Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Sand and Surf." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Bath and Bubbles" Next: "Parks"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Sand and Surf" written on it with Mr. Bump surfing, and who created the episode underneath)

Mr. Bump (voiceover): I'm a surf king!

(The sound of someone jumping into water is heard)

Mr. Bump (voiceover): Oh, poopity poop!

(The episode begins at Dillydale Beach on a bright, sunny day. Little Miss Whoops has just arrived with an umbrella and picnic basket, Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Lazy are resting in the sun and Mr. Strong and Mr. Nervous are preparing to play beach bat and ball)

Narrator: What could be more fun than a day spent frolicking in the sand and surf?

(Mr. Nervous and Mr. Strong play a game of beach bat and ball)

Narrator: Whether it's a game of beach bat and ball...

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong hits the ball so hard, it whizzes over Mr. Nervous' head and hits Mr. Bump off his wind surfer)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Mr. Bump lands un the water and resurfaces. A shark swims over to Mr. Bump and smiles. The scene transitions underwater where Little Miss Scary is doing some snorkeling in her cyclops mask)

Narrator: Or perhaps a spot of snorkeling.

(Little Miss Scary swims passed Mr. Tall's legs. On the surface, Mr. Tall is shown playing a game of volleyball and hits the ball to Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale know exactly how to make the most...

(Mr. Scatterbrain hits the volleyball behind him and it lands in Mr. Fussy's sandcastle. Sand covers Mr. Fussy from head to toe)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

Narrator: Out of a day at the beach!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Fussy. Mr. Scatterbrain is worried about Mr. Fussy after causing him to be buried in sand. Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy walk passed Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Fussy each holding a surfboard. Mr. Noisy is also holding a boombox. Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy pass Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack. Mr. Grumpy is wearing his fishing hat and is selling a surfboard to Mr. Stubborn)

Narrator: For those who like to surf...

(Mr. Stubborn pays for his surfboard and leaves)

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm....

Narrator: Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack is the place to get the perfect surfboard!

(A small crashing sound is heard offscreen. Mr. Grumpy walks over to it to reveal that Little Miss Daredevil is looking for a surfboard. Little Miss Daredevil is shown shaking a surfboard up and down)

Mr. Grumpy: For noodles sake, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Grumpy takes the surfboard from Little Miss Daredevil)

Mr. Grumpy: You're messing up my display!

Miss Daredevil: Sorry, Mr. Grumpy. I just wanted to get the right surfboard. You know, nothing too boring.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! How about this one?

(Mr. Grumpy finds a surfboard that matches Little Miss Daredevil's helmet and shows it to her)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! That's the one!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!

(Little Miss Daredevil takes the surfboard and pays Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah!

Miss Daredevil: Thanks, Mr. Grumpy!

(Little Miss Daredevil leaves with her surfboard)

Mr. Grumpy: I aim to please.

(Mr. Stubborn returns with his surfboard. His surfboard now has a bite mark where a piece of the surfboard used to be)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh...what's the problem, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: I want my money back!

(Mr. Stubborn hands Mr. Grumpy his surfboard)

Mr. Stubborn: This surfboard does not work!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm? Well, maybe it doesn't work because it's a bite taken out of it!

Mr. Stubborn: I don't know what you're talking about!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the surfboard back with the others on display)

Mr. Stubborn: It was like that when I bought it!

Mr. Grumpy: No, it was not! This board was just like all the others when you left the store. Now it is a chunk missing! Probably bitten off by a shark while you were surfing.

Mr. Stubborn: Don't be ridiculous! That board was not bitten by a shark!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, really?

(Mr. Grumpy finds a shark tooth in the spot where the surfboard chunk was bitten off and shows it to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Grumpy: Then explain how this shark tooth got here!

(Mr. Stubborn knocks the shark tooth out of Mr. Grumpy's fingers)

Mr. Stubborn: I don't have to explain anything! There are no sharks in that water!

(Little Miss Sunshine runs pass Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Sunshine: Shark! Shark!

(A shark comes out of the water and lands on the beach. The shark spits out Mr. Bump followed by the missing chunk of Mr. Stubborn's surfboard. The shark then gives a big smile that shows off all their teeth)

Mr. Bump: Yuck!

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn and gives them the chunk of surfboard that got bitten off Mr. Stubborn's surfboard)

Mr. Bump: You never know what you're gonna find in the belly of a shark.

(Mr. Bump walks away)

Mr. Grumpy: A shark bit off your board! Admit it, Stubborn!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't tell me what to do! THIS SHOP IS CHEAP!!!

(Mr. Grumpy facepalms himself in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Fine! Just take a new board and go! I'm bored of arguing with you!

Mr. Stubborn: Ha!

(Mr. Stubborn takes a new surfboard)

Mr. Stubborn: I knew you would see it my way!

(Mr. Stubborn leaves with his new surfboard. Mr. Grumpy throws down the surfboard chunk in frustration and anger)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! (groans)

(Little Miss Daredevil flies over on her rocket boots to show Mr. Grumpy her surfboard)

Miss Daredevil: Uh, Mr. Grumpy! I need my money back. There's something wrong with my surfboard. Look!

(Mr. Grumpy sees two burned holes in Little Miss Daredevil's surfboard. Clearly from Little Miss Daredevil's rocket boots. Mr. Grumpy then throws his hat onto the ground in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! (growls) Crooked...! (grunts) OH!!!!! Ooh! Surfers, all the same!

(The scene iris' out. The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous setting out his beach umbrella when a wave crashes on top of him. Then, the scene transitions to the first bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Little Miss Scary walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Miss Scary: (snorts and chuckles)

(Little Miss Scary puts on her green big nose mask and scares the sandcastle till it's nothing but a mound of sand and shells)

Miss Scary: Ah!

