Mr. Men Wiki

Sightseeing is the 49th episode of The Mr. Men Show.


Mr. Scatterbrain's Story: Mr. Scatterbrain goes inside the Dillydale statue, but he keeps forgeting things and goes back down the escalator, knocking off other Mr. Men and Little Misses in the process each time! Note that all characters (Exept Mr. Noisy) in series 1 all appeared in one sketch!

Mr. Persnickety's Story: Mr Persnickety goes on a Miss Chatterboxes tour, but is disturbed by Mr Messy.

Miss Daredevil's Story: Miss Daredevil takes Mr. Bump and Mr. Happy on a helicopter ride through Dillydale Falls but the doors were open and Mr. Bump got badly hurt. (Not in the UK).

Miss Scary's Story: Miss Scary takes Miss Calamity, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle on a nature ramble, trying to make the things they see seem scary. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle aren't easily fooled, but Miss Calamity keeps falling afoul of booby traps! It seemed that Miss Scary rigged the whole trip!


  • This is the first episode to have the words coming though
  • everyone but mr noisy appeared in the episode
  • An upcoming episode in season 4 called tours has a plot which has a Similiar to the one when miss scary takes Miss Calamity and her friends on a scary tour in tours miss scary takes Mr dizzy mr clever and Mr jelly on the tour first there's a very strange plant which is a flycatcher Mr. Clever and Mr jelly are a tiny bit scared but the flycatcher swallows mr dizzy and he started screaming and the flycatcher barfed him out but he was covered in green goo next there's a fountain with a sea monster inside one of its arms grabs mr dizzys leg and plunged him in meanwhile mr clever and Mr jelly hide behind a rock finely Miss scary shows a swamp where a monster lIves Mr. Clever says that is not true until the monster pops out with a gun and we can hear mr jelly yell OH MY GOD HE'S GOT A GUN!!!! Then Mr. Clever says I will not go on a tour like this ever again! The monster eats mr. Dizzy looks like mr dizzy is much scared than mr nervous!