Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Sleep." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Heatwave" Next: "Yard Work"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big mauve screen comes up with "Sleep" written on it with an unknown Mr. Man asleep in bed and who created the episode underneath)

(The episode begins late at night outside of Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off in her house so she can go to sleep)

Narrator: If there's one thing...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Grumpy's house. Mr. Grumpy turns the lights off in his house so he can go to sleep)

Narrator: That Mr. Men...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Calamity's house. Little Miss Calamity turns the lights off in her house so she can go to sleep)

Narrator: And Little Misses enjoy,

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's house. Either Mr. Nosey or Mr. Small turn the lights off in their house so they can go to sleep)

Narrator: It's sleep.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump, who is sleeping on a hospital bed. Above him is a shelf with a flower pot and card on it)

Narrator (overlap): Whether it's a restful night of slumber.

Mr. Bump (overlap): Mmm.

(The flower pot falls off the shelf and lands on Mr. Bump's head, waking him up)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Quiet taking a nap outside on his hammock late at night)

Narrator: Or a quick nap in the garden.

(Little Miss Daredevil flies by on her pink jetpack. She wakes Mr. Quiet up and accidentally gets Mr. Quiet tangled up in his hammock as she flies by)

Narrator: The people of Dillydale know that...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Lazy's house. A light is flickering from inside)

Narrator: The secret to staying healthy, is to get...

(The camera cuts inside Mr. Lazy's house. Mr. Lazy has fallen asleep while watching TV and a voice is heard from the TV)

Unknown Person: (on the TV) Kee-yah! Kee-yah!

Narrator: Plenty of rest.

Squirrel: (chatters)

(Two squirrels scamper into the frame and eats some pieces of pizza that was left out on the floor)

Narrator: Which is why everyone agrees...

(The squirrels leave)

Squirrel: (chatters)

Narrator: Mr. Lazy must be the healthiest fellow in town.

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(The screen fades to black. Static appears on the screen briefly before cutting to a commercial. The commercial begins with the camera showing Mr. Small's reflection in a crystal ball)

Mr. Small: Hello. I'm Mr. Small.

(The camera rights itself up and zooms out to show Mr. Smal standing on a small table, behind the crystal ball, next to a long rope, and in front of stacks of mattresses)

Mr. Small: And here at Dillydale Mattress, we don't need a crystal ball to tell you what kind of mattress you need.

(Mr. Small slaps the crystal ball away and the crystal ball shatters offscreen)

Mr. Small: Because we have something better!

(Mr. Small pulls down a rope cord)

Mr. Small: Mr. Nosey, the Mattress Wizard!

(Mr. Nosey appears in a cloud of smoke wearing a wizard's hat and thick glasses)

Mr. Nosey: That's right, Mr. Small. I guarantee that I can tell you exactly what you need in a new mattress!

(A curtain pulls back to show Mr. Nosey. Mr. Small peers from behind the curtain to address the viewers)

Mr. Small: Let's hear from some of our satisfied customers, Mattress Wizard!

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand and, after a magic cloud transition, the scene cuts over to Mr. Lazy's bedroom. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are there as Mr. Lazy explains how great the bed Mr. Nosey picked for him is)

Mr. Lazy: The Mattress Wizard understands his customers.

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand over Mr. Lazy's bed and a flash of light briefly flashes on the screen and cloud of smoke appears briefly over the bed)

Mr. Lazy: He picked the perfect bed for me.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey disappear in a cloud of smoke. Mr. Lazy takes out a remote control, and pushes a button, that causes his bed goes into a wall and a couch to come out of the shelves that were over the bed. The couch drops to the floor)

Mr. Lazy: Best of all, I never have to make it.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy: Thanks, Mattress Wizard.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous' bedroom. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are there as Mr. Nervous explains how great the bed Mr. Nosey picked for him is)

Mr. Nervous: He-he...he chose this bed for me because it's on the floor.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small look at the viewers)

Mr. Nervous: So nothing can hide underneath it.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey disappear in a cloud of smoke and Mr. Nervous smiles with gratefulness)

Mr. Nervous: Thanks Mattress Wizard.

(The closet door opens and several red eyes are seen inside the dark closet)

Creatures in the closet: (evil laughter)

(Mr. Nervous looks at his closet in fear)

Mr. Nervous: Huh? Ho!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Small bowing at Mr. Nosey as Mr. Nosey waves his magic wand)

Mr. Small: Excellent choices all, oh Mattress Wizard.

Mr. Nosey: It's a gift.

(The scene cuts to outside of Dillydale Mattress. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are wrapping up their commercial)

Mr. Small: So come on down to Dillydale Mattress and see the wizard!

(Little Miss Daredevil flies over to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and lands in front of the store)

Mr. Small: (gasps in surprise)

Miss Daredevil: Any idea, What kind of mattress I should get?

Mr. Nosey: You bet, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand and, after a magic cloud transition, the viewers see Little Miss Daredevil riding on a rocket-powered mattress)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! Thank you, Mattress Wizard!!

(Static appears on the screen; signifying the end of the commercial. The first bumper plays. Mr. Bounce bounces to a Murphy Bed. Mr. Bounce smiles at the viewers then pulls his Murphy Bed out and down from the wall. Mr. Bounce manages to get the bed down and smiles at the viewers over his success. But the bed recoils six times with him still holding onto it. After the sixth recoil, Mr. Bounce hits the screen, slides down, and bounces onto the ground with his bed down on the ground as well. Little Miss Scary walks into the frame)

Miss Scary: (whistles)

(A horde of bats fly into the frame and cover the screen)

Bats: (clicking)

(The bats fly away and reveal the next scene. Several Mr. Men and Little Misses are seated for a concert. Mr. Bump, Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Messy, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Quiet are seated in the back row; Little Miss Scary, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Mr. Nervous are seated in the row 2nd to the back; Mr. Bounce, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Happy are seated in the row 2nd to the front; and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey are seated in the front row. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: I am really excited about this concert. Aren't you Mr. Rude? I just love music. All kinds of music. Even birds chirping.

(Mr. Grumpy looks at Little Miss Chatterbox for a moment before returning his focus to the stage that's offscreen)

Miss Chatterbox: Which I'm not sure is even considered music.

(Mr. Rude crosses his arms and looks at Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox, I came out here to hear a concert. Not your non-stop talk!

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, sorry! Right, Were here to listen Mr. Pernickety play piano. It is very first time playing on stage.

(Mr. Rude does a take and uncrosses his arms)

Mr. Rude: You mean...he is a beginner?

Miss Chatterbox: Oh yes. But I'm sure he's about a good beginner he's good at everything and very organized, I think they had to be organized to play piano.

(Little Miss Chatterbox sees Mr. Pernickety)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Oh! Here it comes.

(The camera cuts to show the audience looking at the stage. On stage, Mr. Pernickety walks out and heads for the piano placed right in the center. The audience applauds. Mr. Pernickety adjusts his bowtie. Little Miss Chatterbox stands up and waves to catch Mr. Pernickety's attention)

Miss Chatterbox: Yoo-hoo! Mr. Pernickety!

(Mr. Pernickety sees Little Miss Chatterbox and stops fiddling with his bowtie)

Miss Chatterbox: It's us!

(Mr. Pernickety looks at Little Miss Chatterbox, not sure how to respond to what she is doing. The camera cuts back to the audience. Little Miss Chatterbox is shown standing on her seat)

Miss Chatterbox: Aren't you going to clap, Mr. Rude?

Mr. Rude: Not until I hear if he is any good.

(Mr. Pernickety sprays the piano with cleaner, wipes the cleaner spray off the piano to clean it, sits down, and starts playing the piano very elegantly. The camera cuts back to the audience)

Miss Chatterbox: (whispering) I wonder if Mr. Pernickety is nervous playing in front of all these people? You know, I'd be breaking out into a cold sweat. (chuckles) I wonder why they call it a "cold sweat" when sweating usually means you're really hot?

(Mr. Grumpy, who is sitting in front of Little Miss Chatterbox, turns towards Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy: Shhh!

(Little Miss Chatterbox covers her mouth in surprise over the fact that Mr. Grumpy heard her and Mr. Grumpy returns his focus to the concert)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps, then whispers) I can't believe Mr. Grumpy heard me! I was practically whispering. The sound in this hall must really carry. I wonder why that is? Do you know a thing about that, Mr. Rude?

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns towards Mr. Rude after failing to hear an answer from him)

Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Rude?

(Mr. Rude is shown asleep in his seat and begins snoring)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Little Miss Chatterbox stands up in her seat again and starts shaking Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh no! Mr. Rude! You have to wake up! You can't sleep at someone's concert! That's bad manners.

(Little Miss Chatterbox covers her mouth and Mr. Grumpy turns his attention towards Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy: (whispering) So is talking during a concert! Now pipe down!

(Mr. Grumpy resumes watching the concert)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Little Miss Chatterbox leans over to Little Miss Sunshine)

Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper): Psst! Miss Sunshine! Help me wake up Mr. Rude before Mr. Pernickety sees and thinks that his concert is boring!

(Not wanting Mr. Rude to unintentionally offend MR Pernickety, Little Miss Sunshine leans in towards Mr. Rude (who is seated to the right of her))

Miss Sunshine (in a whisper): Wake-up Mr. Rude!

Mr. Rude: (snores then murmurs)

Miss Chatterbox and Miss Sunshine: (gasps)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety playing the piano)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): Picnics are for idiots!

(Mr. Pernickety jolts upon hearing Mr. Rude and makes a mistake on the piano. Mr. Pernickety, clearly not amused by the disruption, looks around)

Mr. Pernickety: D'oh! Oh!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Pernickety resumes playing the piano elegantly. The camera cuts back to the audience. Mr. Tickle, having heard the commotion from his seat, leans over to talk to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

Mr. Tickle (in a whisper): What's the matter, Miss Chatterbox?

Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Rude is talking in his sleep, which is making Mr. Pernickety make mistakes! Which, we know, he usually doesn't do because. Well, (chuckles) he's Mr. Pernickety.

Mr. Rude: (snores then yelps) There is nothing I hate more...

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety playing the piano)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): Than dancing clowns!

(Mr. Pernickety hears Mr. Rude but is not disturbed and continues playing)

Mr. Pernickety: (growls in frustration)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Pernickety hears Mr. Rude snore and, after making another mistake, stops playing the piano)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

Mr. Pernickety: Hmmm.

(Mr. Pernickety resumes playing the piano but is now slightly nervous due to Mr. Rude's disruptions. The camera cuts back to the audience)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! We have to wake him up!

Mr. Tickle: Here! Let me! Wake up, Mr. Rude!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Rude)

Mr. Tickle: It's tickle time!

(Mr. Rude, still asleep, flails his arms around)

Mr. Rude: No! Get away, you octopus!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety playing the piano. Mr. Pernickety hears Mr. Rude and tries to continue his piano playing)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Pernickety tries to continue playing but, somehow Mr. Rude's snoring causes the lid on the piano to slam shut. Mr. Pernickety stops playing upon this unexpected disturbance)

Mr. Pernickety: Oooh! Oh!

(Mr. Pernickety looks at the audience and resumes piano playing despite his nerves)

Mr. Pernickety: Oh-ho!

(The camera cuts back to the audience. Little Miss Chatterbox is standing in her seat unsure of what she should do)

Miss Chatterbox: Poor Mr. Pernickety!

(Little Miss Chatterbox shakes Mr. Rude to try and wake him up)

Miss Chatterbox: Come on, Mr. Rude! You have to wake up.

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Mr. Scatterbrain, having heard the commotion, takes out a kazoo for Little Miss Chatterbox to try and use to wake Mr. Rude up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Do you want borrow my kazoo?

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits back down)

Miss Chatterbox: No, I don't think so.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: How about my banjo?

Miss Chatterbox: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat to reveal a horn in a can underneath)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Horn in a can?

Miss Chatterbox: That might work! But will it disturb Mr. Pernickety?

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Little Miss Chatterbox the horn in a can)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! He won't even notice.

(Little Miss Chatterbox blows the airhorn, scares everyone (although Mr. Messy is shown smiling for some reason), and causes Mr. Pernickety to fall out of his seat and, unsurprisingly, stop the concert all together)

Mr. Pernickety: D'ooh! Oh!

(Everyone except Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox leave the concert)

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Wait for me!

Miss Whoops (overlap): Never good at notes. Not necessarily in the right order.

Everyone else (overlap): (incoherent chatting)

(Mr. Pernickety gets up. Little Miss Chatterbox is shown standing up and applauding)

Miss Chatterbox: Bravo! Bravo!

(Mr. Rude wakes up, stands up, and applauds as well)

Mr. Rude: Bravo, Mr. Pernickety! That was the most restful concert I ever attended! I feel like a new man.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety, who runs offstage while crying. The scene then cuts back to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: What's his problem?

Miss Chatterbox:'s a long story. (chuckles)

(Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox leave)

Miss Chatterbox: Has anyone ever told you that you're talk in your sleep?

Mr. Rude (offscreen): I have no idea what you mean.

(A plethora of Mr. Tickle’s faces surround the screen, complete with the sound of him tickling is heard. The plethora of Mr. Tickle faces disappear. Mr. Stubborn begins to sing "I'm Not Tired" as a music video showing various characters sleeping is shown. It starts with Little Miss Sunshine falling asleep transforming into an outline of herself with a glowing red light beating where her heart is)

Mr. Stubborn: 🎶I'm telling you I'm not tired, there's no way I can sleep a wink!

I really wasn't snoozing, I close my eyes whenever I think!🎶

Mr. Stubborn and Chorus: 🎶I'm really not that sleepy, I could stay up til dawn.

You're wrong I wasn't nodding off, that was a sigh and not a yawn!🎶

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep?🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Not me!

Chorus: 🎶Just stay awake all night 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Sleep is cheap!

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep? 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I don't need it!

Chorus: 🎶Exercise your eyes 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I will!

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep? 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I don't!

Chorus: 🎶It's really such a bore. 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Hm!

Chorus: 🎶Don't tell me that I'm drowsy, that was a snort and not a snore!🎶

(Several pillows appear and engulf the screen. They lower away and the second bumper plays. Mr. Bounce bounces to his Murphy Bed. Mr. Bounce smiles at the viewers then pulls his Murphy Bed out and down from the wall. Mr. Bounce manages to get the bed down and smiles at the viewers over his success. Mr. Bounce bounces onto his bed and waves at the viewers. Unexpectedly, the Murphy Bed recoils back into the wall; trapping Mr. Bounce inside the wall. Mr. Scatterbrain grows and spins into the frame then slides down to reveal the next scene. The next scene takes place late at night outside of Little Miss Scary's house)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house): (snoring)

(At a nearby lamppost are a terrified Mr. Quiet and Mr. Nervous. Mr. Quiet is trembling behind a bush while Mr. Nervous is quaking in front of the lamppost)

Mr. Nervous: Did you hear that Mr. Quiet?

(Mr. Quiet looks around)

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Mr. Nervous: Sounds like a monster!

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Mr. Nervous: A hideous, hungry monster in very bad mood! We better leave town!

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet carrying a chamberstick)

Mr. Messy: Hey, Mr. Nervous!

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous realizes that Mr. Messy has shown up)

Mr. Nervous: (breathes heavily)

Mr. Messy: What's that noise?

Mr. Nervous: I hate to say it, Mr. Messy, But I think it's a monster!

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Look, I'm telling you, Mr. Grumpy.

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Grumpy show up and join Mr. Messy, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Strong: Whatever it is, it's big.

Mr. Grumpy: Not to mention annoying! I'm trying to sleep! Someone needs to go in there and tell it to be quiet.

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Grumpy: Sheesh.

Mr. Messy: Don't look at me!

(Mr. Nervous is shown with two suitcases)

Mr. Nervous: I'm on my way out of town!

(Mr. Quiet is shown with a tennis racket)

Mr. Quiet: What he said.

(Mr. Quiet waves his tennis racket around)

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Hey!

(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: I'll do it. I'm not afraid.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Strong: Oh.

(Mr. Nervous grabs his suitcases)

Mr. Nervous: (yelps) I am. Call me when it is over!

(Mr. Nervous tries to run away but Mr. Strong grabs him by the head and picks him up)

Mr. Nervous: H-up! Oh!

Mr. Strong: Stay where you are, Mr. Nervous. No monsters gonna drive us from our homes.

Mr. Nervous: Eeh! Maybe not you from your home.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Strong: (gasps)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(The five Mr. Men are lined up behind the gate in front of Little Miss Scary's house. Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Grumpy are all standing behind Mr. Strong. Mr. Nervous is trembling in fear ferociously)

Mr. Messy: I don't know if you should go in there, Mr. Strong.

Mr. Grumpy: Don't try and talk him out of it, I want to get some sleep.

(Mr. Grumpy turns towards Mr. Strong)

Mr. Grumpy: Go ahead. Do your thing.

(Mr. Strong walks to the house, opens the door, and heads inside)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house): (growls)

Mr. Nervous: (yelps) It's taking too long!

Mr. Quiet: I never said goodbye!.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (snores)

Mr. Quiet: (yelps quietly)

(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes and trembles with fear)

Mr. Messy: We can't let Mr. Strong go in there alone!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, yes we can. Watch.

(Inside Little Miss Scary's house, Mr. Strong is shown being as stealthy as possible. He first hides behind the telephone that's on a little table)

Mr. Strong: Ha!

(Mr. Strong looks around before leaning his back on a painting of a cat that's hanging from a wall)

Mr. Strong: Hmm! Hmm! Oh!

(Mr. Strong looks around before hiding behind a dresser and knocking a framed picture of a skeleton and a vase off it. Mr. Strong looks around)

Mr. Strong: Hmm.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside a room offscreen): (roars)

(The door is heard opening)

Mr. Strong: Huh?

(Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Nervous, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Grumpy inside)

Mr. Nervous (overlap): (yelps)

Mr. Messy (overlap): We‘re right behind you, Mr. Strong.

(Mr. Messy stops pushing everyone)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Nervous: Can we go now? I've seen enough.

Mr. Strong: We haven't seen anything yet!

Mr. Nervous: Exactly!

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside a room offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Nervous: (yelps)

Mr. Messy and Mr. Grumpy: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous jumps into the air)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

Mr. Grumpy: I wish I could say it was nice knowing you.

(Mr. Messy points to the left)

Mr. Messy: It's coming from it there.

(The camera cuts to a door that is bending and flexing with each snore the person or creature makes)

Unknown Person or Creature (from behind the door): (snores roars)

(On the left of the door, Mr. Strong and a worried Mr. Grumpy lean on the wall. On the right of the door, a troubled Mr. Quiet leans on the wall while Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Nervous (who is covering his eyes) to the door)

Mr. Nervous: (whimpers) N-n-n-no! No! No!

(Mr. Nervous uncovers his eyes)

Mr. Strong: Okay, everybody stand back! (grunts)

(Mr. Strong breaks the door with a single punch)

Mr. Messy: Nice work, Mr. Strong! I could use a few holes like this over at my house.

Mr. Strong: I'll come around tomorrow.

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy shake hands)

Mr. Messy: You've got yourself a deal.

Mr. Grumpy (in a whisper): Will you too pay attention? We have a monster to catch.

Mr. Nervous: G-d-d-don't remind me!

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the room): (snoring)

Mr. Grumpy: (screams)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Strong: (gasps)

Mr. Nervous: (yelps)

Mr. Messy: (screams)

(Everyone looks into the room only to find Little Miss Scary asleep in her bed)

Miss Scary: (snoring very loudly)

Mr. Strong: Miss Scary?

Mr. Nervous: But she's no monster!

Mr. Grumpy: Well that depends on how you look at it.

Mr. Messy: Shazam! That's one scary snore.

Mr. Strong: Should we wake her?

Mr. Nervous: No! I mean, she's much less scary sleeping then she is awake.

Miss Scary (offscreen): (snores)

Mr. Strong: "Hmm, you got a point there!"

Mr. Quiet: "Yeah, that's completely true."

Mr. Messy: "Too true."

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Quiet leave Miss Little Scary's house)

Mr. Strong: "Right, everybody back to my house. I'll make some hot cocoa."

Mr. Messy: "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Why not? No use trying to sleep until she stops with that noise."

Miss Scary (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Quiet closes the door as Miss Scary snores so loudly that a picture of a cat falls and breaks into three pieces. After that, Mr. Tickle's arms engulf the screen)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown tying an anchor on his bed to keep it from recoiling. After he finishes, he sleeps in his bed, but the weight of the anchor causes the bed to fall through the floor. After that, the scene fades to the ending scene plays. It begins with a shot of the night sky before panning down to an aerial view of Dillydale)

Narrator: And so as evening falls on Dillydale, the tired and weary Mr. Men and Little Misses take to their beds. Ready for a good night sleep.

(The scene switches to Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's duplex)

Mr. Messy (from inside his house): Good night, Mr. Pernickety!

(Mr. Messy turns the lights off)

Mr. Pernickety (from inside his house): Good night, Mr. Messy...

(Mr. Pernickety turns the lights off. The scene switches to Little Miss Sunshine's house)

Miss Sunshine (from inside her house): Good night Miss Chatterbox.

(Little Miss Sunshine turns the lights off. The scene switches to Little Miss Chatterbox's house)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): Good night Miss Sunshine.

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off and on)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): Don't let the bedbugs bite!

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off and on)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): (giggles) Not that there are any bedbugs in Dillydale! If there were I wouldn't be able to sleep!

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off and the scene switches to Mr. Nervous' house)

Mr. Nervous (from inside his house): Good night Mr. Rude.

(Mr. Nervous turns the lights off. The scene switches to Mr. Rude's house)

Mr. Rude (from inside his house): I'll give you goodnight. (farts)

(Wide shot of Dillydale. Everyone turns their lights on)

Everyone (offscreen): MR. RUDE!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (chuckles) My apologies.

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)

Deleted Scene[]

(The scene begins outside Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house late at night. They are using the giant telescope to look around)

Mr. Small (from inside the house): Nose, any sign of Mr. Pernickety?

(The observatory telescope lowers)

Mr. Nosey (from inside the house): No. Not yet, Mr. Small.

(The camera cuts to inside Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are standing near their observatory's telescope)

Mr. Small: Hmm…it's after midnight. I hope nothing's wrong.

(Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Pernickety through the telescope)

Mr. Nosey: Wait! I think I see him.

Mr. Small: And?

(Mr. Pernickety is shown through the telescope lens sleepwalking to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's house)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Yes! He's sleepwalking alright!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Aw, splendid! I'll get things ready.

(Mr. Small walks down the stairs. Mr. Small opens the closet door, goes inside the closet, and takes out a vacuum, a bucket full of water, and a mop. Mr. Nosey opens the front door and the sleepwalking Mr. Pernickety walks inside. Mr. Small plugs the vacuum in and Mr. Pernickety starts vacuuming. Mr. Pernickety starts walking to a table with a vase full of daisies on it)

Mr. Nosey: Oh!

(Mr. Nosey lifts the table up by one leg so Mr. Pernickety can vacuum under the table with out bumping into it. Mr. Small moves the mop inside the bucket of water to the left. Mr. Pernickety turns off the vacuum, takes the mop out of the bucket, and starts mopping. Then, still sleepwalking, Mr. Pernickety cleans a table with a red flower in a vase on it with a spray bottle and a rag. Mr. Pernickety then takes a feather duster and dusts a book shelf with a telescope on the bottom shelf, three magnifying glasses on the middle shelf, and three binoculars on the top shelf. Mr. Pernickety then cleans the top of the toilet with a sponge. Then he washes and dries some dishes. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown sitting in armchairs. Mr. Small is sipping a drink while Mr. Pernickety dusts Mr. Nosey's chair. Mr. Nosey then starts having second thoughts over using Mr. Pernickety for their personal gain)

Mr. Nosey: Uh,

(Mr. Small stops sipping his drink and Mr. Pernickety starts dusting Mr. Small's chair)

Mr. Nosey: Don't you think we ought to tell Mr. Pernickety that he walks in his sleep?

(Mr. Pernickety starts sweeping the floor)

Mr. Small: And risk losing this fantastic cleaning service?, Think again, Nose. Think again!

(Mr. Nosey smiles and Mr. Small takes another sip of his drink. The screen fades to black)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big mauve screen comes up with "Sleep" written on it with an unknown Mr. Man asleep in bed and who created the episode underneath)

(The episode begins late at night outside of Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off in her house so she can go to sleep)

Narrator: If there's one thing...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Grumpy's house. Mr. Grumpy turns the lights off in his house so he can go to sleep)

Narrator: That Mr. Men...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Calamity's house. Little Miss Calamity turns the lights off in her house so she can go to sleep)

Narrator: And Little Misses enjoy,

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's house. Either Mr. Nosey or Mr. Small turn the lights off in their house so they can go to sleep)

Narrator: It's sleep.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump, who is sleeping on a hospital bed. Above him is a shelf with a flower pot and card on it)

Narrator: Whether it's a restful night of slumber.

(The flower pot falls off the shelf and lands on Mr. Bump's head, waking him up)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Quiet taking a nap outside on his hammock late at night)

Narrator: Or a quick nap in the backyard.

(Little Miss Daredevil flies by on her pink jetpack. She wakes Mr. Quiet up and accidentally gets Mr. Quiet tangled up in his hammock as she flies by)

Narrator: The people of Dillydale know that...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Lazy's house. A light is flickering from inside)

Narrator: The secret to staying healthy...

Horse (offscreen): (neighs)

Narrator: Is to get...

(The camera cuts inside Mr. Lazy's house. Mr. Lazy has fallen asleep while watching TV and the neighing came from the TV)

Narrator: Plenty of rest.

(Two squirrels scamper into the frame and eats some pieces of pizza that was left out on the floor)

Squirrel: (chatters)

Narrator: Which is why everyone agree that...

(The squirrels leave)

Squirrel: (chatters)

Narrator: Mr. Lazy must be the healthiest fellow in town.

(The screen fades to black. Static appears on the screen briefly before cutting to a commercial. The commercial begins with the camera showing Mr. Small's reflection in a crystal ball)

Mr. Small: Hello, I'm Mr. Small.

(The camera rights itself up and zooms out to show Mr. Small standing on a small table, behind the crystal ball, next to a long rope, and in front of stacks of mattresses)

Narrator: And here at Dillydale Mattress, we don't need a crystal ball to tell you what kind of mattress you need.

(Mr. Small slaps the crystal ball away and the crystal ball shatters offscreen)

Mr. Small: Because we have something better!

(Mr. Small pulls down a rope cord)

Mr. Small: Mr. Nosey, the Mattress Wizard!

(Mr. Nosey appears in a cloud of smoke wearing a wizard's hat and thick glasses)

Mr. Nosey: That's right, Mr. Small! I guarantee that I can tell you exactly what you need in a new mattress!

(A curtain pulls back to show Mr. Nosey. Mr. Small peers from behind the curtain to address the viewers)

Mr. Small: Let's hear from some of our satisfied customers, Mattress Wizard!

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand and, after a magic cloud transition, the scene cuts over to Mr. Lazy's bedroom. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are there as Mr. Lazy explains how great the bed Mr. Nosey picked for him is)

Mr. Lazy: The Mattress Wizard understands his customers.

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand over Mr. Lazy's bed and a flash of light briefly flashes on the screen and cloud of smoke appears briefly over the bed)

Mr. Lazy: He picks the perfect bed for me.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey disappear in a cloud of smoke. Mr. Lazy takes out a remote control, and pushes a button, that causes his bed goes into a wall and a couch to come out of the shelves that were over the bed. The couch drops to the floor)

Mr. Lazy: Best of all, I never have to make it!

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy: Thanks, Mattress Wizard.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous' bedroom. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are there as Mr. Nervous explains how great the bed Mr. Nosey picked for him is)

Mr. Nervous: Eh, he chose this mattress for me because it's on the floor.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small look at the viewers)

Mr. Nervous: So, nothing can hide underneath it.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey disappear in a cloud of smoke and Mr. Nervous smiles with gratefulness)

Mr. Nervous: Thanks, Mattress Wizard!

(The closet door opens and several red eyes are seen inside the dark closet)

Creatures in the closet: (evil laughter)

(Mr. Nervous looks at his closet in fear. The scene transitions to Mr. Small bowing at Mr. Nosey as Mr. Nosey waves his magic wand)

Mr. Small: Excellent choices oh, Mattress Wizard!

Mr. Nosey: It's a gift!

(The scene cuts to outside of Dillydale Mattress. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are wrapping up their commercial)

Mr. Small: So come on down to Dillydale Mattress and see the wizard!

(Little Miss Daredevil flies over to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and lands in front of the store)

Miss Daredevil: Any idea what kind of mattress I should get?

Mr. Nosey: You bet, Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Nosey waves his wand and, after a magic cloud transition, the viewers see Little Miss Daredevil riding on a rocket-powered mattress)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo! Thank you Mattress Wizard!!!

(Static appears on the screen; signifying the end of the commercial. The first bumper plays. Mr. Bounce bounces to a Murphy Bed. Mr. Bounce smiles at the viewers then pulls his Murphy Bed out and down from the wall. Mr. Bounce manages to get the bed down and smiles at the viewers over his success. But the bed recoils six times with him still holding onto it. After the sixth recoil, Mr. Bounce hits the screen, slides down, and bounces onto the ground with his bed down on the ground as well. Little Miss Scary walks into the frame)

Miss Scary: (whistles)

(A horde of bats fly into the frame and cover the screen)

Bats: (clicking)

(The bats fly away and reveal the next scene. Several Mr. Men and Little Misses are seated for a concert. Mr. Bump, Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Messy, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Quiet are seated in the back row; Little Miss Scary, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Mr. Nervous are seated in the row 2nd to the back; Mr. Bounce, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Happy are seated in the row 2nd to the front; and Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey are seated in the front row. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: I am so excited about this concert. Aren't you, Mr. Rude? (giggles) I just love music. All kinds of music. Even birds chirping.

(Mr. Grumpy looks at Little Miss Chatterbox for a moment before returning his focus to the stage that's offscreen)

Miss Chatterbox: Which I'm not sure is even considered music.

(Mr. Rude crosses his arms and looks at Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: Miss Chatterbox, I came out here to hear a concert. Not your non-stop talk!

Miss Chatterbox: Sorry! Right! We're here to listen to Mr. Persnickety play piano. It's his very first time playing on stage.

(Mr. Rude does a take and uncrosses his arms)

Mr. Rude: You mean...he is a beginner?

Miss Chatterbox: Oh yeah. But I'm sure he's a very good beginner. He's good at everything. And very organized. I think you have to be organized to play piano.

(Little Miss Chatterbox sees Mr. Persnickety)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Oh! Here he comes!

(The camera cuts to show the audience looking at the stage. On stage, Mr. Persnickety walks out and heads for the piano placed right in the center. The audience applauds. Mr. Persnickety adjusts his bowtie. Little Miss Chatterbox stands up and waves to catch Mr. Persnickety's attention)

Miss Chatterbox: Yoo-hoo! Mr. Persnickety!

(Mr. Persnickety sees Little Miss Chatterbox and stops fiddling with his bowtie)

Miss Chatterbox: It's us!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at Little Miss Chatterbox, not sure how to respond to what she is doing. The camera cuts back to the audience. Little Miss Chatterbox is shown standing on her seat)

Miss Chatterbox: Aren't you going to clap, Mr. Rude?

Mr. Rude: Not until I hear if he is any good.

(Mr. Persnickety sprays the piano with cleaner, wipes the cleaner spray off the piano to clean it, sits down, and starts playing the piano very elegantly. The camera cuts back to the audience)

Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper): I wonder if Mr. Persnickety is nervous playing in front of all these people? I know I'd be breaking out into a cold sweat. (chuckles) I wonder why they call it a "cold sweat" when sweating usually means you're really hot?

(Mr. Grumpy, who is sitting in front of Little Miss Chatterbox, turns towards Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy: Shhh!

(Little Miss Chatterbox covers her mouth in surprise over the fact that Mr. Grumpy heard her and Mr. Grumpy returns his focus to the concert)

Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper): I can't believe Mr. Grumpy heard me! I was practically whispering. The sound in this hall must really carry. I wonder why that is? Do you know anything about that, Mr. Rude?

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns towards Mr. Rude after failing to hear an answer from him)

Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Rude?

(Mr. Rude is shown asleep in his seat)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Little Miss Chatterbox stands up in her seat again and starts shaking Mr. Rude)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh no! Mr. Rude, you have to wake up! You can't sleep at someone's concert! That's bad manners.

(Little Miss Chatterbox covers her mouth and Mr. Grumpy turns his attention towards Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy (in a whisper): So is talking during a concert! Now pipe down!

(Mr. Grumpy resumes watching the concert)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Little Miss Chatterbox leans over to Little Miss Sunshine)

Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper): Psst! Miss Sunshine! Help me wake up Mr. Rude before Mr. Persnickety sees and thinks that his concert is boring!

(Not wanting Mr. Rude to unintentionally offend MR Persnickety, Little Miss Sunshine leans in towards Mr. Rude (who is seated to the right of her))

Miss Sunshine (in a whisper): Wake-up Mr. Rude!

Mr. Rude: (snores then murmurs)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Persnickety playing the piano)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): Picnics are for idiots!

(Mr. Persnickety jolts upon hearing Mr. Rude and makes a mistake on the piano. Mr. Persnickety, clearly not amused by the disruption, looks around)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Persnickety resumes playing the piano elegantly. The camera cuts back to the audience. Mr. Tickle, having heard the commotion from his seat, leans over to talk to Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

Mr. Tickle (in a whisper): What's the matter Miss Chatterbox?

Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Rude is talking in his sleep, which is making Mr. Persnickety make mistakes! Which, we know, he usually doesn't do because, (giggles). Well, um, he's Mr. Persnickety.

Mr. Rude: (snores then yelps) There is nothing I hate more than dancing clowns!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Persnickety playing the piano. He hears Mr. Rude but is not disturbed and continues playing)

Mr. Persnickety: (sighs)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Persnickety hears Mr. Rude snore and, after making another mistake, stops playing the piano)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Persnickety resumes playing the piano but is now slightly nervous due to Mr. Rude's disruptions. The camera cuts back to the audience)

Mr. Rude: (snores)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! We have to wake him up!

(Mr. Tickle gets an idea and wiggles his fingers)

Mr. Tickle: Here! Let me! Wake up, Mr. Rude!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Rude)

Mr. Tickle: It's tickle time!

(Mr. Rude, still asleep, flails his arms around)

Mr. Rude: No! Get away, you octopus!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Persnickety playing the piano. Mr. Persnickety hears Mr. Rude and tries to continue his piano playing)

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Persnickety tries to continue playing but, somehow Mr. Rude's snoring causes the lid on the piano to slam shut. Mr. Persnickety stops playing upon this unexpected disturbance)

Mr. Persnickety: D'ah!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at the audience and resumes piano playing despite his nerves. The camera cuts back to the audience. Little Miss Chatterbox is standing in her seat unsure of what she should do)

Miss Chatterbox: Poor Mr. Persnickety!

(Little Miss Chatterbox shakes Mr. Rude to try and wake him up)

Miss Chatterbox: Come on, Mr. Rude! You have to wake up.

Mr. Rude: (snores)

(Mr. Scatterbrain, having heard the commotion, takes out a kazoo for Little Miss Chatterbox to try and use to wake Mr. Rude up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: You want borrow my kazoo?

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits back down)

Miss Chatterbox: No, I don't think so.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: How about my banjo.

Miss Chatterbox: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat to reveal a horn in a can underneath)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Horn in a can?

Miss Chatterbox: That might work! But will it disturb Mr. Persnickety?

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Little Miss Chatterbox the horn in a can)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! He won't even notice.

(Little Miss Chatterbox blows the airhorn, scares everyone (although Mr. Messy is shown smiling for some reason), and causes Mr. Persnickety to fall out of his seat and, unsurprisingly, stop the concert all together)

Mr. Persnickety: D'ah!

(Everyone except Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox leave the concert)

Miss Sunshine (overlap): This concert wasn't that good.

Mr. Grumpy (overlap): Ooh! I try to-

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): Wait for me!

Mr. Tickle (overlap): Me too!

Everyone else (overlap): (incoherent chatting)

(Mr. Persnickety gets up. Little Miss Chatterbox is shown standing up and applauding)

Miss Chatterbox: Bravo! Bravo!

(Mr. Rude wakes up, stands up, and applauds as well)

Mr. Rude: Bravo, Mr. Persnickety! That was the most restful concert I ever attended! I feel like a new man.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Persnickety, who runs offstage while crying. The scene then cuts back to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Rude: What's his problem?

Miss Chatterbox:'s kind of a long story. (chuckles)

(Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox leave)

Miss Chatterbox: Hey did anyone ever tell you that you talk in your sleep?

Mr. Rude (offscreen): I have no idea what you mean

(A plethora of Mr. Tickle’s faces surround the screen, complete with the sound of him tickling is heard. The plethora of Mr. Tickle faces disappear. Mr. Stubborn begins to sing "I'm Not Tired" as a music video showing various characters sleeping is shown. It starts with Little Miss Sunshine falling asleep transforming into an outline of herself with a glowing red light beating where her heart is)

Mr. Stubborn: 🎶I'm telling you I'm not tired, there's no way I can sleep a wink!

I really wasn't snoozing, I close my eyes whenever I think!🎶

Mr. Stubborn and Chorus: 🎶I'm really not that sleepy, I could stay up til dawn.

You're wrong I wasn't nodding off, that was a sigh and not a yawn!🎶

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep?🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Not me!

Chorus: 🎶Just stay awake all night 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Sleep is cheap!

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep? 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I don't need it!

Chorus: 🎶Exercise your eyes 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I will!

Chorus: 🎶Who needs sleep? 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: I don't!

Chorus: 🎶It's really such a bore. 🎶

Mr. Stubborn: Hm!

Chorus: 🎶Don't tell me that I'm drowsy, that was a snort and not a snore!🎶

(Several pillows appear and engulf the screen. They lower away and the second bumper plays. Mr. Bounce bounces to his Murphy Bed. Mr. Bounce smiles at the viewers then pulls his Murphy Bed out and down from the wall. Mr. Bounce manages to get the bed down and smiles at the viewers over his success. Mr. Bounce bounces onto his bed and waves at the viewers. Unexpectedly, the Murphy Bed recoils back into the wall; trapping Mr. Bounce inside the wall. Mr. Scatterbrain grows and spins into the frame then slides down to reveal the next scene. The next scene takes place late at night outside of Little Miss Scary's house)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house): (snoring)

(At a nearby lamppost are a terrified Mr. Quiet and Mr. Nervous. Mr. Quiet is trembling behind a bush while Mr. Nervous is quaking in front of the lamppost)

Mr. Nervous: Did you hear that, Mr. Quiet?

(Mr. Quiet looks around)

Mr. Quiet: Wha-?

Me. Nervous: Sounds like a monster! A hideous hungry monster in very bad mood! We better leave town.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet carrying a chamberstick)

Mr. Messy: Yo!

Mr. Nervous: G'oh!

(Mr. Nervous realizes that Mr. Messy has shown up)

Mr. Nervous: (breathes heavily)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Nervous! What's that noise?

Mr. Nervous: G'I hate to say it, Mr. Messy. But I think it's a monster!

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Yo, I'm telling you, Mr. Grumpy.

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Grumpy show up and join Mr. Messy, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Strong: Whatever that is, it's big.

Mr. Grumpy: Not to mention annoying. I'm trying to sleep. Someone needs to go in there and tell it to be quiet!

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Grumpy: Sheesh!

Mr. Messy: Don't look at me!

(Mr. Nervous is shown with two suitcases)

Mr. Nervous: I'm on my way out of town!

(Mr. Quiet is shown with a tennis racket)

Mr. Quiet: What he said.

(Mr. Quiet waves his tennis racket around)

Mr. Strong: Uh, yo I‘ll do it! I'm not afraid.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

(Mr. Nervous grabs his suitcases)

Mr. Nervous: Gee-heeh! I am! Call me when it's over!

(Mr. Nervous tries to run away but Mr. Strong grabs him by the head and picks him up)

Mr. Nervous: G'oh! Oh!

Mr. Strong: Stay where you are, Mr. Nervous. No monster's gonna drive us from our homes.

Mr. Nervous: Geeh! Maybe not you from your at home.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(The five Mr. Men are lined up behind the gate in front of Little Miss Scary's house. Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Grumpy are all standing behind Mr. Strong. Mr. Nervous is trembling in fear ferociously)

Mr. Messy: I don't know if you should go in there, Mr. Strong.

Mr. Grumpy: Don' try and talk I’m him out of it, I want to get some sleep!

(Mr. Grumpy turns towards Mr. Strong)

Mr. Grumpy: Go ahead. Do your thing.

(Mr. Strong walks to the house, opens the door, and heads inside)

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house): (growls)

Mr. Nervous: Geh! It's taking too long!

Mr. Quiet: I never said goodbye.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the house offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes and trembles with fear)

Mr. Messy: We can't let Mr. Strong go in there alone!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, yes we can. Watch.

(Inside Little Miss Scary's house, Mr. Strong is shown being as stealthy as possible. He first hides behind the telephone that's on a little table)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong looks around before leaning his back on a painting of a cat that's hanging from a wall)

Mr. Strong: Oh! Oh!

(Mr. Strong looks around before hiding behind a dresser and knocking a framed picture of a skeleton and a vase off it)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong looks around)

Mr. Strong: Huh?

(The door is heard opening and Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Nervous, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Grumpy inside)

Mr. Nervous (overlap): Geh!

Mr. Messy (overlap): We‘re right behind you, Mr. Strong.

Mr. Grumpy (overlap): Oh!

(Mr. Messy stops pushing everyone)

Mr. Nervous: Can we go now? I've seen enough!

Mr. Strong: We haven't seen anything yet.

Mr. Nervous: Exactly!

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside a room offscreen): (roars)

Mr. Nervous: G'ah!

Mr. Grumpy: (sceams)

(Mr. Nervous jumps into the air)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

Mr. Grumpy: I wish I could say it was nice knowing you.

(Mr. Messy points to the left)

Mr. Messy: It's coming from in there.

(The camera cuts to a door that is bending and flexing with each snore the person or creature makes)

Unknown Person or Creature (from behind the door): (snores roars)

(On the left of the door, Mr. Strong and a worried Mr. Grumpy lean on the wall. On the right of the door, a troubled Mr. Quiet leans on the wall while Mr. Messy pushes Mr. Nervous (who is covering his eyes) to the door)

Mr. Nervous: Oh, N-n-n—n-no! No!

(Mr. Nervous uncovers his eyes)

Mr. Strong: Okay! Everybody stand back! (grunts)

(Mr. Strong breaks the door with a single punch)

Mr. Messy: Nice work, Mr. Strong. I could use a few holes like this over at my house.

Mr. Strong: Oh, yeah! I'll come over tomorrow.

(Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy shake hands)

Mr. Messy: You got yourself a deal!

Mr. Grumpy (in a whisper): You to get with it? We have a monster to catch!

Mr. Nervous: Geeh! Don't remind me.

Unknown Person or Creature (from inside the room): (snoring)

Mr. Grumpy: (screams)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Strong: (gasps)

Mr. Nervous: Gah!

Mr. Messy: (shrieks)

(Everyone looks into the room only to find Little Miss Scary asleep in her bed)

Miss Scary: (snoring very loudly)

Mr. Strong: Miss Scary?

Mr. Nervous: But that's no monster!

Mr. Grumpy: Well that depends on how you look at it.

Mr. Messy: Shazam! That's one scary snore.

Mr. Strong: Should we wake her?

Mr. Nervous: No! I mean, she's much less scary sleeping, oh, then she is awake.

Miss Scary (offscreen): (snores)

Mr. Strong: "Uh, you got a point there!"

Mr. Quiet: Uh, yeah. That's completely true.

Mr. Messy: Okay.

(Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Quiet leave Little Miss Scary's house)

Mr. Strong: "Hey! Yo, everybody back to my house. I'll make some hot cocoa."

Mr. Messy: "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Mr. Grumpy: "Why not? No use trying to sleep until she stops with that noise."

Miss Scary (offscreen): (snores)

(Mr. Quiet closes the door)

Miss Scary (offscreen): (snores loudly)

(The picture of a cat falls and breaks into three pieces. After that, Mr. Tickle's arms engulf the screen)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown tying an anchor on his Murphy Bed to keep it from recoiling. After he finishes, he puts on his nightcap and sleeps in his bed, but the weight of the anchor causes the bed to fall through the floor. The scene cuts to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house late at night. They are using their observatory's telescope)

Mr. Small (offscreen): Any sign of Mr. Persnickety?

(The observatory telescope lowers)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Nope. Not yet, Mr. Small.

Mr. Small (offscreen): Hmm...

(The camera cuts to inside Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's house. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are standing near their observatory's telescope)

Mr. Small: It's after midnight. I hope's nothing wrong.

(Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Persnickety through the telescope)

Mr. Nosey: Wait! I think I see him.

Mr. Small: And?

(Mr. Persnickety is shown through the telescope lens sleepwalking to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's house)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Yep! He's sleepwalking alright!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Splendid! I'll get things ready.

(Mr. Small walks down the stairs. Mr. Small opens the closet door, goes inside the closet, and takes out a vacuum, a bucket full of water, and a mop. Mr. Nosey opens the front door and the sleepwalking Mr. Persnickety walks inside. Mr. Small plugs the vacuum in and Mr. Persnickety starts vacuuming. Mr. Persnickety starts walking to a table with a vase full of daisies on it)

Mr. Nosey: Oh!

(Mr. Nosey lifts the table up by one leg so Mr. Persnickety can vacuum under the table with out bumping into it. Mr. Small moves the mop inside the bucket of water to the left. Mr. Persnickety turns off the vacuum, takes the mop out of the bucket, and starts mopping. Then, still sleepwalking, Mr. Persnickety cleans a table with a red flower in a vase on it with a spray bottle and a rag. Mr. Persnickety then takes a feather duster and dusts a book shelf with a telescope on the bottom shelf, three magnifying glasses on the middle shelf, and three binoculars on the top shelf. Mr. Persnickety then cleans the top of the toilet with a sponge. Then he washes and dries some dishes. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown sitting in armchairs. Mr. Small is sipping a drink while Mr. Persnickety dusts Mr. Nosey's chair. Mr. Nosey then starts having second thoughts over using Mr. Persnickety for their personal gain)

Mr. Nosey: Uh,

(Mr. Small stops sipping his drink and Mr. Persnickety starts dusting Mr. Small's chair)

Mr. Nosey: Don't you think we better tell Mr. Persnickety that he walks in his sleep?

(Mr. Persnickety starts sweeping the floor)

Mr. Small: And risk losing this fantastic cleaning service?, Think again, Nose. Think again!

(Mr. Nosey smiles and Mr. Small takes another sip of his drink. The screen fades to black and the ending scene plays. It begins with a shot of the night sky before panning down to an aerial view of Dillydale)

Narrator: And so as evening falls on Dillydale, the tired and weary Mr. Men and Little Misses take to their beds. Ready for a good night sleep.

(The scene switches to Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's duplex)

Mr. Messy (from inside his house): Good night Mr. Persnickety!

(Mr. Messy turns the lights off)

Mr. Persnickety (from inside his house): Good night, Mr. Messy...

(Mr. Persnickety turns the lights off. The scene switches to Little Miss Sunshine's house)

Miss Sunshine (from inside her house): Good night Miss Chatterbox.

(Little Miss Sunshine turns the lights off. The scene switches to Little Miss Chatterbox's house)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): Good night Miss Sunshine.

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off and on)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): Don't let the bedbugs bite!

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off and on)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside her house): (giggles) Not that there are any bedbugs in Dillydale! If there were I wouldn't be able to sleep!

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns the lights off. The scene switches to Mr. Nervous' house)

Mr. Nervous (from inside his house): Good night Mr. Rude!

(Mr. Nervous turns the lights off. The scene switches to Mr. Rude's house)

Mr. Rude (from inside his house): I'll give you goodnight!

(Mr. Rude farts. The camera cuts to a zoomed out shot of Dillydale. Everyone turns their lights on)

Everyone (offscreen): MR. RUDE!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (chuckles) My apologies.

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)

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