(The mound of sand forms into a sand monster that scares Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Scary)

Sand Monster: (roars)

Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(Mr. Quiet runs away in fear)

Miss Scary and Sand Monster: (laughs)

(The screen fades to black. Mr. Funny's theme plays in the background as the next scene begins. The next scene shows Mr. Funny walking along the shoreline with a picnic basket in his hand. Mr. Funny puts his picnic basket down as he looks around. Mr. Funny notices a stick on the ground)

Mr. Funny: Oh!

(Mr. Funny picks up the stick and draws a sand version of himself in the sand. The sand version of Mr. Funny comes to life when Mr. Funny finishes. Mr. Funny jumps in excitement)

Mr. Funny: (Honks happily)

(Mr. Funny and his sand double lie down on the sand. Spilling waves break on the shore and mess up the sand Mr. Funny. Mr. Funny notices this when the sand Mr. Funny gestures over to the real Mr. Funny. Mr. Funny is surprised by this. Spilling waves break on the shore again and turn the sand Mr. Funny into a sand Little Miss Chatterbox)

Sand Miss Chatterbox: (chattering incoherently)

(Mr. Funny looks at the viewers completely dumbfounded. Spilling waves break on the shore a third time but the sand drawing disappears entirely and the sea monster from Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Scary's scene in "Out to Sea" pops out of the sand)

Sea Monster: (roars)

(Mr. Funny runs away in fear. Leaving his picnic basket behind. The sea monster opens the picnic basket, takes out a sandwich, and proceeds to eat it contently. The scene fades to black. The next scene begins with a radio on the beach)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵The Dillydale Radio!🎵

(Something is heard hitting Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): Ow! Ow!

Mr. Lazy (on the radio): 1814.08 on your FM dial.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy at the radio station)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Messy here on this hot Summer afternoon! This next song goes out to all you Mr. Men and Little Misses who are grooving and shaking over at Dillydale Beach!

(Mr. Messy takes out a CD)

Mr. Messy: So, here it is! Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump's next big hit!

(Mr. Messy and places the CD into the system)

Mr. Messy: "Beach Party A-Go-Go!"

(Beach Party A-Go-Go plays after a record slides across the screen to transition to the music video. The video begins with the sun rising over Dillydale Beach and Mr. Strong popping up)

Mr. Strong: Cowabunga, dudes!

(Mr. Strong ducks down and several cars arrive at the beach and several umbrellas and towels appear as well. Mr. Bump is shown carrying a surfboard. Mr. Bump jumps over a fence and starts running to the water)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Surf's up, my board is waxed and ready!🎵

(Mr. Bump trips over a sandcastle. A rectangle of a tiki's face as well as one of presents and balloons appear on the top of the screen. On the bottom of the screen are three more rectangles. From left to right, Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Little Miss Naughty are shown wearing their hair in high ponytails and dancing)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Small is shown playing a ukulele with Mr. Nosey next to him playing the bongos. Mr. Small has a flower wreath on his hat while Mr. Nosey is wearing a necklace and has a flower on his head)

Mr. Strong: Oh, yeah! Here we go!

(Mr. Bump is shown running to the water carrying his surfboard)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Surf's up, my nerves are always steady!🎵

(A wave crashes on top of Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ooh!

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Naughty are shown lying on a towel and putting sunglasses over their eyes)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

Mr. Strong: Ride the waves!

(Mr. Bump is shown surfing behind a live-action shot of a wave)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Everyone knows that I'm the surfin' king🎵

(Mr. Bump starts losing his balance)

Mr. Bump: 🎵To see me catch a wave, it's so astonishing!🎵

(Mr. Bump falls off his surfboard and Mr. Strong appears hanging upside-down from the top of the screen)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

Mr. Strong: Hangin' ten!

(Five surfboards (colored sky blue, light green, pink, neon orange, and yellow respectively) fall from the top of the screen and land in front of a red and green leaf patterned background)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Naughty are shown wearing their hair in high ponytails and dancing)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(The scene transitions to wet and seaweed covered Mr. Bump trudging onto the beach)

Chorus: 🎵Bring your board and your radio!🎵

(Mr. Bump falls onto his face. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Naughty dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails. Mr. Bump lifts his face up to continue singing)

Mr. Bump: 🎵It's a--🎵

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scary riding on a motorcycle)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)

(Mr. Strong is shown carrying a surfboard. Mr. Strong jumps over a fence and starts running to the water)

Mr. Strong: 🎵What's up? I hear the surfin's really hot!🎵

(Mr. Bump lifts his head up and Mr. Strong passes him. Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Bump and places him on top of the surfboard Mr. Strong is carrying)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong is shown running to the water carrying his surfboard with Mr. Bump sitting on the surfboard. Mr. Bump looks around and sees something)

Mr. Strong: And if you wanna catch some surf, this is a really groovy spot!🎵

Mr. Bump: (shrieks)

(Mr. Bump covers his eyes. A wave crashes on top of Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump. The five surfboards (colored sky blue, light green, pink, neon orange, and yellow respectively) fall from the top of the screen and land in front of a red and green leaf patterned background)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump are shown surfing behind a live-action shot of a wave)

Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong: 🎵'Cause the news is out that there's a pair of surfin' kings🎵

(Mr. Bump falls off the surfboard. Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Bump and places him on top of his head. The two pose triumphantly)

Chorus: 🎵Ahhhhhhhh!🎵

Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong: 🎵You'll never see a wave that we're not conquering!🎵

Mr. Bump: Whee!

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Naughty are shown lying on a towel and putting sunglasses over their eyes)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party-A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Chatterbox become lovestruck as they see Mr. Strong flex his muscles)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles as Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Chatterbox watch)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine are show peeking behind a blue polka-dot towel)

Chorus, Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Bump:🎵Bring your board and your radio!🎵

(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine throw the towel away and start dancing on top of a surfboard held up by Mr. Fussy, Mr. Happy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Grumpy. Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Whoops are shown dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails alongside Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine. The sun is beginning to set on the beach)

Chorus and Mr. Bump:🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Little Miss Scary shows up on her motorcycle)

Miss Scary: Ha-ha!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Small playing his ukulele, Mr. Nosey playing his bongos, and Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails alongside everyone else)

Chorus, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Strong: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong pops up)

Mr. Strong: Yeah!

("Beach Party A-Go-Go" ends. The scene transitions to the second bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Mr. Messy walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle. Mr. Messy is not impressed with Mr. Quiet's work. Mr. Messy gets an idea and turns Mr. Quiet's sandcastle into a mound of trash and sand. Complete with a flag with Mr. Messy's face on it)

Mr. Quiet: Hmm.

(The scene transitions to a dance video. Four tikis of Miss Sunshine, Miss Scary, Mr. Fussy and an unknown character are on the screen. They disappear one by one to show Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops dancing behind a flower covered background. Then the tikis reappear one by one covering the screen again. The scene fades to Little Miss Scary (who is wearing sunglasses), Mr. Fussy, and Mr. Quiet setting up their beach blanket by the shore for a day at the beach)

Narrator: Choosing the right spot to place your blanket is as important, as choosing the right people with whom to share your blanket. Just ask Mr. Fussy!

(Everyone sits down on the beach blanket)

Miss Scary: I don't like this spot!

Mr. Fussy: Why not, Miss Scary?

(Little Miss Scary points at some rocks sticking out of the water. The camera briefly cuts to the rocks)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Those rocks are in my way!

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scary, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Fussy)

Miss Scary: What if a sea monster rises from the ocean and I miss it because I can't see around those rocks?

Mr. Quiet: Hmm...

(Mr. Fussy rolls his eyes in annoyance)

Mr. Fussy: Honestly, Miss Scary! It just so happens that Mr. Quiet and I think that this is a wonderful spot!

(Mr. Fussy puts his arm around Mr. Quiet for a moment)

Mr. Fussy: Don't we, Mr. Quiet?

Mr. Quiet: Uh, no complaints here.

(Mr. Fussy takes out a bottle of sun cream)

Mr. Fussy: Would anyone care to tries some of my fancy banana-scented sun cream?

Miss Scary: What's so fancy about some sun cream?

(Mr. Fussy puts the bottle of sun cream down)

Mr. Fussy: Well...uh for one, it smells of...bananas!

(A crab pops out of the sand, grabs Mr. Fussy's sun cream, and retreats back under the sand. Only Mr. Quiet witnesses this event)

Miss Scary: As if there is anything fancy about bananas!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, that crab just stole your sun cream.

Mr. Fussy: I will have you know that my sun cream is very expensive and is made with only the finest banana juice!

Mr. Quiet: Uh...well, that crab has it now.

Miss Scary: If it was made from monster juice, that would be fancy!

(The crab pops out of the sand and squirts Mr. Quiet in the face with Mr. Fussy's sun cream)

Mr. Quiet: Blech! Pah!

(The crab jump back under the sand, leaving the sun cream bottle behind. Mr. Fussy grabs the bottle to find it empty)

Mr. Fussy: It's all gone!? Honestly, Mr. Quiet! Couldn't you have saved some for the rest of us?

Mr. Quiet: It wasn't me! It was the crab!

Mr. Fussy: Wery well! We might as well have lunch!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a tray of cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off and puts it on the blanket. Little Miss Scary takes out two sandwiches)

Miss Scary: Have one of my cheese spread and spider sandwiches!

(A close-up of Little Miss Scary's sandwiches reveals that the spiders are actually pickle slices)

Mr. Fussy: Spiders indeed! More like cheese spread and pickle slices!

Miss Scary: What's the matter? Afraid!?

Mr. Fussy: No. Appalled. I much prefer cucumber sandwiches.

(Mr. Fussy takes one of the cucumber sandwiches off the tray)

Miss Scary: What happened to the crust?

Mr. Fussy: I removed them.

Miss Scary: No crust?

Miss Scary (sarcastically): Yeah! Real scary.

Mr. Fussy: I also brought some delicious hot mustard!

(Mr. Fussy turns around to get the hot mustard out of the picnic basket)

Miss Scary: Now you're talking!

(The crab pops out of the sand again and takes the two remaining cucumber sandwiches with them back under the sand. Mr. Quiet is the only one to witness this and stunned)

Mr. Quiet: Um, about those sandwiches...

(Mr. Fussy finds the hot mustard and turns around)

Mr. Fussy: Here we are!

(Mr. Fussy discovers that the sandwich tray is empty)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Quiet!

Mr. Quiet: Oh! It wasn't me!

(The crab pops out of the sand)

Crab: (burps)

(The crab hides back under the sand. Mr. Fussy smells the burp and fans away the smell)

Mr. Fussy: Honestly, it is one thing to use up the sun cream and to eat all of the sandwiches. But it is quite another to have such terrible manners!

(Mr. Quiet hits himself in the face in frustration)

Mr. Quiet: It was the crab!

Miss Scary: Looks like you're gonna have to have my sandwiches!

(Little Miss Scary takes out one of her sandwiches with a bite taken out of it)

Mr. Fussy: Actually, I think I'll pass on the sandwiches. And just enjoy my book!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a book and starts reading it)

Mr. Fussy: There's nothing I like better than a good book at the beach!

Miss Scary: Me too!

(Little Miss Scary takes out a book)

Miss Scary: Especially when it's a pop-up book about sea monsters!

(Little Miss Scary opens up her book and shows the sea monster to Mr. Fussy)

Pop-Up Sea Monster: (screeches)

Mr. Fussy: (yelps)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Ha-ha!

Mr. Fussy: (sighs)

(Little Miss Scary raises her sunglasses for a moment)

Miss Scary: Isn't it fantastic?

(Mr. Fussy puts his book down on the blanket)

Mr. Fussy: No! It is not!

(The crab pops out again and grabs Mr. Fussy's book. Mr. Quiet sees the crab's theft attempt and engages in a tug-of-war over the book)

Mr. Fussy: I really don't know what you see in these sort of things!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Miss Scary (offscreen): Funny!

Mr. Quiet: Oh, let go!

(The crab pulls Mr. Quiet and Mr. Fussy's book under the sand)

Mr. Quiet (muffled): Oh! Oh! Oh no!

Miss Scary: Face it, Mr. Fussy! If it isn't scary, it isn't fun!

Mr. Fussy: That is your opinion!

Mr. Quiet (muffled): Oh no! Help!

Mr. Fussy: Some people enjoy other kinds of books. I know I, myself, would quite enjoy a book on bowties!

Miss Scary: You mean, like bowties that turn into giant beetle bugs that crawl all over you?!

Mr. Fussy: Absolutely not!

Miss Scary: Then I'll stick with my book of monsters!

(Mr. Quiet pulls himself and Mr. Fussy's book out of the sand. Kicking sand all over the blanket in the process)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Quiet! You have kicked sand all over our clean beach blanket!

Mr. Quiet: Oh! I'm just trying to get this back!

(Mr. Quiet gives Mr. Fussy back his book. Mr. Fussy discovers that his book is now full of sand)

Mr. Fussy: Look what you have done to my book!

Miss Scary: Let's go home! There's nothing scary going on around here!

Mr. Fussy: I beg to differ!

(The ground starts shaking. Mr. Quiet turns around to find a giant crab monster rising out of the sand)

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Mr. Fussy: This is turning into a most frightful day by the sea!

(The crab monster grabs the picnic basket and eats it in one gulp)

Mr. Fussy: However, that doesn't mean I want to leave!

(The crab monster grabs the beach blanket)

Mr. Quiet: We should go now!

(The crab monster tries to pull the beach blanket under the sand with them)

Miss Scary: But we could do something more fun! Like explore a cave of bats or go to a snake museum!

(The crab monster lets go of the blanket)

Miss Scary: Something really scary!

(The crab monster snaps its claws)

Mr. Fussy: We are staying here and enjoying ourselves...

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary turn around)

Mr. Fussy: As we plan to do!

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary see the crab monster)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps)

Miss Scary: (awes)

Mr. Fussy: Sweet apple strudel!

(The viewers see a close-up of the crab monster)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): It's...a monster!

(Mr. Fussy jumps up in fear)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy runs away in fear as the crab monster grabs Little Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts) This is the best day at the beach ever! (laughs and snorts)

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet escape from the crab monster's claws and run away)

Crab Monster: (growls in confusion)

(The scene fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hmmm...

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment before getting an idea. Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a curly straw and sucks up Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ah-ah-

(Mr. Scatterbrain sneezes the sand out and it forms a fantastic sandcastle. Much to Mr. Quiet's annoyance)

Mr. Quiet: Mmmm.

(The scene transitions to the sun setting on Dillydale Beach. Little Miss Naughty is shown to have buried Mr. Lazy up to his neck in sand. Little Miss Whoops is standing next to her holding an umbrella and looking concerned)

Miss Naughty: (laughs evilly)

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump walk by each carrying a surfboard)

Narrator: Another day spent enjoying the sand and surf comes to an end in Dillydale!

(Mr. Stubborn is shown in front of Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack with his shark-bitten surfboard. Not wanting to deal with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Grumpy walks into the Surf Shack and closes the door behind him.)

Narrator: It's time for the Mr. Men and Little Misses to go home!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Daredevil are shown leaving the beach and driving home. They are followed my Mr. Fussy, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Scary in Mr. Fussy's car. Little Miss Scary is shown looking behind herself in content)

Narrator: They'll remember this day at the beach fondly!

(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Fussy are shown looking behind themselves in fear. Mr. Fussy then resumes driving)

Narrator: Well...most of them will!

(The crab monster is revealed to be scurrying after Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Fussy drives his car offscreen and the crab follows. The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Sand and Surf" written on it with Mr. Bump surfing, and who created the episode underneath)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): Woo-hoo!

(The sound of someone jumping into water is heard)

Mr. Quiet (voiceover): (groans)

(The episode begins at Dillydale Beach on a bright, sunny day. Little Miss Whoops has just arrived with an umbrella and picnic basket, Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Lazy are resting in the sun and Mr. Strong and Mr. Nervous are preparing to play paddle ball)

Narrator: What could be more fun than a day spent frolicking in the sand and surf?

(Mr. Nervous and Mr. Strong play a game of paddle ball)

Narrator: Whether it's a game of paddle ball...

(Mr. Strong hits the ball so hard, it whizzes over Mr. Nervous' head and hits Mr. Bump off his wind surfer)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Woah!

(Mr. Bump lands un the water and resurfaces. A shark swims over to Mr. Bump and smiles. The scene transitions underwater where Little Miss Scary is doing some snorkeling in her cyclops mask)

Narrator: Or perhaps a little snorkeling.

(Little Miss Scary swims passed Mr. Tall's legs. On the surface, Mr. Tall is shown playing a game of volleyball and hits the ball to Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale know just how to make the most...

(Mr. Scatterbrain hits the volleyball behind him and it lands in Mr. Fussy's sandcastle. Sand covers Mr. Fussy from head to toe)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

Narrator: Out of a day at the beach!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Fussy. Mr. Scatterbrain is worried about Mr. Fussy after causing him to be buried in sand. Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy walk passed Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Fussy each holding a surfboard. Mr. Noisy is also holding a boombox. Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy pass Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack. Mr. Grumpy is wearing his fishing hat and is selling a surfboard to Mr. Stubborn)

Narrator: For those who like to surf...

(Mr. Stubborn pays for his surfboard and leaves)

Narrator: Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack is the place to get the perfect surfboard!

(A small crashing sound is heard offscreen. Mr. Grumpy walks over to it to reveal that Little Miss Daredevil is looking for a surfboard. Little Miss Daredevil is shown shaking a surfboard up and down)

Mr. Grumpy: For noodles sake, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Grumpy takes the surfboard from Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: Woah!

Mr. Grumpy: You're messing up my display!

Miss Daredevil: Sorry, Mr. Grumpy. I just want to get the right surfboard. You know, nothing too boring.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! How about this one?

(Mr. Grumpy finds a surfboard that matches Little Miss Daredevil's helmet and shows it to her)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! That's the one!

(Little Miss Daredevil takes the surfboard and pays Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Daredevil: Thanks, Mr. Grumpy!

(Little Miss Daredevil leaves with her surfboard)

Mr. Grumpy: I aim to please.

(Mr. Stubborn returns with his surfboard. His surfboard now has a bite mark where a piece of the surfboard used to be)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh...what's the problem, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: I want my money back!

(Mr. Stubborn hands Mr. Grumpy his surfboard)

Mr. Stubborn: This surfboard does not work!

Mr. Grumpy: Well, maybe it doesn't work because it's a bite taken out of it!

Mr. Stubborn: I don't know what you're talking about!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the surfboard back with the others on display)

Mr. Stubborn: It was like that when I bought it!

Mr. Grumpy: No, it was not! This board was just like all the others when you left the store. Now it is a chunk missing! Probably bitten off by a shark while you were surfing.

Mr. Stubborn: Don't be ridiculous! That board was not bitten by a shark!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, really?

(Mr. Grumpy finds a shark tooth in the spot where the surfboard chunk was bitten off and shows it to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Grumpy: Then explain how this shark tooth got here!

(Mr. Stubborn knocks the shark tooth out of Mr. Grumpy's fingers)

Mr. Stubborn: I don't have to explain anything! There are no sharks in that water!

(Little Miss Sunshine runs pass Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Sunshine: Shark! Shark!

(A shark comes out of the water and lands on the beach. The shark spits out Mr. Bump followed by the missing chunk of Mr. Stubborn's surfboard. The shark then gives a big smile that shows off all their teeth)

Mr. Bump: Ew, yuck!

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn and gives them the chunk of surfboard that got bitten off Mr. Stubborn's surfboard)

Mr. Bump: You never know what you're gonna find in the belly of a shark.

(Mr. Bump walks away)

Mr. Grumpy: A shark bit off your board! Admit it, Stubborn!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't tell me what to do! THIS STORE IS CHEAP!!!

(Mr. Grumpy facepalms himself in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Fine! Just take a new board and go! I'm done arguing with you!

Mr. Stubborn: Ha!

(Mr. Stubborn takes a new surfboard)

Mr. Stubborn: I knew you would see it my way!

(Mr. Stubborn leaves with his new surfboard. Mr. Grumpy throws down the surfboard chunk in frustration and anger)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! (groans)

(Little Miss Daredevil flies over on her rocket boots to show Mr. Grumpy her surfboard)

Miss Daredevil: Uh, Mr. Grumpy! I need my money back. There's something wrong with my surfboard

(Mr. Grumpy sees two burned holes in Little Miss Daredevil's surfboard. Clearly from Little Miss Daredevil's rocket boots. Mr. Grumpy then throws his hat onto the ground in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Gah! Oh! Crooked...! (grunts) OOOH!!!!! Ooh! Die-ie-da-da-da-dite!

(The scene iris' out. The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous setting out his beach umbrella when a wave crashes on top of him. Then, the scene transitions to the first bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Little Miss Scary walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Miss Scary: (snorts)

(Little Miss Scary puts on her green big nose mask and scares the sandcastle till it's nothing but a mound of sand and shells)

Miss Scary: Ah!

(The mound of sand forms into a sand monster that scares Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Scary)

Sand Monster: (roars)

Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(Mr. Quiet runs away in fear)

Miss Scary and Sand Monster: (laughs)

(The screen fades to black. The scene transitions to the "a word from Mr. Tickle" screen)

Mr. Happy (voiceover): And now, a few words from Mr. Tickle!

(The screen transitions to Mr. Tickle reading a book behind a scenery drawing of a "Masterpiece Theater" esq. room)

Mr. Happy (voiceover): President of the Dillydale Tickle Club!

(Mr. Tickle puts his book down on a little table that's next to his chair)

Mr. Tickle: Everyone knows the best way to have fun at the to tickle!

(Mr. Tickle gets up and walks off the set onto the beach)

Mr. Tickle: That's why I'm here to show you how! One of the easiest tickle is the "Beach Blanket Tickle."

(Little Miss Chatterbox is shown sitting on her beach blanket talking on two cellphones. A picnic basket is also on the blanket. Mr. Tickle sneaks up behind her)

Miss Chatterbox: (talking incoherently)

Mr. Tickle: All you have to do is sneak up very quietly, and then...

Miss Chatterbox: I mean, you have to move then...

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox drops her phones in the process)

Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms surround the screen and when they disappear, Mr. Tickle is shown walking up to a lifeguard tower)

Mr. Tickle: Lifeguards need their tickles too! That's why there's the "Tower Tickle!"

(Mr. Bump is shown sitting on the lifeguard tower looking through a set of binoculars. Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: (laughs) No! (laughs)

(Mr. Bump slides off the tower and falls into the sand)

Mr. Bump (muffled): Oh! (grunts)

Mr. Tickle: Who doesn't love a tickle?

(The scene cuts to Mr. Tickle in a submarine)

Mr. Tickle: Another great tickle to try is the "Underwater Sneak Attack Tickle!"

(The scene cuts to show the submarine. A hole opens up from underneath. Mr. Tickle's arms stretch through it and Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Nervous from underwater. Mr. Nervous is shown wearing an innertube)

Mr. Nervous: NO!! Terrifying tickling tentacles! (screams)

(Mr. Nervous jumps out of his innertube and runs away. Mr. Tickle's arms surround the screen and when they disappear, Mr. Tickle is shown standing on the beach)

Mr. Tickle: By now, you should be so good at tickling, you can even tickle a seagull!

(Mr. Tickle tickles a seagull that was flying overhead)

Seagull: (caws)

(The seagull defecates on Mr. Tickle's head)

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

(Mr. Tickle shakes this event off and turns to the viewers)

Mr. Tickle: So, enjoy the surf and sand!

(Mr. Tickle tickles towards the viewers as if he was trying to tickle them)

Mr. Tickle: And happy tickling!

(The screen fades to black. Mr. Funny's theme plays in the background as the next scene begins. The next scene shows Mr. Funny walking along the shoreline with a picnic basket in his hand. Mr. Funny puts his picnic basket down as he looks around. Mr. Funny notices a stick on the ground)

Mr. Funny: Oh!

(Mr. Funny picks up the stick and draws a sand version of himself in the sand. The sand version of Mr. Funny comes to life when Mr. Funny finishes. Mr. Funny jumps in excitement)

Mr. Funny: (Honks happily)

(Mr. Funny and his sand double lie down on the sand. Spilling waves break on the shore and mess up the sand Mr. Funny. Mr. Funny notices this when the sand Mr. Funny gestures over to the real Mr. Funny. Mr. Funny is surprised by this. Spilling waves break on the shore again and turn the sand Mr. Funny into a sand Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox (as a sand drawing): (chattering incoherently; what is she saying?)

(Mr. Funny looks at the viewers completely dumbfounded. Spilling waves break on the shore a third time but the sand drawing disappears entirely and the sea monster from Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Scary's scene in "Out to Sea" pops out of the sand)

Sea Monster: (roars)

(Mr. Funny runs away in fear. Leaving his picnic basket behind. The sea monster opens the picnic basket, takes out a sandwich, and proceeds to eat it contently. The scene fades to black. The next scene begins with a radio on the beach)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): 🎵The Dillydale Radio!🎵

(Something is heard hitting Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump (on the radio): Ow!

Mr. Lazy (on the radio): 19.71 on your AM dial.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy at the radio station)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Messy here on this hot Summer afternoon! This next song goes out to all you Mr. Men and Little Misses who are grooving and shaking over at Dillydale Beach!

(Mr. Messy takes out a CD)

Mr. Messy: So, here it is! Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump's next big hit!

(Mr. Messy and places the CD into the system)

Mr. Messy: "Beach Party A-Go-Go!"

(Beach Party A-Go-Go plays after a record slides across the screen to transition to the music video. The video begins with the sun rising over Dillydale Beach and Mr. Strong popping up)

Mr. Strong: Cowabunga, dudes!

(Mr. Strong ducks down and several cars arrive at the beach and several umbrellas and towels appear as well. Mr. Bump is shown carrying a surfboard. Mr. Bump jumps over a fence and starts running to the water)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Surf's up, my board is waxed and ready!🎵

(Mr. Bump trips over a sandcastle. A rectangle of a tiki's face as well as one of presents and balloons appear on the top of the screen. On the bottom of the screen are three more rectangles. From left to right, Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Little Miss Naughty are shown wearing their hair in high ponytails and dancing)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Small is shown playing a ukelele with Mr. Nosey next to him playing the bongos. Mr. Small has a flower wreath on his hat while Mr. Nosey is wearing a necklace and has a flower on his head)

Mr. Strong: Oh, yeah! Here we go!

(Mr. Bump is shown running to the water carrying his surfboard)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Surf's up, my nerves are always steady!🎵

(A wave crashes on top of Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Woo!

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Naughty are shown lying on a towel and putting sunglasses over their eyes)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

Mr. Strong: Ride the waves!

(Mr. Bump is shown surfing behind a live-action shot of a wave)

Mr. Bump: 🎵Everyone knows that I'm the surfin' king🎵

(Mr. Bump starts losing his balance)

Mr. Bump: 🎵To see me catch a wave that's so astonishing!🎵

(Mr. Bump falls off his surfboard and Mr. Strong appears hanging upside-down from the top of the screen)

Mr. Strong: Hangin' ten!

(Five surfboards (colored sky blue, light green, pink, neon orange, and yellow respectively) fall from the top of the screen and land in front of a red and green leaf patterned background)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Naughty are shown wearing their hair in high ponytails and dancing)

Chorus and Mr. Bump: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(The scene transitions to wet and seaweed covered Mr. Bump trudging onto the beach)

Chorus: 🎵Bring your board and your radio!🎵

(Mr. Bump falls onto his face. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Naughty dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails. Mr. Bump lifts his face up to continue singing)

Mr. Bump: 🎵It's a--🎵

Chorus and Mr. Strong: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scary riding on a motorcycle)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)

(Mr. Strong is shown carrying a surfboard. Mr. Strong jumps over a fence and starts running to the water)

Mr. Strong: 🎵What's up? I hear the surfin's really hot!🎵

(Mr. Bump lifts his head up and Mr. Strong passes him. Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Bump and places him on top of the surfboard Mr. Strong is carrying)

