Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Shoes." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Airports" Next: "Arts and Crafts"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Shoes" written on it with a four different types of shoes and who created the episode underneath)

(The episode begins with several Mr. Men and Little Misses showing off the shoes they are wearing. Even the Mr. Men and Little Misses who don't usually wear shoes. Starting with Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: Ah, shoes! What would our feet do without them?

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Little Miss Chatterbox wearing a different pair of shoes and Mr. Stubborn wearing shoes)

Narrator: But to the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Tickle wearing shoes)

Narrator: Shoes aren't just for walking.

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Mr. Bounce struggling to stand in his shoes)

Narrator: They're a way to show a little style!

(Little Miss Whoops appears riding roller skates. Little Miss Whoops accidentally bumps into Mr. Bounce)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Bounce bounces out of his shoes and over to a different area)

Narrator: Who doesn't look good wearing a handsome pair of shoes?

(Mr. Bounce bounces back into his shoes only for Little Miss Whoops to appear again riding her roller skates backwards this time and bumps into Mr. Bounce again)

Miss Whoops: Double whoops!

(Mr. Bounce bounces around the area before landing on the screen face first. Mr. Bounce slides down and this transitions the scene to a shoe-shaped shop)

Narrator: If there's one place in Dillydale that shoe lovers can't resist...

(The camera pans inside the store to reveal Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small fixing a shoe display. Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Bump arrive)

Narrator: It's Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's Shoe Shop!

(Mr. Small turns around and sees Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Bump)

Mr. Small: Greetings and salutations!

Miss Sunshine: Hello, Mr. Small! Mr. Bump and I are looking for some shoes!

Mr. Bump: Uh...we certainly are, Miss Sunshine!

Mr. Small: Well, you've come to the right place! Mr. Nosey and I guarantee to pick the perfect shoe just for you! Please, sit down.

(Mr. Small directs Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine to two chairs and Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey is holding a Brannock device)

Mr. Nosey: First, we need to figure out what your shoe size is.

(Mr. Small jumps up and sits down on the Brannock device for a moment. Then, Mr. Nosey uses the Brannock device to measure Little Miss Sunshine's feet)

Mr. Nosey: Let's see...

(Mr. Small takes out a notepad)

Mr. Nosey: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Miss Sunshine: Sixty-six cornflakes and a big banana.

Mr. Small: Banana!

Mr. Bump: Uh, exactly how does this information help you pick out shoes?

Mr. Nosey: Oh, it doesn't! I was just wondering!

Mr. Small: Do we have the shoes for you!

(Mr. Small leaves. A box slides in front of Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Small pops out holding platform shoes with pink polka dots on them)

Mr. Small: Voilà!

Miss Sunshine: (gasps and giggles) I love polka dots! Love 'em, love 'em love 'em! (giggles)

(Little Miss Sunshine tries on the shoes but her knees buckle as she tries to balance in them)

Miss Sunshine: Wha-! Gyah! (chuckles nervously) Woah.

Mr. Small: A perfect fit if ever I saw one!

(Little Miss Sunshine tries to walk in her new shoes but loses her balance)

Miss Sunshine: Woah! Woah! (screams)

(Little Miss Sunshine falls down and crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Nosey: So...

Mr. Bump: Ah...

Mr. Nosey: What kind of shoe were you looking for, Mr. Bump?

Mr. Bump: know. Uh...something stylish, comfortable, and...SAFE!

(Mr. Small gets an idea)

Mr. Small: Ah-ha!

(Mr. Small places on Mr. Bump's feet shoes that look like birds)

Mr. Bump: Ny-uh...

(Little Miss Sunshine gets down on her knees to look)

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Ooh! They're fun-tastic!

Mr. Nosey: Not to mention, light as a feather!

(The shoes are revealed to be actual birds and they start flapping their wings and make Mr. Bump's legs move)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: Huh? Wah!

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): You won't even know you're wearing them!

(Mr. Small gestures Mr. Bump to walk in the bird shoes to see if they are a good fit. Mr. Nosey and Little Miss Sunshine are eager to watch Mr. Bump)

Mr. Small: Give them a try! Make sure they're comfortable.

Mr. Bump: Uh...well, if you say so.

(Mr. Bump starts walking in the bird shoes)

Mr. Bump: Hey! Not bad!

(Mr. Bump walks behind Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are with Little Miss Sunshine and none of them notice Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Hmm!

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Small...

(The birds on Mr. Bump's feet start flying and end up taking Mr. Bump with them for a flight around the store)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): Would you say these polka dots are bubblegum pink or candy floss pink?

Mr. Bump (overlap): Ah! Ah!

Bird Shoes (overlap): (chirping)

Mr. Bump: No! No! No! No! No! No!

(Mr. Small looks at the polka dots on Little Miss Sunshine's shoes with glasses)

Mr. Small: An intriguing question, indeed!

(The bird shoes continue to fly Mr. Bump around the store and start crashing into things)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: Uh...Mr. Nosey! Ow! Mr. Small! (screams) Somebody!

(Mr. Bump crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screams)

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small hear the commotion and turn around)

Mr. Small: Huh?

Mr. Nosey: So, how do they feel?

(Mr. Bump is shown sitting in the chair in a daze and the bird shoes land on top of the seat he's sitting in)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: Uh, they're not really for me.

Mr. Small: Very well.

(Mr. Small takes out a pair of trainers)

Mr. Small: What about these?

(Mr. Small puts the pair of trainers on Mr. Bump's feet)

Mr. Bump: Now these seem pretty safe.

Mr. Nosey: They are! But that's not the best part!

(Mr. Small claps his hands twice and a set of wheel appear on Mr. Bump's shoes)

Mr. Bump: I don't like the look of those! What do they do?

Mr. Small: They keep you from falling over when the rockets fire!

Mr. Bump: Rockets?!

(The rockets on Mr. Bump's shoes activate)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(The rocket shoes launch Mr. Bump all across the store. A cloud of smoke from the rockets covers the screen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Wah-ha!

(The smoke clears)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): No, Mr.-!

(Mr. Bump is launched through the wall and leaves a Mr. Bump shaped hole in the wall. Mr. Bump flies away on his rocket shoes. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small shake hands over their success and the bird shoes fly after Mr. Bump)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Little Miss Daredevil pops up and looks in through the Mr. Bump shaped hole in the wall)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! I've been looking for a new pair of rocket boots!

Mr. Small: Well you've come to the right shoe shop, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Bump zooms in front of the screen on his rocket boots. Smoke covers the screen)

Mr. Bump: Woah! Look out!

(Mr. Bump crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Woah!

(The smoke clears and the scene transitions to the first bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Mr. Fussy walks out of the house and puts his feet into the slippers only to get them covered in shaving cream. Mr. Fussy is disgusted and Little Miss Naughty giggles inaudibly. The next scene begins with Mr. Quiet and Mr. Stubborn as park rangers helping Mr. Messy find his missing shoe. One of his feet are missing a shoe)

Narrator: Over in Dillydale Forest, Mr. Messy has lost a shoe. And has asked some friends to help him find it.

Mr. Messy: Do you really think you could find my shoe, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: They do not call me a park ranger for nothing! If I can find lost campers, I can find a shoe! Now what does it look like?

(Mr. Messy takes out pictures of his shoe)

Mr. Messy: I brought pictures!

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet a picture of his shoe covered in tomato sauce (Note: The picture is covered in tomato sauce. Not the shoe itself))

Mr. Messy (offscreen): This one is of my shoe from just the other day! When I spilled tomato sauce on it!

(Mr. Messy realizes his mistake)

Mr. Messy: No wait!

(Mr. Messy licks the tomato sauce off the picture)

Mr. Messy: The sauce is on the picture!

Mr. Quiet: Ew! That's really horrible!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't worry, Mr. Messy! We will find your shoe!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Stubborn!

(A bear holding Mr. Messy's shoe in their mouth rises from the bushes)

Mr. Messy: I would look for it meself, but I'm afraid of bears.

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Ooh! Uh...

(Mr. Quiet sees the bear and the bear ducks back into the bushes)

Mr. Quiet: Anyone hear that?

Mr. Stubborn: There are no bears in these woods, Mr. Messy!

Mr. Messy: Are you sure?

Mr. Stubborn: I am the park ranger! I know these things!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away and Mr. Messy follows him)

Mr. Quiet: know how you said "there weren't any bears?"

(Mr. Quiet follows Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Where were you when you noticed your shoe missing?

Mr. Messy: Somewhere around here.

(Mr. Messy notices a set of footprints and some trash next to them on the ground)

Mr. Messy: Hey!

Mr. Quiet: Hmm?

Mr. Messy: These are my footprints!

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn look at the footprints)

Mr. Stubborn: What makes you think those are your footprints?

(Mr. Quiet is shown in the background looking further into the woods)

Mr. Messy: Well, whoever made these footprints was wearing only one shoe.

(The bear rises out of the bushes again. Mr. Quiet is the only one to see the bear)

Mr. Messy: Kind of like me!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Or kind of like a crafty porcupine.

(The bear walks behind a tree)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: They'll do anything to throw you off their track!

(Mr. Messy finds an old pizza crust next to the tracks)

Mr. Messy: There's one of my pizza crusts! These must be my footprints!

(Mr. Quiet hears rustling)

Mr. Stubborn: Porcupines eat pizza too! I'm telling you, these are not your footprints!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(Mr. Quiet tries to get Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Messy's attention but is unsuccessful)

Mr. Quiet: There's a bear! A hungry bear!

Mr. Messy: These are definitely my tracks! My shoe must be right over there!

Mr. Stubborn: Why does everyone think they know how to do my job? We're going this way!

(Mr. Quiet turns around in fear as the bear rises up with Mr. Messy's shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Stubborn: Lost shoes always go to the north.

Mr. Messy: That doesn't make sense.

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Uh...

Mr. Stubborn: Neither does carrying around pictures of your shoe!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: But you don't see me arguing with you!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away followed by an angry Mr. Messy)

Mr. Quiet: You don't see that bear, either!

(The bear hides in the bushes again. Mr. Quiet breaks out into a nervous sweat)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Keep up with the rest of us, Mr. Quiet!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): This is not fun and games!

(Mr. Quiet runs over to Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn are standing in front of a set of bear prints)

Mr. Stubborn: These are your tracks, here!

(Mr. Quiet hides behind Mr. Messy)

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Mr. Messy: I...don't know. Those look like they were made by a bear.

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(Mr. Stubborn gets on his hands and knees and sniffs the tracks)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Hmm! (sniffs) Hmm! (sniffs) Hmm! Don't be ridiculous! They were made by you! I can tell by the smell!

(Mr. Messy gets on his hands and knees)

Mr. Messy: Let me see! I know my stink anywhere!

(Mr. Messy sniffs the track. Mr. Quiet backs up and the bear pops up from the bushes again with the shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Quiet: Would you know a bear stink?

(The bear walks behind Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn with the shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Messy: Okay! I've gotta hand it to you! I think I do smell my shoe.

(Mr. Quiet points to the shoe being held by the bear that's behind Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Quiet: Because it's right there!

Mr. Stubborn: What did I tell you!

(The bear drops Mr. Messy's shoe)

Mr. Stubborn: And there is your shoe!

(Mr. Messy picks up his shoe)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! You've come back to me!

(Mr. Messy sees the bear behind Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Quiet stands behind Mr. Messy in fear)

Mr. Messy: Uh...B-b-b-b-b-BEAR!!

(Mr. Messy (who is holding his missing shoe) and Mr. Quiet run away in fear)

Mr. Quiet and Mr. Messy: (screams)

Mr. Stubborn: For the last time, there are no bears in these woods! What kind of thanks is that?

Bear: (roars)

Mr. Stubborn: Oh!

(Mr. Stubborn turns around to see the bear)

Mr. Stubborn: Everyone thinks they can do my job? Fine!

(Mr. Stubborn gives the bear his park ranger hat)

Mr. Stubborn: You do it! I quit!

(Mr. Stubborn storms off in a huff. The bear sits down and starts eating Mr. Stubborn's hat. The scene transitions to the second bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Mr. Messy walks out of the house and sees the shaving cream in the slippers. Thinking that it's whipped cream, Mr. Messy picks up the slippers and eats the shaving cream. Much to Little Miss Naughty's disgust. Then, the scene transitions to the Dillydale Theater)

Narrator: Over at the Dillydale theater, the final performance of "Little Miss Cinderella" is underway!

(The scene transitions to inside the theater. The audience is heard clapping as the curtain goes up. Little Miss Naughty (who is wearing the same shoes as she was wearing in the beginning of the episode) and Little Miss Giggles are playing the mean stepsisters. Mr. Tickle is shown wearing a wig and is playing the wicked stepmother)

Narrator: A story that features the most famous shoe of all!

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Clean up these ashes, Little Miss Cinderella! Or you will have no tickles for a week!

(Little Miss Chatterbox (who is playing Little Miss Cinderella) walks onto the stage holding a broom)

Miss Chatterbox: But wicked stepmother, ashes are really, really hard to clean up! I mean, brooms just don't work! Unless you're a witch and you need to fly!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the scene from backstage. The scene cuts to backstage. Mr. Grumpy is revealed to be playing the prince and is waiting for his cue)

Mr. Fussy: It's almost time for you to go out there and act, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Fussy hands Mr. Grumpy the glass slipper)

Mr. Fussy: Now, here's the slipper! And remember, you'll be playing the prince! So you must be dashing and charming!

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Fussy, charming is my middle name!

Mr. Fussy: Now go out on that stage, and give it your all!

(Somebody knocks on the set door)

Mr. Grumpy (from behind the set door): Knock, knock.

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Who could it be?

(Mr. Tickle opens the set door to reveal Mr. Grumpy on the other side)

Miss Naughty: Oh!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!

Miss Naughty: It's the prince!

Mr. Grumpy: I have come to find the foot that fits this glass slipper.

(Mr. Grumpy shows everyone the glass slipper)

Mr. Grumpy: For only then will I know my true love.

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles covers her mouth and stops giggling)

Miss Giggles: Oh!

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Come in, handsome prince!

(Mr. Tickle pulls Little Miss Chatterbox away to show Mr. Grumpy Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Giggles only)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): And behold

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): (yelps)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): My two beautiful daughters!

(Mr. Tickle jumps over to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): One of them will surely fit the slipper!

(Mr. Fussy watches the play from backstage nervously)

Miss Chatterbox: Excuse me! Wicked stepmother!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: I hate to interrupt, but I'm pretty sure that slipper will fit me!

(Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Giggles each sit down in a chair)

Miss Naughty: Clean up those ashes, Cinderelly! And mind your own business!

(Little Miss Naughty takes off one of her shoes)

Miss Naughty: Try my foot! I know it will fit!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs Little Miss Naughty's foot)

Mr. Grumpy: Could it be that YOU are my true love?

(Mr. Grumpy tries to put the glass slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot but it doesn't fit)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts) It doesn't fit!

(Mr. Grumpy continues to try and put the slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

Miss Naughty: (grunts) You're not trying hard enough!

(Mr. Tickle walks behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Maybe what the Prince needs is a good tickle?

(Mr. Tickle prepares to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, how much do you love those arms?

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms and moves back. Mr. Grumpy continues to try and put the slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot with no success. He even tries to put the slipper on with his feet and back)

Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Naughty: (grunting)

(Little Miss Giggles just watches the events with a smile on her face. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: Like I was saying, I'm really, really, really sure that slipper will fit my foot!

(Mr. Tickle walks behind Mr. Grumpy again)

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): And I'm really, really sure somebody needs a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy: (laughs)

Mr. Grumpy: Tickle me all you want, ha!

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Grumpy: But this slipper, ha-ha! Will not fit, ha! Her foot!

(Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Grumpy get into a tug-of-war over the slipper. The two both let go of the slipper at the exact same time and it shatters on the floor. Much to everyone's disappointment)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Oh!

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, great! Now you'll never know who fits that slipper!

Mr. Grumpy: As this slipper breaks, so too does my heart.

(Little Miss Scary (who is playing the Fairy Godmother) is lowered down on a rope and is holding a fairy wand)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

Miss Chatterbox, Miss Naughty, Mr. Tickle, Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumpy: (gasps)

Miss Chatterbox: Why, it's my Scary Godmother!

(Little Miss Chatterbox realizes that she misspoke)

Miss Chatterbox: I mean my Fairy Godmother!

Miss Scary: Fear not, handsome prince! For here is another slipper...

(Little Miss Scary pulls out another glass slipper)

Miss Scary: For you to try upon Cinderella's foot!

(Little Miss Scary tosses Mr. Grumpy the glass slipper and he catches it)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! I'm leaving this cockamamie play!

(Mr. Grumpy walks offstage and is stopped by Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Leaving!? But you're the prince!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the hat on Mr. Fussy's head and gives him the glass slipper)

Mr. Grumpy: Not anymore! Now go out on that stage and give it your all!

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Fussy: Very well.

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Break a leg.

Mr. Fussy: The show must go on!

(Mr. Fussy comes out on stage through the set door dressed as the prince with the glass slipper in his hand. Little Miss Chatterbox has sat down in the chair and has taken both of her shoes off)

Mr. Fussy: This glass slipper holds the key to my happiness, the cure to my loneliness, and the promise of my tomorrow!

(Mr. Fussy places the glass slipper on Little Miss Chatterbox's foot)

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles)

(The scene cuts to the audience (consisting of Mr. Nervous, Mr. Happy, Mr. Rude, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Small, Mr. Bump, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Messy and Mr. Scatterbrain))

Mr. Messy: Hooray! Yeah!

Audience: (cheering and applauding)

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary on stage)

Miss Scary: You call that acting? Watch this!

(Little Miss Scary gets out of the rope that was holding her up, lands on the stage, and puts on a "Phantom of the Opera" mask)

Miss Scary: AH!!! (laughs manically)

Miss Naughty: (screams)

(Little Miss Naughty runs away)

Miss Scary: (laughs manically)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy runs away as Little Miss Scary chases him. Little Miss Chatterbox struggles to walk in just one glass slipper)

Miss Chatterbox: My! It's really, really hard to walk in one shoe. No wonder everybody wears two shoes at once!

(Little Miss Scary comes back onstage)

Miss Scary: AH!!! (laughs manically)

Miss Chatterbox: (screams)

(Little Miss Chatterbox runs away and accidentally kicks off the glass slipper in the process. As Little Miss Scary chases Little Miss Chatterbox away, the glass slipper breaks and the curtain goes down. The screen fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Little Miss Daredevil walks out of the house and steps into the shaving cream. Not realizing that she stepped in shaving cream, Little Miss Daredevil blasts off in her rocket boots and splatters shaving cream everywhere. Including all over Little Miss Naughty. The next scene takes place in Dillydale Park. Little Miss Chatterbox is walking around in the shoes Mr. Grumpy gave her in the commercial for Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium. Mr. Small, who was sitting with Mr. Lazy, sees this and looks at her. Little Miss Sunshine is walking around in ballet slippers. Mr. Bounce is flying a kite, and Mr. Bump, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Tickle are enjoying a picnic. With Mr. Bump wearing the bird shoes)

Narrator: So you see, the Mr. Men and Little Misses really do enjoy a good pair of shoes.

(Mr. Rude walks over wearing the shoes that make farting noises. This scares the bird shoes Mr. Bump is wearing and they fly away taking Mr. Bump with them)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Narrator: But there comes a point in every day when it's time to kick off their shoes...

(Mr. Rude sits down on a park bench and takes off his shoes. This causes Mr. Rude's horrible foot odor to be released and smelled by Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce even lets go of his kite in the process)

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

Narrator: And set their feet free!

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Tickle run away while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing uncontrollably until he hits the screen and slides down it)

Narrator: Even if it sends some running for the door!

Mr. Rude: (laughs)

Bird Shoes (offscreen): (chirping)

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Shoes" written on it with a four different types of shoes and who created the episode underneath)

(The episode begins with several Mr. Men and Little Misses showing off the shoes they are wearing. Even the Mr. Men and Little Misses who don't usually wear shoes. Starting with Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: Ah, shoes! What would our feet do without them?

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Little Miss Chatterbox wearing a different pair of shoes and Mr. Stubborn wearing shoes)

Narrator: But to the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Tickle wearing shoes)

Narrator: Shoes aren't just for walking.

(The camera moves to the left and the viewers see Mr. Bounce struggling to stand in his shoes)

Narrator: They're a way to show a little style!

(Little Miss Whoops appears riding roller skates. Little Miss Whoops accidentally bumps into Mr. Bounce)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Bounce bounces out of his shoes and over to a different area)

Narrator: Who doesn't look good wearing a handsome pair of shoes?

(Mr. Bounce bounces back into his shoes only for Little Miss Whoops to appear again riding her roller skates backwards this time and bumps into Mr. Bounce again)

Miss Whoops: Double whoops!

(Mr. Bounce bounces around the area before landing on the screen face first. Mr. Bounce slides down and this transitions the scene to a shoe-shaped store)

Narrator: If there's one place in Dillydale that shoe lovers can't resist...

(The camera pans inside the store to reveal Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small fixing a shoe display. Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Bump arrive)

Narrator: It's Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's Shoe Store!

(Mr. Small turns around and sees Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Bump)

Mr. Small: Greetings and salutations!

Miss Sunshine: Hello, Mr. Small! Mr. Bump and I are looking for some shoes!

Mr. Bump: Uh...that we are, Miss Sunshine!

Mr. Small: Well, you've come to the right place! Mr. Nosey and I guarantee to pick the perfect shoe just for you! Please, sit down.

(Mr. Small directs Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine to two chairs and Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey is holding a Brannock device)

Mr. Nosey: We need to figure out what size shoe you wear.

(Mr. Small jumps up and sits down on the Brannock device for a moment. Then, Mr. Nosey uses the Brannock device to measure Little Miss Sunshine's feet)

Mr. Nosey: Let's see...

(Mr. Small takes out a notepad)

Mr. Nosey: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Miss Sunshine: Sixty-six cornflakes and a green banana.

Mr. Small: Brilliant!

Mr. Bump: Uh, exactly how does this information help you pick out a shoe?

Mr. Nosey: Oh, it doesn't! I was just wondering!

Mr. Small: Do we have the shoes for you!

(Mr. Small leaves. A box slides in front of Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Small pops out holding platform shoes with pink polka dots on them)

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Ooh! I love polka dots! Love 'em, love 'em love 'em!

(Little Miss Sunshine tries on the shoes but her knees buckle as she tries to balance in them)

Miss Sunshine: Gah! (chuckles nervously)

Mr. Small: A perfect fit if ever I've seen one!

(Little Miss Sunshine tries to walk in her new shoes but loses her balance)

Miss Sunshine: Woah!

(Little Miss Sunshine falls down and crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Nosey: So, what kind of shoe were you looking for, Mr. Bump?

Mr. Bump: know, well something, you know, stylish and comfortable and...uh...SAFE!

(Mr. Small gets an idea)

Mr. Small: Ah-ha!

(Mr. Small places on Mr. Bump's feet shoes that look like birds. Little Miss Sunshine gets down on her knees to look)

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Ooh! They're fun-tastic!

Mr. Nosey: Not to mention, light as a feather!

(The shoes are revealed to be actual birds and they start flapping their wings and make Mr. Bump's legs move)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): You won't even know you're wearing them!

(Mr. Small gestures Mr. Bump to walk in the bird shoes to see if they are a good fit. Mr. Nosey and Little Miss Sunshine are eager to watch Mr. Bump)

Mr. Small: Give them a try! Make sure they're comfortable.

Mr. Bump: Yeah. Well, if you say so.

(Mr. Bump starts walking in the bird shoes)

Mr. Bump: Hey! Not bad!

(Mr. Bump walks behind Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are with Little Miss Sunshine and none of them notice Mr. Bump)

Miss Sunshine: Mr. Small, would you say these polka dots are bubblegum pink or cotton candy pink?

(The birds on Mr. Bump's feet start flying and end up taking Mr. Bump with them for a flight around the store)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: No! No! No! No! No! No!

(Mr. Small looks at the polka dots on Little Miss Sunshine's shoes with glasses)

Mr. Small: An intriguing question, indeed!

(The bird shoes continue to fly Mr. Bump around the store and start crashing into things)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: Mr. Nosey! Oh! Mr. Small! (screams) Uh, somebody!

(Mr. Bump crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ah! Oof!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small hear the commotion and turn around)

Mr. Nosey: So, how do they feel?

(Mr. Bump is shown sitting in the chair in a daze and the bird shoes land on top of the seat he's sitting in)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Mr. Bump: Uh, they're not really for me.

Mr. Small: Very well.

(Mr. Small takes out a pair of sneakers)

Mr. Small: What about these?

(Mr. Small puts the pair of sneakers on Mr. Bump's feet)

Mr. Bump: Now those seem pretty safe.

Mr. Nosey: They are! But that's not the best part!

(Mr. Small claps his hands twice and a set of wheel appear on Mr. Bump's shoes)

Mr. Bump: Uh, I don't like the look of those! What do they do?

Mr. Small: Keep you from falling over when the rockets fire!

Mr. Bump: Rockets?

(The rockets on Mr. Bump's shoes activate)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(The rocket shoes launch Mr. Bump all across the store. A cloud of smoke from the rockets covers the screen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Woah! Woah! Woah!

(The smoke clears)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Uh, Mr. Nosey!

(Mr. Bump is launched through the wall and leaves a Mr. Bump shaped hole in the wall. Mr. Bump flies away on his rocket shoes. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small shake hands over their success and the bird shoes fly after Mr. Bump)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)


(Little Miss Daredevil pops up and looks in through the Mr. Bump shaped hole in the wall)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! I've been looking for a new pair of rocket boots!

Mr. Small: Well you've come to the right shoe store, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Bump zooms in front of the screen on his rocket boots. Smoke covers the screen)

Mr. Bump: Woah! Wah!!!

(Mr. Bump crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Woah!

(The smoke clears and the scene transitions to the first bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Mr. Fussy walks out of the house and puts his feet into the slippers only to get them covered in shaving cream. Mr. Fussy is disgusted and Little Miss Naughty giggles inaudibly. Then, the scene transitions to a commercial for "Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium." Mr. Noisy is by the billboard for his store)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Come on down to "Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium!"

(The scene cuts inside the Shoe-a-Torium)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): The only store where you're guaranteed to find a noisy shoe that's right for you!

(Mr. Noisy walks over to a shelf with a TV on it)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Hear what customers like Mr. Bounce have to say!

(The TV turns on and the scene cuts to Mr. Bounce walking along a pier wearing boulders on his feet)

Mr. Bounce: Not only are these boulder shoes noisy, but they really keep my feet on the ground!

(The weight of the boulder shoes then causes a hole in the pier to form and Mr. Bounce ends up falling through it)

Mr. Bounce: Ooh!

(Mr. Bounce splashes into the water below. The scene cuts back to Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): The Shoe-a-Torium is also the perfect place to get that special gift for that special someone!

(The scene cuts to the TV showing Mr. Grumpy giving Little Miss Chatterbox a pair of red shoes)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! I can't believe you bought me shoes, Mr. Grumpy!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes off her normal shoes and tries on the red shoes. She even poses with them on)

Miss Chatterbox: I mean, no one ever buys me shoes! That is so thoughtful! And their red too! That is one of my favorite-

(Sirens pop up from the red part of the shoes and blares a noise that drowns out Little Miss Chatterbox's talking)

Mr. Grumpy (shouting): Where else can you get a shoe that drowns out unwanted noise!?

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Noisy who is walking away from the TV)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Only at "Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium!" That's where! Here at my Shoe-a-Torium...

(Mr. Rude is shown trying on a pair of shoes in the background)

Mr. Noisy: We'll make the shoe of your dreams!

(Mr. Rude gets up and, as he walks, his shoes make farting noises)

Mr. Rude: Finally! A shoe store I can love!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump flying in the air with his rocket shoes)

Mr. Bump: MR. RUDE!!!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: Tell it to the shoes!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Lazy, and Little Miss Helpful showing off their shoes)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): So, come on! Get noticed! And buy your next pair of shoes at...

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Noisy standing outside by his billboard)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): "Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium!"

(The screen fades to black and the next scene begins with Mr. Quiet and Mr. Stubborn as park rangers helping Mr. Messy find his missing shoe. One of his feet are missing a shoe)

Narrator: Over in Dillydale Forest, Mr. Messy has lost a shoe. And has asked some friends to help him find it.

Mr. Messy: Do you really think you could find my shoe, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: They do not call me a park ranger for nothing! If I can find lost campers, I can find a shoe! Now what does it look like?

(Mr. Messy takes out pictures of his shoe)

Mr. Messy: I brought pictures!

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet a picture of his shoe covered in pizza sauce (Note: The picture is covered in pizza sauce. Not the shoe itself))

Mr. Messy (offscreen): This one is of my shoe from just the other day! When I spilled pizza sauce on it!

(Mr. Messy realizes his mistake)

Mr. Messy: No wait!

(Mr. Messy licks the pizza sauce off the picture)

Mr. Messy: The sauce was on the picture!

Mr. Quiet: Oh, that's gross! Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't worry, Mr. Messy! We will find your shoe!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Stubborn!

(A bear holding Mr. Messy's shoe in their mouth rises from the bushes)

Mr. Messy: I would look for it myself, but I'm afraid of bears.

(Mr. Quiet sees the bear and the bear ducks back into the bushes)

Mr. Quiet: Anybody hear that?

Mr. Stubborn: There are no bears in these woods, Mr. Messy!

Mr. Messy: Are you sure?

Mr. Stubborn: I am the park ranger! I know these things!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away and Mr. Messy follows him)

Mr. Quiet: know how he said that "there weren't any bears?"

(Mr. Quiet follows Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Where were you when you noticed your shoe missing?

Mr. Messy: Somewhere around here.

(Mr. Messy notices a set of footprints and some trash next to them on the ground)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Those are my footprints!

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn look at the footprints)

Mr. Stubborn: What makes you think these are your footprints?

(Mr. Quiet is shown in the background looking further into the woods)

Mr. Messy: Well, whoever made these footprints was wearing only one shoe.

(The bear rises out of the bushes again. Mr. Quiet is the only one to see the bear)

Mr. Messy: Heh! Kind of like me!

Mr. Stubborn: Or like a crafty porcupine.

(The bear walks behind a tree)

Mr. Stubborn: They'll do anything to throw you off their track!

(Mr. Messy finds an old pizza crust next to the tracks)

Mr. Messy: There's one of my pizza crusts! These must be my footprints!

(Mr. Quiet hears rustling)

Mr. Stubborn: Porcupines eat pizza too! I'm telling you, these are not your footprints!

(Mr. Quiet tries to get Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Messy's attention but is unsuccessful)

Mr. Quiet: There's a bear! A hungry bear!

Mr. Messy: These are definitely my tracks! My shoe must be right back there!

Mr. Stubborn: Why does everyone think they know how to do my job? We're going this way!

(Mr. Quiet turns around in fear as the bear rises up with Mr. Messy's shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Stubborn: Lost shoes always go to the north.

Mr. Messy: That doesn't make sense.

Mr. Stubborn: Neither does carrying around pictures of your shoe! But you don't see me arguing with you!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away followed by an angry Mr. Messy)

Mr. Quiet: Oh, you don't see the bear, either!

(The bear hides in the bushes again. Mr. Quiet breaks out into a nervous sweat)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Keep up with the rest of us, Mr. Quiet! This is not fun and games!

(Mr. Quiet runs over to Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn are standing in front of a set of bear prints)

Mr. Stubborn: These are your tracks, here!

(Mr. Quiet hides behind Mr. Messy)

Mr. Messy: Uh...I don't know. Those look like they were made by a bear.

(Mr. Stubborn gets on his hands and knees and sniffs the tracks)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm! Don't be ridiculous! They were made by you! I can tell by the smell!

(Mr. Messy gets on his hands and knees)

Mr. Messy: Let me see! I'd know my stink anywhere!

(Mr. Messy sniffs the track. Mr. Quiet backs up and the bear pops up from the bushes again with the shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Quiet: Would you know bear stink?

(The bear walks behind Mr. Messy and Mr. Stubborn with the shoe in their mouth)

Mr. Messy: Okay! I gotta hand it to you! I think I do smell my shoe.

(Mr. Quiet points to the shoe being held by the bear that's behind Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Quiet: Because it's right there!

Mr. Stubborn: What did I tell you!

(The bear drops Mr. Messy's shoe)

Mr. Stubborn: And there is your shoe!

(Mr. Messy picks up his shoe)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! You've come back to me!

(Mr. Messy sees the bear behind Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Quiet stands behind Mr. Messy in fear)

Mr. Messy: Ba-da-ba-ba-buh-duh-ba-BEAR!!

(Mr. Messy (who is holding his missing shoe) and Mr. Quiet run away in fear)

Mr. Stubborn: For the last time, there are no bears in these woods! What kind of thanks is that?

Bear: (roars)

(Mr. Stubborn turns around to see the bear)

Mr. Stubborn: Everyone thinks they can do my job? Fine!

(Mr. Stubborn gives the bear his park ranger hat)

Mr. Stubborn: You do it! I quit!

(Mr. Stubborn storms off in a huff. The bear sits down and starts eating Mr. Stubborn's hat. The scene transitions to the second bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Mr. Messy walks out of the house and sees the shaving cream in the slippers. Thinking that it's whipped cream, Mr. Messy picks up the slippers and eats the shaving cream. Much to Little Miss Naughty's disgust. Then, the scene transitions to the Dillydale Theater)

Narrator: Over at the Dillydale theater, the final performance of "Little Miss Cinderella" is underway!

(The scene transitions to inside the theater. The audience is heard clapping as the curtain goes up. Little Miss Naughty (who is wearing the same shoes as she was wearing in the beginning of the episode) and Little Miss Giggles are playing the mean stepsisters. Mr. Tickle is shown wearing a wig and is playing the wicked stepmother)

Narrator: A story that features the most famous shoe of all!

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Clean up these ashes, Little Miss Cinderella! Or you'll have no tickles for a week!

(Little Miss Chatterbox (who is playing Little Miss Cinderella) walks onto the stage holding a broom)

Miss Chatterbox: But wicked stepmother, ashes are really, really hard to clean up! I mean, brooms just don't work unless you're a witch and you need to fly!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the scene from backstage. The scene cuts to backstage. Mr. Grumpy is revealed to be playing the prince and is waiting for his cue)

Mr. Fussy: It's almost time for you to go out there and act, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Fussy hands Mr. Grumpy the glass slipper)

Mr. Fussy: Now here's the slipper! And remember, you'll be playing the prince! So you must be dashing and charming!

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Fussy, charming is my middle name!

Mr. Fussy: Now go out on that stage, and give it your all!

(Somebody knocks on the set door)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Who could it be?

(Mr. Tickle opens the set door to reveal Mr. Grumpy on the other side)

Miss Naughty: (gasp) It's the prince!

Mr. Grumpy: I have come to find the foot that fits this glass slipper.

(Mr. Grumpy shows everyone the glass slipper)

Mr. Grumpy: For only then will I know my true love.

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles covers her mouth and stops giggling)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Come in, handsome prince!

(Mr. Tickle pulls Little Miss Chatterbox away to show Mr. Grumpy Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Giggles only)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): And behold, my two beautiful daughters!

(Mr. Tickle jumps over to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): One of them will surely fit the slipper!

(Mr. Fussy watches the play from backstage nervously)

Miss Chatterbox: Um...I hate to interrupt wicked stepmother...

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: But I'm pretty sure that slipper will fit me!

(Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Giggles each sit down in a chair)

Miss Naughty: Clean up those ashes, Cinderelly! And mind your own business!

(Little Miss Naughty takes off one of her shoes)

Miss Naughty: Try my foot! I know it will fit!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs Little Miss Naughty's foot)

Mr. Grumpy: Could it be that YOU are my true love?

(Mr. Grumpy tries to put the glass slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot but it doesn't fit)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts) It doesn't fit!

(Mr. Grumpy continues to try and put the slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot)

Miss Naughty: (grunts) You're not trying hard enough!

(Mr. Tickle walks behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): Maybe what the Prince needs is a good tickle?

(Mr. Tickle prepares to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, how much do you love those arms?

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms and moves back. Mr. Grumpy continues to try and put the slipper on Little Miss Naughty's foot with no success. He even tries to put the slipper on with his feet and back)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

(Little Miss Giggles just watches the events with a smile on her face. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: Like I was saying, I'm really, really, really sure that slipper will fit my foot!

(Mr. Tickle walks behind Mr. Grumpy again)

Mr. Tickle (in a falsetto): And I'm really, really sure somebody needs a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) Tickle me all you want, ha! But this slipper, ha-ha! Will not fit, ha! Her foot!

(Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Grumpy get into a tug-of-war over the slipper. The two both let go of the slipper at the exact same time and it shatters on the floor. Much to everyone's disappointment)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, great! Now you'll never know who fits that slipper!

Mr. Grumpy: As this slipper breaks, so too does my heart.

(Little Miss Scary (who is playing the Fairy Godmother) is lowered down on a rope and is holding a fairy wand)

Miss Chatterbox, Miss Naughty, Mr. Tickle, Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumpy: (gasps)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

Miss Chatterbox: Why, it's my Scary Godmother!

(Little Miss Chatterbox realizes that she misspoke)

Miss Chatterbox: I mean Fairy Godmother!

Miss Scary: Fear not, handsome prince! For I have for you...

(Little Miss Scary pulls out another glass slipper)

Miss Scary: Another slipper to try upon Cinderella's foot!

(Little Miss Scary tosses Mr. Grumpy the glass slipper and he catches it)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! I quit this cockamamie play!

(Mr. Grumpy walks offstage and is stopped by Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Quit!? But you're the prince!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the hat on Mr. Fussy's head and gives him the glass slipper)

Mr. Grumpy: Not anymore! Now go out on that stage and give it your all!

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Fussy: Very well. The show must go on!

(Mr. Fussy comes out on stage through the set door dressed as the prince with the glass slipper in his hand. Little Miss Chatterbox has sat down in the chair and has taken both of her shoes off)

Mr. Fussy: This glass slipper holds the key to my happiness, the cure to my loneliness, and the promise of my tomorrow!

(Mr. Fussy places the glass slipper on Little Miss Chatterbox's foot. The scene cuts to the audience (consisting of Mr. Nervous, Mr. Happy, Mr. Rude, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Small, Mr. Bump, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Messy and Mr. Scatterbrain))

Audience: (cheering and applauding)

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Scary on stage)

Miss Scary: You call that acting? Watch this!

(Little Miss Scary gets out of the rope that was holding her up, lands on the stage, and puts on a "Phantom of the Opera" mask)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Miss Naughty: (screams)

(Little Miss Naughty runs away)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy runs away as Little Miss Scary chases him. Little Miss Chatterbox struggles to walk in just one glass slipper)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh wow! It's really, really hard to walk in one shoe. No wonder everybody wears two shoes at once!

(Little Miss Scary comes back onstage)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Miss Chatterbox: (screams)

(Little Miss Chatterbox runs away and accidentally kicks off the glass slipper in the process. As Little Miss Scary chases Little Miss Chatterbox away, the glass slipper breaks and the curtain goes down. The screen fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out from behind someone's house. She sees a pair of slippers in front of the door. Little Miss Naughty puts shaving cream in the slippers. Little Miss Daredevil walks out of the house and steps into the shaving cream. Not realizing that she stepped in shaving cream, Little Miss Daredevil blasts off in her rocket boots and splatters shaving cream everywhere. Including all over Little Miss Naughty. The next scene takes place in Dillydale Park. Little Miss Chatterbox is walking around in the shoes Mr. Grumpy gave her in the commercial for Mr. Noisy's Shoe-a-Torium. Mr. Small, who was sitting with Mr. Lazy, sees this and looks at her. Little Miss Sunshine is walking around in ballet slippers. Mr. Bounce is flying a kite, and Mr. Bump, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Tickle are enjoying a picnic. With Mr. Bump wearing the bird shoes)

Narrator: So you see, the Mr. Men and Little Misses really do enjoy a good pair of shoes.

(Mr. Rude walks over wearing the shoes that make farting noises. This scares the bird shoes Mr. Bump is wearing and they fly away taking Mr. Bump with them)

Bird Shoes: (chirping)

Narrator: But there comes a point in every day when it's time to kick off their shoes...

(Mr. Rude sits down on a park bench and takes off his shoes. This causes Mr. Rude's horrible foot odor to be released and smelled by Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce even lets go of his kite in the process)

Mr. Tickle and Miss Helpful: Oh!

Miss Whoops: Nyah!

Narrator: And set their feet free!

(Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Tickle run away while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing uncontrollably until he hits the screen and slides down it)

Narrator: Even if it sends some running for the door!

Mr. Rude: (laughs)

Bird Shoes (offscreen): (chirping)

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests