The See-Saw is a story from the 1986 Annual.
At the park, Mr. Happy decided to play on the see-saw, but he didn't have anyone to see-saw with. Not long after, Little Miss Plump arrived and decided to see-saw with Mr. Happy. Now, the trouble with see-sawing with someone like Little Miss Plump is that, while she'll make you go up on your end of the see-saw, it's difficult to make her go up on her end. Mr. Happy needed many of his friends to come on his end of the see-saw in order to see-saw with Little Miss Plump.
Mr. Muddle was also at the park and saw Mr. Happy struggling to see-saw with Little Miss Plump. Mr. Muddle figured out what needed to be done and got on Mr. Happy's side of the see-saw. For once, Mr. Muddle got something correct but it just wasn't enough to make Little Miss Plump go up. Little Miss Naughty arrived soon after and decided to help Mr. Happy and Mr. Muddle out. Now, you'd think she'd be naughty and go in Little Miss Plump's end of the see-saw. For once, that wasn't the case and Little Miss Naughty went of Mr. Happy and Mr. Muddle's side of the see-saw. But it still wasn't enough to make Little Miss Plump go up.
Finally, Mr. Small arrived and got on the same end of the see-saw and Mr. Happy, Mr. Muddle, and Little Miss Naughty. It was just enough weight to make Little Miss Plump go up! Now they can see-saw together! But...uh oh! Mr. Greedy wants to see-saw too! He sat behind Little Miss Plump and, due to so much weight on one side, Mr. Happy, Mr. Muddle, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Small were launched into the air! Mr. Greedy thought it was funny. Everyone else...not so much.