Chorus and Mr. Bump: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong is shown running to the water carrying his surfboard with Mr. Bump sitting on the surfboard. Mr. Bump looks around and sees something)

Mr. Strong: And if you wanna catch some surf, this is a really groovy spot!🎵

Mr. Bump: (shrieks)

(Mr. Bump covers his eyes. A wave crashes on top of Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump. The five surfboards (colored sky blue, light green, pink, neon orange, and yellow respectively) fall from the top of the screen and land in front of a red and green leaf patterned background)

Chorus: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump are shown surfing behind a live-action shot of a wave)

Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong: 🎵'Cause the news is out that there's a pair of surfin' kings🎵

(Mr. Bump falls off the surfboard. Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Bump and places him on top of his head. The two pose triumphantly)

Chorus: 🎵Ahhhhhhhh!🎵

Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong: 🎵You'll never see a wave that we're not conquering!🎵

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Naughty are shown lying on a towel and putting sunglasses over their eyes)

Chorus and Mr. Bump: 🎵Beach Party-A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Chatterbox become lovestruck as they see Mr. Strong flex his muscles)

Chorus and Mr. Bump: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong flexes his muscles as Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Chatterbox watch)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Bow-bow-bow!🎵

(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine are show peeking behind a blue polka-dot towel)

Chorus and Mr. Bump:🎵Bring your board and your radio!🎵

(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine throw the towel away and start dancing on top of a surfboard held up by Mr. Fussy, Mr. Happy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Grumpy. Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Whoops are shown dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails alongside Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine. The sun is beginning to set on the beach)

Chorus and Mr. Bump:🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Little Miss Scary shows up on her motorcycle)

Miss Scary: Ha-ha!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Small playing his ukulele, Mr. Nosey playing his bongos, and Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Chatterbox dancing on towels with their hair in ponytails alongside everyone else)

Chorus and Mr. Strong: 🎵Beach Party A-Go-Go!🎵

(Mr. Strong pops up)

Mr. Strong: Yeah!

("Beach Party A-Go-Go" ends. The scene transitions to the second bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Mr. Messy walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle. Mr. Messy is not impressed with Mr. Quiet's work. Mr. Messy gets an idea and turns Mr. Quiet's sandcastle into a mound of trash and sand. Complete with a flag with Mr. Messy's face on it)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(The scene transitions to a dance video. Four tikis of Miss Sunshine, Miss Scary, Mr. Fussy and ??? are on the screen. They disappear one by one to show Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops dancing behind a flower covered background. Then the tikis reappear one by one covering the screen again. The scene fades to Little Miss Scary (who is wearing sunglasses), Mr. Fussy, and Mr. Quiet setting up their beach blanket by the shore for a day at the beach)

Narrator: Choosing the right spot to place your blanket is as important, as choosing the right people with whom to share your blanket. Just ask Mr. Fussy!

(Everyone sits down on the beach blanket)

Miss Scary: I don't like this spot!

Mr. Fussy: Why not, Miss Scary?

(Little Miss Scary points at some rocks sticking out of the water. The camera briefly cuts to the rocks)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Those rocks are in my way!

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scary, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Fussy)

Miss Scary: What if a sea monster rises from the ocean and I miss it because I can't see around those rocks?

(Mr. Fussy rolls his eyes in annoyance)

Mr. Fussy: Honestly, Miss Scary! It just so happens that Mr. Quiet and I think that this is a wonderful spot!

(Mr. Fussy puts his arm around Mr. Quiet for a moment)

Mr. Fussy: Don't we, Mr. Quiet?

Mr. Quiet: Uh, no complaints here.

(Mr. Fussy takes out a bottle of sunscreen)

Mr. Fussy: Would anyone care to try some of my fancy banana-scented sunscreen?

Miss Scary: What's so fancy about some sunscreen?

(Mr. Fussy puts the bottle of sunscreen down)

Mr. Fussy: Well...uh for one, it smells like bananas!

(A crab pops out of the sand, grabs Mr. Fussy's sunscreen, and retreats back under the sand. Only Mr. Quiet witnesses this event)

Miss Scary: As if there is anything fancy about bananas!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, that crab just stole your sunscreen.

Mr. Fussy: I will have you know that my sunscreen is very expensive and is made with only the finest banana juice!

Mr. Quiet: Yeah, uh...well, that crab has it now.

Miss Scary: If it was made from monster juice, that would be fancy!

(The crab pops out of the sand and squirts Mr. Quiet in the face with Mr. Fussy's sunscreen)

Mr. Quiet: Ugh! Pah!

(The crab jump back under the sand, leaving the sunscreen bottle behind. Mr. Fussy grabs the bottle to find it empty)

Mr. Fussy: It's all gone!? Honestly, Mr. Quiet! Couldn't you have saved some for the rest of us?

Mr. Quiet: It wasn't me! It was the crab!

Mr. Fussy: Oh, very well! We might as well have lunch!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a tray of cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off and puts it on the blanket. Little Miss Scary takes out two sandwiches)

Miss Scary: Have one of my peanut butter and spider sandwiches!

(A close-up of Little Miss Scary's sandwiches reveals that the spiders are actually pickle slices)

Mr. Fussy: Spiders indeed! More like peanut butter and pickle slices!

Miss Scary: What's the matter? Afraid!?

Mr. Fussy: No. Appalled. I much prefer cucumber sandwiches.

(Mr. Fussy takes one of the cucumber sandwiches off the tray)

Miss Scary: What happened to the crust?

Mr. Fussy: I removed them.

Miss Scary: No crust?

Miss Scary (sarcastically): Yeah! Real scary.

Mr. Fussy: I also brought some delicious hot mustard!

(Mr. Fussy turns around to get the hot mustard out of the picnic basket)

Miss Scary: Now you're talking!

(The crab pops out of the sand again and takes the two remaining cucumber sandwiches with them back under the sand. Mr. Quiet is the only one to witness this and stunned)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, about those sandwiches...

(Mr. Fussy finds the hot mustard and turns around)

Mr. Fussy: Here we go!

(Mr. Fussy discovers that the sandwich tray is empty)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Quiet!

Mr. Quiet: Oh! It wasn't me!

(The crab pops out of the sand)

Crab: (burps)

(The crab hides back under the sand. Mr. Fussy smells the burp and fans away the smell)

Mr. Fussy: Honestly, it is one thing to use up the sunscreen and to eat all of the sandwiches. But it is quite another to have such terrible manners!

(Mr. Quiet hits himself in the face in frustration)

Mr. Quiet: It was the crab!

Miss Scary: Looks like you're gonna have to have my sandwiches!

(Little Miss Scary takes out one of her sandwiches with a bite taken out of it)

Mr. Fussy: Actually, I think I'll pass on the sandwiches. And just enjoy my book!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a book and starts reading it)

Mr. Fussy: There's nothing I like better than a good book at the beach!

Miss Scary: Me too!

(Little Miss Scary takes out a book)

Miss Scary: Especially when it's a pop-up book about sea monsters!

(Little Miss Scary opens up her book and shows the sea monster to Mr. Fussy)

Pop-Up Sea Monster: (screeches)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Ha-ha!

Mr. Fussy: Oh!

(Little Miss Scary raises her sunglasses for a moment)

Miss Scary: Isn't it fantastic?

(Mr. Fussy puts his book down on the blanket)

Mr. Fussy: No! It is not!

(The crab pops out again and grabs Mr. Fussy's book. Mr. Quiet sees the crab's theft attempt and engages in a tug-of-war over the book)

Mr. Fussy: I really don't know what you see in these sort of things!

Mr. Quiet: Arrgh! Oh!

Miss Scary (offscreen): Funny!

Mr. Quiet: Oh, let go!

(The crab pulls Mr. Quiet and Mr. Fussy's book under the sand)

Mr. Quiet (muffled): Oh, come on! Give it!

Miss Scary: Face it, Mr. Fussy! If it isn't scary, it isn't fun!

Mr. Fussy: That is your opinion!

Mr. Quiet (muffled): Help!

Mr. Fussy: Some people enjoy other kinds of books. I know I, myself, would quite enjoy a book on bowties!

Miss Scary: You mean, like bowties that turn into giant beetle bugs that crawl all over you?!

Mr. Fussy: Absolutely not!

Miss Scary: Then I'll stick with my book of monsters!

(Mr. Quiet pulls himself and Mr. Fussy's book out of the sand. Kicking sand all over the blanket in the process)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Quiet! You have kicked sand all over our clean beach blanket!

Mr. Quiet: Oh! I'm just trying to get this back!

(Mr. Quiet gives Mr. Fussy back his book. Mr. Fussy discovers that his book is now full of sand)

Mr. Fussy: Look what you have done to my book!

Miss Scary: Let's go home! There's nothing scary going on around here!

Mr. Fussy: I beg to differ!

(The ground starts shaking. Mr. Quiet turns around to find a giant crab monster rising out of the sand)

Mr. Fussy: This is turning into a most frightful day at the sea!

(The crab monster grabs the picnic basket and eats it in one gulp)

Mr. Fussy: However, that doesn't mean I want to leave!

(The crab monster grabs the beach blanket)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, we should go now!

(The crab monster tries to pull the beach blanket under the sand with them)

Miss Scary: But we could do something more fun! Like explore a cave of bats or go to a snake museum!

(The crab monster lets go of the blanket)

Miss Scary: Something really scary!

(The crab monster snaps its claws)

Mr. Fussy: We are staying here and enjoying ourselves

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary turn around)

Mr. Fussy: As we plan to do!

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary see the crab monster)

Mr. Fussy: D'ah! Sweet Henrietta!

(The viewers see a close-up of the crab monster)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): It's...a monster!

(Mr. Fussy jumps up in fear)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy runs away in fear as the crab monster grabs Little Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts) This is the best day at the beach ever! (laughs and snorts)

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet escape from the crab monster's claws and run away)

Crab Monster: (growls in confusion)

(The scene fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Quiet is making a sloppy sandcastle. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over and sees Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hmmm...

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment before getting an idea. Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a curly straw and sucks up Mr. Quiet's sandcastle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ah-ah-

(Mr. Scatterbrain sneezes the sand out and it forms a fantastic sandcastle. Much to Mr. Quiet's annoyance)

Mr. Quiet: (groans)

(The scene transitions to the sun setting on Dillydale Beach. Little Miss Naughty is shown to have buried Mr. Lazy up to his neck in sand. Little Miss Whoops is standing next to her holding an umbrella and looking concerned)

Miss Naughty: (laughs evilly)

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Bump walk by each carrying a surfboard)

Narrator: Another day spent enjoying the sand and surf comes to an end in Dillydale!

(Mr. Stubborn is shown in front of Mr. Grumpy's Surf Shack with his shark-bitten surfboard. Not wanting to deal with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Grumpy walks into the Surf Shack and closes the door behind him.)

Narrator: It's time for the Mr. Men and Little Misses to go home!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, and Little Miss Daredevil are shown leaving the beach and driving home. They are followed my Mr. Fussy, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Scary in Mr. Fussy's car. Little Miss Scary is shown looking behind herself in content)

Narrator: They'll remember this day at the beach fondly!

(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Fussy are shown looking behind themselves in fear. Mr. Fussy then resumes driving)

Narrator: Well...most will anyway!

(The crab monster is revealed to be scurrying after Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Fussy drives his car offscreen and the crab follows. The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests