: And now, I'm going home!

(Mr. Fussy (still covered in feathers, walks over to the door, opens it to leave and finds chickens outside)

Chickens: (clucking)

Mr. Messy: More guests!

(Hearts form over the heads of each chicken as they fall in love with Mr. Fussy, who they believe is a giant chicken)

Chickens: (clucking)

(The chickens start flying around Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, shoo! Uh, get away!

(Mr. Fussy runs outside and the chickens follow him)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): I am not your mother hen! (screams)

(Mr. Fussy and the chickens run passed Little Miss Naughty)

Mr. Fussy: Dah!

Chickens: (clucking)

Miss Naughty: (laughs triumphantly) Sometimes, I just can't help myself! Ha-ha!

(Balloons fly up and transitions the scene to the first bumper. Little Miss Whoops is shown blowing up a balloon with helium. The balloon gets stuck on the valve. By the time Little Miss Whoops gets the balloon off the valve, it's so big that Little Miss Whoops and the balloon fly away. Then, an ad for Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector plays. It begins with Mr. Happy, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Whoops, and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing at a party. Mr. Grumpy pops up and faces the viewers)

Mr. Grumpy: Do you find parties annoying? I know I do.

(Mr. Grumpy puts on his party protector)

Mr. Grumpy: That's why I've invented, "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector!" With just a push of a button, you'll create an invisible force field that will keep people away!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox walking over to Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy is wearing his party protector)

Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) Hi, Mr. Grumpy! Nice party, huh? (chuckles) I love parties! Especially parties with hula dancing! (giggles) I like pineapples too!

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Little Miss Chatterbox is pushed away)

Miss Chatterbox: Woah!

(Little Miss Chatterbox crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Grumpy: See how easy that was? (chuckles)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy (wearing his party protector) carrying a plate and walking to a buffet table)

Mr. Grumpy: With my party protector,

(Mr. Rude takes Mr. Grumpy's plate and pushes Mr. Grumpy out of the way so he can get to the buffet table)

Mr. Grumpy: You won't have to fight your way to the front of the food line, you'll have the whole buffet to yourself!

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Mr. Rude is pushed away)

Mr. Rude: Oh!

(Mr. Rude knocks over the food display at the buffet table crashes into something offscreen. Unfazed, Mr. Grumpy takes his plate back. The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy arriving at a birthday party)

Mr. Grumpy: And my party protector really comes in handy at birthday parties!

(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Happy, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Chatterbox surprising Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Happy, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Chatterbox: SURPRISE!!

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and everyone is pushed away)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh!

(Everyone crashes into something offscreen. Mr. Grumpy walks over to his birthday cake and blows out the candles)

Mr. Grumpy: As a bonus, my party protector is waterproof!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy standing in a pool. Mr. Quiet walks by and Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine are shown relaxing on deck chairs)

Mr. Grumpy: So you can use it a pool parties!

(Mr. Tickle swims over and tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

(Mr. Grumpy activates the Party Protector and Mr. Tickle is pushed away)

Mr. Tickle: (screams)

(Mr. Tickle splashes into the pool offscreen)

Mr. Grumpy: So, if you have to go to a party, you're gonna need your very own...

(The camera shows "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector" up close)

Mr. Grumpy (voiceover): "Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector!"

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Because, face it! The last thing you need at a people!

(Fade to black. The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous driving in a pizza delivery van on his way to deliver pizza's to a party)

Narrator: A pizza delivery person is always a welcome sight of a party in Dillydale. Which should make Mr. Nervous very popular this evening.

Miss Helpful (over the radio): Mr. Nervous, are you Mr. Tickle's party yet?

(Mr. Nervous picks up the radio and talks into the transceiver)

Mr. Nervous: Roger, Miss Helpful!

(Mr. Nervous arrives at Mr. Tickle's house and parks the van)

Mr. Nervous: I'm parallel parking right now!

Miss Helpful (over the radio): Excellent! They're waiting for their pizzas.

Mr. Nervous: I'll be there in a minute! Over and out!

(Mr. Nervous exits the van, takes out a stack of pizzas, and heads over to Mr. Tickle's house. The radio turns on again and Little Miss Helpful's voice is heard)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): Oh! Well, I thought you'd want to know that Mr. Tickle is having a costume party!

(Little Miss Helpful gets no reply)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): Mr. Nervous?

(Little Miss Helpful realizes that Mr. Nervous left)

Miss Helpful (over the radio): Oh well. Just trying to be helpful! Heh! Over and out!

(Mr. Nervous walks over to Mr. Tickle's front door with the pizzas and rings the doorbell. Nobody answers, so Mr. Nervous lets himself inside)

Mr. Nervous: Anybody home?

(Mr. Nervous looks around)

Mr. Nervous: P-pizza delivery!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small zoom over dressed as a pirate and a parrot respectively)

Mr. Small: Ahoy, matey!

