The Picnic is a story from the 1985 Annual.
One hot summer morning, Mr. Greedy woke up in Roly Poly Cottage, yawned, stretched, and rolled out of bed. Mr. Greedy loves eating food and it makes him fat and hungry. So, Mr. Greedy cannot jump out of bed, not unless he wants to break through the floorboards! Anyway, Mr. Greedy went downstairs and made himself an enormous breakfast! This is what Mr. Greedy had for breakfast
- Six rashers of bacon
- Five sausages
- Four fried eggs
- Three slices of hot buttered toast
- One ENORMOUS cup of tea
As Mr. Greedy finished the last bite of the third slice of hot buttered toast, the telephone rang. It was Little Miss Plump. Little Miss Plump had called Mr. Greedy to invite him on a picnic with sausage rolls, a large chocolate cake, two huge cream sponges, and ham sandwiches. There was more in the picnic but Mr. Greedy cut her off before she could continue. No surprise, Mr. Greedy accepted and Little Miss Plump promised to pick him up in half an hour. Except, it didn't take Little Miss Plump half an hour to arrive. Mr. Greedy was still waiting two hours later and was getting hungrier by the minute!
By lunchtime, just as Mr. Greedy was about to lose his patience, Little Miss Plump arrived with an enormous picnic basket bulging with food! Mr. Greedy asked why she was so late and Little Miss Plump had a good reason. She wound up packing TWO baskets of food that took all morning to pack. She couldn't fit all the food into that enormous picnic basket and packed a second one that was still in her car. Mr. Greedy was glad she was okay and had the food with her and they set off for the picnic. If Mr. Greedy waited any longer, he would've eaten his hat. That is...IF he had a hat!