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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Trains and Planes." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Goo" | Next: "Out to Sea" |
UK Transcript[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big yellow screen comes up with "Trains and Planes" written on it with a plane flying high in the sky, a train chugging down the tracks below, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of a train whistle and a plane taking off are heard)
(The episode begins with various Mr. Men and Little Misses waiting for a train to pass a crossroad. Those Mr. Men and Little Misses (from the farthest to closest to the crossroad) are Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Messy, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Grumpy)
Narrator: There are times where getting somewhere by car is nearly impossible!
(Mr. Grumpy honks his car horn)
Narrator: That's when the Mr. Men and Little Misses rely on trains or planes...
(The train passes by and Little Miss Giggles is shown riding the train)
Miss Giggles: (giggling faintly)
Narrator: ..to take them to their destination!
(The camera pans up to show Little Miss Whoops driving a plane with Mr. Bounce, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Tickle as the passengers. Mr. Rude is shown wearing noise-cancelling headphones)
Narrator: They enjoy the comfort that trains and planes provide!
(Mr. Fussy is shown relaxing on the plane when Mr. Rude pushes Mr. Fussy's seat forward with his feet)
Mr. Fussy: Oh!
Narrator: And best of all...
(Mr. Rude is shown listening to music on his noise-cancelling headphones)
Narrator: ..they don't have to drive!
(The camera zooms out from the plane and pans to the ground where Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful are on a handcar with individual railroad ties being towed on a trolley)
Narrator: In order to keep trains running smoothly, the tracks must sometimes be repaired.
(Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump are shown on train tracks near a bridge that's over a ravine)
Narrator: Which, curiously enough, is exactly what Mr. Bump...
(Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump reach their destination and hop off the handcar to some broken railroad ties)
Mr. Bump: Hup!
Narrator: ..and Miss Helpful have been employed to do!
Mr. Bump: Uh...now, Miss Helpful, you look out for trains while I repair these railway sleepers!
(Little Miss Helpful gives Mr. Bump the "okay" sign)
Miss Helpful: Right you are,, Mr. Bump! I'll keep a keen eye on those tracks! Are you sure there's nothing else I can do to help?
Mr. Bump: Hmm...uh...why don't you grab the new sleepers from the trolley, and I'll start to remove these broken ones.
(Little Miss Helpful walks over to the trolley)
Miss Helpful: Want me to bring these sleepers over to there?
Mr. Bump: Exactly!
(Mr. Bump starts trying to remove the broken sleepers)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
Miss Helpful: Do you need me to bring a saw, or a spade, or...maybe a pair of goggles?
Mr. Bump: Uh, no thank you, Miss Helpful. Just the .
Miss Helpful: That's why I never travel without my bumbag!
(Little Miss Helpful pats her bumbag and opens it)
Miss Helpful: Never know when you're gonna need a screwdriver or some lip gloss.
(Little Miss Helpful takes out a screwdriver and a container of lip gloss)
Miss Helpful: Do you need some lip gloss, Mr. Bump?
Mr. Bump: No thank you! Just the sleepers.
(Little Miss Helpful takes a sleepers off the cart)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): (grunts)
Miss Helpful: Coming right up!
(Mr. Bump is shown struggling to remove the broken sleeper)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) Oh! (grunts) Just a...little...further!
(Little Miss Helpful walks over with the sleeper)
Miss Helpful: Are you sure you don't need any help?
Mr. Bump: "Positive!"
(Mr. Bump continues to struggle with removing the sleeper)
Mr. Bump: "Just a...little...further!"
(Little Miss Helpful hears a train whistle in the distance)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
Miss Helpful: A train's coming! Don't worry. The sound's coming from...
(Little Miss Helpful turns around and hits Mr. Bump with the sleeper)
Mr. Bump: Ow!!
Miss Helpful: That direction!
(Little Miss Helpful accidentally hits Mr. Bump so hard that he falls into the cliff)
Miss Helpful: I think.
(The train passes by)
Miss Helpful: Yes! Nothing to worry about!
(Little Miss Helpful looks behind herself and notices that Mr. Bump isn't there. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump (now with his left foot bandaged up) hammering the railroad spikes into the tracks)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) This is how you do it! (grunts)
Miss Helpful: Are you sure you don't want me to help hammer that in, Mr. Bump?
Mr. Bump: "No. I'm okay." (grunts)
(Mr. Bump accidentally hammers his uninjured foot,
Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow!
(Mr. Bump falls to the ground)
Miss Helpful: I'd be happy to help.
Mr. Bump: Alright, Miss Helpful! Give it a try!
(Little Miss Helpful grabs the hammer and Mr. Bump stands back up)
Mr. Bump: I know I probably make it look pretty easy, but it's actually very difficult.
(Little Miss Helpful starts swinging the hammer all willy-nilly)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Woah! That wasn't very helpful!
(Little Miss Helpful accidentally hits Mr. Bump's uninjured foot with the hammer)
Mr. Bump: OW!!!!!
(Mr. Bump holds onto his uninjured hoot and hops over to the other railroad track)
Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
(A train comes by and hits Mr. Bump, sending Mr. Bump flying into the cliff. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump (now with both his arms and his feet in casts) being tied to a harness by Little Miss Helpful. The harness is attached to the railroad crossing sign)
Mr. Bump: Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?
Miss Helpful: Trust me, Mr. Bump. This way if you get hit again, you won't go flying off that cliff.
Mr. Bump: Well, I've gotta hand it to you, Miss Helpful. You really know your stuff. Uh, now why don't you keep a lookout for any other trains while I finish up here.
(Mr. Bump grabs a railroad spike)
Miss Helpful: Alright!
(Mr. Bump starts hammering in the railroad spike)
Miss Helpful: In fact, I heard that if you put your ear to the track, you can hear a train coming five miles away!
(Little Miss Helpful kneels down by the rail)
Mr. Bump: You know all sorts of tips!
Miss Helpful: Well, it's all of being helpful.
Mr. Bump (offscreen): "Of course it is!"
(Little Miss Helpful puts her ear to the track and hears a train coming)
Miss Helpful: (gasps) I hear it A train's coming! You'd better get out of the way, Mr. Bump!
(Mr. Bump continues hammering the railroad spike in)
Mr. Bump: Uh, give me a second. I'm almost finished!
Miss Helpful: But Mr. Bump, you have to get out of the way!
Mr. Bump: Not to worry! Just one last wallop!
(Mr. Bump continues hammering the railroad spike in)
Miss Helpful: Hurry, Mr. Bump! I can really hear it coming now!
(Mr. Bump finishes fixing the railroad and presents it to Little Miss Helpful)
Mr. Bump: Ta-da! Finished! Finito!
(The train is heard approaching. Mr. Bump hops to the other track)
Mr. Bump: And not a moment too-
(The train shows up on the track Mr. Bump just hopped onto and hits Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Ah!!
(Mr. Bump is dragged offscreen by the train and winds up dangling upside down from the bridge due to the cable securing Mr. Bump to the railroad crossing sign. Little Miss Helpful realizes her mistake and walks over to Mr. Bump)
Miss Helpful: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump! I must've been listening to the wrong track!
(The bridge keeping Mr. Bump up starts falling apart)
Mr. Bump: Poopity poop.
(The bridge falls apart and Mr. Bump falls into the ravine for the third time)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(A train zooms across the screen and transitions the scene to the first bumper. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a cow standing on the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the cow. The cow kicks Mr. Bounce in retaliation and Mr. Bounce is sent bouncing around. The next scene shows several Mr. Men and Little Misses aboard a plane)
Narrator: One of the greatest pleasures of traveling by plane, is the flight attendants. Who come through the cabin serving delicious refreshments.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scary and Mr. Fussy, who are sitting next to each other on the plane. Mr. Fussy is shown looking for the flight attendant)
Miss Scary: Where's the flight attendant? I'm thirsty!
Mr. Fussy: As am I. But do be patient.
(Little Miss Magic appears in a cloud of magic smoke)
Miss Magic: Ta-da!
(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary see Little Miss Magic)
Mr. Fussy: Oh!
Miss Scary: (laughs)
Mr. Fussy: Miss Magic! That kind of behavior is inappropriate!
Miss Scary: I thought it was fantastic!
Mr. Fussy: You would. I would be all to glad to overlook this infraction if you were, per chance, to serve me a beverage.
Miss Magic: Of course! What would you like?
Mr. Fussy: A glass of pineapple juice with three ice cubes.
(Little Miss Magic waves her wand)
Miss Magic: Higgle-tin-tee-tingle, higgle-tin-tee-tapple. Give me the juice of one pineapple!
(Little Miss Magic turns Little Miss Scary into a pineapple)
Miss Magic (offscreen): Ta-da!
Miss Scary: Hey! This wasn't part of the deal!
Mr. Fussy: Oh! You're even more frightening as a fruit!
Miss Scary: I doubt it. Turn me back!
Mr. Fussy: Oh! And about my pineapple juice?
Miss Magic: Stand back!
(Little Miss Magic steps back)
Miss Magic: And prepare to be dazzled!
(Little Miss Magic waves her wand)
Miss Magic: Higgle-tee-tin-tingle, higgle-dee-tin-tuice. Give Mr. Fussy a cup of juice!
(Little Miss Magic's magic bounces off of Little Miss Scary and hits the A/C unit above. This causes pineapple juice to shoot out of the A/C unit and squirt Mr. Fussy in pineapple juice)
Mr. Fussy: (spits out the pineapple juice squirted onto him)
(The A/C unit stops squirting out pineapple juice but Mr. Fussy is now soaked)
Miss Magic: Ha-ha! Isn't it amazing?
(Mr. Fussy squeezes the juice out of his moustache and dries off)
Mr. Fussy: No! It is not! I asked for juice in a glass!
(Mr. Rude pops up from behind Mr. Fussy's seat)
Mr. Rude: Oh, stop your complaining! At least you got your juice! There are other thirsty people on this plane, you know.
(Mr. Rude returns to his seat)
Mr. Fussy: Oh, very well. Then may I please have those ice cubes?
Miss Magic: Here you go!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Za-da-zee!
(Little Miss Magic freezes Mr. Fussy in a block of ice)
Miss Scary (overlap): Oh?
Miss Magic (offscreen and overlap): It's magic!
Mr. Fussy: Someone should take away that wand of yours!
Miss Scary: (laughs hysterically) I'll stay a pineapple the rest of my life if this kind of scary stuff keeps happening!
Miss Magic: Sorry, Mr. Fussy. Let's it that another try!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Za-da-zee!
(Little Miss Magic turns Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary back to normal and completes Mr. Fussy's drink order to each detail. Even adding a slice of pineapple for garnish)
Mr. Fussy: Oh! That's more like it! And I am most impressed by your choice of garnish!
Miss Magic: Sometimes, my magic surprises even me!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Toodle-oo!
(Little Miss Magic disappears)
Miss Scary: I love it when she does that!
(Mr. Rude pops up from behind Mr. Fussy's seat)
Mr. Rude: Where did she go?! I did not get my drink!
(Mr. Rude takes the pineapple garnish off Mr. Fussy's drink and eats it)
Mr. Fussy: Probably because of your dreadful manners.
(Pineapples fall out of the overhead bin and land on Mr. Fussy. Mr. Fussy is buried in pineapples up to his head)
Mr. Fussy: Oh!
(Mr. Rude gets an idea, grabs one of the pineapples and sticks a straw into it)
Mr. Rude: (sighs) Finally! Something to drink!
(Mr. Rude drinks out of the pineapple and the scene iris' out. The next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a kangaroo standing on the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the kangaroo. The kangaroo kicks Mr. Bounce between the train a few times in retaliation before sending Mr. Bounce bouncing around. The scene transitions to a dance video. Little Miss Daredevil pops up on a purple background with a train pictured from the front. Little Miss Daredevil pretends to be pulling down the rope that activates the train whistle and imitates the sound of a train whistle. On a red background with three trains on it (two pink going in one direction and one maroon going in the other direction), Little Miss Daredevil pretends to be a train car chugging on the tracks. The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil chugging down purple train tracks on a violet background. She is joined by Mr. Rude (pretending to be a train car). The scene cuts to show the background changing to indigo but the tracks being the same color. Pretend steam clouds are shown above Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Nosey as joined Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Rude as one of the pretend train cars. The scene returns to the original violet background with the same actions occurring except Mr. Small has joined the pretend train as the caboose. Two identical images of Little Miss Daredevil leading the pretend train are shown in a split screen where the top and bottom rows are now on an indigo background going in the other direction in addition to the original one on the violet background. The scene transitions to the Dillydale Express chugging down the country side)
Narrator: Train travel is a comfortable and relaxing way to see the countryside.
(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking through one of the train cars and sitting down in one of the seats to read his autobiography)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmph!
Narrator: Which is why Mr. Grumpy is so fond...
(Mr. Grumpy sits down and starts reading his book)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!
Narrator: Of taking the Dillydale Express.
(Mr. Grumpy hears his cellphone ring. He takes his cellphone out of his pocket and sees Little Miss Sunshine calling. Reluctantly, he answers)
Mr. Grumpy: What do you want, Miss Sunshine?
(A split screen forms. On Little Miss Sunshine's side of the screen, she is shown sitting down in a seat)
Miss Sunshine: Hello, Mr. Grumpy! What are you doing today!
Mr. Grumpy: I'm taking a nice quiet train ride with a good book, and I don't want to be bothered.
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) I'm talking a train ride too!
(Mr. Grumpy rolls his eyes)
Miss Sunshine: I love trains! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!'
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!
(Little Miss Sunshine notices something)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Goodness me, Mr. Grumpy! There's someone on this train that looks exactly like you!
Mr. Grumpy: That's because it is me!
(The split screen goes away to reveal Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Grumpy sitting across from each other)
Miss Sunshine: Oh! What a fun coincidence!
(Mr. Grumpy throws his phone away)
Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles)
Miss Sunshine: Now we can take the train together!
(Mr. Scatterbrain hangs upside down from the baggage area above Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Miss Sunshine!
Miss Sunshine: (gasps)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (chuckles)
Miss Sunshine: (giggles softly)
(Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat at Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Grumpy!
Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles)
Miss Sunshine: Ha! Mr. Scatterbrain's here too! It's a double fun coincidence!
Mr. Grumpy: Took the words right out of my mouth.
(Mr. Grumpy looks up at Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Grumpy: What are you doing up there?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Taking the train.
Mr. Grumpy: But that's for luggage!
(The camera zooms out to show the luggage rack)
Mr. Grumpy: Not for people!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! (chuckles) No wonder there aren't any cushions!
Miss Sunshine: We have plenty of room down here!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Goodie!
(Mr. Scatterbrain falls down from the luggage rack. Mr. Scatterbrain stands up after that)
Mr. Grumpy: It's getting awfully crowded in here.
(Mr. Tickle shows up, much to Mr. Grumpy's ire)
Mr. Grumpy (overlap): Huh?
Mr. Tickle (overlap): Never to crowded for a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Sunshine)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs) No! Stop! (laughs)
Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
Mr. Grumpy: Will you people keep it down?!
(Mr. Tickle stops tickling Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Sunshine. Mr. Grumpy stands up)
Mr. Grumpy: I'm trying to read a book!
(Little Miss Whoops walks over with a ticket puncher in her hand)
Miss Whoops: Please have your tickets out and ready.
(Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine take out there tickets. Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a green umbrella with light green polka dots)
Mr. Grumpy: That's your ticket?
Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! (chuckles) Isn't it pretty?
Mr. Grumpy: Is there an empty seat anywhere else on the train?
Miss Whoops: Of course! Up at the front. Just be careful stepping through. You wouldn't want to accidentally detach a carriage or something.
(Little Miss Whoops starts walking away)
Mr. Tickle: I know a conductor who needs a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops is shown in a different train car)
Miss Whoops: (laughs)
(Little Miss Whoops starts unknowingly inching closer to a lever that detaches the train cars)
Miss Whoops: No! Don't! I'm trying to do my job! (laughs)
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally throws the lever that detaches the train cars. She realizes this upon hearing the buzzer)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The train car containing Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain detaches from the rest of the train. Little Miss Whoops can only watch as the rest of the train speeds away from the detached car. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Let's play a game!
Mr. Tickle: How about the tickle game?
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
(Mr. Grumpy tries hard to read his book)
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Tickle and Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
(Mr. Grumpy loses his temper and throws his book down in frustration)
Mr. Grumpy: That's it! I'm going to another carriage on the train where I can have some peace and quiet and get away from you dodo birds!
(Mr. Grumpy walks to the end of the carriage. Because it was detached, the carriage stops moving on the tracks. This results in Mr. Grumpy falling out of the carriage and onto the train tracks. Little Miss Whoops is shown calling out to Mr. Grumpy as the rest of the train continues on its way)
Miss Whoops: We'll pick you up on the way back...tomorrow!!
(The train chugs away. Leaving the train carriage which held Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Scatterbrain behind)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! Now what am I going to do?
(Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine open the door of their train carriage and step out of it)
Mr. Tickle: How about a great big tickle party!?
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Grumpy: No! No! (laughs) No! Now you-(laughs) Stop-
(Mr. Grumpy falls to the ground as Mr. Tickle continues tickling him)
Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) Stop that right-(laughs)
(The screen fades to black and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a giant egg in the middle of the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the giant egg but to no avail. The egg hatches into the tallest bird the viewers will ever see)
Tall Bird: (squawks)
(The tall bird kicks Mr. Bounce out of the way. This causes Mr. Bounce to bounce around uncontrollably. The scene transitions to the airport where Little Miss Whoops is landing a plane. On the plane, are Mr. Bump, Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Stubborn)
Narrator: So you see why the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(A plane being piloted by Little Miss Daredevil takes off. Mr. Bounce, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Rude, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Nervous are passengers aboard the plane)
Narrator: Have such fond memories of their train trips and plane rides!
(The camera moves down to the train carriage Little Miss Whoops accidentally detached from the train in the last segment. Mr. Grumpy is shown outside the train car while inside, the viewers hear laughter courtesy of some unseen tickling by Mr. Tickle)
Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Miss Sunshine (from inside the train car): (laughing hysterically)
(Mr. Grumpy walks away from the train car and sees Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump on their handcar)
Narrator: Memories that will last a lifetime!
(Not wanting to deal with Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine anymore, Mr. Grumpy decides to hitchhike with Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump. The two allow Mr. Grumpy to join them as they move along the tracks towards the left side of the screen)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Uh oh!
(Suddenly, the trolley starts moving towards the right very fast)
Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!
(A train driven by Little Miss Whoops is shown on the same track as the handcar. The train blows its whistle as it passes by. Mr. Small is shown riding the caboose carriage at the end of the train. Offscreen, the train is heard crashing into the trolley . The damaged trolley lands back on the track. Mr. Grumpy lands on Mr. Bump and looks at the shell-shocked Little Miss Helpful. Little Miss Helpful pumps the trolley away as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Transcript[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big yellow screen comes up with "Trains and Planes" written on it with a plane flying high in the sky, a train chugging down the tracks below, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of a train whistle and a plane taking off are heard)
(The episode begins with various Mr. Men and Little Misses waiting for a train to pass a crossroad. Those Mr. Men and Little Misses are Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Messy, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Grumpy)
Narrator: There are times where getting somewhere by car is nearly impossible!
(Mr. Grumpy honks his car horn)
Narrator: That's when the Mr. Men and Little Misses rely on trains or planes...
(The train passes by and Little Miss Giggles is shown riding the train and giggling inaudibly)
Narrator: Where they are going!
(The camera pans up to show Little Miss Whoops driving a plane with Mr. Bounce, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Tickle as the passengers. Mr. Rude is shown wearing noise-cancelling headphones)
Narrator: They enjoy the comfort that trains and planes provide!
(Mr. Fussy is shown relaxing on the plane when Mr. Rude pushes Mr. Fussy's seat forward with his feet)
Mr. Fussy: Oh!
Narrator: And best of all...
(Mr. Rude is shown listening to music on his noise-cancelling headphones)
Narrator: They love that they don't have to do the driving!
(The camera zooms out from the plane and pans to the ground where Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful are on a handcar with individual railroad ties being towed on a cart)
Narrator: In order to keep trains running smoothly, the tracks must sometimes be repaired!
(Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump are shown on train tracks near a bridge that's over a ravine)
Narrator: Which, curiously enough, is exactly what Mr. Bump and Miss Helpful have been hired to do!
(Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump reach their destination and hop off the handcar to some broken railroad ties)
Mr. Bump: Uh...now Miss Helpful, you look out for trains while I repair these railroad ties!
(Little Miss Helpful gives Mr. Bump the "okay" sign)
Miss Helpful: You got it, Mr. Bump! I'll keep a keen eye on those tracks! Are you sure there's nothing else I can do to help?
Mr. Bump: Hmm...uh...why don't you grab the new railroad ties from the cart and I'll start to remove these broken ones.
(Little Miss Helpful walks over to the cart)
Miss Helpful: Want me to bring those railroad tiles over here?
Mr. Bump: Exactly!
(Mr. Bump starts trying to remove the broken railroad ties)
Miss Helpful: Do you need me to bring a saw, or a shovel, or...maybe a pair of goggles?
Mr. Bump: Uh, no thank you, Miss Helpful. Just the railroad ties.
Miss Helpful: That's why I never travel anywhere without my fanny pack!
(Little Miss Helpful pats her fanny pack and opens it)
Miss Helpful: Never know when you're gonna need a screwdriver or some lip gloss.
(Little Miss Helpful takes out a screwdriver and a container of lip gloss)
Miss Helpful: Say, do you need some lip gloss, Mr. Bump?
Mr. Bump: No thank you! Just the railroad tie.
(Little Miss Helpful takes a railroad tie off the cart)
Miss Helpful: Coming right up!
(Mr. Bump is shown struggling to remove the broken railroad tie)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) Oh! Gah! I...just a...little...farther!
(Little Miss Helpful walks over with the railroad tie)
Miss Helpful: Are you sure you don't need help?
Mr. Bump: Positive!
(Mr. Bump continues to struggle with removing the railroad tie)
Mr. Bump: Just a...little...farther!
(Little Miss Helpful hears a train whistle in the distance)
Miss Helpful: Train's coming! Don't worry. The sound's coming from...
(Little Miss Helpful turns around and hits Mr. Bump with the railroad tie)
Mr. Bump: Yah!
Miss Helpful: That direction!
(Little Miss Helpful accidentally hits Mr. Bump so hard that he falls into the ravine)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
Miss Helpful: I think.
(The train passes by)
Miss Helpful: Yep! Nothing to worry about!
(Little Miss Helpful looks behind herself and notices that Mr. Bump isn't there. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump (now with his left foot bandaged up) hammering the railroad spikes into the tracks)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) G'oh, heavy! (grunts)
Miss Helpful: Are you sure you don't want my help hammer that in, Mr. Bump?
Mr. Bump: No. I've got it. (grunts)
(Mr. Bump accidentally hammers his uninjured foot)
Mr. Bump: (screams in pain)
(Mr. Bump falls to the ground)
Miss Helpful: I'd be happy to help.
Mr. Bump: Alright, Miss Helpful! Uh, give it a try!
(Little Miss Helpful grabs the hammer and Mr. Bump stands back up)
Mr. Bump: I know I probably make it look pretty easy, but it's actually very difficult.
(Little Miss Helpful starts swinging the hammer all willy-nilly)
Mr. Bump: G'oh! Woah! That wasn't very helpful!
(Little Miss Helpful accidentally hits Mr. Bump's uninjured foot with the hammer)
Mr. Bump: OW!!!!!
(Mr. Bump holds onto his uninjured hoot and hops over to the other railroad track. A train comes by and hits Mr. Bump. Sending Mr. Bump flying into the ravine)
Mr. Bump: Ack! (screams)
(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump (now with both his arms and his feet in casts) being tied to a harness by Little Miss Helpful. The harness is attached to the railroad crossing sign)
Mr. Bump: Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?
Miss Helpful: Trust me, Mr. Bump. This way if you get hit again, you won't go flying into that ravine.
Mr. Bump: Well, I've gotta hand it to you, Miss Helpful. You really know your stuff. Uh, now why don't you keep a lookout for any other trains while I finish up here.
(Mr. Bump grabs a railroad spike)
Miss Helpful: Will do!
(Mr. Bump starts hammering in the railroad spike)
Miss Helpful: In fact I heard that if you put your ear to the rail, you can hear a train coming five miles away!
(Little Miss Helpful kneels down by the rail)
Mr. Bump: You know all sorts of tips!
Miss Helpful: Well, it's all of being helpful.
(Little Miss Helpful puts her ear to the track and hears something)
Miss Helpful: (gasps) I hear it A train's coming! You'd better get out of the way, Mr. Bump!
(Mr. Bump continues hammering the railroad spike in)
Mr. Bump: Uh, give me a second. I'm almost finished!
Miss Helpful: But Mr. Bump, you have to get out of the way!
Mr. Bump: Not to worry! Just one last adjustment!
(Mr. Bump continues hammering the railroad spike in)
Miss Helpful: Hurry, Mr. Bump! I can really hear it coming now!
(Mr. Bump finishes fixing the railroad and presents it to Little Miss Helpful)
Mr. Bump: Ta-da! Finished! Finito!
(The train is heard approaching. Mr. Bump hops to the other track)
Mr. Bump: And not a moment too-
(The train shows up on the track Mr. Bump just hopped onto and hits Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Pah! Woah!
(Mr. Bump is dragged offscreen by the train and winds up dangling upside down from the bridge due to the cable securing Mr. Bump to the railroad crossing sign. Little Miss Helpful realizes her mistake and walks over to Mr. Bump)
Miss Helpful: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump! I must've been listening to the wrong track!
(The bridge keeping Mr. Bump up starts falling apart)
Mr. Bump: Poopity poop.
(The bridge falls apart and Mr. Bump falls into the ravine for the third time)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Oof!
(A train zooms across the screen and transitions the scene to the first bumper. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a cow standing on the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the cow. The cow kicks Mr. Bounce in retaliation and Mr. Bounce is sent bouncing around. The next scene begins with Mr. Small riding a luggage tram. In one of the suitcases, Mr. Messy pops out with a sock on his head)
Mr. Messy: Hi! I'm Mr. Messy! If you're like me, you want to fly in a plane but don't want any of the fuss! You know...
(Mr. Messy takes out a handkerchief and a bar of soap)
Mr. Messy: Like napkins and soap!
(Mr. Messy tosses the handkerchief and soap away)
Mr. Messy: That's why I started Messy Air!
(A plane flies over Mr. Messy's head. The scene cuts to Mr. Messy showing the viewers the filthy inside of an airplane. Mr. Bounce is shown hanging upside-down by gum, a cat is sitting on a box, and Mr. Strong is reading a magazine)
Mr. Messy: Here on Messy Air...
Cat: (meows)
Mr. Messy: You could toss your junk wherever you want!
(Mr. Fussy is shown eating a sandwich and getting sauce on his moustache. All of a sudden, someone starts hitting Mr. Fussy with a cushion)
Mr. Messy (voiceover): You could even use the seat cushion as a napkin!
(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Messy is the one hitting Mr. Fussy with the cushion)
Mr. Messy: Best of all on Messy Air...
(The scene transitions to Mr. Messy showing the viewers the trash filled cockpit with Little Miss Sunshine and a pig as the pilots
Mr. Messy: Even the cockpits are a pigsty!
Miss Sunshine: With all this trash, it's hard to find the controls!
Pig: (oinks)
(Mr. Messy pops up from the trash in the cockpit)
Mr. Messy: Isn't it great?
(More trash falls onto the screen and Mr. Messy pops out of it)
Mr. Messy: See what other people have to say about Messy Air!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Nervous sitting in his seat. His head is covered in purple goo)
Mr. Nervous: Geh! Well, my seat was quite comfortable. But then I went to wash my hands in the restroom and the faucet spewed grape jelly at me!
(Mr. Messy swipes some jelly off of Mr. Nervous' head with his finger)
Mr. Messy: Good and sticky!
(Mr. Fussy is shown scratching himself crazily as bugs surround him)
Mr. Fussy: I think there are fleas on this aeroplane!
(Mr. Fussy sees something)
Mr. Fussy: D'oh!
(Mr. Messy is shown sitting next to Mr. Fussy reading a newspaper and with a giant flea on Mr. Messy's head)
Mr. Fussy: (sighs)
(Mr. Messy lowers his newspaper)
Mr. Messy: It wouldn't be Messy Air without them!
(A scene transition showing a bunch of fleas in top hats is shown. The scene then cuts to Mr. Messy on the airport runway)
Mr. Messy: So the next time you wanna fly, try Messy Air!
(A plane flies over Mr. Messy's head and dumps trash all over him. Mr. Messy pops out of the trash pile unharmed)
Mr. Messy: None of the stress and a whole lot of mess!
(The scene ends and the next scene shows several Mr. Men and Little Misses aboard a plane)
Narrator: One of the greatest pleasures of traveling by plane, are the flight attendants. Who come through the cabin serving delicious snacks.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scary and Mr. Fussy, who are sitting next to each other on the plane. Mr. Fussy is shown looking for the flight attendant)
Miss Scary: Where's the flight attendant? I'm thirsty!
Mr. Fussy: As am I. But do be patient.
(Little Miss Magic appears in a cloud of magic smoke)
Miss Magic: Ta-da!
(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary see Little Miss Magic)
Mr. Fussy: (screams)
Miss Scary: (laughs)
Mr. Fussy: Miss Magic! That kind of behavior is unseemly!
Miss Scary: I thought it was fantastic!
Mr. Fussy: You would.
(Mr. Fussy clears his throat)
Mr. Fussy: I would be all to glad to overlook this infraction if you were, per chance, to serve me a beverage.
Miss Magic: Oh sure! What would you like?
Mr. Fussy: A cup of pineapple juice with three ice cubes.
(Little Miss Magic waves her wand)
Miss Magic: Higgle-tin-tee-tingle, higgle-tin-tee-tapple. Give me the juice of one pineapple!
(Little Miss Magic turns Little Miss Scary into a pineapple)
Miss Magic (offscreen): Ta-da!
Miss Scary: Hey! This wasn't part of the deal!
Mr. Fussy: Oh! You're even more frightening as a fruit!
Miss Scary: I doubt it. Turn me back!
Mr. Fussy: Oh! And about my pineapple juice?
Miss Magic: Stand back!
(Little Miss Magic steps back)
Miss Magic: And prepare to be dazzled!
(Little Miss Magic waves her wand)
Miss Magic: Higgle-tin-tee-tingle, higgle-tin-tee-tuice. Give Mr. Fussy a cup of juice!
(Little Miss Magic's magic bounces off of Little Miss Scary and hits the A/C unit above. This causes pineapple juice to shoot out of the A/C unit and squirt Mr. Fussy in pineapple juice)
Mr. Fussy: (spits out the pineapple juice squirted onto him)
(The A/C unit stops squirting out pineapple juice but Mr. Fussy is now soaked)
Miss Magic: Ha-ha! Isn't it amazing?
(Mr. Fussy squeezes the juice out of his moustache and dries off)
Mr. Fussy: No! It is not! I asked for juice in a cup!
(Mr. Rude pops up from behind Mr. Fussy's seat)
Mr. Rude: Oh, stop your complaining! At least you got your juice! There are other thirsty people on this plane, you know.
(Mr. Rude returns to his seat)
Mr. Fussy: Oh, very well. Then may I please have those ice cubes?
Miss Magic: Here you go!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Za-da-zee!
(Little Miss Magic freezes Mr. Fussy in a block of ice)
Miss Magic (offscreen): It's magic!
Mr. Fussy: Someone should take away that wand of yours!
Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts) I'll stay a pineapple the rest of my life if this kind of scary stuff keeps happening!
Miss Magic: Sorry, Mr. Fussy. Let's give that another try!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Za-da-zee!
(Little Miss Magic turns Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary back to normal and completes Mr. Fussy's drink order to each detail. Even adding a slice of pineapple for garnish)
Mr. Fussy: Oh! That's more like it! And I am most impressed by your choice of garnish!
Miss Magic: Sometimes, my magic surprises even me!
(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)
Miss Magic: Toodle-oo!
(Little Miss Magic disappears)
Miss Scary: I love it when she does that!
(Mr. Rude pops up from behind Mr. Fussy's seat)
Mr. Rude: Where did she go? I did not get my drink!
(Mr. Rude takes the pineapple garnish off Mr. Fussy's drink and eats it)
Mr. Fussy: Most likely, because of your dreadful manners!
(Pineapples fall out of the overhead bin and land on Mr. Fussy. Mr. Fussy is buried in pineapples up to his head. Mr. Rude gets an idea, grabs one of the pineapples and sticks a straw into it)
Mr. Rude: (sighs) Finally! Something to drink!
(Mr. Rude drinks out of the pineapple and the scene iris' out. The next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a kangaroo standing on the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the kangaroo. The kangaroo kicks Mr. Bounce between the train a few times in retaliation before sending Mr. Bounce bouncing around. The scene transitions to a dance video. Little Miss Daredevil pops up on a purple background with a train pictured from the front. Little Miss Daredevil pretends to be pulling down the rope that activates the train whistle and imitates the sound of a train whistle. On a red background with three trains on it (two pink going in one direction and one maroon going in the other direction), Little Miss Daredevil pretends to be a train car chugging on the tracks. The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil chugging down purple train tracks on a violet background. She is joined by Mr. Rude (pretending to be a train car). The scene cuts to show the background changing to indigo but the tracks being the same color. Pretend steam clouds are shown above Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Nosey as joined Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Rude as one of the pretend train cars. The scene returns to the original violet background with the same actions occurring except Mr. Small has joined the pretend train as the caboose. Two identical images of Little Miss Daredevil leading the pretend train are shown in a split screen where the top and bottom rows are now on an indigo background going in the other direction in addition to the original one on the violet background. The scene transitions to the Dillydale Express chugging down the country side)
Narrator: Train travel is a comfortable and relaxing way to see the country side.
(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking through one of the train cars and sitting down in one of the seats to read his autobiography)
Narrator: Which is why Mr. Grumpy is so fond of riding the Dillydale Express.
(Just as Mr. Grumpy starts reading his book, Mr. Grumpy hears his cellphone ring. He takes his cellphone out of his pocket and sees Little Miss Sunshine calling. Reluctantly, he answers)
Mr. Grumpy: What do you want, Miss Sunshine?
(A split screen forms. On Little Miss Sunshine's side of the screen, she is shown sitting down in a seat)
Miss Sunshine: Hello, Mr. Grumpy! What are you doing today!
Mr. Grumpy: I'm taking a nice quiet train trip with a good book, and I don't want to be bothered.
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) I'm talking a train trip too!
(Mr. Grumpy rolls his eyes)
Miss Sunshine: I love trains! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!'
(Little Miss Sunshine notices something)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Oh my gosh, Mr. Grumpy! There's someone on this train that looks exactly like you!
Mr. Grumpy: That's because it is me!
(The split screen goes away to reveal Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Grumpy sitting across from each other)
Miss Sunshine: Oh! What a fun coincidence!
(Mr. Grumpy throws his phone away)
Miss Sunshine: Now we can ride the train together!
(Mr. Scatterbrain hangs upside down from the baggage area above Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Miss Sunshine! (chuckles)
(Mr. Scatterbrain raises his hat at Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Grumpy!
Miss Sunshine: Oh! Mr. Scatterbrain's here too! It's a double fun coincidence!
Mr. Grumpy: Took the words right out of my mouth.
(Mr. Grumpy looks up at Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Grumpy: What are you doing up there?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Riding the train.
Mr. Grumpy: But that's for luggage!
(The camera zooms out to show the luggage rack)
Mr. Grumpy: Not people!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! (chuckles) No wonder there aren't any cushions!
Miss Sunshine: We have plenty of room down here!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Goodie!
(Mr. Scatterbrain falls down from the luggage rack. Mr. Scatterbrain stands up after that)
Mr. Grumpy: It's getting awfully crowded in here.
(Mr. Tickle shows up, much to Mr. Grumpy's ire)
Mr. Tickle: Never to crowded for a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Sunshine)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs) No! Stop! (laughs)
Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
Mr. Grumpy: Will you people keep it down?!
(Mr. Tickle stops tickling Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Sunshine. Mr. Grumpy stands up)
Mr. Grumpy: I'm trying to read my book!
(Little Miss Whoops walks over with a ticket puncher in her hand)
Miss Whoops: Please have your tickets out and ready.
(Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine take out there tickets. Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a green umbrella with light green polka dots)
Mr. Grumpy: That's your ticket?
Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! (chuckles) Isn't it pretty?
Mr. Grumpy: Is there an empty seat anywhere else on the train?
Miss Whoops: Oh sure! Way up front. Just be careful stepping through. You wouldn't want to accidentally detach a car or something.
(Little Miss Whoops starts walking away)
Mr. Tickle: I know a conductor who needs a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Whoops. Little Miss Whoops is shown in a different train car)
Miss Whoops: (laughs)
(Little Miss Whoops starts unknowingly inching closer to a lever that detaches the train cars)
Miss Whoops: No! Don't! I'm trying to do my job! (laughs)
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally throws the lever that detaches the train cars. She realizes this upon hearing the buzzer)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The train car containing Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain detaches from the rest of the train. Little Miss Whoops can only watch as the rest of the train speeds away from the detached car. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Scatterbrain)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Let's play a game!
Mr. Tickle: How about the tickle game?
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: (laughs)
(Mr. Grumpy tries hard to read his book)
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
(Mr. Grumpy loses his temper and throws his book down in frustration)
Mr. Grumpy: That's it! I'm going to another car on the train where I can have some peace and quiet and get away from you dodo birds!
(Mr. Grumpy walks to the end of the car. Because it was detached, the car stops moving on the tracks. This results in Mr. Grumpy falling out of the car and onto the train tracks. Little Miss Whoops is shown calling out to Mr. Grumpy as the rest of the train continues on its way)
Miss Whoops: We'll pick you up on the way back...tomorrow!!
(The train chugs away. Leaving the train car which held Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Scatterbrain behind)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers! Now what are we gonna do?
(Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine open the door of their train car and step out of it)
Mr. Tickle: How about a great big tickle party!?
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Grumpy: No! No! (laughs) No! Now you-(laughs) You stop-
(Mr. Grumpy falls to the ground as Mr. Tickle continues tickling him)
Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) Stop that or-(laughs)
(The screen fades to black and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is shown riding a miniature train when he stumbles upon a giant egg in the middle of the tracks. Mr. Bounce gets out of the train and tries to move the giant egg but to no avail. The egg hatches into the tallest bird the viewers will ever see)
Tall Bird: (squawks)
(The tall bird kicks Mr. Bounce out of the way. This causes Mr. Bounce to bounce around uncontrollably. The scene transitions to the airport where Little Miss Whoops is landing a plane. On the plane, are Mr. Bump, Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Stubborn)
Narrator: So you see why the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(A plane being piloted by Little Miss Daredevil takes off. Mr. Bounce, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Rude, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Nervous are passengers aboard the plane)
Narrator: Have such fond memories of their train trips and plane rides!
(The camera moves down to the train car Little Miss Whoops accidentally detached from the train in the last segment. Mr. Grumpy is shown outside the train car while inside, the viewers hear laughter courtesy of some unseen tickling by Mr. Tickle)
Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Miss Sunshine (from inside the train car): (laughing hysterically)
(Mr. Grumpy walks away from the train car and sees Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump on their handcar)
Narrator: Memories that will last a lifetime!
(Not wanting to deal with Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine anymore, Mr. Grumpy decides to hitchhike with Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump. The two allow Mr. Grumpy to join them as they move along the tracks towards the left side of the screen. Suddenly, the handcar starts moving towards the right very fast)
Mr. Bump: Oh, poopity poop!
(A train driven by Little Miss Whoops is shown on the same track as the handcar. The train blows its whistle as it passes by. Mr. Small is shown riding the caboose car at the end of the train. Offscreen, the train is heard crashing into the handcar. The damaged handcar lands back on the track. Mr. Grumpy lands on Mr. Bump and looks at the shell-shocked Little Miss Helpful. Little Miss Helpful pumps the handcar away as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)