Mr. Men Wiki

Supermarket is a Season 2 episode of The Mr. Men Show.


Mr. Bump's Plot: Mr. Bump is hosting a show called "How DoThey Do it?". First Miss Magic turns Melons into orange Bowling Bowls which were supposed to be Oranges. Then Mr. Bump sees how to sort food with Mr. Messy who bangs the trolley into him. Lastly he sees the scanning with Miss Giggles.

Mr. Messy's Plot: Mr. Messy ads for Dillydale FM.

Miss Naughty's Plot: Miss Naughty was asked by Mr. Noisy to give Mr. Men and Little Misses his Cunoficus Crunch. She swaps the squeaky horn with a Frog. First Mr. Nosy and Mr. Small get it and they love it. Then Mr. Nervous sees it and is too scared to see the prize. Then Mr. Fussy gets one and is horrified to find a frog in it.

Mr. Grumpy's Plot: Mr. Grumpy is trying to get Mr. Rude to scan his food so he can go home to watch his show. Mr. Grumpy was fed up with Mr. Rude who refused to scan the food. Mr. Rude then calls a manager who is Mr. Strong. He picked up the desk and Mr. Grumpy and took Mr. Grumpy outside and took him home.


Little miss Giggles' video is in this episode