(Because Mr. Nervous got Little Miss Helpful's message, he thinks that Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are a real pirate and parrot)

Mr. Nervous: Go-hoh!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): Hideous, horrible pirates!

(Mr. Nervous trembles with fear and hands over the pizzas)

Mr. Nervous: Here! Tale these! Just don't make me walk the plank!

(Mr. Nosey takes the pizzas from Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nosey: Gee thanks, Mr. Nervous! Is that your costume?

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Mustn't speak to pirates! Must run now!

(Mr. Nervous runs away. Much to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's confusion. Mr. Nervous runs into another room)

Mr. Nervous: (breathes heavily)

(Mr. Nervous is horrified to find the room filled with people in costumes. But, as stated before, Mr. Nervous doesn't know that they're in costumes. The people at the party and their costumes include; Mr. Quiet as a Native American chief, Little Miss Chatterbox as a princess, Little Miss Scary as Dementicon, Little Miss Whoops as a male police officer, Little Miss Naughty as celery, and Mr. Scatterbrain wearing a lampshade on his head and a barrel over his waist. Mr. Grumpy is also there but he isn't in costume and protected by his party protector. Also at the party is Little Miss Daredevil as a ghost. Little Miss Daredevil flies over to Mr. Nervous)

Miss Daredevil: Hiya, Mr. Nervous! Guess who?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Nervous is horrified)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Nervous: Ghastly, ghoulish, ghosts!

(Mr. Nervous stops in his tracks upon seeing Little Miss Naughty in her costume)

Miss Naughty: Ha-ha! Like my costume, Mr. Nervous? I almost came as a carrot!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Nervous is horrified)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): Menacing, giant celery!

(Mr. Nervous looks around in a panic)

Mr. Nervous: Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!

(Mr. Nervous hides under a table and pulls out a tape recorder)

Mr. Nervous: Dear diary, I have wandered into a party of doom! My days of delivering pizza are drawing to a close!

(Giant spider legs appear next to Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): There you are, Mr. Nervous!

(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Tickle is dressed up as a spider)

Mr. Tickle: How much do I owe you for the pizzas? Would a tickle cover it?

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Nervous but he runs away)

Mr. Nervous: (Screams) Perilous, party of pandemonium!

(Mr. Nervous runs through the wall (leaving a Mr. Nervous shaped hole behind), gets into the pizza van, and drives away with the giant pizza on the van falling off. Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Tickle walk outside and watch the scene)

Mr. Tickle: That man really needs one good tickle!

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Whoops is shown blowing up balloons. Mr. Bump walks by and Little Miss Whoops mistakes him for a balloon. Little Miss Whoops grabs him, fills him up with helium, ties a string around him, and walks away. The scene fades to black and a dance video plays. Mr. Bump is shown playing drums, Little Miss Whoops then appears playing a keytar, Mr. Nosey appears playing a guitar, and Mr. Small appears as the lead singer. The four then start playing music)

Audience: (cheers)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine dancing on the dance floor. The scene then cuts to Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing on the dance floor with Mr. Grumpy refusing to dance and wearing his party protector. The scene cuts back to Little Miss Whoops and the camera zooms in on her playing the keytar. The same thing is done for Mr. Nosey shortly after. After the close-up on Mr. Nosey, the camera zooms out to show the whole band)

Audience: (cheers)

(A scene transition featuring wrapping paper of music notes and stars comes up on screen and Little Miss Chatterbox pops out of it. The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Tall dancing with a scene transition occurring through a close-up of Mr. Tall. The scene transitions to Little Miss Whoops' garden party where Mr. Bump is leaning on a pink ice sculpture of Little Miss Whoops with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walking by)

Narrator: A garden party can be a wonderful event!

(Mr. Nervous walks by)

Narrator: And Miss Whoops has many delightful surprises in store!

(Little Miss Whoops walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Uh...great party, Miss Whoops!

Miss Whoops: Thanks, Mr. Bump! I'm a natural when it comes to parties!

(Mr. Bump points to the pink ice sculpture)

Mr. Bump: I was just admiring this ice sculpture!

Miss Whoops: I carved it myself!

Mr. Bump: Uh, no! Really? Oh, I am impressed!

Miss Whoops: Give it a taste!

(Little Miss Whoops breaks off one of the legs of the pink ice sculpture)

Miss Whoops: It's strawberry flavored!

(Little Miss Whoops starts sucking on the strawberry-flavored ice she broke off)

Mr. Bump: Oh, I don't know. That ice looks exceptionally cold.

(Little Miss Whoops stops sucking on the ice)

Miss Whoops: It's not that cold! Go on! Try it!

(Mr. Bump starts having second thoughts)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): Strawberry is your favorite!

(Mr. Bump licks his lips in excitement)

Mr. Bump: It is indeed, Miss Whoops! Oh...why not!

