Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Pests." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Bad Weather" Next: "N/A"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: "The Mr. Men Show!"

(A pink screen comes up with "Pests" written on it, the creators of the episode, and a mouse in the background. The mouse is heard squeaking offscreen, and Mr. Fussy screams offscreen)

(The episode begins with Mr. Funny, Little Miss Bossy, Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Tall walking to the right past the screen, and then get chased by mice, wasps, mosquitoes, and ants)

Narrator: "If there's one thing the good people of Dillydale dislike, it's pests!"

(Mr. Grumpy is seen roasting a marshmallow over a campfire, but some mosquitoes buzz around him, much to his annoyance)

Narrator: "Whether it's a mosquito buzzing in their ear on a hot summer night..."

(Ants are shown carrying a picnic basket and Mr. Lazy, who is sleeping)"

Narrator:...ants stealing their picnic basket...

(A mole is seen underground eating some turnips)

Narrator: "Or a little mole gnawing the tips of their turnips..."

(Little Miss Chatterbox is seen talking on the phone when the mole pulls on the turnip. Miss Chatterbox screams and gets pulled down with a turnip)

Narrator: "These scoundrels truly bother the Mr. Men and Little Misses. Particularly, Mr. Fussy."

(The scene fades to Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's duplex house)

Narrator: "But when you live next door to Mr. Messy, it's hard to avoid the occasional pest."

(A mouse jumps onto Mr. Fussy's table and snatches the cake he was having with his tea.)

Mr. Fussy: "AAHH!"

(Mr. Fussy is in such shock that he falls out of his chair. He picks himself up and gives an angry look on his face. Mr. Fussy sees the mouse run through the vents to Mr. Messy's side of the house. He looks through it and sees Mr. Messy eating very messy tuna fish and the mouse who snatched his cake)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) "Mr. Messy! It is one thing to live next door to his untidiness. It is quite another for his untidiness to come and snatch my cake!"

(Mr. Fussy takes out his mobile phone to call someone. The scene transitions outside of Mr. Messy's house where Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong are. Mr. Fussy knocks on Mr. Messy's door and he opens it)

Mr. Messy: "Hey Mr. Strong, Mr. Fussy! Are you going on a safari?"

Mr. Fussy: "No, not exactly."

Mr. Strong: "Oh, yeah. Mr. Fussy called and asked me to come and help him catch a mouse."

Mr. Fussy: That hideous little creature came over to my home from your side of the wall!

(Mr. Fussy points at Mr. Messy)

Mr. Messy: (confused) "I've got a mouse?"

(The mouse appears at the door holding sock cheese, much to Mr. Strong and Mr. Fussy's shock)

Mr. Messy: "Hey!"

(The mouse closes the door)

Mr. Messy: "So that's what's been happening to all my sock cheese!"

Mr. Strong: "Let me at it!" (runs into Mr. Messy's door and breaks it in the process. Mr. Fussy walks into the house)

Mr. Fussy: "I don't understand how you live in such a mess!"

Mr. Messy: "Oh, it's easy! If you want, I'll show you how!"

(The mouse jumps into a pile of trash on Mr. Messy's couch)

Mr. Strong: "Wait!"

(Mr. Strong points at the couch. Mr. Messy and Mr. Fussy look at the couch. The mouse peeks out of the couch and then eats some old corn)

Mr. Fussy (in a disgusted tone): "I think I'm going to faint!"

(Mr. Fussy facepalms himself)

Mr. Strong: "The best thing to do is to speak their language. It confuses them."

(Mr. Strong tries to speak the mouse's language)

Mr. Strong: "Eh, mouse mousey mouse mouse mouse mousey, mouse!"

(The mouse runs out of the sofa. Mr. Strong tries to catch the mouse but instead hits the sofa and breaks it in two)

Mr. Strong: "Aw, pickles!"

(The scene cuts to the exterior of Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's house as Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong try to catch the mouse)

Mr. Fussy (from inside the house): "There it is! Don't let it get away!"

(Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong continue to break more stuff as they try to catch the mouse; the mouse is heard squeaking from inside the house)

Mr. Strong (from inside the house): "Gotcha! Aw! Or not!"

(The scene cuts inside Mr. Messy's bathroom where the mouse chases after Mr. Fussy. Mr. Fussy walks backward and steps on the toilet)

Mr. Fussy: "Oh, over here! It's coming after me!"

(Mr. Fussy covers his face in horror. Mr. Strong enters the room to hit the mouse but it escapes so Mr. Strong instead hits the toilet which makes the water gush out and lift Mr. Fussy up. Mr. Fussy screams and makes disgusted noises. Mr. Strong stops the water from gushing out of the toilet and Mr. Fussy falls back down screaming and the hat falls on his head. The mouse appears on his hat and escapes before Mr. Strong tries to hit it. Mr. Strong instead hits Mr. Fussy with his net)

Mr. Strong: "Gotcha!"

Mr. Fussy: "Ohhhhh!"

Mr. Strong: "Oh, double pickles!"

(The mouse runs into the living room and then up the stairs. Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Strong follow the mouse but then Mr. Fussy stops them)

Mr. Fussy (angrily): "Honestly, Mr. Strong!"

(Mr. Fussy removes the net from his head and drops it on the ground)

Mr. Fussy (angrily): "How hard can it be to catch a tiny mouse?"

(Mr. Fussy puts his hat back on)

Mr. Fussy: "And you, Mr. Messy. should be ashamed that this hovel of yours has allowed this pest to prosper!"

(Mr. Fussy runs upstairs to try and catch the mouse)

Mr. Messy: "Want a game of draughts?"

Mr. Strong: "Oh, yeah!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy looking around the house while he walks upstairs into a ladder leading to Mr. Messy's attic)

Mr. Fussy: "Discarded bottle tops, moth eaten mittens? Oh, it's messier up here that it is downstairs!"

(Mr. Fussy opens the vent leading to the attic and grabs a torch)

Mr. Fussy: "I have a good mind to have this house condemned!"

(Mr. Fussy turns on his torch and shines it while he looks around the attic seeing many mice squeaking and an overgrown mouse in the attic. He then stops the torch on the giant mouse. The giant mouse growls and prepares to attack Mr. Fussy. The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy who screams and drops his torch. The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy playing draughts)

Mr. Strong: "Your move!"

Mr. Messy: "Thank you!"

(Mr. Fussy runs back down the stairs screaming in horror)


(Mr. Fussy runs out of the house and then closes the door while screaming)

Mr. Messy: "Looks like he found the mouse."

Mr. Strong: "Way to go, Mr. Fussy! So, are you going to make a move or what?"

(Mr. Messy makes a move with one of his pieces. Ants crawl past the screen and transition to the first bumper. The first bumper shows Miss Daredevil and Miss Chatterbox enjoying a picnic when a giant spider comes down. Miss Daredevil sees it, gets one of her rockets, and then gives it to the spider. The rocket carries the spider away as the screen fades to black. The next scene fades to Mr. Rude's restaurant where a fly buzzes in front of the screen before heading inside)

Narrator: "One place that you never want to find a pest, is in your food at a restaurant. Especially if that restaurant is owned by Mr. Rude."

(The camera zooms into the restaurant to show Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Quiet sitting at a table while reading the menus)

Mr. Grumpy: "Where is that Mr. Rude?"

Mr. Happy: "Have patience, Mr. Grumpy. He's probably whipping something wonderfully delicious in the kitchen!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Let's hope you're right, Mr. Happy."

(The fly buzzes in front of Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: "Yeah. I'm so hungry I could eat this fly."

(Mr. Quiet uses his napkin to try and swat the fly away by rolling it into a ball. The napkin misses the fly and lands on Mr. Grumpy's face instead)

Mr. Grumpy: "Mr. Quiet! Watch where you're snapping that napkin!"

(Mr. Grumpy drops the napkin on the ground; Mr. Rude walks to their table)

Mr. Rude: (scoffs) "What do you want?"

Mr. Grumpy: "To eat, obviously. Why else would we come to your restaurant?"

Mr. Happy: "So, Mr. Rude, I have a question about this tomato salad."

(Mr. Happy looks at his menu and clears his throat)

Mr. Happy: "Is it good?"

Mr. Rude: "If you like that sort of thing."

Mr. Happy: "Oh, I do! In fact, that's exactly what I'll have for lunch."

Mr. Quiet: "Uh, make that two."

Mr. Rude: Too bad for you, I have no tomatoes.

(Mr. Happy looks again at his menu)

Mr. Happy: "Oh!" (chuckles) "Well then, how about a cheese sandwich?"

Mr. Rude: "I have no cheese."

(Mr. Happy reads his menu again)

Mr. Happy: "Then I'll have the cabbage."

Mr. Rude: (laughs) "Don't even dream about it!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Oh! What do you have?"

Mr. Rude: "Soup."

Mr. Happy: "I love soup!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Fine. Bring us three bowls of soup."

Mr. Rude (annoyed): "I don't like you tone of voice."

(Mr. Rude goes to the kitchen and then returns to their table with the soup they ordered)

Mr. Happy: "Beanball and lettuce soup? Hmm-hmm! How interesting!"

(Mr. Rude inhales)

Mr. Rude: "Phah!"

Mr. Quiet: "Ah! Oh. There's a fly in my soup!"

(The fly waves to Mr. Quiet as Mr. Grumpy tries his soup)

Mr. Grumpy: "This is awful!"

Mr. Quiet: "You're telling me."

Mr. Happy: "Oh, this soup isn't too bad..."

(Mr. Happy digs into his soup and finds a beanball in it)

Mr. Happy: "And just look at the size of this beanball!"

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: "Almost as big as this fly."

(Mr. Quiet scoops the fly in his spoon, but the fly spits out the soup and it lands on Mr. Quiet's face. The spoon splashes back down into the soup, and the soup lands on Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: "Stop splashing your soup!"

(Mr. Grumpy wipes the soup off of his face)

Mr. Grumpy: "Bad enough I have to eat this stuff, don't need to wear it too!"

(Mr. Quiet removes the soup from his face)

Mr. Quiet: "Oh, but there's a nasty fly in it."

(The fly is shown bathing in the soup and then buzzes. Mr. Quiet leaves his table and returns with a spatula and hits the soup to hit the fly)

Mr. Grumpy: "Good grief, Mr. Quiet! You should know better!"

Mr. Quiet: "I think I got him!"

(The fly emerges from the soup and spits it out again at Mr. Quiet's face. Mr. Quiet removes the soup from his face again)

Mr. Quiet: "Aw, that's not fair!"

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that something is not right with his soup)

Mr. Grumpy: "Hold on! What's this?"

(Mr. Grumpy digs into his soup and finds a cracker in it)

Mr. Grumpy: "A cracker? Who puts crackers in beanball soup?"

(Mr. Grumpy throws the cracker away)

Mr. Grumpy: "This is beyond horrible!"

(Mr. Quiet uses a cup to remove the fly from his soup and walks away with it; Mr. Rude returns to their table)

Mr. Rude: "Oh, what are you squawking about?"

Mr. Grumpy: This soup! It's terrible! I wouldn't even feed it to my dog, if I had a dog!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Quiet at an open window releasing the fly which then flies out, and Mr. Quiet closes the window. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: "I think the soup's fantastic!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Well, I don't!"

Mr. Rude: "Who asked you?"

(Mr. Rude glares at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Rude: "You think you can do better?"

Mr. Grumpy: "I could make soup out of mud and moldy bananas and it'd be better than this!"

(Mr. Grumpy raises the soup up, and then puts it down, and then crosses his arms)

Mr. Rude: "Fine. You don't like my soup? Then you don't deserve my restaurant!"

(Mr. Happy tries to finish his soup, but Mr. Rude stops Mr. Happy from doing so. Mr. Quiet returns back to the table offscreen)

Mr. Rude: "Get out!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Don't have to ask me twice. Come on, fellas. We'll have a meeting with some sauerkraut."

(Mr. Grumpy walks out of the restaurant with Mr. Happy and Mr. Quiet following him, but then they stop to thank Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: "Thank you, Mr. Rude! We had a wonderful meal. We'll have to do it again sometime!" (laughs)

(Mr. Quiet whispers into Mr. Happy's ear)

Mr. Quiet: "Speak for yourself."

(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Happy leave)

Mr. Rude: "And don't come back!"

(The fly comes close to the camera and fades to transition in the next bumper. The next bumper shows Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small enjoying a picnic when a giant spider comes and kidnaps Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey looks for him when the spider (wearing Mr. Small's hat) comes down to raise the hat. The next scene fades to a wasp nest on a tree with some wasps buzzing around it)

Narrator: "Probably one of the most troublesome pests is the common wasp which can deliver a terrible sting."

(The scene shows Mr. Tickle, Mr. Bump, and Little Miss Sunshine looking at the wasp's nest with Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle's wasp control van parked next to Miss Sunshine's garden)

Narrator: "Too bad poor Mr. Bump has the job of removing their nests."

Miss Sunshine: "How do I get rid of these wasps, Mr. Bump? I mean, I don't want them to be insulted or anything..."

(Mr. Bump looks at Mr. Tickle and Mr. Tickle shrugs; Miss Sunshine whispers into Mr. Bump's ear)

Miss Sunshine (whispers): "But I just don't like them very much."

Mr. Bump: "Well, Miss Sunshine, the only way to get rid of wasps is to get rid of the nest."

(Little Miss Sunshine becomes scared)

Mr. Bump: "But have no fear. Mr. Tickle and I will have this nest out of here in no time!"

(Little Miss Sunshine covers her eyes)

Miss Sunshine: "Oh, I can't watch!"

Mr. Bump: "Uh, maybe it would be best if you went inside until it's over."

(Miss Sunshine walks back into her house with her eyes covered)

Miss Sunshine: "Oh. Good idea!"

(Little Miss Sunshine hits a tree and falls down)

Miss Sunshine: "Oh!"

(Little Miss Sunshine picks herself up and continues walking back into the house while still covering her eyes)

Mr. Tickle: "What do we do first?"

Mr. Bump: "The most important thing is to approach the nest very slowly."

(Mr. Bump slowly approaches the tree)

Mr. Bump: "You want to earn the wasps' trust!"

Mr. Tickle: "You know what else would earn their trust? A good tickle!"

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his arms and then stretches them out. He then tickles the wasps' nest and the wasps fly out of their nest)

Mr. Bump: "No, Mr. Tickle, no!"

(The wasps sting Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: "OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!"

(Mr. Bump runs away)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! OW! Not there!"

(Mr. Bump jumps into the swimming pool and splashes in the water. The wasps fly back to their nest. Mr. Bumps spits out some water from the pool as Mr. Tickle runs up to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Tickle: "See? A tickle is loads of fun!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle driving in their wasp control van)

Mr. Tickle: "It was just one tiny tickle."

