Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Sightseeing." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Cars" Next: "The Dark"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big indigo screen comes up with "Sightseeing" written on it with a map, a camera, and who created the episode underneath)

Hawk (offscreen): (screeches)

(The sound of a camera taking a picture is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Bounce looking over a canyon. Mr. Bounce is further away from the rest of the group)

Narrator: Ah, sightseeing!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Nosey)

Narrator: One of the joys of living in a beautiful place such as Dillydale...

(Mr. Bounce takes a picture. Mr. Tickle runs to Mr. Bounce and tickles him. Mr. Bounce starts bouncing)

Narrator: Everyone enjoys seeing something...

(Mr. Bounce bounces over the fence meant prevent people from falling into the canyon. This leads to Mr. Bounce falling down into the canyon)

Narrator: They have never seen before!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up and takes another picture. Mr. Bounce bounces off of a rock)

Narrator: Whether it's a site found in nature...

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong preparing to take a picture of Mr. Bump standing by the world's largest rubber band ball)

Narrator: Or one that is man-made. Like the world's largest ball of rubber bands.

(Mr. Bounce bounces off the rubber band ball. Mr. Strong takes a picture)

Narrator: No matter what...

(The rubber band ball rolls over Mr. Bump. The rubber band ball (now carrying Mr. Bump) rolls away and crashes into something offscreen)

Narrator: It's usually worth the trip.

(Mr. Strong walks away worried about Mr. Bump. The faint sound of a bowling ball hitting bowling pins is heard in the background. The screen fades to black and transitions to the next scene, which takes place at a statue)

Seagull (offscreen): (cawing)

(There is a wide shot of an unknown Mr. Man with a mustache, top hat, and a bowtie stretching his arm into the air. Several unknown Mr. Men and Little Misses are standing on the hand enjoying the view. Down below are several parked cars. A few cars are heard honking their horns. If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain approaching a ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Scatterbrain. One ticket for the Statue of Dillydale?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Heh! Yes please, Mr. Small!

Mr. Nosey: You'll be amazed at how much you can see from the observation deck.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Glad to hear it, Mr. Nosey. That's why I brought my camera.

(Mr. Scatterbrain pats his chest)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I plan to take lots of pictures.

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks past the ticket booth and gets into the lift with Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Happy. Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Scatterbrain all exit the lift and make their way up the escalator. Mr. Scatterbrain looks up to see how high up the escalator goes)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (gasps in shock)

(The viewers watch Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Happy go up the escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): What a lot of stairs!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh well. It will be worth it...

(Mr. Scatterbrain digs through his pocket)

Mr. Scatterbrain: For my pictures.

(Mr. Scatterbrain does a take, looks at the viewers, and pulls a parrot out of his pocket)

Parrot: Hello!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I must've packed a parrot and not a camera! Better go home and get it.

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator. Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Little Miss Sunshine off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Excuse me!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Pernickety off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Coming through!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Nervous off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(At the bottom of the escalator. Little Miss Sunshine is shown in pain and Mr. Pernickety is shown in a daze with stars circling his head)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): (moans in pain)

Mr. Pernickety (overlap) (moans)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Camera emergency!

Mr. Messy: Huh?

(Mr. Scatterbrain enters the lift. Mr. Messy is also in the lift. The lift doors close and the lift goes down. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the lift and Mr. Messy pokes his head out and watches Mr. Scatterbrain leave. Mr. Scatterbrain passes Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, the latter two are asleep in the ticket booth)

Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey: (snoring)

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets into his car)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (chuckles)

(Mr. Scatterbrain throws the car into reverse and drives backwards all the way home. Upon arriving home, Mr. Scatterbrain gets out of his car, heads inside, and goes into his closet to fetch the camera. Seconds later, after hearing him dig for the camera offscreen, Mr. Scatterbrain returns with the camera in his hand)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I've got the camera!

(Mr. Scatterbrain runs back outside. The camera cuts back to the statue of Dillydale)

Seagulls (offscreen): (squawking)

(If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain approaching the ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey once again)

Mr. Small: Mr. Scatterbrain. Back so soon for another trip to the top?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, yes please!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks past the ticket booth and gets into the lift with Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil. Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Scatterbrain all exit the lift and make their way up the escalator. As Mr. Scatterbrain rides the escalator to the top, Mr. Scatterbrain remembers something important)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no!

(Mr. Scatterbrain hits himself in the face)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I forgot my monkey!

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko would not want to miss this!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Little Miss Calamity off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Miss Calamity (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Excuse me!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Bump off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Tickle off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Tickle (overlap): (yelps)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Coming through!

(At the bottom of the escalator. Little Miss Calamity is shown in pain and Mr. Bump is shown in a daze with stars circling his head)

Miss Calamity (overlap): (sighs)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Monkey emergency!

(Mr. Scatterbrain enters the lift with Little Miss Naughty also inside. The lift doors close on Mr. Scatterbrain's behind as he enters the lift before closing completely when he's all the way in. The lift doors close and the lift goes down. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the lift by walking backwards and raising his hat. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out and watches Mr. Scatterbrain leave in confusion. Mr. Scatterbrain passes Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and the latter two watch Mr. Scatterbrain walk away backwards. Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat as he passes the two. Mr. Scatterbrain is then shown driving down the road in reverse. Upon arriving home, the camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain going into his closet to get Bunko. Seconds later, after hearing him dig for the camera offscreen, Mr. Scatterbrain returns with the Bunko in his arms)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks back outside with Bunko in his arms. The camera cuts back to the statue of Dillydale)

Seagulls (offscreen): (squawking)

(If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain (who is now holding Bunko) walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko approaching the ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey once again)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A ticket for myself and Bunko please!

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey Bunko the Monkey)

Mr. Small: Lucky for Bunko, today is "Monkeys get in Free Day!"

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko smile)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko make their way back to the statue)

Mr. Small: Go on in!

(Mr. Small boops Mr. Nosey's nose)

Mr. Nosey: (giggles)

(The camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko exiting the lift with Little Miss Scary, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Lazy)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Little Miss Scary, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Lazy, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Bunko all exit the lift and make their way up the escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Now remember Bunko, don't look down or you'll get dizzy! Oh! And if you do get dizzy, think of something happy like...accordion music.

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets an idea. Mr. Strong, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Bounce are shown behind Mr. Strong and Bunko)

Mr. Scatterbrain: We should get our accordion, just in case!

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator with Bunko in tow)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): Oh!

Mr. Bounce (overlap): (yelps)

(Mr. Scatterbrain ends up knocking Mr. Strong, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Bounce off the escalator. Mr. Quiet and Mr. Strong are sent into a daze while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing all over the place as Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko reach the bottom of the escalator)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): Oh!

Mr. Bounce (overlap): Hooray!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Excuse me! Coming through!

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko enter the elevator. Little Miss Chatterbox is also in the lift. The lift doors close and the elevator goes down. The camera cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain's house where Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko enter Mr. Scatterbrain's closet and fetch Mr. Scatterbrain's accordion. The two get back into Mr. Scatterbrain's car and drive back to the Statue of Dillydale. On their way back, one of Mr. Scatterbrain's back tires experiences a blowout and deflates. Mr. Scatterbrain notices this and stops driving)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hmmm.

(Bunko leaps out of the car and he and Mr. Scatterbrain see the flat tire)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh dear!

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment and gets an idea)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ha!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Scatterbrain pedaling down the road on a unicycle while holding Bunko. Mr. Scatterbrain then looks at the viewers)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Good thing I keep a unicycle in the trunk of my car!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pedals back to the Statue of Dillydale. Instead of being inside the ticket booth, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are outside it and have closed the ticket booth up for the day)

Mr. Scatterbrain: One ticket to the Dillydale Statue, please.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey frown)

Mr. Small: Apologies, Mr. Scatterbrain. But the statue is closed for the day.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, are you sure Bunko and I can't take one quick look?

Mr. Small: Oh, very well, Mr. Scatterbrain. Go ahead! Our little secret!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pedals towards the statue)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I won't say a word!

(The camera cuts to the top of the Statue of Dillydale. Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko finally reach the top. The view shows the sun setting over a large body of water, probably the ocean. Bunko appears in front of the scenery when Mr. Scatterbrain gets an idea)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Wait! Let me get a picture!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hat off and thinks for a moment)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh...hmmm...

(Mr. Scatterbrain realizes something)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh dear!

(Mr. Scatterbrain puts his hat back on)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I left the camera back in the car!

Bunko: (whimpers)

(Mr. Scatterbrain pauses for a moment before shrugging off what just happened)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh well!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls out the accordion)

Mr. Scatterbrain: How about a polka?

(Bunko hops up and down as his way of saying yes. Mr. Scatterbrain then plays a polka tune on his accordion as Bunko hops to the music. The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown trying to pack-up his bags on top of his car. His car is parked on a hill. After all of his bags are put on top of his car, they shake from instability and they fall back onto him. Mr. Tickle pops up from the bottom of the screen and pulls down the next scene. Mr. Messy is shown waiting for the double decker tour bus. It soon arrives (driven by Little Miss Chatterbox) and Mr. Messy boards the bus. On the first deck, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle are shown sitting down there. On the top deck, which is where Mr. Messy is planning to sit at, Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Lazy are shown sitting up there. Mr. Messy walks over to the open seat next to Mr. Pernickety and sits down next to him)

Mr. Messy (overlap): Hiya!

Mr. Pernickety (overlap): D'ooh!

Mr. Messy: Mr. Pernickety! Is this seat taken?

Mr. Pernickety: It is now, Mr. Messy.

Mr. Messy: Great day for a bus ride, eh?

Mr. Pernickety: Yes. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the sites.

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Wanna bite of fish sandwich?

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Pernickety an old sandwich with dead fish in between a dirty roll)

Mr. Pernickety: (groans in disgust)

(Mr. Pernickety pushes the sandwich out of the way)

Mr. Pernickety: No, thank you.

Mr. Messy: Are you sure? It's only been in me sock...

(Mr. Messy takes out a gym sock)

Mr. Messy: A couple of weeks.

(Mr. Messy takes a bite of his fish sandwich)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen and overlap): Testing! (giggles)

Mr. Messy (overlap): (mouth noises)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Okay.

(The camera cuts down to the lower deck where Little Miss Chatterbox is shown wearing a headset and is standing at the front of the bus. Nobody is in the driver's seat)

Miss Chatterbox: Welcome to Dillydale Double Decker Bus Tours!

(The bus skids a little)

Miss Chatterbox: I'm your tour director, Miss Chatterbox, and I'm down here by the driver! (giggles)

(Little Miss Chatterbox grabs the wheel)

Miss Chatterbox: Well, actually,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Chatterbox next to the wheel and nobody in the driver's seat)

Miss Chatterbox: I am the driver. Which is why I can't be up on the top deck!

(Little Miss Chatterbox points up)

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles)

(Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head out of the tour bus and calls to the people on the upper deck)

Miss Chatterbox: Can you hear me okay up there?

(Mr. Messy squeezes his box of grape juice and grape juices squirts out onto Mr. Pernickety)

Mr. Messy (overlap): We hear you perfectly, Miss Chatterbox!

Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Oh!

(Mr. Messy realizes what just happened)

Mr. Pernickety: (grunts in frustration)

Mr. Messy: Oh!

Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Messy!!

Mr. Messy: Sorry about that, Mr. P. It's only grape juice.

(Mr. Pernickety stands up and walks away)

Mr. Pernickety: I think I'll sit back here.

(Mr. Pernickety moves to the seat behind Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy takes out his fish sandwich again and takes a bite out of it)

Mr. Pernickety: Uh, the view is better.

(Mr. Pernickety sits down in his new seat. The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: And here to your left, is...

(The bus is heard crashing into something unseen)

Miss Chatterbox: Is the oldest wishing well in Dillydale.

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is still eating his sandwich while Mr. Pernickety is shown taking out his camera and prepares to take a picture)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): They say people have wished over seven million...

(Mr. Messy takes a slice of tomato out of his sandwich)

Mr. Messy (overlap): Blech!

Miss Chatterbox (overlap and offscreen): Five hundred and forty-three...

(Mr. Messy throws the tomato slice away)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Wishes!

(The tomato slice land on the lens of Mr. Pernickety's camera)

Mr. Pernickety: D'oh!

(Mr. Pernickety turns towards Mr. Messy)

Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Messy, I missed my wishing well shot!

Mr. Messy: Sorry, Mr. P. I'm just not a fan of tomatoes.

Mr. Pernickety: Please try to contain your lunch...

(The tomato slice slides off Mr. Pernickety's camera lens)

Mr. Pernickety: During the tour!

(Mr. Messy smiles as he sees something offscreen)

Mr. Messy: Wow!

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): You'll really want to get a picture of this folks.

(Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy get excited)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): This is...

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: The pride of Dillydale.

(The bus crashes into a tree)

Cat (offscreen): (screeches)

Miss Chatterbox: A giant ball made...

(The bus heads straight for a giant rubber band ball)

Miss Chatterbox: Entirely of rubber bands!

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is enjoying some candy floss. Mr. Pernickety has his camera out again)

Mr. Pernickety: Ooh!

(Mr. Pernickety prepares to take a picture)

Mr. Pernickety: (gasps)

(Mr. Messy's candy floss flies off the stick and onto Mr. Pernickety's camera lens)

Mr. Pernickety: (grunts)

(The candy floss sticks to the camera and Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Pernickety: (grunts in disgust) Get-get this sticky mess off me!

(Mr. Pernickety falls over)

Mr. Pernickety: (yelps)

(Mr. Messy realizes the candy floss is no longer on the stick)

Mr. Messy: Shazam!

Mr. Pernickety (overlap and offscreen): (grunting and straining)

Mr. Messy (overlap): That candy floss practically blew away all by itself!

(Mr. Pernickety removes the candy floss from himself and stands up in frustration)

Mr. Pernickety: G'ah! I missed the giant ball of rubber bands!

(Mr. Messy throws the candy floss stick away and it hits Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Pernickety: Oh!

(Mr. Pernickety falls over again but quickly gets back up, very crossed with Mr. Messy)

Mr. Pernickety: (grunts) Mr. Messy! If you don't stop this untidy picnicking, I shall have no other choice but to leave this tour immediately!

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Pernickety the okay sign)

Mr. Messy: Gotcha, Mr. P!

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox as the bus heads for a low tunnel)

Miss Chatterbox: Now we're heading toward the lowest tunnel here in Dillydale!

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is enjoying some more grape juice from his juice box. Mr. Pernickety, who is standing up, realizes what is about to happen)

Mr. Pernickety: (gasps)

(The bus enters the tunnel)

Mr. Pernickety: Ooh! Ow! Oh! Ow!

(Stars are shown in the pitch black, indicating someone has hit something. The bus leaves the tunnel and Mr. Pernickety is shown hanging from the edge of the tunnel while the bus drives away. Mr. Messy is shown sipping grape juice from his juice box oblivious to what just happened)

Mr. Messy: I am telling you, Mr. P.

(Mr. Lazy turns around and notices that Mr. Pernickety is stuck hanging from the tunnel)

Mr. Messy: You won't even know I'm here.

(Mr. Messy takes another sip of grape juice as the tour bus drives away, leaving Mr. Pernickety stranded and dangling from the edge of the tunnel)

Mr. Pernickety: MR. MESSY!!!

(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown trying to pack-up his bags on top of his car. His car is parked on a hill. After all except one of his bags are put on top of his car, the car starts rolling down the hill. Indicating that Mr. Strong forgot to set the parking brake. Mr. Strong immediately runs down the hill to fetch his car while carrying the last bag. The car is heard crashing as it reaches the bottom. The screen cuts to black. The third bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown pushing his car back up the hill. His car is parked on a hill. Mr. Strong makes it back to where he started and turns around. Unexpectedly, a sinkhole forms underneath the car and the car falls into it without Mr. Strong noticing. A notebook appears, then a pink marker draws Mr. Messy's scribble. Mr. Messy completes himself and eats a slice of pizza. The paper flips to the next scene. Little Miss Scary is shown introducing an unknown group of people (as well as the viewers) to her sightseeing tour)

Miss Scary: Welcome to "Miss Scary's Scary Garden Tour!"

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle, an annoyed Mr. Grumpy, and a nervous Little Miss Calamity as patrons of the tour)

Miss Scary: Follow me into the "Garden of Fear".

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. Little Miss Scary walks away to the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Calamity: Did she say "fear"?

Mr. Grumpy: Yes. Now move it! The sooner we go, the sooner we get this over with.

(Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary to the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Calamity: I'm nervous already.

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his fingers)

Mr. Tickle: Maybe you just need a tickle!

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh!

(Mr. Tickle chases after Little Miss Calamity in an effort to tickle her)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): No! No! No! (laughs)

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary showing Mr. Tickle, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Calamity the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Scary: This is the "Garden of Fear!"

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. The camera zooms out to show everyone standing around five tiny cacti)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, what's so scary about a bunch of tiny little cacti?

Miss Scary: They may be small,

(Little Miss Scary picks up a small red cacti in a small pot)

Miss Scary: But if you get too close, the spines come to life and give you a poke!

Mr. Tickle: You mean like a tickle?

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his fingers. Little Miss Scary moves close to Mr. Tickle and nearly pokes him)

Miss Scary: No! I mean a ferocious poke!

(Little Miss Scary moves out of Mr. Tickle's way)

Mr. Tickle: Ferocious!? That doesn't sound fun.

Mr. Grumpy: That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Miss Scary: Fine!

(Little Miss Scary throws the cactus away and it gets stuck in something offscreen)

Miss Scary: If you don't think that's scary, then follow me!

(Little Miss Scary points to the left and heads in that direction)

Miss Scary: To the Fountain of Doom!

(The sound of thunder booming is heard. Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary while a curious Little Miss Calamity stays behind)

Miss Calamity: Ooh.

(Little Miss Calamity walks closer to the cacti to get a closer look)

Miss Calamity: Maybe Mr. Grumpy's right.

(Little Miss Calamity wiggles a flower on top of one of the cacti)

Miss Calamity: These little cacti do look harmless.

(The cactus starts shaking)

Miss Calamity: Aw!

(The cactus shoots all of its spines into Little Miss Calamity's arm and hand)

Miss Calamity: (screams in pain) Ooh! Ow! I'm not a pin cushion!

(Little Miss Calamity backs up and trips and falls onto an ant hill)

Miss Calamity: Woah!

(The ants from the ant hill climb onto Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: ANTS!!!

(Little Miss Calamity starts running around in a panic)

Miss Calamity: OOH!! GET OFF ME!!! ANTS!! (screams)

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Grumpy. They are standing by a fountain full of water lilies)

Miss Scary: This is the Fountain of Doom!

(The sound of thunder booming is heard and the ant-covered Little Miss Calamity runs around in the background)

Miss Calamity: Oh! No! Ants!

(Mr. Tickle turns around and notices Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: Ants, get off me!

(Little Miss Calamity runs out of the frame)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Ooh!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, it's just a fountain filled with water lilies.

Miss Scary: These flowers may look pretty but they are dangerous man-eating plants.

(Mr. Tickle walks close to the fountain)

Mr. Tickle: Really?

(Little Miss Scary runs over and pushes Mr. Tickle out of the way)

Mr. Tickle: (yelps)

Miss Scary: Don't get too close, Mr. Tickle!

(Little Miss Scary pokes Mr. Tickle)

Miss Scary: You could be next.

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Tickle see the ant-covered Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: (screaming)

(Little Miss Calamity dives into the fountain and washes the ants off her)

Miss Calamity: (coughing)

(Little Miss Calamity gets out of the fountain)

Miss Calamity: That's much better.

(Little Miss Calamity notices one of the water lilies stuck to her, takes it off, and holds it)

Miss Calamity: Oh! What pretty water lilies!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Little Miss Scary and Mr. Tickle. Little Miss Scary facepalms herself in frustration)

Miss Scary: (grunts in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: What else is there to see on this ridiculous tour?

(Little Miss Scary clenches in anger before regaining composure)

Miss Scary: The Swamp of Terror.

(The sound of thunder booming is heard)

Miss Scary: Follow me!

(Little Miss Scary leaves)

Mr. Grumpy (sarcastically): Come on, Miss Calamity. You're missing all the fun.

(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary)

Miss Calamity: (sighs)

(Little Miss Calamity leans in closer to the water lilies)

Miss Calamity: (sniffs)

(Suddenly, tentacles come out of the Fountain of Doom)

Monster in the Fountain: (roars)

Miss Calamity: (screams)

(The tentacles pull Little Miss Calamity back into the fountain)

Miss Calamity: Help! The Fountain of Doom has got me.

(The tentacles completely wrap around Little Miss Calamity and pull her under the water)

Monster in the Fountain: (roars)

(The camera cuts to a swamp. On the docks of said swamp are Mr. Tickle, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: Welcome to the Terror-Filled Swamp!

(The sound of thunder booming is heard)

Miss Scary: Legend has it, that a prehistoric monster lives in the swamp. A creature so scary...

(Mr. Grumpy becomes skeptical)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Not even I can talk about it.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, now I've heard everything.

Miss Scary (offscreen): It's true.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: All you have to do is close your eyes and concentrate, and the monster will come. Ha!

Mr. Tickle: I've never tickled a prehistoric monster.

Miss Scary: Then here's your chance! Close your eyes and repeat after me.

(Little Miss Scary closes her eyes and shakes her arms up and down)

Miss Scary: Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle follows Little Miss Scary's instructions)

Mr. Tickle and Miss Scary: Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle opens his eyes and acknowledges Mr. Grumpy, who is not closing his eyes and chanting)

Miss Scary (overlap): Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah

Mr. Tickle (overlap): Come on, Mr. Grumpy, chant with us or else you're gonna get a tickle.

(Mr. Tickle nearly tickles Mr. Grumpy to persuade Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy doesn't close his eyes but he does relent to the chanting)

Mr. Grumpy (quietly): Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle closes his eyes again and resumes chanting)

Mr. Grumpy (quietly), Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Tickle: Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah

Miss Calamity (offscreen): (screams)

(Everyone else jumps and turns around in fright. Little Miss Calamity is shown covered in goo from her struggle in the Fountain of Doom, making her resemble a swamp creature)

Mr. Tickle: MONSTER!!

(Mr. Tickle runs away in panic. All of the fountain muck falls off of Little Miss Calamity, exposing her as the swamp creature to Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Scary)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, I've had enough of this garden tour nonsense. I'll be over at the sweet shop if you need me.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves while Little Miss Calamity walks over to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: Stop trying to scare people, Miss Calamity. That's my job.

(Little Miss Scary departs as well. Little Miss Calamity spits out some fountain muck. Out of the swamp water, the real swamp creature rises up and pats Little Miss Calamity on her head)

Swamp Creature: (roars contently)

Miss Calamity: What a calamity!

(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown getting his car out of the sinkhole. Mr. Strong then tosses some bags that fell off the car back on top of it. Out of the blue, the car starts up on its own and drives up the hill in reverse. Leaving Mr. Strong behind. Mr. Strong remains in the sinkhole scratching his head in befuddlement. The screen cuts to black and the ending scene plays. The ending scene shows some previous events that happened in the episode. Starting with Mr. Scatterbrain playing his accordion and Bunko hopping up and down to the tune)

Narrator: Sometimes the sights you end up seeing...

(The swamp creature rises out of the water beside the cliff)

Swamp Creature: (grunts contently)

Narrator: Are not in the guidebook. But are right there in your own backyard.

(Mr. Quiet is shown standing next to the world's largest rubber band ball. Mr. Strong takes Mr. Quiet's picture)

Narrator: So the next time you want to go sightseeing,

(Mr. Messy is shown eating a sandwich and is on a tour of Little Miss Scary's Scary Garden Tour with Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Bounce. The five are admiring the Garden of Fear. Mr. Bounce takes a picture of the Garden of Fear)

Narrator: Just take a look around.

(Little Miss Calamity, who is covered in ants, runs past everyone as the ants crawl over her. At the Fountain of Doom, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Grumpy are there and see a dazed, star-seeing Mr. Bump at the top of the fountain. Indicating that Mr. Bump crash landed in it)

Narrator: You may be surprised by what you find.

(The Fountain of Doom pulls Mr. Bump into the fountain)

Fountain of Doom: (shrieks)

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big indigo screen comes up with "Sightseeing" written on it with a map, a camera, and who created the episode underneath)

Hawk (offscreen): (screeches)

(The sound of a camera taking a picture is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Bounce looking over a canyon. Mr. Bounce is further away from the rest of the group)

Narrator: Ah, sightseeing!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Quiet, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Small, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Nosey)

Narrator: One of the joys of living in a beautiful place such as Dillydale...

(Mr. Bounce takes a picture. Mr. Tickle runs to Mr. Bounce and tickles him. Mr. Bounce starts bouncing)

Narrator: Everyone enjoys seeing something...

(Mr. Bounce bounces over the fence meant prevent people from falling into the canyon. This leads to Mr. Bounce falling down into the canyon)

Narrator: They have never seen before!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up and takes another picture. Mr. Bounce bounces off of a rock)

Narrator: Whether it's a site found in nature...

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong preparing to take a picture of Mr. Bump standing by the world's largest rubber band ball)

Narrator: Or one that is man-made. Like the world's largest ball of rubber bands

(Mr. Bounce bounces off the rubber band ball. Mr. Strong takes a picture)

Narrator: No matter what...

(The rubber band ball rolls over Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Gah!

(The rubber band ball (now carrying Mr. Bump) rolls away and crashes into something offscreen)

Narrator: It's usually worth the trip.

(Mr. Strong walks away worried about Mr. Bump. The faint sound of a bowling ball hitting bowling pins is heard in the background. The screen fades to black and transitions to the next scene, which takes place at a statue)

Seagull (offscreen): (cawing)

(There is a wide shot of an unknown Mr. Man with a mustache, top hat, and a bowtie stretching his arm into the air. Several unknown Mr. Men and Little Misses are standing on the hand enjoying the view. Down below are several parked cars. A few cars are heard honking their horns. If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain approaching a ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Scatterbrain. One ticket for the Statue of Dillydale?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Heh! Yes please, Mr. Small!

Mr. Nosey: You'll be amazed at how much you can see from the observation deck.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Glad to hear it, Mr. Nosey. That's why I brought my camera.

(Mr. Scatterbrain pats his chest)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I plan to take lots of pictures.

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks past the ticket booth and gets into the elevator with Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Happy. Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Scatterbrain all exit the elevator and make their way up the escalator. Mr. Scatterbrain looks up to see how high up the escalator goes)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (gasps in shock)

(The viewers watch Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, and Mr. Happy go up the escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): What a lot of stairs!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh well. It will be worth it...

(Mr. Scatterbrain digs through his pocket)

Mr. Scatterbrain: For my pictures.

(Mr. Scatterbrain does a take, looks at the viewers, and pulls a parrot out of his pocket)

Parrot: Hello!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I guess I packed a parrot and not a camera! Better go home and get it.

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator. Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Little Miss Sunshine off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Pardon me!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Persnickety off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Persnickety (overlap): Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Coming through!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Nervous off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Nervous: G'oh!

(At the bottom of the escalator. Little Miss Sunshine is shown in pain and Mr. Persnickety is shown in a daze with stars circling his head)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): (moans in pain)

Mr. Persnickety (overlap) (moans)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Camera emergency!

(Mr. Scatterbrain enters the elevator. Mr. Messy is also in the elevator. The elevator doors close and the elevator goes down. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the elevator and Mr. Messy pokes his head out and watches Mr. Scatterbrain leave. Mr. Scatterbrain passes Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, the latter two are asleep in the ticket booth)

Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey: (snoring)

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets into his car)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (chuckles)

(Mr. Scatterbrain throws the car into reverse and drives backwards all the way home. Upon arriving home, Mr. Scatterbrain gets out of his car, heads inside, and goes into his closet to fetch the camera. Seconds later, after hearing him dig for the camera offscreen, Mr. Scatterbrain returns with the camera in his hand)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I got the camera!

(Mr. Scatterbrain runs back outside. The camera cuts back to the statue of Dillydale)

Seagulls (offscreen): (squawking)

(If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain approaching the ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey once again)

Mr. Small: Mr. Scatterbrain, back so soon for another trip to the top?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, yes please!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks past the ticket booth and gets into the elevator with Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil. Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Scatterbrain all exit the elevator and make their way up the escalator. As Mr. Scatterbrain rides the escalator to the top, Mr. Scatterbrain remembers something important)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no!

(Mr. Scatterbrain hits himself in the face)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I forgot my monkey!

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko would not want to miss this!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Little Miss Calamity off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Miss Calamity (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Pardon me!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Bump off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Mr. Scatterbrain knocks Mr. Tickle off the up escalator as he walks down it)

Mr. Tickle (overlap): Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Coming through!

(At the bottom of the escalator. Little Miss Calamity is shown in pain and Mr. Bump is shown in a daze with stars circling his head)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen and overlap): Oh! Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Monkey emergency!

(Mr. Scatterbrain enters the elevator with Little Miss Naughty also inside. The elevator doors close on Mr. Scatterbrain's behind as he enters the elevator before closing completely when he's all the way in. The elevator doors close and the elevator goes down. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the elevator by walking backwards and raising his hat. Little Miss Naughty pokes her head out and watches Mr. Scatterbrain leave in confusion. Mr. Scatterbrain passes Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and the latter two watch Mr. Scatterbrain walk away backwards. Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat as he passes the two. Mr. Scatterbrain is then shown driving down the road in reverse. Upon arriving home, the camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain going into his closet to get Bunko. Seconds later, after hearing him dig for the camera offscreen, Mr. Scatterbrain returns with the Bunko in his arms)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks back outside with Bunko in his arms. The camera cuts back to the statue of Dillydale)

Seagulls (offscreen): (squawking)

(If one looks close enough, the viewers will see Mr. Scatterbrain (who is now holding Bunko) walking towards the statue. The camera zooms in to show Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko approaching the ticket booth operated by Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey once again)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A ticket for myself and Bunko please!

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey Bunko the Monkey)

Mr. Small: Lucky for Bunko, today is "Monkeys get in Free Day!"

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko smile)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko make their way back to the statue)

Mr. Small: Go on in!

(Mr. Small boops Mr. Nosey's nose)

Mr. Small: Boop!

Mr. Nosey: (giggles)

(The camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko exiting the elevator with Little Miss Scary, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Lazy)

Bunko: (chatters)

(Little Miss Scary, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Lazy, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Bunko all exit the elevator and make their way up the escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Now remember Bunko, don't look down or you'll get dizzy! Oh! And if you do get dizzy, think of something happy like...accordion music

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets an idea. Mr. Strong, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Bounce are shown behind Mr. Strong and Bunko)

Mr. Scatterbrain: We should get our accordion, just in case!

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around and starts walking down the up escalator with Bunko in tow. Mr. Scatterbrain ends up knocking Mr. Strong, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Bounce off the escalator. Mr. Quiet and Mr. Strong are sent into a daze while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing all over the place as Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko reach the bottom of the escalator)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Pardon me! Coming through!

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko enter the elevator. Little Miss Chatterbox is also in the elevator. The elevator doors close and the elevator goes down. The camera cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain's house where Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko enter Mr. Scatterbrain's closet and fetch Mr. Scatterbrain's accordion. The two get back into Mr. Scatterbrain's car and drive back to the Statue of Dillydale. On their way back, one of Mr. Scatterbrain's back tires experiences a blowout and deflates. Mr. Scatterbrain notices this and stops driving)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hmmm.

(Bunko leaps out of the car and he and Mr. Scatterbrain see the flat tire)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh dear!

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment and gets an idea)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ha!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Scatterbrain pedaling down the road on a unicycle while holding Bunko. Mr. Scatterbrain then looks at the viewers)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Good thing I keep a unicycle in the trunk of my car!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pedals back to the Statue of Dillydale. Instead of being inside the ticket booth, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are outside it and have closed the ticket booth up for the day)

Mr. Scatterbrain: One ticket to the Dillydale Statue, please.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey frown)

Mr. Small: Apologies, Mr. Scatterbrain. But the statue is closed for the day.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, you sure Bunko and I can't take one quick look?

Mr. Small: Ooh, very well, Mr. Scatterbrain. Go ahead! Our little secret!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pedals towards the statue)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I won't say a word!

(The camera cuts to the top of the Statue of Dillydale. Mr. Scatterbrain and Bunko finally reach the top. The view shows the sun setting over a large body of water, probably the ocean. Bunko appears in front of the scenery when Mr. Scatterbrain gets an idea)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Wait! Let me get a picture!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hat off and thinks for a moment)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh...hmmm...

(Mr. Scatterbrain realizes something)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh dear!

(Mr. Scatterbrain puts his hat back on)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I left the camera back in the car!

Bunko: (whimpers)

(Mr. Scatterbrain pauses for a moment before shrugging off what just happened)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh well!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls out the accordion)

Mr. Scatterbrain: How 'bout a polka?

(Bunko hops up and down as his way of saying yes. Mr. Scatterbrain then plays a polka tune on his accordion as Bunko hops to the music. The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown trying to pack-up his bags on top of his car. His car is parked on a hill. After all of his bags are put on top of his car, they shake from instability and they fall back onto him. Mr. Tickle pops up from the bottom of the screen and pulls down the next scene. Mr. Messy is shown waiting for the double decker tour bus. It soon arrives (driven by Little Miss Chatterbox) and Mr. Messy boards the bus. On the first deck, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle are shown sitting down there. On the top deck, which is where Mr. Messy is planning to sit at, Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Lazy are shown sitting up there. Mr. Messy walks over to the open seat next to Mr. Persnickety and sits down next to him)

Mr. Messy (overlap): Hiya!

Mr. Persnickety (overlap): D'aah!

Mr. Messy: Mr. Persnickety! Is this seat taken?

Mr. Persnickety: It is now, Mr. Messy.

Mr. Messy: Great day for a bus ride, huh.

Mr. Persnickety: Yes. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the sites.

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Wanna bite of fish sandwich?

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Persnickety an old sandwich with dead fish in between a dirty roll. Mr. Persnickety pushes the sandwich out of the way)

Mr. Persnickety: No, thank you.

Mr. Messy: You sure? It's only been in my sock...

(Mr. Messy takes out a gym sock)

Mr. Messy: A couple of weeks.

(Mr. Messy takes a bite of his fish sandwich)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen and overlap): Testing! (giggles)

Mr. Messy (overlap): (mouth noises)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Welcome...

(The camera cuts down to the lower deck where Little Miss Chatterbox is shown wearing a headset and is standing at the front of the bus. Nobody is in the driver's seat)

Miss Chatterbox: To Dillydale Double Decker Bus Tours!

(The bus skids a little)

Miss Chatterbox: I'm your tour director, Miss Chatterbox, and I'm down here by the driver! (giggles)

(Little Miss Chatterbox grabs the wheel)

Miss Chatterbox: Well, actually,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Chatterbox next to the wheel and nobody in the driver's seat)

Miss Chatterbox: I am the driver. Which is why I can't be up on the top deck!

(Little Miss Chatterbox points up)

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles)

(Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head out of the tour bus and calls to the people on the upper deck)

Miss Chatterbox: Can you hear me okay up there?

(Mr. Messy squeezes his box of grape juice and grape juices squirts out onto Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Messy: We hear you just fine, Miss Chatterbox!

(Mr. Messy realizes what just happened)

Mr. Persnickety: Ah-Mr. Messy!!

Mr. Messy: Sorry about that, Mr. P. It's only grape juice.

(Mr. Persnickety stands up and walks away)

Mr. Persnickety: I think I'll sit back here.

(Mr. Persnickety moves to the seat behind Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy takes out his fish sandwich again and takes a bite out of it)

Mr. Persnickety: Uh, the view is better.

(Mr. Persnickety sits down in his new seat. The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: To your left, is...

(The bus is heard crashing into something unseen)

Miss Chatterbox: Is the oldest wishing well in Dillydale.

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is still eating his sandwich while Mr. Persnickety is shown taking out his camera and prepares to take a picture)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): They say people have wished over seven million...

(Mr. Messy takes a slice of tomato out of his sandwich)

Mr. Messy (overlap): Blech!

Miss Chatterbox (overlap and offscreen): Five hundred and forty-three...

(Mr. Messy throws the tomato slice away)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Wishes!

(The tomato slice land on the lens of Mr. Persnickety's camera)

Mr. Persnickety: D'oh! Ugh!

(Mr. Persnickety turns towards Mr. Messy)

Mr. Persnickety: Mr. Messy, I missed my shot!

Mr. Messy: Sorry, Mr. P. I'm just not a fan of tomatoes.

Mr. Persnickety: Please try to contain your lunch during the tour!

(The tomato slice slides off Mr. Persnickety's camera lens. Mr. Messy smiles as he sees something offscreen)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Alright. You'll totally want to get a picture of this folks.

(Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy get excited)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): This is...

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: The pride of Dillydale.

(The bus crashes into a tree)

Cat (offscreen): (screeches)

Miss Chatterbox: A giant ball made...

(The bus heads straight for a giant rubber band ball)

Miss Chatterbox: Entirely out of rubber bands!

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is enjoying some cotton candy. Mr. Persnickety has his camera out again. Mr. Persnickety prepares to take a picture when Mr. Messy's cotton candy flies off the stick and onto Mr. Persnickety's camera lens)

Mr. Persnickety: (grunts)

(The cotton candy sticks to the camera and Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: (grunts) Get this sticky mess off me!

(Mr. Persnickety falls over. Mr. Messy realizes the cotton candy is no longer on the stick)

Mr. Messy: Shazam!

Mr. Persnickety (overlap and offscreen): (grunting and straining)

Mr. Messy (overlap): That cotton candy practically blew away all by itself!

(Mr. Persnickety removes the cotton candy from himself and stands up in frustration)

Mr. Persnickety: I missed the giant ball of rubber bands!

(Mr. Messy throws the cotton candy stick away and it hits Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: Oh!

(Mr. Persnickety falls over again but quickly gets back up, very crossed with Mr. Messy)

Mr. Persnickety: Mr. Messy! If you don't stop this untidy picnicking, I shall have no other choice but to leave this tour immediately!

(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Persnickety the okay sign)

Mr. Messy: Gotcha, Mr. P!

(The camera cuts back down to Little Miss Chatterbox as the bus heads for a low tunnel)

Miss Chatterbox: Now we're heading toward the lowest tunnel in Dillydale!

(The camera cuts back to the top deck. Mr. Messy is enjoying some more grape juice from his juice box. Mr. Persnickety, who is standing up, realizes what is about to happen)

Mr. Persnickety: D'AAH!!

(The bus enters the tunnel)

Mr. Persnickety: (screams)

(Stars are shown in the pitch black, indicating someone has hit something. The bus leaves the tunnel and Mr. Persnickety is shown hanging from the edge of the tunnel while the bus drives away. Mr. Messy is shown sipping grape juice from his juice box oblivious to what just happened)

Mr. Messy: I'm telling you, Mr. P.

(Mr. Lazy turns around and notices that Mr. Persnickety is stuck hanging from the tunnel)

Mr. Messy: You won't even know I'm here.

(Mr. Messy takes another sip of grape juice as the tour bus drives away, leaving Mr. Persnickety stranded and dangling from the edge of the tunnel)

Mr. Persnickety: MR. MESSY!!!

(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown trying to pack-up his bags on top of his car. His car is parked on a hill. After all except one of his bags are put on top of his car, the car starts rolling down the hill. Indicating that Mr. Strong forgot to set the parking brake. Mr. Strong immediately runs down the hill to fetch his car while carrying the last bag. The car is heard crashing as it reaches the bottom. The screen cuts to black. The next scene takes place at an airfield. Mr. Bump and Mr. Happy are meeting up with Little Miss Daredevil for her helicopter tours)

Miss Daredevil: Hey Mr. Happy, Mr. Bump. Ready for my helicopter tour over Dillydale Falls? I promise this will be a trip you'll never forget!

(Mr. Bump's excitement turns into worry)

Mr. Bump: That's exactly what I'm afraid of!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Daredevil flying her helicopter to Dillydale Falls. In the back seats, Mr. Happy and Mr. Bump are buckled in. Mr. Bump is using multiple seatbelts and is trembling in fear. Mr. Happy is reading a brochure)

Mr. Happy: "Your brochure says that we'll see Dillydale Falls like we've never seen them before!"

Miss Daredevil: That's right, Mr. Happy, because we fly right through 'em!

(The camera cuts outside the helicopter)

Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woohoo!

(The helicopter enters the waterfall. Water floods the inside of the helicopter)

Mr. Bump: Gah! Oh!

(Upon existing the falls, Mr. Bump is shown holding onto one of the ripped seat belts outside of the helicopter)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Inside the helicopter, Mr. Happy takes a picture while it is revealed that the flood had caused Mr. Bump's seatbelts to rip. Hence why Mr. Bump was shown dangling from a seatbelt outside the helicopter)

Mr. Happy: "That was wonderful!"

(Back outside, Mr. Bump is shown with a fish in his mouth. He spits out the fish, and then hits pine trees)

Mr. Bump: "Ow! Ooh! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Miss Daredevil: "What do you say we check out the Dillydale Volcano?"

(The scene cuts back outside the helicopter)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The helicopter descends to the volcano)

Mr. Bump: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

(The heat of the lava burns Mr. Bump's feet)

Mr. Bump: "Ah! Hot! Ahhhhh! Lava!" (screams)

(The camera cuts back into the helicopter. Mr. Happy takes more pictures)

Mr. Happy: "Isn't lava wonderful!"

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: (screams) "Too close! Too close!"

(Mr. Bump climbs back to the helicopter, opens the door, and climbs back inside)

Miss Daredevil: Well, that's our tour! What do you say we turn around and head back?

Mr. Bump: Great idea.

(Mr. Happy takes another picture)

Miss Daredevil: "Okay! Hang on!"

(the helicopter flips over and starts going upside down in the opposite direction. Mr. Bump falls out)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Mr. Happy: "Well, Mr. Bump. Aren't you glad we took this tour?"

(The scene cuts to show Mr. Bump falling from the sky)

Mr. Bump: "Poopity-poop!"

(Mr. Bump hits the ground)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): "Ow!"

(The screen irises out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown pushing his car back up the hill. His car is parked on a hill. Mr. Strong makes it back to where he started and turns around. Unexpectedly, a sinkhole forms underneath the car and the car falls into it without Mr. Strong noticing. A notebook appears, then a pink marker draws Mr. Messy's scribble. Mr. Messy completes himself and eats a slice of pizza. The paper flips to the next scene. Little Miss Scary is shown introducing an unknown group of people (as well as the viewers) to her sightseeing tour)

Miss Scary: Welcome to "Miss Scary's Scary Garden Tour!"

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle, an annoyed Mr. Grumpy, and a nervous Little Miss Calamity as patrons of the tour)

Miss Scary: Follow me into the "Garden of Fear".

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. Little Miss Scary walks away to the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Calamity: Did she say "fear"?

Mr. Grumpy: Yes. Now move it! The sooner we go, the sooner we get this over with.

(Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary to the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Calamity: I'm nervous already. Oh!

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his fingers)

Mr. Tickle: Maybe you just need a tickle!

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh stop! No!

(Mr. Tickle chases after Little Miss Calamity in an effort to tickle her)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): (laughs)

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary showing Mr. Tickle, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Calamity the "Garden of Fear")

Miss Scary: This is the "Garden of Fear!"

(Thunder is heard clapping in the background. The camera zooms out to show everyone standing around five tiny cacti)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, what's so scary about a bunch of tiny little cacti?

Miss Scary: They may be small,

(Little Miss Scary picks up a small red cacti in a small pot)

Miss Scary: But if you get too close, the spines come to life and give you a poke!

Mr. Tickle: You mean like a tickle?

(Mr. Tickle wiggles his fingers. Little Miss Scary moves close to Mr. Tickle and nearly pokes him)

Miss Scary: No! I mean a ferocious poke!

(Little Miss Scary moves out of Mr. Tickle's way)

Mr. Tickle: Ferocious!? That doesn't sound fun.

Mr. Grumpy: That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Miss Scary: Fine!

(Little Miss Scary throws the cactus away and it gets stuck in something offscreen)

Miss Scary: If you don't think that's scary, then follow me!

(Little Miss Scary points to the left and heads in that direction)

Miss Scary: To the Fountain of Doom!

(The sound of thunder booming is heard. Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary while a curious Little Miss Calamity stays behind and walks closer to the cacti to get a closer look)

Miss Calamity: Maybe Mr. Grumpy's right.

(Little Miss Calamity wiggles a flower on top of one of the cacti)

Miss Calamity: These little cactus do look harmless.

(The cactus starts shaking)

Miss Calamity: Aw, cute aren't ya-

(The cactus shoots all of its spines into Little Miss Calamity's arm and hand)

Miss Calamity: Ack! No! Ouch! Oh! I'm not a pin cushion!

(Little Miss Calamity backs up and trips and falls onto an ant hill)

Miss Calamity: Oh!

(The ants from the ant hill climb onto Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: ANTS!!!

(Little Miss Calamity starts running around in a panic)

Miss Calamity: GET OFF ME!!! GET OFF!!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Grumpy. They are standing by a fountain full of water lilies)

Miss Scary: This is the Fountain of Doom!

(The sound of thunder booming is heard and the ant-covered Little Miss Calamity runs around in the background)

Miss Calamity: Oh! Ow! Ants!

(Mr. Tickle turns around and notices Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: Get off me!

(Little Miss Calamity runs out of the frame)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Get off!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, it's just a fountain filled with water lilies

Miss Scary: These flowers may look pretty but they are dangerous man-eating plants.

(Mr. Tickle walks close to the fountain)

Mr. Tickle: Really?

(Little Miss Scary runs over and pushes Mr. Tickle out of the way)

Miss Scary: Don't get too close, Mr. Tickle!

(Little Miss Scary pokes Mr. Tickle)

Miss Scary: You could be next.

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

Miss Calamity (offscreen): (screaming)

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Tickle see the ant-covered Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity: (screaming)

(Little Miss Calamity dives into the fountain and washes the ants off her)

Miss Calamity: (coughing)

(Little Miss Calamity gets out of the fountain)

Miss Calamity: Ah, much better.

(Little Miss Calamity notices one of the water lilies stuck to her, takes it off, and holds it)

Miss Calamity: Oh! What pretty water lilies!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Little Miss Scary and Mr. Tickle. Little Miss Scary facepalms herself in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: What else is there to see on this idiotic tour?

(Little Miss Scary clenches in anger before regaining composure)

Miss Scary: The Swamp of Terror.

(The sound of thunder booming is heard)

Miss Scary: Follow me.

(Little Miss Scary leaves)

Mr. Grumpy (sarcastically): Come on, Miss Calamity. You're missing all the fun.

(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Grumpy follow Little Miss Scary)

Miss Calamity: Oh.

(Little Miss Calamity leans in closer to the water lilies)

Miss Calamity: (sniffs)

(Suddenly, tentacles come out of the Fountain of Doom)

Monster in the Fountain: (roars)

Miss Calamity: (screams)

(The tentacles pull Little Miss Calamity back into the fountain)

Miss Calamity: Help! The Fountain of Doom has got me.

(The tentacles completely wrap around Little Miss Calamity and pull her under the water)

Monster in the Fountain: (roars)

(The camera cuts to a swamp. On the docks of said swamp are Mr. Tickle, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: This is the Swamp of Terror.

(The sound of thunder booming is heard)

Miss Scary: Legend has it, that a prehistoric monster lives in the swamp. A creature so scary...

(Mr. Grumpy becomes skeptical)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Not even I can talk about it.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, now I've heard everything.

Miss Scary (offscreen): It's true.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: All you have to do is close your eyes and concentrate, and the monster will come.

Mr. Tickle: I've never tickled a prehistoric monster.

Miss Scary: Then here's your chance! Close your eyes and repeat after me.

(Little Miss Scary closes her eyes and shakes her arms up and down)

Miss Scary: Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle follows Little Miss Scary's instructions)

Mr. Tickle and Miss Scary: Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle opens his eyes and acknowledges Mr. Grumpy, who is not closing his eyes and chanting)

Miss Scary (overlap): Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah

Mr. Tickle (overlap): Come on, Mr. Grumpy, chant with us or else you're going to get a tickle.

(Mr. Tickle nearly tickles Mr. Grumpy to persuade Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy doesn't close his eyes but he does relent to the chanting)

Mr. Grumpy (quietly): Menah-menah-menah.

(Mr. Tickle closes his eyes again and resumes chanting)

Mr. Grumpy (quietly), Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Tickle: Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah. Menah-menah-menah

Miss Calamity (offscreen): (screams)

(Everyone else jumps and turns around in fright. Little Miss Calamity is shown covered in goo from her struggle in the Fountain of Doom, making her resemble a swamp creature)

Mr. Tickle: (screams)

(Mr. Tickle runs away in panic. All of the fountain muck falls off of Little Miss Calamity, exposing her as the swamp creature to Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Scary)

Mr. Grumpy: I've had enough of this garden tour nonsense. I'll be over at the buffet if you need me.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves while Little Miss Calamity walks over to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: Stop trying to scare people, Miss Calamity. That's my job.

(Little Miss Scary departs as well. Little Miss Calamity spits out some fountain muck. Out of the swamp water, the real swamp creature rises up and pats Little Miss Calamity on her head)

Swamp Creature: (roars contently)

Miss Calamity: What a calamity!

(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Strong is shown getting his car out of the sinkhole. Mr. Strong then tosses some bags that fell off the car back on top of it. Out of the blue, the car starts up on its own and drives up the hill in reverse. Leaving Mr. Strong behind. Mr. Strong remains in the sinkhole scratching his head in befuddlement. The screen cuts to black and the ending scene plays. The ending scene shows some previous events that happened in the episode. Starting with Mr. Scatterbrain playing his accordion and Bunko hopping up and down to the tune)

Narrator: Sometimes the sights you end up seeing...

(The swamp creature rises out of the water beside the cliff)

Swamp Creature: (grunts contently)

Narrator: Are not in the guidebook. But are right there in your own backyard.

(Mr. Quiet is shown standing next to the world's largest rubber band ball. Mr. Strong takes Mr. Quiet's picture)

Narrator: So the next time you want to go sightseeing,

(Mr. Messy is shown eating a sandwich and is on a tour of Little Miss Scary's Scary Garden Tour with Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Bounce. The five are admiring the Garden of Fear. Mr. Bounce takes a picture of the Garden of Fear)

Narrator: Just take a look around.

(Little Miss Calamity, who is covered in ants, runs past everyone as the ants crawl over her. At the Fountain of Doom, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Grumpy are there and see a dazed, star-seeing Mr. Bump at the top of the fountain. Indicating that Mr. Bump crash landed in it)

Narrator: You may be surprised by what you find.

(Tentacles rise out of the Fountain of Doom)

Monster in the Fountain: (shrieks)

(The Fountain of Doom pulls Mr. Bump into the fountain. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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