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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Surprises." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
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UK Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big orange screen comes up with "Surprises" written on it, Mr. Bounce in a bunny suit, balloons, streamers, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of someone cranking a jack-in-the-box to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel". The jack-in-the-box is heard popping out of the box)
Miss Scary (voiceover): AH!!!!
(The end of "Pop Goes the Weasel" plays)
(The episode begins with Mr. Nervous heading to his front door with a bag of groceries. Mr. Nervous is looking all around anxiously)
Narrator: In Dillydale, there are many different kinds of surprises.
(Mr. Nervous takes out his key and unlocks the door)
Narrator: There's the classic "surprise party"
(Mr. Nervous turns on the lights to find Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey wearing party hats and have decorated the room for a party)
Miss Daredevil, Miss Sunshine, Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey: Surprise!!!
Mr. Nervous: Huh? (screams)
(Mr. Nervous drops his bag of groceries and runs away. The scene cuts to a huge gift walking to Little Miss Scary's front door and ringing the doorbell)
Narrator: A surprise present left on a doorstep...
(Little Miss Scary answers the door and Little Miss Naughty pops out of the gift wearing a scary black costume)
Miss Naughty: Surprise!
(Little Miss Scary smiles with delight. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump walking down the street)
Mr. Bump (overlap): (whistling)
Narrator (overlap): Or even an unexpected from...
(A UFO lands on Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Aah!!
Narrator: From parts unknown.
(The UFO's hatch opens and three aliens pop up from inside)
Aliens: Bleep, bleep!
Mr. Bump: Pain!!!
(One of the aliens realizes that they landed on Mr. Bump and acknowledges the other two aliens of this. The aliens head back into their spaceship and take off for space. Mr. Bump is shown flattened as the UFO takes off)
Narrator: Of course,
(The scene cuts to night time over at Mr. Quiet's house)
Narrator: Not all surprise visitors are from another planet. As Mr. Quiet is about to find out!
(The camera cuts to inside Mr. Quiet's house. Mr. Quiet is preparing to enjoy some nutloaf that he made for dinner. Classical music is playing in the background. Mr. Quiet sits down at the table with his nutloaf as well as a bread basket full of small baguettes)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm, hmm! Aah-
(Just as Mr. Quiet is about to take a bite of his meal, the doorbell is heard. Mr. Quiet runs to the door and slowly moves his hand to open it only for the door to open by itself with Mr. Rude outside. Mr. Rude is shown wearing a hat and carrying two suitcases)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
Mr. Rude: It is about time you answered the door!
(Mr. Rude drops his suitcases in front of Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet catches the suitcases as Mr. Rude walks into his house)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, Mr. Rude. Hmmm....was I expecting you?
(Mr. Rude pushes a chair towards the table)
Mr. Rude: I am supposed to be on holiday...
(Mr. Rude sits down in the chair and puts his feet up onto the table)
Mr. Rude: At Mr. Small's Tiny Pines Cabins.
(Mr. Rude tosses his hat away and it crashes into something offscreen. Mr. Quiet walks over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Rude: But when I got there, I was told the cabins, they were all full.
(Mr. Rude grabs a baguette from the bread basket that's on the table)
Mr. Rude: (groans in disgust)
(Mr. Rude takes a big bite out of the baguette)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): So, I thought,
(A huge spray of bread crumbs flies out of Mr. Rude's mouth and hits Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet uses his hands to shield himself)
Mr. Rude (offscreen with his mouth full): "Why let a packed suitcase go to waste?"
Mr. Quiet: Ooh! Oh!
(Mr. Quiet fetches a plate and napkin for Mr. Rude and places them on the table. Mr. Quiet points to the plate and napkin to try and get Mr. Rude to use them)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): "There must be some nincompoop in Dillydale I could surprise with a visit."
(Mr. Rude finishes the baguette)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): And here I am.
(Mr. Rude swallows the bread)
Mr. Rude: (burps)
(Mr. Rude notices the napkin on his plate and picks it up by the tips of his fingers)
Mr. Rude: What is this for?
(Mr. Quiet sits down)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, you know. Good manners?!
(Mr. Rude tosses the napkin away and notices the nutloaf Mr. Quiet has prepared)
Mr. Rude: You expect me to eat...
(The camera zooms in on the nutloaf)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Nutloaf on my holiday?!
(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Rude each grab a fork)
Mr. Rude: Lucky for you...
(Before Mr. Quiet can cut himself a piece of the nutloaf, Mr. Rude stabs the nutloaf with his fork and puts the whole thing on his plate)
Mr. Rude: I am hungry.
(Mr. Rude takes a bite out of the nutloaf)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
Mr. Rude: Oh, this is boring!
(Mr. Rude gets up from his seat and walks to a radio)
Mr. Rude: We need music!
(Mr. Rude turns on the radio and an instrumental version of "Dinosaurs on the Loose" by Little Miss Scary plays. Mr. Rude snaps his fingers to the music. The door is heard opening as Mr. Noisy reveals to be outside)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): I really dig that crazy beat!
(Mr. Noisy walks into the house and over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Yum! Is that nutloaf I smell?
Mr. Rude: Oh, go away!
(Mr. Rude walks back to the table)
Mr. Rude (overlap): We are trying to enjoy our meal!
Mr. Quiet: What he said.
(Mr. Noisy grabs a seat and carries it to the table)
Mr. Noisy: I can't resist a hot nutloaf!
(Mr. Noisy puts his seat next to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
Mr. Rude: Too bad for you, there is no more!
(Mr. Quiet gets up from his seat and grabs a plate and some dining ware for Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: I don't suppose you have any beans!?
(Mr. Quiet places the plate on the table in front of Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Rude: Of course, he has beans!
(Mr. Quiet walks over to the cupboard)
Mr. Rude: Everyone has a tin of beans in their cupboard. If they don't...
(The camera pans over to Mr. Quiet as he searches for a can of beans in his cupboard)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): They are imbeciles!
Mr. Quiet: All out of beans.
(Mr. Quiet takes a tin of pea soup out of the cupboard)
Mr. Quiet: How about pea soup? Then you can go.
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Noisy and Mr. Rude. The doorbell is heard ringing)
Mr. Rude: Oh, go away! We are not interested!
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey open the door and walk inside)
Mr. Small: Ah, Mr. Rude. A thousand apologies for the mix-up at Tiny Pines Cabins.
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Small: We have a cabin for you now.
(Mr. Quiet is shown holding a pot and the can of pea soup and is pleasantly surprised by the news)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Thank you!
(Mr. Quiet walks over completely relieved)
Mr. Quiet: Best news I've ever heard!
(Mr. Rude blows a raspberry at Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and Mr. Quiet, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey frown)
Mr. Rude: Oh, keep your Tiny Cabin, Mr. Small. I am happy where I am.
(Mr. Nosey sees the nutloaf)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! Are you gonna eat the rest of that nutloaf?
(Mr. Nosey pulls up a chair for him and Mr. Small)
Mr. Rude: Oh forget it, Mr. Nosey. There is not enough food for anyone else.
(Mr. Quiet brings a plate and napkin for Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Noisy: Don't forget, there's some pea soup coming!
(The smoke detector goes off as the soup begins to burn. Mr. Quiet reacts quickly and drops the plate and napkin (the plate breaks as it lands on the ground) in the process.)
Mr. Quiet: The soup!
(Mr. Quiet runs to turn off the stove)
Mr. Small: Splendid.
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey hug each other)
Mr. Small: Sharing a meal with good company is always a delight.
Mr. Rude: I'll give you a delight!
(Mr. Rude farts and destroys the radio)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Small, & Mr. Nosey: MR. RUDE!!
(Mr. Quiet walks back over)
Mr. Quiet: MR. RUDE!!
Mr. Noisy: Time to go!
(Mr. Noisy leaves. Mr. Small uses a napkin to hold his nose (so to speak))
Mr. Small: Ugh! We must get back to the Tiny Pines Cabin! It's BINGO night.
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! Can't miss that, little friend! Oh! Ooh-hoo!
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave and the door is heard closing offscreen)
Mr. Rude: Finally! They are gone! Now, we can enjoy our meal.
(Mr. Rude puts his feet up onto the table)
Mr. Rude: What is for dessert?
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Mr. Quiet holds his head in frustration. A present appears on the screen and opens up with confetti shooting out and a popping sound is heard. The scene transitions to the first bumper of the episode. The first bumper feature Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine. Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine break open a cracker to find a headband with flower spring antennas. Little Miss Sunshine puts them on and skips a bit before putting them onto Mr. Grumpy's head who twangs one of the antenna. The next scene begins with an outdoor shot of a restaurant that resembles Mr. Scatterbrain's house. Except that there are three chimneys and a big sign that features a huge knife and fork and a plate with a question mark engraved on it)
Narrator: Dillydale's newest restaurant is owned by Mr. Scatterbrain, who loves a good surprise.
(The camera cuts to inside the restaurant. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Happy are seated at a table looking at their menus)
Mr. Happy: Look at this menu, there's so much to choose from!
(Mr. Scatterbrain pops up from behind the table. Mr. Grumpy is startled but Mr. Happy shows no reaction other than a smile)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
Mr. Happy: Woah-hoah-hoah-ho!
(Mr. Happy pats Mr. Scatterbrain on the back)
Mr. Happy: You got us, Mr. Scatterbrain! No wonder it's called "The Surprise Restaurant!" (laughs)
(Mr. Happy smiles a big smile. Mr. Grumpy looks at his menu)
Mr. Grumpy: Let's get down to business, I'll have the soup.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I'm not the waiter. (chuckles) Bunko is!
(Mr. Scatterbrain gestures to the kitchen doors. A crash is heard from the kitchen and Bunko the Monkey hops out of the kitchen carrying a notepad and pencil)
Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): And he doesn't like it when I do his job.
Bunko: (shrieks)
Mr. Happy: A chimpanzee waiter! Another wonderful surprise!
(Mr. Happy slams his menu on the table in surprise and glee)
Mr. Grumpy (sarcastically): Yes, really wonderful.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, that's not all!
(Mr. Scatterbrain looks at Bunko)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko?
Bunko: (chatters in agreement)
(Bunko blows a whistle and penguin in a bowtie dances out of the kitchen)
Penguin: (squeaks quietly)
Mr. Grumpy: Huh?
Mr. Happy: A penguin in a bowtie!? (laughs) Surprise again!
(Mr. Grumpy rolls his eyes)
Mr. Grumpy: Imagine that! Now can someone in this zoo take our order?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Actually...
(Mr. Scatterbrain leans in towards Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): No. They're still in training.
(The penguin dances away and Bunko follows the penguin)
Mr. Scatterbrain: But, I'll be happy to take it!
Mr. Grumpy: But you said...
(Mr. Grumpy realizes that he won't get anywhere if he continues talking about the waiter issue)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind!
(Mr. Grumpy picks up his menu)
Mr. Grumpy: I'll have the soup!
(Mr. Happy picks up his menu and points to one of the items listed)
Mr. Happy: And I would like a beanburger, extra ketchup, if you please.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up!
(Mr. Scatterbrain gestures to the kitchen doors)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko?
(Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy look at the kitchen doors)
Bunko (offscreen): (chatters)
(Bunko jumps down from the ceiling with Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Happy's orders under lids)
Mr. Grumpy: Huh?
(Bunko places the orders in front of them and takes the lids off as he hops away. But Mr. Happy ends up with spaghetti and beanballs instead of a beanburger with extra ketchup)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise! (chuckles) We brought you spaghetti and beanballs instead of a beanburger!
Mr. Happy: Why that's amazing! I am suddenly in the mood for spaghetti and beanballs. I love this restaurant! (laughs)
Mr. Grumpy: Well, that makes one of us.
(Mr. Grumpy tries his soup. Mr. Grumpy spit out his soup in disgust onto Mr. Happy)
Mr. Grumpy: This isn't soup! It's warm pineapple juice!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
Mr. Grumpy: Look here, Scatterbrain, since when is pineapple juice a soup!?
(Bunko takes the pineapple juice away. Mr. Happy pushes his plate of spaghetti and beanballs towards Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Happy: Here, have my wonderful spaghetti instead.
Mr. Grumpy: No thank you, Mr. Happy. I would like a bowl of soup. Hot! With noodles.
(A rope falls from the ceiling)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls down on the rope. Soup and noodles splash down onto Mr. Grumpy's head)
Mr. Grumpy: (yelps) Oh, there's soup on my head!
(The soup and noodles drip off Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Grumpy: (growls) Oh, that's it! I'm leaving!
(Mr. Grumpy starts getting up from his seat when Mr. Scatterbrain stops him)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no! Don't go, Mr. Grumpy!
(Bunko brings Mr. Grumpy some soup in a fancy bowl. Mr. Grumpy smells it to make sure it is actually soup)
Mr. Grumpy: Well that's more like it.
(Mr. Grumpy tries the soup)
Mr. Grumpy: Mmm!
(Mr. Grumpy does a take due to how tasty it is)
Mr. Grumpy: It's...delicious! In fact, it's so good, I'd like to give my compliments to the chef!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Loretto! Mr. Grumpy wants to tell you something!
(A giant Venus flytrap wearing a toque comes out of the kitchen. Mr. Grumpy turns around and is surprised to see that Loretto IS the Venus flytrap)
Mr. Grumpy: (gasps)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise again!
(Loretto eats Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Happy: Woah! (laughs)
Loretto: (burps and laughs)
(Loretto spits out Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy is covered in yellow bile)
Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! I HATE SURPRISES!!!
(The screen creates a chomping mouth transition and it transitions the scene to the next bumper. The second bumper feature Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary. Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary break open a cracker to find five orange aliens each with one eyes and three tentacles floating in the air. Little Miss Scary is happy with what she sees. Mr. Nervous...)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The aliens start floating after Mr. Nervous and Mr. Nervous runs away)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)
(The screen fades to black. The next scene begins with a view of the sky)
Narrator: Planning a surprise party takes cooperation and hard work.
(The camera lowers down to reveal Little Miss Sunshine's house. Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Scary, and Little Miss Helpful are shown approaching the house. Mr. Nervous is carrying a brown bag)
Narrator: And no one does that better than the Mr. Men and Little Misses!
Miss Helpful: Okay. I'll keep Miss Sunshine away for at least an hour, while you two decorate her house for her surprise party!
Mr. Nervous: Oh, giving a surprise party is a very bad idea. Someone might faint and graze their knee.
Miss Scary: It's a terrific idea!
(Little Miss Scary points at Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Scary: Now whatever you do, don't ruin the surprise!
(Little Miss Scary picks Mr. Nervous up)
Miss Scary: Come on, Mr. Nervous!
(Little Miss Scary carried Mr. Nervous away)
Mr. Nervous: Oh! Ah! But Miss Scary, put me down!
(Little Miss Helpful rings the doorbell and Little Miss Sunshine opens the door)
Miss Sunshine: Hello, Miss Helpful!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over to Little Miss Helpful and closes the door)
Miss Helpful: Hello, Miss Sunshine! Care to go to the Dillydale Gardens with me?
Miss Sunshine: Ooh! I'd love to! Today's my birthday!
Miss Helpful: I had no idea!
(Little Miss Helpful secretly gives a look over to Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary before leaving with Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Helpful: Mmmm.
(Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary come out from their hiding spot and head into Little Miss Sunshine's house)
Mr. Nervous: Here are the decorations.
(Mr. Nervous takes out flowers and paper streamers from his bag)
Mr. Nervous: Nice, safe, crepe paper streamers and flowers!
(Little Miss Scary becomes disappointed with Mr. Nervous)
Miss Scary: No pointy pinwheels!?
(Little Miss Scary takes out her green, big mouthed, scary mask)
Miss Scary: No party masks?!
(Little Miss Scary throws her mask offscreen)
Miss Scary: No fake spiders on strings!?
(Little Miss Whoops arrives with a create full of bats)
Miss Whoops: Where do you want the bats?
(Little Miss Scary gestures to the right)
Miss Scary: Right over there, Miss Whoops!
(Little Miss Whoops walks over with the crate to where Little Miss Scary told her to go)
Mr. Nervous: (whimpers)
(Mr. Nervous is visibly horrified over Little Miss Scary's idea for the party)
Mr. Nervous: B-b-but, Miss Scary. I beg you to come to your senses! I was planning a rainbow-and-rabbit-themed party!
(Mr. Bounce bounces inside wearing a rabbit suit and carrying a cage containing four rabbits)
Miss Scary: Talk about scary.
(The camera cuts to the rabbits inside their cage. The camera zooms out to reveal that the room has been divided in half. On the right side of the room, Mr. Nervous and Mr. Bounce are setting up their rainbow-and-rabbit party and are struggling to hang up a rainbow banner. On the left side of the room, Little Miss Scary and Little Miss Whoops are setting up their spider-and-bats party where Little Miss Whoops is up on a ladder hanging up spiders)
Miss Scary: Great idea dividing up the room into two surprise parties!
(Little Miss Scary gets an idea and Mr. Bounce turns towards her)
Miss Scary: Hey! When Miss Sunshine comes, instead of "surprise", let's yell "boo"! Like this...
(Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask and looks at Mr. Bounce)
Miss Scary: BOO!!!
(Mr. Bounce becomes scared and starts bouncing)
Mr. Bounce: (screams) I didn't see that coming! Ah-ha-ha!
(Mr. Bounce bounces away)
Mr. Nervous: Miss Scary.
(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)
Mr. Nervous: That wasn't very nice. Now I have no one to help me put up my rainbow banner!
Miss Whoops: I'll help!
(Little Miss Whoops walks with the ladder still underneath her (almost as if she's on stilts) towards Mr. Nervous)
Miss Whoops: (grunts)
Miss Scary: That rainbow better not touch my spiders!
(Little Miss Whoops starts losing her balance)
Mr. Nervous: It won't. But I think I can see one of your spiders dipping into my Tutti Frutti punch!
Miss Scary: Where?
(Little Miss Scary starts looking for the spider)
Miss Scary: Oh!
(Little Miss Scary looks up to find a huge live spider in the punch bowl. The spider spits some punch in Little Miss Scary's face twice before diving back into the bowl)
Miss Scary: Oh!
(Meanwhile, Little Miss Whoops is struggling to help Mr. Nervous)
Miss Whoops: I can't quite reach.
(Little Miss Whoops manages to grab the banner but accidentally stretches it and causes it to wrap itself around Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Nervous: Oh!
(Little Miss Whoops falls off the ladder and lands on the box of bats. This results in the box breaking and the bats escaping)
Bats: (screeching)
Miss Whoops: Whoops!
(The bats swarm Mr. Nervous)
Bats: (screeching)
Mr. Nervous: Batty winged creatures of doom! Oh! Very bad!
(Mr. Nervous jumps off the ladder and lands on the rabbit cage. The door to the cage opens and all four rabbits hop out. The bats fly over the punch bowl)
Bats: (screeching)
Miss Scary: Hey! Catch my bats!
(Little Miss Whoops takes out a net and chases after the bats. The rabbits hop around Little Miss Scary's side of the room. Mr. Bounce lands in the punch bowl and soaks Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Nervous: Boundless bouncing bunnies!
(Little Miss Whoops is shown to have caught the bats in her net but is struggling to keep a hold of them)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops Whoops!
Miss Scary: (screams in frustration)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops Whoops!
(The rabbits fall in love with Mr. Bounce due to Mr. Bounce being dressed like a rabbit. Mr. Bounce bounces out of the punch bowl and the rabbits follow him)
Miss Scary (offscreen): Mr. Nervous! Your cute little rainbows and bunnies...
(The camera cuts outside Little Miss Sunshine's house to show the silhouettes of the chaos going on from the inside)
Miss Scary (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): Are totally ruining everything!
Mr. Nervous (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): (whimpers)
Miss Scary (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): Arrgh!
(The camera pans to the left)
Miss Sunshine (offscreen): I wonder if I should cover my eyes?
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful have returned from the Dillydale Gardens. Little Miss Helpful is shown struggling to keep quiet about the party)
Miss Sunshine: Not that I'm about to walk into a surprise party or anything.
(Realizing that Little Miss Sunshine knows and not able to keep the secret anymore, Little Miss Helpful runs to block Little Miss Sunshine and talk to her)
Miss Helpful: Okay! There is a surprise party inside, but don't tell them that I've told you!
(Little Miss Sunshine runs home in excitement while a regretful Little Miss Helpful follows her)
Miss Sunshine: Ooh!
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful prepare to go inside when Little Miss Scary leaves)
Miss Scary: Happy birthday! And goodbye!
(Mr. Nervous runs out of the house wearing the rainbow banner)
Mr. Nervous: Hideous, horrible surprise party! (shrieks)
(Mr. Bounce bounces out of the house with four rabbits following him. Little Miss Whoops runs out of the house still being chased by the bats)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
Bats: (screeching)
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful look inside Little Miss Sunshine's house to find it a total wreck. Several things knocked over and/or broken, stains everywhere, decorations lying in heaps, and bats flying around the house)
Bats: (clicking)
(A spider comes out of the punchbowl and spits out some punch. The camera cuts back outside to a disappointed Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Sunshine: Is the surprise that there is no surprise?
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful hear something and look up A giant float piloted by Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small that is carrying nearly everyone in Dillydale flies above Little Miss Sunshine's house)
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: A party! For me? I would've never guessed!
(A rabbit hops over to Little Miss Sunshine and she picks it up)
Miss Sunshine: Oh! And a bunny too! This is the best party ever!
Rabbit: (clicking)
(The screen fades to black. The third bumper is shown and Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops struggle to break open the cracker)
Mr. Bump: (grunting
(Once they break open the cracker, Mr. Scatterbrain flies out of it and lands on Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Ack!
(Mr. Scatterbrain waves hello to Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops looks to the viewers with surprise, concern, and confusion over what just happened. The scene transitions to Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Chatterbox sitting at a table at "The Surprise Restaurant")
Narrator: So you see, surprises happen...
(Mr. Scatterbrain pops up from underneath the table. Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Chatterbox fall over in their chairs. Mr. Scatterbrain then shows them the dancing penguin)
Narrator: Everyday in Dillydale.
(The scene cuts to nighttime where Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy are shown wearing party hats, dancing around, and snapping their fingers)
Narrator: Because everyone likes surprises!
(Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy enter Mr. Quiet's house. They are still snapping their fingers as they dance around the room. Mr. Quiet is sitting at the table in annoyance)
Narrator: Well, almost everyone.
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy continue snapping and walking around the table as the screen fades to black)
(The episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big orange screen comes up with "Surprises" written on it, Mr. Bounce in a bunny suit, balloons, streamers, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of someone cranking a jack-in-the-box to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel". The jack-in-the-box is heard popping out of the box)
Miss Scary (voiceover): AH!!!!
(The end of "Pop Goes the Weasel" plays)
(The episode begins with Mr. Nervous heading to his front door with a bag of groceries. Mr. Nervous is looking all around anxiously)
Narrator: In Dillydale, there are many different kinds of surprises.
(Mr. Nervous takes out his key and unlocks the door)
Narrator: There's the classic "surprise party"
(Mr. Nervous turns on the lights to find Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey wearing party hats and have decorated the room for a party)
Miss Daredevil, Miss Sunshine, Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey: Surprise!!!
Mr. Nervous: (stammers)
(Mr. Nervous drops his bag of groceries and runs away. The scene cuts to a huge gift walking to Little Miss Scary's front door and ringing the doorbell)
Narrator: A surprise gift left on a doorstep...
(Little Miss Scary answers the door and Little Miss Naughty pops out of the gift wearing a scary black costume)
Miss Naughty: Surprise!
(Little Miss Scary smiles with delight. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump walking down the street)
Mr. Bump (overlap): (whistling)
Narrator (overlap): Or even an unexpected from...
(A UFO lands on Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Pu'ah!!
Narrator: From parts unknown.
(The UFO's hatch opens and three aliens pop up from inside)
Aliens: Bleep, bleep!
Mr. Bump: Pain!!!
(One of the aliens realizes that they landed on Mr. Bump and acknowledges the other two aliens of this. The aliens head back into their spaceship and take off for space. Mr. Bump is shown flattened as the UFO takes off)
Narrator: Of course,
(The scene cuts to night time over at Mr. Quiet's house)
Narrator: Not all surprise visitors are from another planet. As Mr. Quiet is about to find out!
(The camera cuts to inside Mr. Quiet's house. Mr. Quiet is preparing to enjoy some nutloaf that he made for dinner. Classical music is playing in the background. Mr. Quiet sits down at the table with his nutloaf as well as a bread basket full of small baguettes. Just as Mr. Quiet is about to take a bite of his meal, the doorbell is heard. Mr. Quiet runs to the door and slowly moves his hand to open it only for the door to open by itself with Mr. Rude outside. Mr. Rude is shown wearing a hat and carrying two suitcases)
Mr. Rude: It is about time you answered the door!
(Mr. Rude drops his suitcases in front of Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet catches the suitcases as Mr. Rude walks into his house)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, Mr. Rude. Hmmm....was I expecting you?
(Mr. Rude pushes a chair towards the table)
Mr. Rude: I am supposed to be on vacation...
(Mr. Rude sits down in the chair and puts his feet up onto the table)
Mr. Rude: At Mr. Small's Tiny Pines Cabins.
(Mr. Rude tosses his hat away and it crashes into something offscreen. Mr. Quiet walks over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Rude: But when I got there, I was told the cabins, they were all full.
(Mr. Rude grabs a baguette from the bread basket that's on the table)
Mr. Rude: (groans in disgust)
(Mr. Rude takes a big bite out of the baguette)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): So, I thought,
(A huge spray of bread crumbs flies out of Mr. Rude's mouth and hits Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet uses his hands to shield himself)
Mr. Rude (offscreen with his mouth full): "Why let a packed suitcase go to waste?"
(Mr. Quiet fetches a plate and napkin for Mr. Rude and places them on the table. Mr. Quiet points to the plate and napkin to try and get Mr. Rude to use them)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): "There must be some nincompoop in Dillydale I could surprise with a visit."
(Mr. Rude finishes the baguette)
Mr. Rude (with his mouth full): And here I am.
(Mr. Rude swallows the bread)
Mr. Rude: (burps)
(Mr. Rude notices the napkin on his plate and picks it up by the tips of his fingers)
Mr. Rude: What is this for?
(Mr. Quiet sits down)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, I don't know. Good manners?!
(Mr. Rude tosses the napkin away and notices the nutloaf Mr. Quiet has prepared)
Mr. Rude: You expect me to eat...
(The camera zooms in on the nutloaf)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Nutloaf on my vacation?!
(Mr. Quiet and Mr. Rude each grab a fork)
Mr. Rude: Lucky for you...
(Before Mr. Quiet can cut himself a piece of the nutloaf, Mr. Rude stabs the nutloaf with his fork and puts the whole thing on his plate)
Mr. Rude: I am hungry.
(Mr. Rude takes a bite out of the nutloaf)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
Mr. Rude: Oh, this is boring!
(Mr. Rude gets up from his seat and walks to a radio)
Mr. Rude: We need music!
(Mr. Rude turns on the radio and "Dinosaurs on the Loose" by Little Miss Scary plays. Mr. Rude snaps his fingers to the music. The door is heard opening as Mr. Noisy reveals to be outside)
Miss Scary (on the radio and overlap): 🎵Dinosaurs on the loose!🎵
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone and overlap): I really dig that crazy beat!
(Mr. Noisy walks into the house and over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone and overlap): Yum! Is that nutloaf I smell?
Miss Scary (on the radio and overlap): 🎵Better rock the bones! Rock the bones!🎵
Mr. Rude: Oh, go away!
(Mr. Rude walks back to the table)
Miss Scary (on the radio and overlap): 🎵Dinosaur is coming at you!🎵
Mr. Rude (overlap): We are trying to enjoy our meal!
Mr. Quiet: What he said.
(Mr. Noisy grabs a seat and carries it to the table)
Miss Scary (on the radio and overlap):🎵Better rock the bones🎵
Mr. Noisy (overlap): I can't resist a hot nutloaf!
("Dinosaurs on the Loose" by Little Miss Scary continues playing in the background albeit an instrumental version. Mr. Noisy puts his seat next to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
Mr. Rude: Too bad for you, there is no more!
(Mr. Quiet gets up from his seat and grabs a plate and some dining ware for Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: Don't suppose you have any beans!?
(Mr. Quiet places the plate on the table in front of Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Rude: Of course, he has beans!
(Mr. Quiet walks over to the cupboard)
Mr. Rude: Everyone has a can of beans in their cupboard. If they don't...
(The camera pans over to Mr. Quiet as he searches for a can of beans in his cupboard)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): They are imbeciles!
Mr. Quiet: All out of beans.
(Mr. Quiet takes a can of pea soup out of the cupboard)
Mr. Quiet: How about some pea soup? Then you can go.
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Noisy and Mr. Rude. The doorbell is heard ringing)
Mr. Rude: Oh, go away! We are not interested!
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey open the door and walk inside)
Mr. Small: Mr. Rude. A thousand apologies for the mix-up at Tiny Pines Cabins.
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk over to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Small: We have a cabin for you now.
(Mr. Quiet is shown holding a pot and the can of pea soup and is pleasantly surprised by the news)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Thank you!
(Mr. Quiet walks over completely relieved)
Mr. Quiet: Best news I ever heard!
(Mr. Rude blows a raspberry at Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey and Mr. Quiet, Mr. Small, and Mr. Nosey frown)
Mr. Rude: Oh keep your Tiny Cabin, Mr. Small. I am happy where I am.
(Mr. Nosey sees the nutloaf)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! Are you gonna eat the rest of that nutloaf?
(Mr. Nosey pulls up a chair for him and Mr. Small)
Mr. Rude: Oh forget it, Mr. Nosey. There is not enough food for anyone else.
(Mr. Quiet brings a plate and napkin for Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Noisy: Don't forget, there's some pea soup coming!
(The smoke detector goes off as the soup begins to burn. Mr. Quiet reacts quickly and drops the plate and napkin (the plate breaks as it lands on the ground) in the process.)
Mr. Quiet: The soup!
(Mr. Quiet runs to turn off the stove)
Mr. Small: Splendid.
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey hug each other)
Mr. Small: Sharing a meal with good company is always a delight.
Mr. Rude: I'll give you a delight!
(Mr. Rude farts and destroys the radio)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Small, & Mr. Nosey: MR. RUDE!!
(Mr. Quiet walks back over)
Mr. Quiet: MR. RUDE!!
Mr. Noisy: Time to go!
(Mr. Noisy leaves. Mr. Small uses a napkin to hold his nose (so to speak))
Mr. Small: We must get back to the Tiny Pines Cabin! It's BINGO night.
Mr. Nosey: Geeh! Can't miss that, buddy boy! G'ooh!
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave and the door is heard closing offscreen)
Mr. Rude: Finally! They are gone! Now, we can enjoy our meal.
(Mr. Rude puts his feet up onto the table)
Mr. Rude: What is for dessert?
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Mr. Quiet holds his head in frustration. A present appears on the screen and opens up with confetti shooting out and a popping sound is heard. The scene transitions to the first bumper of the episode. The first bumper feature Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine. Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine break open a cracker to find a headband with flower spring antennas. Little Miss Sunshine puts them on and skips a bit before putting them onto Mr. Grumpy's head who twangs one of the antenna. The next scene starts with Mr. Nosey looking at a giant present with great curiosity)
Mr. Small (voiceover): If you're like Mr. Nosey...
(Mr. Nosey walks around the giant present with a stern/frustrated look on his face)
Mr. Small (voiceover): You love surprises...
(Mr. Nosey looks at the top of the present and smells it)
Mr. Small (voiceover): But don't love waiting.
(Mr. Small rises up as the camera zooms out. Mr. Nosey looks around the corner of the giant present)
Mr. Small: That's why I invented the...
(Mr. Small takes out a pair of high-tech goggles and puts them over his eyes)
Mr. Small: "Oh My Goodness Goggles!"
(Mr. Nosey takes out a pair of the "Oh My Goodness Goggles and looks at the giant present)
Mr. Small (voiceover): Which allow you to see what's inside any box!
Mr. Nosey: Oh my goodness!
(The camera cuts to the goggles' point of view and Mr. Nosey and the viewers see a pony inside the giant present)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): A pony!
(The camera cuts back to the regular point of view. Mr. Nosey opens the present, which falls apart to reveal the pony)
Pony: (neighs)
(Mr. Nosey gives a thumbs-up to the camera)
Mr. Nosey: Thanks, Mr. Small!
Mr. Small: Don't thank me...
(Mr. Small gestures to the goggles. The goggles are in front of a violet and pink pinwheel background)
Mr. Small (voiceover): Thank the goggles!
(Mr. Grumpy puts on the goggles and looks at a present Little Miss Scary is holding)
Miss Scary: I brought you a little surprise!
Mr. Grumpy: Oh my goodness.
(The camera cuts to the goggles' point of view. Bats are seen inside the box and Little Miss Scary's skeleton is shown due to her holding out her arms)
Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): A box of bats.
(The camera cuts back to the regular point of view. Little Miss Scary puts her present down in disappointment as Mr. Small walks over)
Miss Scary: Thanks a lot! You wrecked my surprise!
Mr. Small: Don't thank me...
(The goggles spin in front of a violet and pink pinwheel background)
Mr. Small (voiceover): Thank the goggles!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Nervous' house. Mr. Nervous is hiding behind the couch due to somebody ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door)
Mr. Nervous: Oh! What could that be? I don't like surprises!
(Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and the pony appear from behind the couch)
Mr. Nervous: D'oh!
Mr. Small: That's why you need a pair of my goggles!
(Mr. Small puts a pair of "Oh My Goodness Goggles" over Mr. Nervous' eyes. Mr. Nervous walks to the door and through the googles, he sees what appears to be an angry mob consisting of Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Scatterbrain)
Angry Mob: (complaining incoherently)
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Nervous)
(Mr. Nervous falls down)
Mr. Nervous: Gah! Geeh!
(Mr. Nervous faints and Mr. Small walks over)
Mr. Small: Whatever could be so alarming?
(Mr. Small opens the door to reveal Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Scatterbrain outside with balloons for a surprise party instead of torches and pitchforks)
Miss Whoops, Miss Sunshine, Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
(Confetti falls onto the group and they quickly see that Mr. Small answered the door and not Mr. Nervous)
Miss Whoops: Hey! You're not Mr. Nervous.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Whoops, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Scatterbrain wearing party hats in a room covered in streamers and balloons with a table with a cake on top in the middle of the room. Mr. Small pops up wearing the goggles to wrap up the commercial)
Mr. Small: So order your very own "Oh, my goodness Goggles" today. And say "sayonara" to surprises!
(The screen fades to black. The next scene begins with an outdoor shot of a restaurant that resembles Mr. Scatterbrain's house. Except that there are three chimneys and a big sign that features a huge knife and fork and a plate with a question mark engraved on it)
Narrator: Dillydale's newest restaurant is owned by Mr. Scatterbrain, who loves a good surprise.
(The camera cuts to inside the restaurant. Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Happy are seated at a table looking at their menus)
Mr. Happy: Look at this menu, there's so much to choose from!
(Mr. Scatterbrain pops up from behind the table. Mr. Grumpy is startled but Mr. Happy shows no reaction other than a smile)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
Mr. Happy: Woah-ho-ho-ho!
(Mr. Happy pats Mr. Scatterbrain on the back)
Mr. Happy: You got us, Mr. Scatterbrain! No wonder it's called "The Surprise Restaurant!" (laughs)
(Mr. Happy smiles a big smile. Mr. Grumpy looks at his menu)
Mr. Grumpy: Let's get down to business, I'll have the soup.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I'm not the waiter. (chuckles) Bunko is!
(Mr. Scatterbrain gestures to the kitchen doors. A crash is heard from the kitchen and Bunko the Monkey hops out of the kitchen carrying a notepad and pencil)
Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): And he doesn't like it when I do his job.
Bunko: (shrieks)
Mr. Happy: A chimpanzee waiter? Another wonderful surprise!
(Mr. Happy slams his menu on the table in surprise and glee)
Mr. Grumpy (sarcastically): Yeah, real wonderful.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, that's not all!
(Mr. Scatterbrain looks at Bunko)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko?
Bunko: (chatters in agreement)
(Bunko blows a whistle and penguin in a bowtie dances out of the kitchen)
Penguin: (squeaks quietly)
Mr. Happy: A penguin in a bowtie!? (laughs) Surprise again!
(Mr. Grumpy rolls his eyes)
Mr. Grumpy: Imagine that! Now can someone in this zoo take our order?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Actually...
(Mr. Scatterbrain leans in towards Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): No. They're still in training.
(The penguin dances away and Bunko follows the penguin)
Mr. Scatterbrain: But, I'll be happy to take it!
Mr. Grumpy: But you sa...
(Mr. Grumpy realizes that he won't get anywhere if he continues talking about the waiter issue)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind!
(Mr. Grumpy picks up his menu)
Mr. Grumpy: I'll have the soup!
(Mr. Happy picks up his menu and points to one of the items listed)
Mr. Happy: And I would like a beanburger, extra pickles, if you please.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up!
(Mr. Scatterbrain gestures to the kitchen doors)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Bunko?
(Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy look at the kitchen doors)
Bunko (offscreen): (chatters)
(Bunko jumps down from the ceiling with Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Happy's orders under lids. Bunko places the orders in front of them and takes the lids off as he hops away. But Mr. Happy ends up with spaghetti and beanballs instead of a beanburger with extra pickles)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise! (chuckles) We brought you spaghetti and beanballs instead of a beanburger!
Mr. Happy: Why that's amazing! I'm suddenly in the mood for spaghetti and beanballs. I love this restaurant! (laughs)
Mr. Grumpy: Well, that makes one of us.
(Mr. Grumpy tries his soup)
Mr. Grumpy: (groans and gags)
(Mr. Grumpy spit out his soup in disgust onto Mr. Happy)
Mr. Grumpy: This isn't soup! It's warm pineapple juice!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
Mr. Grumpy: See here, Scatterbrain, since when is pineapple juice a soup!?
(Bunko takes the pineapple juice away. Mr. Happy pushes his plate of spaghetti and beanballs towards Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Happy: Here, have my wonderful spaghetti instead.
Mr. Grumpy: No thank you, Mr. Happy. I would like a nice bowl of soup. Hot! With noodles.
(A rope falls from the ceiling)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise!
(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls down on the rope. Soup and noodles splash down onto Mr. Grumpy's head)
Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles incoherently)
(The soup and noodles drip off Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Grumpy: (growls) Oh, that's it! I'm leaving!
(Mr. Grumpy starts getting up from his seat when Mr. Scatterbrain stops him)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no! Don't go, Mr. Grumpy!
(Bunko brings Mr. Grumpy some soup in a fancy bowl. Mr. Grumpy smells it to make sure it is actually soup)
Mr. Grumpy: Well that's more like it.
(Mr. Grumpy tries the soup and he does a take due to how tasty it is)
Mr. Grumpy: It's...delicious! W-why, in fact, it's so good, I'd like to give my compliments to the chef!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Loretto! Mr. Grumpy wants to tell you something
(A giant Venus flytrap wearing a toque comes out of the kitchen. Mr. Grumpy turns around and is surprised to see that Loretto IS the Venus flytrap)
Mr. Grumpy: (gasps)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Surprise again!
(Loretto eats Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Happy: Woah! (laughs)
Loretto: (burps and laughs)
(Loretto spits out Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy is covered in yellow bile)
Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! I HATE SURPRISES!!!
(The screen creates a chomping mouth transition and it transitions the scene to the next bumper. The second bumper feature Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary. Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary break open a cracker to find five orange aliens each with one eyes and three tentacles floating in the air. Little Miss Scary is happy with what she sees. Mr. Nervous...)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The aliens start floating after Mr. Nervous and Mr. Nervous runs away)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)
(The screen fades to black. The next scene begins with a view of the sky)
Narrator: Planning a surprise party takes cooperation and hard work.
(The camera lowers down to reveal Little Miss Sunshine's house. Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Scary, and Little Miss Helpful are shown approaching the house. Mr. Nervous is carrying a brown bag)
Narrator: And no one does it better than the Mr. Men and Little Misses!
Miss Helpful: Okay. I'll keep Miss Sunshine away for at least an hour, while you two decorate her house for her surprise party!
Mr. Nervous: Oh, giving a surprise party is a very bad idea. Someone might faint and skin their knee.
Miss Scary: It's a terrific idea!
(Little Miss Scary points at Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Scary: Now whatever you do, don't ruin the surprise!
(Little Miss Scary picks Mr. Nervous up)
Miss Scary: Come on, Mr. Nervous!
(Little Miss Scary carried Mr. Nervous away)
Mr. Nervous: Gah-hoh!
(Little Miss Helpful rings the doorbell and Little Miss Sunshine opens the door)
Miss Sunshine: Hello, Miss Helpful!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over to Little Miss Helpful and closes the door)
Miss Helpful: Hey, Miss Sunshine! Care to go to the Dillydale Gardens with me?
Miss Sunshine: Ah! I'd love to! Today's my birthday!
Miss Helpful: I had no idea!
(Little Miss Helpful secretly gives a look over to Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary before leaving with Little Miss Sunshine. Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary come out from their hiding spot and head into Little Miss Sunshine's house)
Mr. Nervous: Here are the decorations.
(Mr. Nervous takes out flowers and paper streamers from his bag)
Mr. Nervous: Nice, safe, crepe paper streamers and flowers!
(Little Miss Scary becomes disappointed with Mr. Nervous)
Miss Scary: No pointy pinwheels!?
(Little Miss Scary takes out her green, big mouthed, scary mask)
Miss Scary: No party masks?!
(Little Miss Scary throws her mask offscreen)
Miss Scary: No fake spiders on strings!?
(Little Miss Whoops arrives with a create full of bats)
Miss Whoops: Where do you want the bats?
(Little Miss Scary gestures to the right)
Miss Scary: Right over there, Miss Whoops!
(Little Miss Whoops walks over with the crate to where Little Miss Scary told her to go. Mr. Nervous is visibly horrified over Little Miss Scary's idea for the party)
Mr. Nervous: Eeh, Miss Scary. I beg you to come to your senses! I was planning a rainbow-and-bunny-themed party!
(Mr. Bounce bounces inside wearing a bunny suit and carrying a cage containing four bunnies)
Miss Scary: Talk about scary.
(The camera cuts to the bunnies inside their cage. The camera zooms out to reveal that the room has been divided in half. On the right side of the room, Mr. Nervous and Mr. Bounce are setting up their rainbow-and-bunny party and are struggling to hang up a rainbow banner. On the left side of the room, Little Miss Scary and Little Miss Whoops are setting up their spider-and-bats party where Little Miss Whoops is up on a ladder hanging up spiders)
Miss Scary: Great idea dividing up the room into two surprise parties!
(Little Miss Scary gets an idea and Mr. Bounce turns towards her)
Miss Scary: Hey! When Miss Sunshine comes, instead of "surprise", let's yell "boo"! Like this...
(Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask and looks at Mr. Bounce)
Miss Scary: BOO!!!
(Mr. Bounce becomes scared and starts bouncing)
Mr. Bounce: I didn't see that coming!
(Mr. Bounce bounces away)
Mr. Nervous: Miss Scary.
(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)
Mr. Nervous: That wasn't very nice. Now I have no one to help me put up my rainbow banner!
Miss Whoops: I'll help!
(Little Miss Whoops walks with the ladder still underneath her (almost as if she's on stilts) towards Mr. Nervous)
Miss Scary: That rainbow better not touch my spiders!
(Little Miss Whoops starts losing her balance)
Mr. Nervous: It won't. But I think I see one of your spiders dipping into my Tutti Frutti punch!
Miss Scary: Where?
(Little Miss Scary starts looking for the spider. Little Miss Scary looks up to find a huge live spider in the punch bowl. The spider spits some punch in Little Miss Scary's face twice before diving back into the bowl. Meanwhile, Little Miss Whoops is struggling to help Mr. Nervous)
Miss Whoops: I can't quite reach.
(Little Miss Whoops manages to grab the banner but accidentally stretches it and causes it to wrap itself around Mr. Nervous. Little Miss Whoops falls off the ladder and lands on the box of bats. This results in the box breaking and the bats escaping)
Bats: (screeching)
Miss Whoops: Whoops!
(The bats swarm Mr. Nervous)
Bats: (screeching)
Mr. Nervous: Batty winged creatures of doom! Oh-ho! Very bad!
(Mr. Nervous jumps off the ladder and lands on the bunny cage. The door to the cage opens and all four bunnies hop out. The bats fly over the punch bowl)
Bats: (screeching)
Miss Scary: Hey! Catch my bats!
(Little Miss Whoops takes out a net and chases after the bats. The bunnies hop around Little Miss Scary's side of the room. Mr. Bounce lands in the punch bowl and soaks Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Nervous: (incoherent stammering)
(Little Miss Whoops is shown to have caught the bats in her net but is struggling to keep a hold of them)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops Whoops!
Miss Scary: (screams in frustration)
(The bunnies fall in love with Mr. Bounce due to Mr. Bounce being dressed like a bunny. Mr. Bounce bounces out of the punch bowl and the bunnies follow him)
Miss Scary (offscreen): Mr. Nervous! Your cute little rainbows and bunnies...
(The camera cuts outside Little Miss Sunshine's house to show the silhouettes of the chaos going on from the inside)
Miss Scary (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): Are totally ruining everything!
Mr. Nervous (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): Geh! Geeh! Gee! Oh!
Miss Scary (from inside Miss Sunshine's house): Arrgh!
(The camera pans to the left)
Miss Sunshine (offscreen): I wonder if I should cover my eyes?
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful have returned from the Dillydale Gardens. Little Miss Helpful is shown struggling to keep quiet about the party)
Miss Sunshine: Not that I'm going to walk into a surprise party or anything.
(Realizing that Little Miss Sunshine knows and not able to keep the secret anymore, Little Miss Helpful runs to block Little Miss Sunshine and talk to her)
Miss Helpful: Okay! There is a surprise party inside, but don't tell that I've told you!
(Little Miss Sunshine runs home in excitement while a regretful Little Miss Helpful follows her)
Miss Sunshine: Ooh!
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful prepare to go inside when Little Miss Scary leaves)
Miss Scary: Happy birthday! And goodbye!
(Mr. Nervous runs out of the house wearing the rainbow banner)
Mr. Nervous: Hideous, horrible surprise party! Oh!
(Mr. Bounce bounces out of the house with four rabbits following him. Little Miss Whoops runs out of the house still being chased by the bats)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
Bats: (screech)
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful look inside Little Miss Sunshine's house to find it a total wreck. Several things knocked over and/or broken, stains everywhere, decorations lying in heaps, and bats flying around the house)
Bats: (clicking)
(A spider comes out of the punchbowl and spits out some punch. The camera cuts back outside to a disappointed Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Sunshine: Is the surprise that there is no surprise?
(Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Helpful hear something and look up A giant float piloted by Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small that is carrying nearly everyone in Dillydale flies above Little Miss Sunshine's house)
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!
(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: A party! For me? I would've never guessed!
(A bunny hops over to Little Miss Sunshine and she picks it up)
Miss Sunshine: Oh and a bunny too! This is the best party ever!
Bunny: (clicking)
(The screen fades to black. The third bumper is shown and Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops struggle to break open the cracker. Once they do, Mr. Scatterbrain flies out of it and lands on Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Ack!
(Mr. Scatterbrain waves hello to Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops looks to the viewers with surprise, concern, and confusion over what just happened. The scene transitions to Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Chatterbox sitting at a table at "The Surprise Restaurant")
Narrator: So you see, surprises happen...
(Mr. Scatterbrain pops up from underneath the table. Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Chatterbox fall over in their chairs. Mr. Scatterbrain then shows them the dancing penguin)
Narrator: Everyday in Dillydale.
(The scene cuts to nighttime where Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy are shown wearing party hats, dancing around, and snapping their fingers)
Narrator: Because everyone likes surprises!
(Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy enter Mr. Quiet's house. They are still snapping their fingers as they dance around the room. Mr. Quiet is sitting at the table in annoyance)
Narrator: Well, almost everyone.
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Messy continue snapping and walking around the table as the screen fades to black)
(The episode ends here)