(Mr. Bump licks the ice sculpture and his tongue gets stuck to it. Mr. Bump tries to get his tongue off the ice sculpture)

Mr. Bump: (slurred noises)

Miss Whoops: Whoops! Maybe that wasn't a good idea.

(Mr. Bump tries to get his tongue off the ice sculpture)

Mr. Bump (slurred): How are you doing this? Oh!

(Mr. Bump gets his tongue off the ice sculpture. Little Miss Whoops walks away)

Miss Whoops: Time to bob for apples!

(The pink ice sculpture falls onto Mr. Bump and breaks on him)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Little Miss Whoops walks over to two wooden buckets filled with water)

Miss Whoops: Hmm, now where did I leave my pet octopus? I think it was in that one!

(Miss Whoops points to one of the buckets, then fills on of the buckets with apples)

Miss Whoops: I'll use this one for the apples.

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Bump, Mr. Small, Mr. Bounce, and Miss Sunshine walk over)

Miss Whoops: Okay, what you to is try to get an apple in you mouth. Like this.

(Little Miss Whoops leans into the bucket, bites an apple, and takes it out of the bucket)

Miss Whoops: Who wants to try it?

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Small, Mr. Bounce, and Miss Sunshine look at Mr. Bump, and then step out to avoid bobbing for the apples)

Mr. Bump: Okay, I'll just give it a whirl! (chuckles)

(Mr. Bump walks over to the bucket and tries to get an apple in his mouth. But instead, drinks the water and spits it out)

Mr. Bump: (chuckles) Slippery little apples, aren't they?

(One of the legs of the octopus grabs Mr. Bump and wraps its leg around him, and then pulls him into the bucket, much to everybody's shock and concern)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Miss Whoops: Whoops! There's my pet octopus.

(The octopus flings Mr. Bump away)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump lands on the blue ice sculpture, falls down, and it collapses on top of him, but he still got an apple into his mouth)

Mr. Bump: "Ow!"

(Mr. Bump spits the apple out. The scene cuts back to the other partygoers)

Miss Whoops: Time to bounce in the bouncy house!

(The scene cuts to the rest of the partygoers (except Mr. Bounce) at the bouncy house. Mr. Bump walks over to it while dazed)

Miss Whoops: Who wants to go first?

Mr. Bump: I think I'll pass!

Miss Whoops: Go on! It's a party! Have fun!

Mr. Bump: That's what I've been trying to do, Miss Whoops.

(Mr. Strong walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Strong: Oh! Don't worry, Mr. Bump. I'll be here to catch you if you bounce too much.

(Mr. Bounce bounces by in the background)

Mr. Bounce: Ho-ho! You can never bounce too much!

Mr. Bump: Well, okay. If you all think it's a good idea then.

Miss Whoops: Oh, we do! Go on in, Mr. Bump!

(Mr. Bump steps in the bouncy house and starts bouncing in it)

Mr. Bump: Woo! Woo! Hey, this is kind of fun!

Miss Whoops: Why don't you go in too, Mr. Strong?

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (laughs)

Mr. Strong: Uh, yo! You don't need to ask me twice!

(Mr. Strong enters the bouncy house)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(When Mr. Strong bounces, he sends Mr. Bump flying out of the bouncy house and creates a hole in it)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Mr. Strong: Aw, pickles!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and flying out of Earth)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump slams into the moon)

Mr. Bump: Ack!

(After that, Mr. Bump falls down back to Earth)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump lands on the bouncy house, squashing it in the process)

Mr. Bump: Oof!

Miss Whoops: Do I know how to throw a party or what?

(The scene fades to black. The next bumper plays. Little Miss Whoops is shown blowing up balloons. Little Miss Whoops starts getting tired when Little Miss Magic shows up. With a wave of her wand, Little Miss Magic uses her magic to make more balloons for Little Miss Whoops. Unfortunately, she makes so many that they fill up the entire screen and Little Miss Magic and Little Miss Whoops get stuck. The scene fades to the ending scene with Mr. Bump walking in the background with a cast on his right arm and a crutch on his left arm)

Narrator: No matter what kind of time the Mr. Men and Little Misses have at a party...

(Mr. Nervous drives by in his pizza van)

Narrator: The fact is, they're always ready for another one.

(Mr. Fussy runs by Mr. Bump covered in feathers and runs past Mr. Tickle's house with Miss Naughty and Mr. Tickle in their costumes dancing, along with Mr. Messy dancing. Mr. Lazy is shown asleep)

Mr. Fussy: (cries and screams)

Mr. Tickle: Great costume, Mr. Fussy!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Bump watching Mr. Fussy running away. As he continues walking, the chickens pass by him and he falls)

Narrator: Once they've had a chance to rest.

Chickens: (clucking)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests