Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Supermarket." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Radio" Next: "Skyscrapers"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big light green screen comes up with "Supermarket" written on it with Little Miss Naughty and a shopping trolley full of frogs and who created the episode underneath. Cash register buttons and cha-ching noises are heard in the background)

(The episode begins with several Mr. Men and Little Misses driving to the supermarket. Specifically, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: On any given day in Dillydale...

(Someone honks their car horn)

Narrator: You will find the Mr. Men and Little Misses heading to the supermarket!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain park their cars and head to the supermarket)

Narrator: Shopping for fresh healthy food is never hard work!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes a shopping trolley and heads inside)

Narrator: In fact...

(Little Miss Sunshine tries to take a shopping trolley but it's stuck. Little Miss Sunshine ends up falling down)

Miss Sunshine: (sighs)

Narrator: It's easy!

(Mr. Strong walks over)

Narrator: For some, almost too easy!

(Mr. Strong takes a shopping trolley but ends up leading a train of shopping trollies loose and the shopping carts roll away. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump with the shopping trolley train rolling behind him)

Mr. Bump: Hello, I'm Mr. Bump...

(A shopping trolley speeds in front of Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump dodges the cart)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(Mr. Bump turns back to the camera The screen showing Mr. Bump shrinks down to the fourth quadrant of the screen. Then a can of peas is shown in quadrant 3, Mr. Fussy and a shopping cart full of groceries are shown in quadrant 2, and bananas, a watermelon, and an apple are shown in quadrant 1)

Mr. Bump: And welcome to another episode of, "How Do They Do It?"!

(Another shopping cart zooms past Mr. Bump. The camera zooms back in on Mr. Bump as the sound of a cash register is heard in the background)

Mr. Bump: Today, we're gonna learn all about running a supermarket. Easy, you think? Think again!

(A shopping cart zooms across the screen, crashes into Mr. Bump, pushes Mr. Bump offscreen, and crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ow!

(The scene transitions to the produce section of the grocery store. Mr. Bump is with Little Miss Magic as Little Miss Magic uses her magic wand to carefully stack pineapples into a pyramid. Also stacked into pyramids are bananas, watermelons, and apples)

Mr. Bump: So, Miss Magic. Since you're in charge of the fruits and vegetables, is it your job to make these nice pyramids of fruit?

(Mr. Bump moves his microphone over to Little Miss Magic so she can give an audible answer)

Miss Magic: Oh, yes it is! It's my favorite part of the job!

(Little Miss Magic winks at Mr. Bump)

Miss Magic: Do you like watermelon, Mr. Bump?

Mr. Bump: Oh! Well, thanks. But I'm more of an orange man myself!

Miss Magic: No problem!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Tippedy-too and tippedy-thump.

Mr. Bump: Hmmm.

Miss Magic: Bring an orange for Mr. Bump!

(Little Miss Magic turns the watermelons into orange bowling balls)

Mr. Bump: Ooh!

Miss Magic: Ha! Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Bump: Completely amazing! Uh...but aren't they...uh...bowling balls?

Miss Magic: That they are! Now I'll get you an orange you can actually eat!

Mr. Bump: Hmmm.

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Tippedy-top and tippedy-tuit, bring us some tasty, orange fruit!

(At first, it seems that Little Miss Magic did not do anything to the bowling balls)

Mr. Bump: Huh.

(Suddenly, the bowling balls start squirting orange juice out of their holes like jets on a fountain. One of those jets of juice squirts Mr. Bump in the face. Soaking Mr. Bump in the process)

Mr. Bump: (grunts) Pah!

(Mr. Bump looks at Little Miss Magic with an annoyed expression)

Mr. Bump: Huh. Oh.

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me!

(Little Miss Magic disappears)

Mr. Bump: Ooh!

(Suddenly, due to the weight of the shelf not being able to support the bowling balls, the shelf breaks and all the bowling balls tumble down and roll away. Mr. Bump is carried away with the bowling balls as he is forced to do an impromptu log-rolling stunt because he was in the way of the bowling balls)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The bowling balls carry Mr. Bump offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screams)

(Mr. Bump and the bowling balls crash into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ow! Poopity poop!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump over by Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is shown stocking the shelves in a messy manner while eating a banana)

Mr. Bump: (sighs) Now we come to a very important part of running a supermarket...

(Mr. Bump walks closer to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Bump: Stocking the shelves.

(Mr. Bump turns his attention to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Bump: Mr. Messy, tell us about your job.

Mr. Messy: Oh, it's easy. I just take the cans out of the boxes...

(Mr. Messy puts another can on a shelf)

Mr. Messy: And put them on the shelves.

(Mr. Bump notices that the shelves have too many cans on them)

Mr. Bump: Uh, don't you think you might have put too many cans on that shelf? I mean what if they fall?

(Mr. Bump turns to the viewers)

Mr. Bump: On me?

Mr. Messy: Don't worry! Those shelves are really strong!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite from his banana. Mr. Bump gets an idea to avoid the possibility of the shelf falling on him)

Mr. Bump: Uh, hey!

(Mr. Messy throws his banana peel onto the ground and resumes his shelf stocking)

Mr. Bump: How about we see what's going on over in the noodle aisle!

(Mr. Bump prepares to walk away when he sees the banana peel)

Mr. Bump: A-a-a! Hey!

(Mr. Bump picks up the banana peel as Mr. Messy digs inside one of the boxes for another can)

Mr. Bump: Wouldn't want anyone to slip on this.

Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woo-hoo!

Mr. Bump: Uh...

(Little Miss Daredevil zooms by using her rocket boots to push her cart at a faster speed)

Miss Daredevil (overlap): Coming through!

(Little Miss Daredevil unknowingly collides her shopping cart with Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump (overlap): OW!!

(Mr. Bump crashes through a shelf holding up bottles of various drinks. Mr. Lazy is looking at the shelf but is unfazed what Mr. Bump leaves behind a Mr. Bump-shaped hole in the middle of it)

Mr. Bump: OW!!

(Mr. Bump crashes through another shelf holding bottles that Mr. Rude was standing by. Mr. Rude is confused when he sees Mr. Bump crash through the shelf)

Mr. Bump: OW!!

(Mr. Bump crashes through a third shelf. This shelf has boxes of cereal and cookies on it. Little Miss Sunshine does not seem to notice Mr. Bump crashing through the shelf as he passes her)

Mr. Bump: OW!!

(Mr. Bump crashes through a fourth shelf. This shelf has jars of various goods. Mr. Nosey notices Mr. Bump crashing through the shelf as he passes him and Mr. Small and is worried about Mr. Bump. Mr. Small, however, doesn't notice as he is putting something into his and Mr. Nosey's shopping cart)

Mr. Bump: OW!!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Fussy as he prepares to place something into his cart when Mr. Bump crashes through the shelf he was standing by)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Mr. Fussy: Huh?

(Mr. Fussy is in complete shock seeing shoot past him. With Mr. Bump dropping Mr. Messy's banana peel. Mr. Fussy looks through all five shelves Mr. Bump crashed through)

Mr. Fussy: Ooh.

(Mr. Messy also looks through the holes as the sound of glass breaking is heard in the background)

Mr. Messy: Not as strong as your face, apparently

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump, now with an arm and a leg in a cast and using crutches, walking over to the check-out counter which is operated by Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Bump: We finish our visit to the supermarket with the checkouts.

(Mr. Bump looks at Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Bump: Can you tell us how the system works, Miss Giggles?

Miss Giggles: (giggles) Of course!

(Little Miss Giggles takes out a box of pasta)

Miss Giggles: We'll start with this pasta.

(Little Miss Giggles scans the pasta)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

Mr. Bump: Hmm.

Miss Giggles: That beep tells me how much the pasta cost. (giggles)

Mr. Bump: Hmm.

(Little Miss Giggles puts the pasta down and takes out a jar of honey)

Miss Giggles: Same with this jar of honey.

(Little Miss Giggles scans the honey)

Mr. Bump: Hmm.

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles scans the honey again. Mr. Bump looks at the audience dumbfounded over Little Miss Giggles' overreaction)

Mr. Bump: Huh.

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles scans the honey jar two more times)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

Mr. Bump: Uh, I imagine you get pretty tired of hearing that beep. Don't you?

Miss Giggles: Not at all!

(Little Miss Giggles starts scanning the jar of honey rapidly)

Miss Giggles: (laughs)

(Little Miss Giggles falls over and drops the honey)

Miss Giggles: Woah!

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Little Miss Giggles picks herself up)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Mr. Bump turns towards the viewers)

Mr. Bump: Join us next time...

(Little Miss Whoops comes into the frame driving a floor cleaner and accidentally runs Mr. Bump over with it)

Mr. Bump: (grunts in pain)

(Little Miss Giggles stops giggling and Little Miss Whoops immediately realizes what happened upon seeing Mr. Bump flattened on the floor)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Bump sits back up)

Mr. Bump: "How Do They Do It?"

(Mr. Bump lies down on his back)

Mr. Bump: Oh.

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(The screen fades to the first bumper. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Scatterbrain leaves the store first with a bag of groceries. Little Miss Whoops leaves next pushing a shopping trolley outside. Mr. Bump is then shown with a bag of oranges about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close, resulting in Mr. Bump slamming face first into the door and all the oranges he bought spew out of his bag. The screen fades to black. The next scene shows the camera lowering down showing various Mr. Men and Little Misses pushing their shopping trolleys down various aisles. The first aisle is the produce aisle where Mr. Fussy is shown walking down with his shopping trolley)

Narrator: There are so many choices at a the supermarket.

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown pushing her shopping trolley down the canned goods aisle)

Narrator: Especially in the cereal aisle.

(The camera stops at the cereal aisle. The shelves are stocked with Mr. Noisy's brand new cereal. In front of the shelves are Mr. Noisy and Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty is standing behind a clothed table with a box of said cereal on top)

Narrator: That's why Mr. Noisy has employed Miss Naughty for a very important job.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Noisy and Little Miss Naughty)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): It's quite simple, Miss Naughty! Give every customer a free sample of my new cereal!

(Mr. Noisy picks up the box of cereal that was on the table)

Mr. Noisy: "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch!" Try to get them to buy a box! And make sure to tell them there's a prize inside!

Miss Naughty: Don't worry, Mr. Noisy.

(Mr. Noisy slams the box of cereal back on the table)

Miss Naughty: I'll make sure they know about the prize.

(Mr. Noisy picks up his microphone)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Super!!

(Mr. Noisy leaves)

Miss Naughty: I can't wait to see the looks on the customers faces!

(Little Miss Naughty takes out a box. Little Miss Naughty picks up the box of cereal and takes out the prize inside. The prize inside is shown to be a tiny horn)

Miss Naughty: When they see the prize...

(Little Miss Naughty throws the horn away (which honks offscreen upon landing))

Miss Naughty: Is a wet, slimy FROG!!

(A frog hops out of the box and Little Miss Naughty catches the frog mid-jump)

Miss Naughty: (laughs)

(Little Miss Naughty shoves the frog into the cereal box)

Frog (from inside the box): (croaks)

(Little Miss Naughty is shown to have set up three small cups of cereal for tasting on the table and patiently waits for someone to try it. Mr. Nosey then shows up pushing a trolley full of groceries with Mr. Small on top of them. Mr. Nosey stops pushing the trolley upon seeing the free samples and looks closely at them)

Mr. Nosey: Hey, what's this, Miss Naughty?

(Mr. Small jumps to get a look at the samples)

Miss Naughty: It's a free sample of a new cereal, "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch!"

(Little Miss Naughty grabs one of the cups of cereal and offers it to Mr. Nosey)

Miss Naughty: Care to try?

Mr. Nosey: thanks. I was just looking.

(Mr. Nosey starts pushing the shopping trolley away when Mr. Small remembers something)

Mr. Small: Hold on there, Mr. Nosey. We never refuse a free sample.

(Little Miss Naughty gives Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small each a sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch" and they try it)

Mr. Nosey: Mmm!

Mr. Small: Mmm!. I do say, this crunch is really is cacophonous.

(Mr. Small finishes chewing)

Miss Naughty: I know. (giggles)

(Little Miss Naughty brings a box over to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Miss Naughty: Take a box home.

Mr. Small: No, thank you. We prefer a quieter cereal. Something with a hint of cinnamon and dried fruit.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey leave)

Miss Naughty: There's a prize in every box.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey backtrack)

Mr. Nosey: A prize?!

(Mr. Nosey grabs the cereal box and looks inside)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! What is it?

(Mr. Nosey reaches his hand into the box. A frog jumps out of the cereal box and onto Mr. Small's head)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Ooh! Wow! A frog!

Frog: (croaks and hiccups)

Mr. Small: Much better than the usual old tat or temporary tattoo.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave with the frog. Little Miss Naughty's face falls over the failure of her prank)

Miss Naughty: Hmph!

(Little Miss Naughty then sees Mr. Nervous approaching her)

Miss Naughty: Oh!

(Mr. Nervous soon walks by the free sample table pushing his own shopping trolley. Little Miss Naughty is shown holding a small cup of cereal for Mr. Nervous)

Miss Naughty: Oh, Mr. Nervous. Care to try a free sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch"?

Mr. Nervous: No thank you, Miss Naughty. I never take free samples.

(Mr. Nervous trembles)

Mr. Nervous: They may be contaminated with who-knows-what!

Miss Naughty: Forget the sample!

(Little Miss Naughty grabs a box of cereal and shows it to Mr. Nervous)

Miss Naughty: Take home a box! There's a prize inside!

Mr. Nervous: (gasps) N-n-n-n-no!

(Mr. Nervous grabs his shopping cart and starts running away)

Mr. Nervous: I can't risk it! Goodbye, Miss Naughty!

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): Goodbye!!

Miss Naughty: D'oh!! N-(growls in frustration) There's got to be someone who will fall for my trick!

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Now let's see...

(Mr. Fussy walks by the free sample table pushing his own shopping trolley and reading his shopping list. Little Miss Naughty gets a devious look on her face in anticipation)

Mr. Fussy: I need one box of "Bran'o Bran Clusters with Bran".

(Mr. Fussy stops next to Little Miss Naughty and puts his shopping list into his shopping cart)

Miss Naughty: Forget that.

(Little Miss Naughty hands Mr. Fussy a sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch")

Miss Naughty: Try this, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: But...does it have bran?

Miss Naughty: Loads!

(Mr. Fussy takes the sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch" and tries it)

Mr. Fussy: Hmmm...yes. A tad sweet for my taste.

Miss Naughty: You'll get used to it.

(Little Miss Naughty grabs a box of cereal and shows it to Mr. Fussy)

Miss Naughty: Take home a box. There's a prize inside.

Mr. Fussy: Ooh!

(Mr. Fussy calmly takes the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: I do love a prize.

Miss Naughty: In fact.

(Little Miss Naughty applauds in excitement)

Miss Naughty: Open it right now.

(Mr. Fussy looks inside the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: I don't see anything but cereal.

(Little Miss Naughty gets nervous)

Miss Naughty: D'ah...

(Little Miss Naughty gets an idea)

Miss Naughty: Sometimes, the prize shifts to the bottom.

(Mr. Fussy looks deeper into the cereal box)

Miss Naughty: Go on. Reach in.

(Mr. Fussy starts digging inside the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: Yes. I think I found it!

Frog (from inside the box): (slurping)

(Mr. Fussy's hand gets stuck in the box due to the frog)

Mr. Fussy: Ooh! Something has my fingers!

(The frog inside the box is heard licking Mr. Fussy's fingers)

Miss Naughty: (snickers)

Mr. Fussy: It just licked me!

Miss Naughty: (giggles)

(Mr. Noisy returns)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Oy! What kind of prize have you put in this anyway?

(Mr. Noisy takes the box)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Let me see.

(A frog pops out of the box)

Mr. Noisy: (screams) Frog!

(Mr. Noisy drops the box and flees in terror. The shockwave causes results in all of the boxes of cereal shaking and some of them falling off the shelf onto Little Miss Naughty. This results in Little Miss Naughty falling to the ground covered in frogs and cereal)

Miss Naughty: Oh!

Frog: (croaks)

(Several frogs hop around on the floor)

Frogs: (croaking)

Mr. Fussy: They're putting frogs in cereal now!?

(Mr. Fussy walks away with his shopping cart)

Mr. Fussy: How unhygienic.

(A frog hops onto Little Miss Naughty's head)

Frog: (croaks and burps)

(The screen fades to the second bumper. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Quiet leaves the store first with a bag of baguettes. Little Miss Sunshine leaves next with her shopping. Mr. Messy is then shown with his shopping about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close, resulting in Mr. Messy being shot back with a few bits of food sticking to the door. A sound effect of a bowling ball hitting pins is heard indicating Mr. Messy crashed into something back in the store. Little Miss Naughty is happy with her success and struggles to contain her laugh. Then all of Mr. Messy's groceries splatter onto the floor. The screen fades to black and a dance video starring Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Quiet plays. Mr. Nosey is shown running in excitement. In front of him, Mr. Small is dancing on a shopping trolley. In front of Mr. Small, Mr. Quiet is dancing on a separate shopping trolley. The background consists of neon lights displaying food such as bread, peanuts, a carrot, watermelon, chicken, canned goods, jars, grapes, bananas, a bottle of soda pop, cheese, and an apple. as Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Quiet reach the edge of the screen, the camera zooms in on a neon apple and the sound of someone biting into an apple is heard. The screen then fades to the next scene. Mr. Rude is shown operating the express checkout and is scanning Mr. Lazy's groceries. Behind Mr. Lazy is Mr. Nervous with his groceries. Little Miss Chatterbox is behind Mr. Nervous with her groceries, and Mr. Grumpy is standing behind Little Miss Chatterbox with his groceries. The camera slowly pans over to Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: The express checkout is for customers who have 10 items or less. Which is why it's the preferred queue for those in a rush. Like Mr. Grumpy.

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns around and sees Mr. Grumpy behind her)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh. Hello, Mr. Grumpy. I see you're in at the express checkout too. (giggles) Wow! What are they odds then that happening?

Mr. Grumpy: Pretty good, Miss Chatterbox. Since I only have eight items in my trolley.

Miss Chatterbox: Wow! Me too!

(Little Miss Chatterbox wiggles her fingers)

Miss Chatterbox: Spooky. (giggles) Well, really I have eight-and-a-half.

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out half of a carrot)

Miss Chatterbox: I don't know what happened to the other half of the carrot, but I thought I'd buy it anyway.

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): (sighs in annoyance)

Miss Chatterbox: I could always feed it to my rabbit. (giggles) If I had a rabbit. I wish I had a rabbit.

(Mr. Grumpy starts tapping his foot impatiently)

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Chatterbox, it's almost your turn. If you're talking to me, it might slow things down and I'm in a hurry to get home. I want to watch Mackerel Monday. It starts in five minutes.

(Little Miss Chatterbox tosses the carrot back into her trolley)

Miss Chatterbox: You want to be at home in five minutes? Oh-ho, that's not gonna happen! (giggles) But you can go ahead of me if you want.

(Mr. Grumpy pushes his trolley in front of Little Miss Chatterbox and to the front of the express checkout)

Mr. Grumpy: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

(Mr. Rude sees Mr. Grumpy as the next person on the express checkout)

Mr. Rude: Quickly, Mr. Grumpy! I don't have all day.

(Mr. Grumpy is shown taking all the items out of his basket)

Mr. Grumpy: You don't have all day?! Look, Mr. Rude, I'm just trying to get home to watch...

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that talking will only waste time)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind! Just scan my items.

Mr. Rude: I think I know my own job.

(The eight items Mr. Grumpy selected start moving down the express checkout counter. Mr. Rude notices a can of sardines and picks it up)

Mr. Rude: You really eat these smelly little fish?

(Mr. Grumpy takes the can of sardines out of Mr. Rude's hand)

Mr. Grumpy: Sardines are lovely.

(Mr. Rude carelessly continues scanning the items. Mr. Rude scans a lightbulb then throws it into the basket. The lightbulb is heard cracking on impact. Mr. Rude then scans a loaf of bread and carelessly throws it into the basket)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Oh!

(Mr. Rude then starts scanning a head of lettuce but struggles to do so and the lettuce starts falling apart)

Mr. Grumpy: Careful, Mr. Rude! That lettuce is falling apart.

(Mr. Rude scans the lettuce)

Mr. Rude: Ah, who cares?

(Mr. Rude throws the lettuce over his head and catches it in his other hand)

Mr. Grumpy: D'oh!

Mr. Rude: It's just going to turn brown anyway.

Mr. Grumpy: It's not!

(Mr. Grumpy takes back the head of lettuce)

Mr. Grumpy: Since I plan on eating it! Hopefully today!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the lettuce back on the express counter. Mr. Rude then pushes the lettuce out of the way, resulting in the lettuce falling off the express checkout counter and onto the floor. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over)

Miss Chatterbox: Um...sorry to interrupt, but why is this taking so long? My ice cream is starting to melt! Don't you just hate it when it gets all soupy?

Mr. Grumpy: (groans)

Miss Chatterbox: Then it's more like...(chuckles) cream soup! Blech! Yuck!

Mr. Rude: It's not my fault that Mr. Grumpy is being difficult!

Mr. Grumpy: Me!?

(Mr. Rude prepares to scan a can of sweet corn when he notices something)

Mr. Rude: What is this?

Mr. Grumpy: It's sweet corn.

Mr. Rude: I can see that!

(Mr. Rude shows Mr. Grumpy the problem)

Mr. Rude: Why is there no price tag on it?! Are you trying to get something for free?

Mr. Grumpy: No! I'm trying to get out here! Oh! Charge me anything you want! Just hurry!

(Mr. Rude lowers a microphone and starts speaking into it)

Mr. Rude: Shop manager! Please report to the express checkout an once! We have a problem customer.

(Mr. Rude turns the microphone off)

Mr. Grumpy: Fine! Forget the sweet corn! Just pack up my things and I'll be on my way.

Mr. Rude: I do not pack. Why don't you do it?

Mr. Grumpy: Because it's not my job, it's yours!!

Mr. Rude: I am sick of you bossing me around!

(Little Miss Chatterbox just watches with a puzzled/curious look on her face. Mr. Strong, the store manager, marches over to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Rude)

Mr. Strong: What's the problem here, Mr. Rude?

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Hmph!

Mr. Rude: Mr. Grumpy is being rude!

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): I'm not!

Mr. Rude: Take him away.

(Mr. Grumpy turns to Mr. Strong in anger)

Mr. Strong: Ah. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, Mr. Grumpy. Shop rules.

Mr. Grumpy: I'm not leaving without my sardines!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs the checkout counter)

Mr. Strong: Okay.

(Mr. Strong lifts up the checkout counter (with Mr. Grumpy hanging onto it))

Mr. Strong and Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong walks away with both the checkout counter and Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! Put me down!

(Little Miss Chatterbox just stands there in confusion as she watches Mr. Strong take Mr. Grumpy and the checkout counter away)

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Mmm! Sardines.

Mr. Rude: Come back when you get some manners!

(The screen fades to black and the third bumper plays. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Fussy leaves the store first with a bag of canned goods. Little Miss Chatterbox leaves next with her shopping. Mr. Strong is then shown with his shopping about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close. But due to Mr. Strong's strength, Mr. Strong pushes the doors open again and ends up squishing Little Miss Naughty between one of the doors. Little Miss Naughty is left in a daze and stuck to the wall as Mr. Strong walks away. The screen fades to black. The next scene shows Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain outside the supermarket pushing their trolleys full of bagged groceries to their cars)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses have completed another successful trip to the supermarket.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain, who all put their bags of groceries into the trunk of their cars)

Narrator: Now all they have to do, is load their bags into their cars and drive home.

(Frogs jump out of everyone's car trunks. Much to the surprise of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Frogs: (croaking)

Narrator: Once the frogs are out, that is.

(The screen fade to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big light green screen comes up with "Supermarket" written on it with Little Miss Naughty and a shopping trolley full of frogs and who created the episode underneath. Cash register buttons and cha-ching noises are heard in the background)

(The episode begins with several Mr. Men and Little Misses driving to the supermarket. Specifically, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: On any given day in Dillydale...

(Someone honks their car horn)

Narrator: You will find the Mr. Men and Little Misses heading to the grocery store!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain park their cars and head to the grocery store)

Narrator: Shopping for fresh healthy food is never a chore!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes a shopping cart and heads inside)

Narrator: In fact...

(Little Miss Sunshine tries to take a shopping cart but it's stuck. Little Miss Sunshine ends up falling down)

Narrator: It's easy!

(Mr. Strong walks over)

Narrator: For some, almost too easy!

(Mr. Strong takes a shopping cart but ends up leading a train of shopping carts loose and the shopping carts roll away. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump with the shopping cart train rolling behind him)

Mr. Bump: Hello, I'm Mr. Bump...

(A shopping cart speeds in front of Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump dodges the cart)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(Mr. Bump turns back to the camera The screen showing Mr. Bump shrinks down to the fourth quadrant of the screen. Then a can of peas is shown in quadrant 3, Mr. Fussy and a shopping cart full of groceries are shown in quadrant 2, and bananas, a watermelon, and an apple are shown in quadrant 1)

Mr. Bump: And welcome to another episode of "How Do They Do It?"!

(Another shopping cart zooms past Mr. Bump. The camera zooms back in on Mr. Bump as the sound of a cash register is heard in the background)

Mr. Bump: Today, we are going to learn all about running a grocery store. Easy, you think? Think again!

(A shopping cart zooms across the screen, crashes into Mr. Bump, pushes Mr. Bump offscreen, and crashes into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ny'guh!

(The scene transitions to the produce section of the grocery store. Mr. Bump is with Little Miss Magic as Little Miss Magic uses her magic wand to carefully stack pineapples into a pyramid. Also stacked into pyramids are bananas, watermelons, and apples)

Mr. Bump: So, Miss Magic. Since you're in charge of the fruits and vegetables, is it your job to make these nice pyramids of fruit?

(Mr. Bump moves his microphone over to Little Miss Magic so she can give an audible answer)

Miss Magic: Oh, yes! It is! It's my favorite part of my job!

(Little Miss Magic winks at Mr. Bump)

Miss Magic: Do you like watermelon, Mr. Bump?

Mr. Bump: Oh! Well, thanks. But I'm more of an orange man myself!

Miss Magic: No problem!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Tippedy-too and tippedy-thump, bring an orange for Mr. Bump!

(Little Miss Magic turns the watermelons into orange bowling balls)

Miss Magic: Ha! Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Bump: Completely amazing! Uh...but aren't those...uh...bowling balls?

Miss Magic: That they are! Now I'll get you an orange you can actually eat!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Tippedy-top and tippedy-tuit, bring us some tasty, orange fruit!

(At first, it seems that Little Miss Magic did not do anything to the bowling balls. Suddenly, the bowling balls start squirting orange juice out of their holes like jets on a fountain. One of those jets of juice squirts Mr. Bump in the face. Soaking Mr. Bump in the process)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump looks at Little Miss Magic with an annoyed expression)

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me!

(Little Miss Magic disappears. Suddenly, due to the weight of the shelf not being able to support the bowling balls, the shelf breaks and all the bowling balls tumble down and roll away. Mr. Bump is carried away with the bowling balls as he is forced to do an impromptu log-rolling stunt because he was in the way of the bowling balls)


(The bowling balls carry Mr. Bump offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screams)

(Mr. Bump and the bowling balls crash into something offscreen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Poopity poop!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump over by Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is shown stocking the shelves in a messy manner while eating a banana)

Mr. Bump: (sighs) Now we come to a very important part of running a grocery store...

(Mr. Bump walks closer to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Bump: Stocking the shelves.

(Mr. Bump turns his attention to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Bump: Mr. Messy, tell us about your job.

Mr. Messy: Oh, it's easy. I just take the cans out of the boxes...

(Mr. Messy puts another can on a shelf)

Mr. Messy: And put them on the shelves.

(Mr. Bump notices that the shelves have too many cans on them)

Mr. Bump: Uh, don't you think you might have put too many cans on that shelf? I mean what if they fall?

(Mr. Bump turns to the viewers)

Mr. Bump: On me?

Mr. Messy: Don't worry! Those shelves are pretty sturdy!

(Mr. Messy takes a bite from his banana. Mr. Bump gets an idea to avoid the possibility of the shelf falling on him)

Mr. Bump: Uh, hey!

(Mr. Messy throws his banana peel onto the ground and resumes his shelf stocking)

Mr. Bump: How about we see what's going on over in the noodle section!

(Mr. Bump prepares to walk away when he sees the banana peel)

Mr. Bump: Wah-ha! Ha-ha!

(Mr. Bump picks up the banana peel as Mr. Messy digs inside one of the boxes for another can)

Mr. Bump: Wouldn't want anyone to slip on this.

Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woo-hoo!

(Little Miss Daredevil zooms by using her rocket boots to push her cart at a faster speed)

Miss Daredevil: Coming through!

(Little Miss Daredevil unknowingly collides her shopping cart with Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Wah!

(Mr. Bump crashes through a shelf holding up bottles of various drinks. Mr. Lazy is looking at the shelf but is unfazed what Mr. Bump leaves behind a Mr. Bump-shaped hole in the middle of it)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump crashes through another shelf holding bottles that Mr. Rude was standing by. Mr. Rude is confused when he sees Mr. Bump crash through the shelf)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump crashes through a third shelf. This shelf has boxes of cereal and cookies on it. Little Miss Sunshine does not seem to notice Mr. Bump crashing through the shelf as he passes her)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump crashes through a fourth shelf. This shelf has jars of various goods. Mr. Nosey notices Mr. Bump crashing through the shelf as he passes him and Mr. Small and is worried about Mr. Bump. Mr. Small, however, doesn't notice as he is putting something into his and Mr. Nosey's shopping cart)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Fussy as he prepares to place something into his cart when Mr. Bump crashes through the shelf he was standing by)

Mr. Bump: WAAAAHHH!!

(Mr. Fussy is in complete shock seeing shoot past him. With Mr. Bump dropping Mr. Messy's banana peel. Mr. Fussy looks through all five shelves Mr. Bump crashed through and Mr. Messy also looks through the holes as the sound of glass breaking is heard in the background)

Mr. Messy: I told you those shelves were sturdy!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump, now with an arm and a leg in a cast and using crutches, walking over to the check-out counter which is operated by Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Bump: We finish our visit to the grocery store with the checkouts.

(Mr. Bump looks at Little Miss Giggles)

Mr. Bump: Can you tell us how the system works, Miss Giggles?

Miss Giggles: (giggles) Sure!

(Little Miss Giggles takes out a box of macaroni)

Miss Giggles: We'll start with this macaroni.

(Little Miss Giggles scans the macaroni)

Miss Giggles: (giggles) That beep tells me how much the macaroni costs. (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles puts the macaroni down and takes out a jar of peanut butter)

Miss Giggles: Same with this peanut butter.

(Little Miss Giggles scans the peanut butter)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles scans the peanut butter again. Mr. Bump looks at the audience dumbfounded over Little Miss Giggles' overreaction)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Little Miss Giggles scans the peanut butter two more times)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

Mr. Bump: Uh, I imagine you get tired of hearing that beep. Don't ya.

Miss Giggles: Not at all!

(Little Miss Giggles starts scanning the peanut butter rapidly)

Miss Giggles: (laughs)

(Little Miss Giggles falls over and drops the peanut butter)

Miss Giggles: Woah!

(Little Miss Giggles picks herself up)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(Mr. Bump turns towards the viewers)

Mr. Bump: Join us next time...

(Little Miss Whoops comes into the frame driving a floor cleaner and accidentally runs Mr. Bump over with it)

Mr. Bump: P'aah!

(Little Miss Giggles stops giggling and Little Miss Whoops immediately realizes what happened upon seeing Mr. Bump flattened on the floor)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Bump sits back up)

Mr. Bump: How Do They Do It?

(Mr. Bump lies down on his back)

Miss Giggles: (giggles)

(The screen fades to the first bumper. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Scatterbrain leaves the store first with a bag of groceries. Little Miss Whoops leaves next pushing a shopping cart outside. Mr. Bump is then shown with a bag of oranges about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close, resulting in Mr. Bump slamming face first into the door and all the oranges he bought spew out of his bag. The screen fades to black and the next scene plays. Little Miss Scary walks to the center of a purple background)

Miss Scary: Are you tired of shopping at boring, ordinary grocery stores?

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Sunshine leaving with her purchased groceries and Mr. Happy, who helped bag them, putting the paper bag full of groceries into Little Miss Sunshine's shopping cart)

Mr. Happy: Have a nice day!

(Little Miss Sunshine leaves and Little Miss Scary pops up)

Miss Scary: Talk about dull! But watch what happens when you shop at "Miss Scary's Frightening Food Store!"

(Little Miss Scary wiggles her arms and moves out of the way to transition the scene to Little Miss Sunshine shopping at "Little Miss Scary's Frightening Food Store". Little Miss Sunshine is at the produce aisle when she notices some cabbage, unbeknownst to her, Little Miss Scary is hiding in the cabbage wearing her orange cyclops mask)

Miss Sunshine: Ooh! Cabbage!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes the cabbage that is obscuring Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary then pops up and scares Little Miss Sunshine)

Miss Scary: (roars)

Miss Sunshine: (gasps and screams)

(Little Miss Sunshine drops the cabbage and runs away in fear. Little Miss Scary then takes off her orange cyclops mask)

Miss Scary: You think that's scary, watch what happens in aisle 13.

(Little Miss Scary goes away.. In aisle 13, Mr. Fussy is shown pushing his shopping cart down the aisle when he sees what appears to be a new brand of cereal on the shelves)

Mr. Fussy: Ooh? What's this?

(Curious, Mr. Fussy takes one of the cereal boxes off the shelf when bats fly out of the spot where the cereal box was)

Bats: (screeching)

(Mr. Fussy drops the cereal box in shock)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(The cereal box lands in Mr. Fussy's shopping cart. Mr. Fussy runs away as the bats chase after him. Little Miss Scary pops up and the background changes behind her)

Miss Scary: Was that scary or what? Next, check out my scary dairy section.

(Little Miss Scary lowers away to show Mr. Quiet in the dairy section. Mr. Quiet is shown grabbing a carton of milk when three more milk cartons are shown floating courtesy of some strings attached to them)

Unknown voice (offscreen): (moans)

Mr. Quiet: Uh...

Cow (voiceover): (moos)

Mr. Quiet: Why is the milk moaning?

(Mr. Quiet drops the carton of milk and flees out of fear)

Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(On top of the shelf, Little Miss Scary is revealed to have pulled off the floating milk carton stunt thanks to a fishing poll with three lines attached to it)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

(Little Miss Scary throws the three-lined fishing rod away and jumps down from the shelf)

Miss Scary: So come on down to "Miss Scary's Frightening Food Store"!

(Little Miss Scary walks to the produce section. More specifically to the bin holding corn)

Miss Scary: You'll never go back to boring ordinary grocery shopping again.

(Little Miss Scary puts on her green, big-mouthed mask)

Miss Scary: (roars)

(The three ears of corn come to life and jump out of the bin in terror)

Corn: (screams)

(The three ears of corn flees. Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

(The screen fades to black. The next scene shows the camera lowering down showing various Mr. Men and Little Misses pushing their shopping carts down various aisles. The first aisle is the produce aisle where Mr. Fussy is shown walking down with his shopping cart)

Narrator: There are so many choices at a grocery store.

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown pushing her shopping cart down the canned goods aisle)

Narrator: Especially in the cereal aisle.

(The camera stops at the cereal aisle. The shelves are stocked with Mr. Noisy's brand new cereal. In front of the shelves are Mr. Noisy and Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty is standing behind a clothed table with a box of said cereal on top)

Narrator: That's why Mr. Noisy has hired Miss Naughty for a very important job.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Noisy and Little Miss Naughty)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): It's quite simple, Miss Naughty! Give every customer a free sample of my new cereal!

(Mr. Noisy picks up the box of cereal that was on the table)

Mr. Noisy: "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch!" Try to get them to buy a box! And make sure to tell them there's a prize inside!

Miss Naughty: Don't worry, Mr. Noisy.

(Mr. Noisy slams the box of cereal back on the table)

Miss Naughty: I'll make sure they know about the prize.

(Mr. Noisy picks up his microphone)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Super!!

(Mr. Noisy leaves)

Miss Naughty: I can't wait to see the looks on the customers faces!

(Little Miss Naughty takes out a box. Little Miss Naughty picks up the box of cereal and takes out the prize inside. The prize inside is shown to be a tiny horn)

Miss Naughty: When they see the prize...

(Little Miss Naughty throws the horn away (which honks offscreen upon landing))

Miss Naughty: Is a gross, slimy FROG!!

(A frog hops out of the box and Little Miss Naughty catches the frog mid-jump)

Miss Naughty: (laughs)

(Little Miss Naughty shoves the frog into the cereal box)

Frog (from inside the box): (croaks)

(Little Miss Naughty is shown to have set up three small cups of cereal for tasting on the table and patiently waits for someone to try it. Mr. Nosey then shows up pushing a cart full of groceries with Mr. Small on top of them. Mr. Nosey stops pushing the cart upon seeing the free samples and looks closely at them)

Mr. Nosey: Gee, what's this, Miss Naughty?

(Mr. Small jumps to get a look at the samples)

Miss Naughty: It's a free sample of a new cereal, "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch!"

(Little Miss Naughty grabs one of the cups of cereal and offers it to Mr. Nosey)

Miss Naughty: Care to try?

Mr. Nosey: thanks. I was just looking.

(Mr. Nosey starts pushing the shopping cart away when Mr. Small remembers something)

Mr. Small: Hold on there, Mr. Nosey. We never refuse a free sample.

(Little Miss Naughty gives Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small each a sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch" and they try it)

Mr. Nosey: Mmm!

Mr. Small: Mmm!. I do say, this crunch is really is cacophonous.

(Mr. Small finishes chewing)

Miss Naughty: I know.

(Little Miss Naughty brings a box over to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Miss Naughty: Take a box home.

Mr. Small: Eh, no thank you. We prefer a quieter cereal. Something with a hint of cinnamon and pine nuts.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey leave)

Miss Naughty: There's a prize in every box.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey backtrack)

Mr. Nosey: A prize?!

(Mr. Nosey grabs the cereal box and looks inside)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! What is it?

(Mr. Nosey reaches his hand into the box)

Mr. Nosey: Eeh.

(A frog jumps out of the cereal box and onto Mr. Small's head)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Ooh! Wow! A frog!

Frog: (croaks and hiccups)

Mr. Small: Much better than the usual toy or temporary tattoo.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave with the frog. Little Miss Naughty's face falls over the failure of her prank. Little Miss Naughty then sees Mr. Nervous approaching her. Mr. Nervous soon walks by the free sample table pushing his own shopping cart. Little Miss Naughty is shown holding a small cup of cereal for Mr. Nervous)

Miss Naughty: Oh, Mr. Nervous. Care to try a free sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch"?

Mr. Nervous: No thank you, Miss Naughty. I never take free samples.

(Mr. Nervous trembles)

Mr. Nervous: Who knows what kind of germs are in the air!

Miss Naughty: Forget the sample!

(Little Miss Naughty grabs a box of cereal and shows it to Mr. Nervous)

Miss Naughty: Take home a box! There's a prize inside!

Mr. Nervous: (gasps) No, n-n-n-no! No!

(Mr. Nervous grabs his shopping cart and starts running away)

Mr. Nervous: I can't risk it! Goodbye, Miss Naughty!

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): Goodbye!!

Miss Naughty: D'oh!! N-(inhales sharply) There's got to be someone who will fall for my trick!

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Now let's see...

(Mr. Fussy walks by the free sample table pushing his own shopping cart and reading his shopping list. Little Miss Naughty gets a devious look on her face in anticipation)

Mr. Fussy: I need one box of "Honey Wheat Clusters O-Fiber".

(Mr. Fussy stops next to Little Miss Naughty and puts his shopping list into his shopping cart)

Miss Naughty: Forget that.

(Little Miss Naughty hands Mr. Fussy a sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch")

Miss Naughty: Try this, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: But...does it have fiber?

Miss Naughty: Loads!

(Mr. Fussy takes the sample of "Mr. Noisy's Cacophonous Crunch" and tries it)

Mr. Fussy: Hmmm...hmmm...hmm-hmm-hmm. A tad sweet for my taste.

Miss Naughty: You'll get used to it.

(Little Miss Naughty grabs a box of cereal and shows it to Mr. Fussy)

Miss Naughty: Here! Take home a box. There's a prize inside.

Mr. Fussy: Ooh!

(Mr. Fussy calmly takes the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: I do love a prize.

Miss Naughty: In fact.

(Little Miss Naughty applauds in excitement)

Miss Naughty: Open it right now.

(Mr. Fussy looks inside the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: I don't see anything but cereal.

(Little Miss Naughty gets nervous)

Miss Naughty: D'ah...

(Little Miss Naughty gets an idea)

Miss Naughty: Sometimes the prize shifts to the bottom.

(Mr. Fussy looks deeper into the cereal box)

Miss Naughty: Go on. Reach in.

(Mr. Fussy starts digging inside the cereal box)

Mr. Fussy: Oh yes. I think I found it!

Frog (from inside the box): (slurping)

(Mr. Fussy's hand gets stuck in the box due to the frog)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Something has my fingers!

(The frog inside the box is heard licking Mr. Fussy's fingers)

Mr. Fussy: It just licked me!

(Little Miss Naughty giggles inaudibly. Mr. Noisy returns)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Say, what kind of prizes are in this cereal anyway?

(Mr. Noisy takes the box)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Let me see.

(A frog pops out of the box)

Mr. Noisy: (screams) Frog!

(Mr. Noisy drops the box and flees in terror. The shockwave causes results in all of the boxes of cereal shaking and some of them falling off the shelf onto Little Miss Naughty. This results in Little Miss Naughty falling to the ground covered in frogs and cereal)

Frog: (croaks)

(Several frogs hop around on the floor)

Frogs: (croaking)

Mr. Fussy: They're putting frogs in cereal now!?

(Mr. Fussy walks away with his shopping cart)

Mr. Fussy: How unsanitary!

(A frog hops onto Little Miss Naughty's head)

Frog: (croaks and burps)

(The screen fades to the second bumper. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Quiet leaves the store first with a bag of baguettes. Little Miss Sunshine leaves next with her shopping. Mr. Messy is then shown with his shopping about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close, resulting in Mr. Messy being shot back with a few bits of food sticking to the door. A sound effect of a bowling ball hitting pins is heard indicating Mr. Messy crashed into something back in the store. Little Miss Naughty is happy with her success and struggles to contain her laugh. Then all of Mr. Messy's groceries splatter onto the floor. The screen fades to black and a dance video starring Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Quiet plays. Mr. Nosey is shown running in excitement. In front of him, Mr. Small is dancing on a shopping cart. In front of Mr. Small, Mr. Quiet is dancing on a separate shopping cart. The background consists of neon lights displaying food such as bread, peanuts, a carrot, watermelon, chicken, canned goods, jars, grapes, bananas, a bottle of soda pop, cheese, and an apple. as Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Quiet reach the edge of the screen, the camera zooms in on a neon apple and the sound of someone biting into an apple is heard. The screen then fades to the next scene. Mr. Rude is shown operating the express line and is scanning Mr. Lazy's groceries. Behind Mr. Lazy is Mr. Nervous with his groceries. Little Miss Chatterbox is behind Mr. Nervous with her groceries, and Mr. Grumpy is standing behind Little Miss Chatterbox with his groceries. The camera slowly pans over to Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: The express line is for customers who have 10 items or less. Which is why it's a favorite line for those in a rush. Like Mr. Grumpy.

(Little Miss Chatterbox turns around and sees Mr. Grumpy behind her)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! Hello, Mr. Grumpy. I see you're in the express line too. (giggles) Wow! What are they odds then that happening?

Mr. Grumpy: Pretty good, Miss Chatterbox. Since I only have eight items in my basket.

Miss Chatterbox: Wow! Me too!

(Little Miss Chatterbox wiggles her fingers)

Miss Chatterbox: Spooky. (giggles) Well, really I have eight-and-a-half.

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out half of a carrot)

Miss Chatterbox: I don't know what happened to the other half of the carrot, but I thought I'd buy it anyway. (giggles) I could always feed it to my rabbit. (giggles) If I had a rabbit. (giggles) I don't even like carrots.

(Mr. Grumpy starts tapping his foot impatiently)

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Chatterbox, it's almost your turn. If you're talking to me it might slow things down and I'm in a hurry to get home. I want to watch Mackerel Monday. It starts in five minutes.

(Little Miss Chatterbox tosses the carrot back into her cart)

Miss Chatterbox: You want to get out of here in five minutes? Oh-ho-ho, that's not gonna happen! But you can go ahead of me if you want.

(Mr. Grumpy pushes his cart in front of Little Miss Chatterbox and to the front of the express checkout)

Mr. Grumpy: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

(Mr. Rude sees Mr. Grumpy as the next person on the express line)

Mr. Rude: Quickly, Mr. Grumpy! I don't have all day.

(Mr. Grumpy is shown taking all the items out of his basket)

Mr. Grumpy: You don't have all day?! Look, Mr. Rude, I'm just trying to get home to watch...

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that talking will only waste time)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind! Just scan the items.

Mr. Rude: I think I know my own job.

(The eight items Mr. Grumpy selected start moving down the express checkout counter. Mr. Rude notices a can of sardines and picks it up)

Mr. Rude: You really eat these smelly little fish?

(Mr. Grumpy takes the can of sardines out of Mr. Rude's hand)

Mr. Grumpy: Mind your own business!

(Mr. Rude carelessly continues scanning the items. Mr. Rude scans a lightbulb then throws it into the basket. The lightbulb is heard cracking on impact. Mr. Rude then scans a loaf of bread and carelessly throws it into the basket. Mr. Rude then starts scanning a head of lettuce but struggles to do so and the lettuce starts falling apart)

Mr. Grumpy: Careful, Mr. Rude! That lettuce is falling apart.

(Mr. Rude scans the lettuce)

Mr. Rude: Ah, who cares?

(Mr. Rude throws the lettuce over his head and catches it in his other hand)

Mr. Rude: It's just going to turn brown anyway.

Mr. Grumpy: It is not!

(Mr. Grumpy takes back the head of lettuce)

Mr. Grumpy: Since I plan on eating it! Hopefully today!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the lettuce back on the express counter. Mr. Rude then pushes the lettuce out of the way, resulting in the lettuce falling off the express checkout counter and onto the floor. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over)

Miss Chatterbox: Um...sorry to interrupt, but why is this taking so long? My frozen yogurt's starting to melt! Don't you just hate it when it gets all soupy? Then it's more like...(chuckles)...yogurt soup! (giggles) Yuck!

Mr. Rude: It's not my fault that Mr. Grumpy is being difficult!

Mr. Grumpy: Me!?

(Mr. Rude prepares to scan a can of creamed corn when he notices something)

Mr. Rude: What is this?

Mr. Grumpy: It's creamed corn.

Mr. Rude: I can see that!

(Mr. Rude shows Mr. Grumpy the problem)

Mr. Rude: Why is there no price tag on it?! Are you trying to get something for free?

Mr. Grumpy: No! I'm trying to get out here! Oh, charge me anything you want! Just hurry!

(Mr. Rude lowers a microphone and starts speaking into it)

Mr. Rude: Store manager! Please report to the express checkout an once! We have a problem customer.

(Mr. Rude turns the microphone off)

Mr. Grumpy: Fine! Forget the corn! Just bag up my goods and I'll be on my way.

Mr. Rude: I do not bag. Why don't you do it?

Mr. Grumpy: Because it's not my job, it's yours!!

Mr. Rude: I am sick of you bossing me around!

(Little Miss Chatterbox just watches with a puzzled/curious look on her face. Mr. Strong, the store manager, marches over to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Rude)

Mr. Strong: Uh, yo! What's the problem here?

Mr. Rude: Mr. Grumpy is being rude! Take him away.

(Mr. Grumpy turns to Mr. Strong in anger)

Mr. Strong: Oh, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, Mr. Grumpy. Store rules.

Mr. Grumpy: I'm not leaving without my sardines!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs the checkout counter)

Mr. Strong: Okay.

(Mr. Strong lifts up the checkout counter (with Mr. Grumpy hanging onto it))

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Strong walks away with both the checkout counter and Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! Put me down!

(Little Miss Chatterbox just stands there in confusion as she watches Mr. Strong take Mr. Grumpy and the checkout counter away)

Mr. Rude: Come back when you get some manners!

(The screen fades to black and the third bumper plays. Little Miss Naughty is standing by the supermarket exit with various Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the store. Mr. Fussy leaves the store first with a bag of canned goods. Little Miss Chatterbox leaves next with her shopping. Mr. Strong is then shown with his shopping about to leave the store but as the doors open, Little Miss Naughty pushes them close. But due to Mr. Strong's strength, Mr. Strong pushes the doors open again and ends up squishing Little Miss Naughty between one of the doors. Little Miss Naughty is left in a daze and stuck to the wall as Mr. Strong walks away. The screen fades to black. The next scene shows Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain outside the supermarket pushing their carts full of bagged groceries to their cars)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses have completed another successful trip to the grocery store.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain, who all put their bags of groceries into the trunk of their cars)

Narrator: Now, all they have to do, is load their bags into their cars and drive home.

(Frogs jump out of everyone's car trunks. Much to the surprise of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Frogs: (croaking)

Narrator: Once the frogs are out, that is.

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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