(Mr. Bump is shown covered in wasp stings and very, very angry)

Mr. Bump (angrily): "Yes, but wasp's nests aren't meant to be tickled!"

(The van passes by Mr. Stubborn's house who has a wasps' nest that's huge)

Mr. Bump (offscreen and surprised): "Whoa!"

(Mr. Bump reverses the van and parks it outside Mr. Stubborn's house. The next scene shows a closeup of the wasps' nest, and then the camera zooms out on Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Bump: "I've never seen anything like it."

(Mr. Stubborn opens his door and walks outside)

Mr. Stubborn: "What are you talking about?"

Mr. Bump: "The wasp's nest, Mr. Stubborn. That's the biggest nest I've ever seen!"

Mr. Stubborn: "That is not a wasp's nest. That is a piñata."

Mr. Tickle: "I love piñatas!"

Mr. Bump: (scoffs) "So do I, but that is not a piñata! If it was, it would be filled with sweeties, not hundreds of angry stinging wasps."

Mr. Stubborn: "I do not have wasps!"

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Stubborn's house with a ladder)

Mr. Bump: "I'm afraid you do, I'll show you."

(Mr. Bump takes out a smoker and uses it on the hive)

Mr. Bump: "Using my trusty smoker which will put the wasps into a quiet sleep, while I remove the hive."

(Mr. Bump climbs up the ladder and then remembers what previously happened)

Mr. Bump: "Without any tickles!"

Mr. Tickle: "Well, can I tickle you later?"

Mr. Bump: "I don't think so."

(Mr. Bump glares at Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Stubborn: "You're wasting you time! That is not a wasp's nest!"

(Mr. Stubborn goes back inside his house)

Mr. Tickle: "I don't know, Mr. Stubborn. I think Mr. Bump is right. It looks waspy."

(Mr. Stubborn returns outside with a blindfold and a bat)

Mr. Stubborn: "Let me whack my piñata!!"

Mr. Bump: "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! MR. TICKLE, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!"

Mr. Tickle: "Yay! I was hoping you say that!"

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: "No!" (laughs)

(Mr. Bump starts losing his balance)

Mr. Bump: "Wha! Whoa! WHOOOAAAAAOOOH!!"

(Mr. Bump falls off the ladder and the wasp nest falls on his head)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Found the queen!"

(Mr. Bump takes the wasp nest off his head and gets chased away by the wasps)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh! Ow! Ow! Oh! Not again! Ow! Ow! Ooh! Ow!"

Mr. Tickle: "Mr. Bump! WAIT! I have plenty of tickles left in me!!"

(Mr. Tickle runs after Mr. Bump)

Mr. Stubborn: "SEE?! NO WASPS! I knew it was a piñata!"

(Mr. Stubborn notices that there's nothing inside the wasp nest)

Mr. Stubborn: "WAIT! WHO ATE MY SWEETS?!?!"

(The screen fades to black. The last bumper shows the giant spider enjoying a picnic, and then Miss Scary comes down and puts on a mask that looks like a giant fly)

Miss Scary: "AHHHHHH!"

(The spider screams and runs away. Little Miss Scary takes off her mask and laughs. The screen fades to black and the scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode, starting with Miss Chatterbox pulling hard against her carrot, but it flies into the air and then Mr. Scatterbrain pops out the hole and eats the carrot)

Narrator: "And so you see, pests do pose a fair number of problems throughout Dillydale."

(The camera moves to show Mr. Small attached to a spider web trying to escape, but then Mr. Nosey pulls him down and holds Mr. Small)

Narrator: "But the Mr. Men and Little Misses won't let a trivial pest ruin their day."

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong appear from their segment having a picnic with the mice, with two of them disappearing offscreen. Mr. Messy is heard talking incohorently)

Narrator: "Because after all, one man's pest is another man's tickle."

(Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle reappear from their segment with Mr. Bump screaming while getting stung by the wasps as Mr. Tickle tickles him)

Mr. Bump: "Leave me alone, you tickling pests!"

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: "The Mr. Men Show!"

(A pink screen comes up with "Pests" written on it, the creators of the episode, and a mouse in the background)

Mouse (offscreen): (squeaking)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): (screams)

(The episode begins with Mr. Funny, Little Miss Bossy, Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Tall walking to the right past the screen, and then get chased by mice, wasps, mosquitoes, and ants)

Narrator: "If there's one thing the good people of Dillydale dislike, it's pests!"

(Mr. Grumpy is seen roasting a marshmallow over a campfire, but some mosquitoes buzz around him, much to his annoyance)

Narrator: "Whether it's a mosquito buzzing in their ear on a hot summer night..."

(Ants are shown carrying a picnic basket and Mr. Lazy, who is sleeping)

Narrator: "Ants stealing their picnic basket..."

(A gopher is seen underground eating some turnips)

Narrator: "Or a gopher gnawing the tips of their turnips..."

(Little Miss Chatterbox is seen talking on the phone when the gopher pulls on the turnip)

Miss Chatterbox: (screams)

(Miss Chatterbox gets pulled down with a turnip)

Narrator: "These scoundrels truly bother the Mr. Men and Little Misses. Particularly, Mr. Fussy."

(The scene fades to Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's duplex house)

Narrator: "But when you live next door to Mr. Messy, it's hard to avoid the occasional pest."

(A mouse jumps onto Mr. Fussy's table and snatches the cake he was having with his tea.)

Mr. Fussy: "AAHH!"

(Mr. Fussy is in such shock that he falls out of his chair. He picks himself up and gives an angry look on his face. Mr. Fussy sees the mouse run through the vents to Mr. Messy's side of the house. He looks through it and sees Mr. Messy eating very messy tuna fish and the mouse who snatched his cake)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) "Mr. Messy! It is one thing to live next door to his untidiness. It is quite another for his untidiness to come and snatch my cake!"

(Mr. Fussy takes out his cellphone to call someone)

(The scene transitions outside of Mr. Messy's house where Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong are. Mr. Fussy knocks on Mr. Messy's door and he opens it)

Mr. Messy: "Hey Mr. Strong, Mr. Fussy! going on a safari?"

Mr. Fussy: "Not exactly."

Mr. Strong: "Oh, yeah. Mr. Fussy called and asked me to come and help him catch a mouse."

Mr. Fussy: "That hideous little creature came over to my home from your side of the wall!"

(Mr. Fussy points at Mr. Messy)

Mr. Messy (in a confused tone): "I have a mouse?"

(The mouse appears at the door holding sock cheese, much to Mr. Strong and Mr. Fussy's shock. The mouse closes the door)

Mr. Messy: "So that's what's been happening to all my sock cheese!"

Mr. Strong: "Let me at him!"

(Mr. Strong runs into Mr. Messy's door and breaks it in the process. Mr. Fussy walks into the house)

Mr. Fussy: "I don't understand how you can live in such a mess!"

Mr. Messy: "Oh, it's easy! If you want, I'll show you how!"

(The mouse jumps into a pile of trash on Mr. Messy's couch)

Mr. Strong: "Wait!"

(The mouse peeks out of the couch and then eats some old corn)

Mr. Fussy (in a disgusted tone): "I think I'm going to faint!"

(Mr. Fussy facepalms himself)

Mr. Strong: "The best thing to do is to speak their language. It confuses them."

(Mr. Strong tries to speak the mouse's language)

Mr. Strong: "Yo, cheep! Cheep! Cheep, cheep, cheep! Cheep, cheep, cheep! Cheep! Cheep!"

(The mouse runs out of the sofa. Mr. Strong tries to catch the mouse but instead hits the sofa and breaks it in two)

Mr. Strong: "Aw, pickles!"

(The scene cuts to the exterior of Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's house as Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong try to catch the mouse)

Mr. Fussy (from inside the house): "There it is! Don't let it get away!"

(Mr. Fussy and Mr. Strong continue to break more stuff as they try to catch the mouse)

Mouse (from inside the house): (squeaking)

Mr. Strong (from inside the house): "Gotcha! Aw! Or not!"

(The scene cuts inside Mr. Messy's bathroom where the mouse chases after Mr. Fussy. Mr. Fussy walks backward and steps on the toilet)

Mr. Fussy: "Ah! Over here! He's coming after me!"

(Mr. Fussy covers his face in horror. Mr. Strong enters the room to hit the mouse but it escapes so Mr. Strong instead hits the toilet which makes the water gush out and lift Mr. Fussy.)

Mr. Fussy: (makes disgusted noises)

(Mr. Strong stops the water from gushing out of the toilet and Mr. Fussy falls back down screaming. The mouse appears on his hat and escapes before Mr. Strong tries to hit it. Mr. Strong instead hits Mr. Fussy with his net)

Mr. Fussy: "Doh! Oh!"

Mr. Strong: "Aw, double pickles!"

(The mouse runs into the living room and then up the stairs. Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Strong follow the mouse but then Mr. Fussy stops them)

Mr. Fussy (angrily): "Honestly, Mr. Strong!"

(Mr. Fussy removes the net from his head and drops it on the ground)

Mr. Fussy: "How hard can it be to catch a tiny mouse?"

(Mr. Fussy puts his hat back on)

Mr. Fussy: "And you, Mr. Messy, should be ashamed that this hovel of yours has allowed this pest to prosper!"

(Mr. Fussy runs upstairs to try and catch the mouse)

Mr. Messy: "Wanna play some checkers?"

Mr. Strong: "Sure!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy looking around the house while he walks upstairs into a ladder leading to Mr. Messy's attic)

Mr. Fussy: "Discarded bottlecaps, moth eaten mittens? Oh, it's messier up here that it is downstairs!"

(Mr. Fussy opens the vent leading to the attic and grabs a flashlight)

Mr. Fussy: "I have a good mind to have this house condemned!"

(Mr. Fussy turns on his flashlight and shines it around the attic while he looks around the attic seeing many mice and an overgrown mouse in the attic. He then stops the torch on the giant mouse)

Mice: (squeaking)

Giant Mouse: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy drops his flashlight. The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy playing checkers)

Mr. Strong: "King me!"

Mr. Messy: Gladly.

(Mr. Fussy runs back down the stairs screaming in horror)

Mr. Fussy: (screams) "Mouse! GIANT MOUSE!!"

(Mr. Fussy runs out of the house and then closes the door)

Mr. Messy: "Looks like he caught the mouse."

Mr. Strong: "Way to go, Mr. Fussy! So, uh, you gonna king me or what?"

(Mr. Messy makes a move with one of his pieces. Ants crawl past the screen and transition to the first bumper)

(The first bumper shows Miss Daredevil and Miss Chatterbox enjoying a picnic when a giant spider comes down. Miss Daredevil sees it, gets one of her rockets, and then gives it to the spider. The rocket carries the spider away as the screen fades to black)

(A commercial for Little Miss Naughty's Rent-A-Pest begins)

Miss Naughty: "Miss Naughty here to to tell you how you can be naughty too with "Miss Naughty's Rent-A-Pest", where you can rent any number of pests for your mischief making needs."

(The scene cuts to a boring tea party at Little Miss Sunshine's house)

Miss Naughty (voiceover): "Is your party boring?"

Miss Sunshine: (sighs)

Miss Naughty (voiceover): "Well it won't be!"

(Little Miss Naughty is outside with a jar full of mosquitos)

Miss Naughty: "With my my swarm of mosquitoes!" (laughs evilly)

(Little Miss Naughty opens the jar and releases the mosquitos into the tea house)

Miss Naughty: "Just open the jar and watch as your guests do the mosquito dance!"

(Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Mr. Tickle all run outside and starts doing, in Little Miss Naughty's words, the mosquito dance)

Miss Sunshine: (screams)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): (screams)

Mr. Nosey: "Woah!"

Miss Naughty: (laughs) "If you are looking for something really naughty..."

(Little Miss Naughty hangs upside down from a tree holding a picnic basket)

Miss Naughty: "Rent my basket of ants!"

(Little Miss Curious and Mr. Quiet are shown enjoying their picnic when Little Miss Naughty discreetly swaps their picnic basket for the one full of ants. Mr. Quiet takes a sandwich out of it and the ants carry him away. He is shown very surprised)

Miss Naughty: "They'll love it! And so will you!"

(Little Miss Naughty is shown in a garden)

Miss Naughty: "Want to do something naughty in someone's garden?"

(Little Miss Naughty pulls a rabbit out of a hole)

Miss Naughty: "Then rent one of my four-footed pests!"

(Little Miss Naughty drops the rabbit back into the hole. Mr. Happy takes a cabbage from his garden. The rabbit appears from it and starts kicking Mr. Happy in the face)

Miss Naughty: (laughs) "So if you want a pest and you want the best, come on down to Miss Naughty's Rent-A-Pest! And tell them Miss Naughty sent you!”

(The camera zooms in close on Little Miss Naughty’s mouth)

Miss Naughty: (laughs evilly)

(The screen fades to black. The next scene is at Mr. Rude's restaurant. A fly buzzes in front of the screen before heading inside)

Narrator: "One place that you never want to find a pest, is in your food at a restaurant. Especially, if that restaurant is owned by Mr. Rude."

(The camera zooms into the restaurant to show Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Quiet sitting at a table while reading the menus)

Mr. Grumpy: "Where is that Mr. Rude?"

Mr. Happy: Have patience, Mr. Grumpy. He's probably whipping something wonderfully delicious in the kitchen!

Mr. Grumpy: "Let's hope you're right, Mr. Happy."

(The fly buzzes in front of Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: "Yeah. I'm so hungry I could eat this fly."

(Mr. Quiet uses his napkin to try and swat the fly away by rolling it into a ball. The napkin misses the fly and lands on Mr. Grumpy's face instead)

Mr. Grumpy: "Mr. Quiet! Watch where you're snapping that napkin!"

(Mr. Grumpy drops the napkin on the ground; Mr. Rude walks to their table)

Mr. Rude: (scoffs) "What do you want?"

Mr. Grumpy: "To eat, for one. Why else would we come to your restaurant?"

Mr. Happy: "So, Mr. Rude. I have a question about this tomato salad."

(Mr. Happy looks at his menu)

Mr. Happy: (clears his throat) "Is it good?"

Mr. Rude: "If you like that sort of thing."

Mr. Happy: "Oh, I do! In fact, that's exactly what I'll have for lunch."

Mr. Quiet: "Uh, make that two."

Mr. Rude: "Too bad for you, I have no tomatoes."

(Mr. Happy looks again at his menu)

Mr. Happy: "Oh." (chuckles) "Well then, how about a cheese sandwich?"

Mr. Rude: "I have no cheese."

(Mr. Happy reads the menu again)

Mr. Happy: "Uh, then I'll have the cabbage."

Mr. Rude: (laughs) "Don't even dream about it!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Oh! What do you have?"

Mr. Rude: "Soup."

