Mr. Men Wiki

'This better be all you need! You're spoiling my good mood!'
— Robo-Grumpy

Robo-Grumpy is a robot doppelganger of Mr. Grumpy created to assist him, only for it to cause more harm then good for him due to bringing in several unwanted guests in addition to what he requested for.




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Book Series BossyBot|BounceBot|ChatterBot|DotBot|ExtendaBot|FussyBot|GreedyBot|HelpBot|RushBot|StrongBot
The Mr. Men Show Cleaning Clive|Herbie Homemaker|Little Miss Scary's Robot|Mr. Metal|Little Miss Chatterbox Robot|Robo-Grumpy|Mr. Messy Robot|Mr. Quiet Robot|Mr. Rude Robot|Mr. Scatterbrain Robot|Mr. Small Robot|Mr. Strong Robot|Little Miss Sunshine Robot|Mr. Tall Robot|Scarecrow
The Mr. Men Show Characters
Season 1 Characters

Little Miss SunshineLittle Miss NaughtyLittle Miss ScaryMr. LazyMr. NervousMr. MessyMr. QuietMr. StubbornLittle Miss HelpfulMr. BounceMr. SmallLittle Miss Chatterbox • Mr. Per(s)nickety (Mr. Fussy in Season 2) • Mr. GrumpyMr. NoseyMr. ScatterbrainMr. HappyMr. BumpMr. RudeLittle Miss WhoopsMr. NoisyLittle Miss Calamity (Season 1 Only) • Little Miss DaredevilMr. StrongMr. Tickle

Season 2 Characters
Little Miss GigglesLittle Miss MagicMr. TallLittle Miss BossyLittle Miss CuriousMr. FunnyMr. Metal (Robots only)