Mr. Happy: "I love soup!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Fine. Bring us three bowls of soup."

Mr. Rude (in an annoyed tone): "I don't like you tone of voice."

(Mr. Rude goes to the kitchen and then returns to their table with the soup they ordered)

Mr. Happy: "Beanball and lettuce soup? Hmm-hmm! How interesting!"

(Mr. Rude inhales)

Mr. Rude: "Phah!"

Mr. Quiet: "Ew! Oh. There's a fly in my soup!"

(The fly waves to Mr. Quiet as Mr. Grumpy tries his soup)

Mr. Grumpy: "This is awful!"

Mr. Quiet: "You're telling me."

Mr. Happy: "Oh, this soup isn't so bad..."

(Mr. Happy digs into his soup and finds a beanball in it)

Mr. Happy: "And just look at the size of this beanball!"

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: "Uh, almost as big as that fly!"

(Mr. Quiet scoops the fly in his spoon, but the fly spits out the soup and it lands on Mr. Quiet's face. The spoon splashes back down into the soup, and the soup lands on Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: "Stop splashing your soup!"

(Mr. Grumpy wipes the soup off of his face)

Mr. Grumpy: "Bad enough I have to eat this stuff, don't need to wear it too!"

(Mr. Quiet removes the soup from his face)

Mr. Quiet: "Oh, but there's a gross fly in it."

(The fly is shown bathing in the soup and then buzzes. Mr. Quiet leaves his table and returns with a spatula and hits the soup to hit the fly)

Mr. Grumpy: "Good grief, Mr. Quiet! You should know better!"

Mr. Quiet: "I think I got him!"

(The fly emerges from the soup and spits it out again at Mr. Quiet's face. Mr. Quiet removes the soup from his face again)

Mr. Quiet: "Ack! Aw, come on!"

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that something is not right with his soup)

Mr. Grumpy: "Wait! What's this?"

(Mr. Grumpy digs into his soup and finds a cracker in it)

Mr. Grumpy: "Crackers? Who puts crackers in beanball soup?"

(Mr. Grumpy throws the cracker away)

Mr. Grumpy: "This is beyond horrible!"

(Mr. Quiet uses a cup to remove the fly from his soup and walks away with it; Mr. Rude returns to their table)

Mr. Rude: "Oh, what are you squawking about?"

Mr. Grumpy: "This soup! It's terrible! I wouldn't even feed it to my dog! If I had a dog!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Quiet at an open window releasing the fly which then flies out, and Mr. Quiet closes the window. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: "I think the soup's fantastic!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Well, I don't!"

Mr. Rude: "Who asked you?"

(Mr. Rude glares at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Rude: "You think you can do better?"

Mr. Grumpy: "I could make soup out of mud and moldy bananas and it'd be better than this!"

(Mr. Grumpy raises the soup up, and then puts it down, and then crosses his arms)

Mr. Rude: "Fine. You don't like my soup? Then you don't deserve my restaurant!"

(Mr. Happy tries to finish his soup, but Mr. Rude stops Mr. Happy from doing so. Mr. Quiet returns to the table)

Mr. Rude: "Get out!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Don't have to ask me twice. Come on, fellas. We have a date with liverwurst!"

(Mr. Grumpy walks out of the restaurant with Mr. Happy and Mr. Quiet following him, but then they stop to thank Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: "Thank you, Mr. Rude! We had a wonderful meal. We'll have to do it again sometime!" (laughs)

(Mr. Quiet whispers into Mr. Happy's ear)

Mr. Quiet: "Speak for yourself."

(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Happy leave)

Mr. Rude: "And don't come back!"

(The fly comes close to the camera and fades to transition in the next bumper)

(The next bumper shows Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small enjoying a picnic when a giant spider comes and kidnaps Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey looks for him when the spider (wearing Mr. Small's hat) comes down to raise the hat)

Narrator: "Probably one of the most troublesome pests, is the common wasp! Which can deliver a terrible sting."

(The scene shows Mr. Tickle, Mr. Bump, and Little Miss Sunshine looking at the wasp's nest with Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle's wasp control van parked next to Miss Sunshine's garden)

Narrator: "Too bad poor Mr. Bump has the job of removing their nests."

Miss Sunshine: "How do I get rid of these wasps, Mr. Bump? I mean, I don't want them to be insulted or anything..."

(Mr. Bump looks at Mr. Tickle and Mr. Tickle shrugs; Miss Sunshine whispers into Mr. Bump's ear)

Miss Sunshine (whispers): "But I just don't like them very much.

Mr. Bump: "Well, Miss Sunshine. The only way to get rid of wasps, is to get rid of the nest."

(Little Miss Sunshine becomes scared)

Mr. Bump: "But have no fear. Mr. Tickle and I will have this nest out of here in no time!"

(Little Miss Sunshine covers her eyes)

Miss Sunshine: "Oh, I can't watch!"

Mr. Bump: "Uh, maybe it would be best if you went inside until we're through."

(Miss Sunshine walks back into her house with her eyes covered)

Miss Sunshine: "Oh. Good idea!"

(Little Miss Sunshine hits a tree and falls down. Little Miss Sunshine picks herself up and continues walking back into the house while still covering her eyes)

Mr. Tickle: "What do we do first?"

Mr. Bump: "The most important thing is to approach the nest very slowly."

(Mr. Bump slowly approaches the tree)

Mr. Bump: "You want to earn the wasps' trust!"

Mr. Tickle: "You know what else would earn their trust? A good tickle!"

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his arms and then stretches them out. He then tickles the wasps' nest and the wasps fly out of their nest)

Mr. Bump: "No, Mr. Tickle, no!"

(The wasps sting Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: "OW! Ouch! OW! OW! OW!"

(Mr. Bump runs away)

Mr. Bump: "Oh-ho! Ow! Oh-ho, not there!"

(Mr. Bump jumps into the swimming pool and splashes in the water. The wasps fly back to their nest. Mr. Bumps spits out some water from the pool as Mr. Tickle runs up to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Tickle: "See? A tickle is tons of fun!"

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle driving in their wasp control van)

Mr. Tickle: "It was just one tiny tickle."

(Mr. Bump is shown covered in wasp stings and very, very angry)

Mr. Bump (angrily): "Yes, but wasp nests aren't meant for tickling."

(The van passes by Mr. Stubborn's house who has a wasps' nest that's huge)

Mr. Bump (offscreen in a surprise tone): "Whoa!"

(Mr. Bump reverses the van and parks it outside Mr. Stubborn's house. The next scene shows a closeup of the wasps' nest, and then the camera zooms out on Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Bump: "I've never seen anything like it!"

(Mr. Stubborn opens his door and walks outside)

Mr. Stubborn: "What are you talking about?"

Mr. Bump: "The wasp's nest. Mr. Stubborn, that's the biggest nest I've ever seen!"

Mr. Stubborn: "That is not a wasp's nest. That is a piñata."

Mr. Tickle: "I love piñatas!"

Mr. Bump: (scoffs) "So do I, but that is not a piñata! If it was, it would be filled with candy! Not hundreds of angry, stinging wasps."

Mr. Stubborn: "I do not have wasps!"

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Stubborn's house with a ladder)

Mr. Bump: "I'm afraid you do, I'll show you."

(Mr. Bump takes out a smoker and uses it on the hive)

Mr. Bump: "Using my trusty smoker which will put the wasps into a nappy nap, while I remove the hive."

(Mr. Bump climbs up the ladder and then remembers what previously happened)

Mr. Bump: "Without any tickles!"

Mr. Tickle: "Well, can I tickle you later?"

Mr. Bump: "When we're through!"

(Mr. Bump glares at Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Stubborn: "You're wasting you're time! That is not a wasp's nest!"

(Mr. Stubborn goes back inside his house)

Mr. Tickle: "I don't know, Mr. Stubborn. I think Mr. Bump is right. It looks waspy."

Mr. Stubborn: "Let me whack my piñata!!"

Mr. Bump: "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! MR. TICKLE, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!"

Mr. Tickle: "Yay! I was hoping you say that!"

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: "No!" (laughs)

(Mr. Bump starts losing his balance)

Mr. Bump: "Whoa! Whoa! WHOOOAAAAH!!"

(Mr. Bump falls off the ladder and the wasp nest falls on his head)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Found the queen!"

(Mr. Bump takes the wasp nest off his head and is chased away by the wasps)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ohhh! Ow!"

Mr. Tickle: "Mr. Bump! Wait! I have plenty of tickles left in me!"

(Mr. Tickle runs after Mr. Bump)

Mr. Stubborn: "SEE?! NO WASPS! I knew it was a piñata!"

(Mr. Stubborn notices that there's nothing inside the wasp nest)

Mr. Stubborn: "WAIT! WHO ATE MY CANDY?!?"

(Fade to black)

(The last bumper shows the giant spider enjoying a picnic, and then Miss Scary comes down and puts on a mask that looks like a giant fly)

Miss Scary: "AHHHHHH!"

Spider: (screams)

(The spider runs away and Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Fade to black)

(The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode, starting with Miss Chatterbox pulling hard against her carrot, but it flies into the air and then Mr. Scatterbrain pops out the hole and eats the carrot)

Narrator: A"nd so you see, pests do pose a fair number of problems throughout Dillydale."

(The camera moves to show Mr. Small attached to a spider web trying to escape, but then Mr. Nosey pulls him down and holds Mr. Small)

Narrator: "But the Mr. Men and Little Misses don't let a little pest ruin their day."

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong appear from their segment having a picnic with the mice, with two of them disappearing offscreen. Mr. Messy is talking incoherently)

Narrator: "Because after all, one man's pest.."

(Mr. Bump and Mr. Tickle reappear from their segment with Mr. Bump screaming while getting stung by the wasps as Mr. Tickle tickles him)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Narrator: "Is another man's tickle."

Mr. Bump: "Oh, freak me out! This is craziness!"

(Fade to black)

(Episode ends here)

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