Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Up and Down." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Parties" Next: "Dining Out"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big orange screen comes up with "Up and Down" written on it with Mr. Bounce bouncing up and down, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of something falling and bouncing up and down are heard)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(The episode begins with Mr. Bounce walking down the street)

Narrator: In Dillydale, like anywhere else...

(Mr. Bounce starts bouncing)

Narrator: Things are either up...

(Mr. Bounce bounces high)

Narrator: Or they're down!

(Mr. Bounce lands on the ground offscreen and car horns are heard offscreen as well)

Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Hello!

(The shown is shown rising and Little Miss Daredevil is on top of a nearby building)

Narrator: The sun is coming up and Miss Daredevil is going down!

(Little Miss Daredevil jumps off the building and deploys a parachute after falling about halfway. The camera pans to Mr. Tall, who is holding a can of fizzy pop)

Narrator: Mr. Tall is way up high...

(Mr. Tall accidentally spills some fizzy pop onto Mr. Small but he shields himself with an umbrella)

Mr. Tall: "Oh!"

Narrator: While Mr. Small is far down below!

(Mr. Tall and Mr. Small walk past Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful as firefighters, who are trying to get a cat out of a tree)

Narrator: Mr. Bump is up on a ladder. While Miss Helpful is down on the ground!

Mr. Bump: Uh, a little higher please.

(Little Miss Helpful cranks the ladder to raise Mr. Bump up, but accidentally cranks it the wrong way and brings him down)

Narrator: And now, he's down!

(Little Miss Helpful tries to free Mr. Bump but the crank ends up turning the other way on its own really fast and launches Mr. Bump into the sky)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The scene transitions to Dillydale Stadium where a game of Dillyball is being held)

Crowd of fans (offscreen): (cheering)

(Mr. Bump soars over the stadium)

Narrator: Over at Dillydale Stadium...

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong guiding Mr. Grumpy to the first row of the stadium. Mr. Grumpy is carrying a drink, a beanburger, and a team pendant)

Narrator: Mr. Grumpy's spirits are up because he's got great seats down at the front!

Mr. Strong: Here you go, Mr. Grumpy. Best seat in the house!

(The camera zooms out to show the entire first row)

Mr. Strong: seats! I noticed you bought the whole row.

Mr. Grumpy: Yes, I did. I always do. That way, no one can sit next to me and I can enjoy the game in peace.

Mr. Strong: Hey! Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Grumpy. Enjoy the game!

(Mr. Strong leaves and Mr. Grumpy moves into the first row)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! The warm sun, the gentle breeze, and the smell of fresh cut grass!

(Mr. Grumpy sits down in one of the seats)

Mr. Grumpy: There's nothing like sitting down by the field for a game of Dillyball. And best of all, no hoi polloi to bother me!

(Mr. Small (who is the referee) blows the whistle and the game starts)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh good, it's starting! That's it! Kick it to the moon!

(Nacho cheese drips onto Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Messy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Noisy are revealed to be in the seats above Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Look out down below!

Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Rude: (laughs)

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Messy?

(Mr. Messy wipes the cheese goo off his head)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, for noodles' sake!

(The scene cuts up to Mr. Messy holding a nacho covered in tons of cheese that's dripping everywhere)

Mr. Messy: Sorry about that! This cheese goo is super messy!

(Mr. Messy eats the nacho and cheese squirts out of his mouth and onto the seat Mr. Grumpy was sitting in)

Mr. Messy: (makes mouth noises)

(Mr. Grumpy dodges the cheese and sits down in the seat next to it on the right)

Mr. Grumpy: Just keep your cheese goo to yourself!

(The camera cuts back to the upper seats where Little Miss Whoops is giving three sets of dillydogs, French fries, and a drink to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Rude)

Miss Whoops: Here you go!

(The three Mr. Men hand a snack tray to each other. Mr. Rude eats his dillydog whole before getting disgusted and spits it out of his mouth)

Mr. Rude: This dillydog is disgusting!

(Mr. Rude takes the dillydog out of the bun and tosses it away. The dillydog bounces on the stairs, rolls along a gutter between the upper and lower seats, and finally lands on Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: Hey! Mr. Rude!

(The camera pans to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Hold on to your dillydog up there!

(Mr. Rude covers his ears with the hot dog buns)

Mr. Rude: I cannot hear you.

Mr. Messy: Sorry again!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Maybe down there's not such a good place to sit!

(The dillydog falls off of Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: You ask me, the problem is up there in the cheap seats!

(Mr. Grumpy moves to a different seat in the row. A whistle is blown offscreen and the scene cuts to Mr. Small down on the field)

Mr. Small: Goal!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Okay! Now we're talking! That's some lively action!

Mr. Grumpy: 🎵Go team, go! Go team, go! Go...Dillydale!🎵

(The ground starts shaking due to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy's chanting and stomping)

Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy (offscreen): 🎵Go team, go!🎵

(The scene cuts above Mr. Grumpy to show Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy's chanting and stomping as well as shaking their drinks in the process)

Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy: 🎵Go team, go! Go...Dillydale!!🎵

(Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy accidentally toss their purple-colored drinks (likely fizzy pop) into the gutters at the highest point in the stadium. The fizzy pop sloshes through the gutters until one of the gutters breaks and sends the fizzy pop down the stairs into another set of gutters that separate the upper seats from the lower seats. Then that set of gutters breaks and almost drenches Mr. Grumpy in fizzy pop. Luckily, Mr. Grumpy moves out of the way at the last second)

Mr. Grumpy: Hup! Ah!

(Little Miss Whoops comes by pushing her dillydog cart and the umbrella shielding it causes the fizzy pop to be redirected onto Mr. Grumpy. Soaking Mr. Grumpy from head to toe)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Little Miss Whoops walks away and pushes her cart with her)

Mr. Grumpy: Someone is trying to ruin my good mood.

(Mr. Grumpy walks away. Up in the high seats, Mr. Messy notices that Mr. Grumpy has disappeared)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Where'd Mr. Grumpy go?

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll tell you what, why don't you three blockheads take my seats downstairs and I'll sit up here! That way we can all enjoy what's left of the game!

(Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Rude leave to take Mr. Grumpy's seats down below)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Much appreciated!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Rude: Just don't spill anything on me!

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

(Mr. Grumpy sits down in one of the seats)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, maybe up here, I can actually enjoy the game in peace!

(Suddenly, Mr. Grumpy gets covered in bird feces courtesy of the pigeons up in the gutters of the stadium)

Mr. Grumpy: Huh?

Pigeons: (tweeting)

(Mr. Grumpy looks up at the pigeons before crossing his arms in defeat)

Mr. Grumpy: I hate birds!

(The scene transitions to outside the stadium)

Crowd of fans (offscreen): (cheering)

(Mr. Bump is shown being launched to the screen)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump lands on the screen)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(Mr. Bump slides down and this acts as the transition to the first bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Helpful activates the burners by pulling a cord and the balloon starts going up. A second pull of the cord accidentally causes the burner to turn away from the skirt and is given so much juice that is detaches and is launched away. This causes the balloon to fall back to the ground and the balloon to lose air and fall to the ground. Covering Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude. The screen fades to black. The next scene begins outside of "Mr. Happy's Happy Hot Café" and shows the happy upper half of the restaurant)

Narrator: Things are upbeat! Upstairs at "Mr. Happy's Happy Hot Café!"

(The camera zooms out to show the expressionless lower half of the restaurant)

Narrator: But that's not the case downstairs, in the kitchen!

(The scene transitions to inside the kitchen. Mr. Rude is finishing up cooking a burnt beanburger, places it on a bun, and puts the dish into a dumbwaiter)

Mr. Rude: Pick-up! One stinking beanburger!

(The camera pans upstairs)

Mr. Happy: Thank you, Mr. Rude!

(The scene cuts downstairs)

Mr. Rude: Oh, be quiet. You talk too much.

(Mr. Rude places the beanburger inside a dumbwaiter, pushes a button, and sends it up to Mr. Happy. Mr. Happy takes the beanburger out of the dumbwaiter and places it on the counter. Then, Mr. Happy rings a bell to call Little Miss Magic over)

Mr. Happy: Order ready for Table Five, Miss Magic!

(Little Miss Magic enters the room on a magic cloud that disappears as soon as she gets to the counter. Little Miss Magic falls to the floor)

Miss Magic (overlap): Oh!

Mr. Happy (overlap): Ooh!

(Little Miss Magic sees the burnt beanburger)

Miss Magic: (gasp) Oh, Mr. Happy! I cannot serve the customer this! It's burnt to a crisp!

(Mr. Happy grabs the plate)

Mr. Happy: Uh, (chuckles nervously), Mr. Rude! (chuckles nervously) Miss Magic doesn't think the customer will want this wonderfully burnt lump of a beanburger.

(Mr. Happy sends the dish back down. Downstairs, Mr. Rude is shown reading a newspaper when the dumbwaiter door opens)

Mr. Rude: Too bad! I am not making another!

(Mr. Rude sends the beanburger back up)

Mr. Happy: (laughs)

(Mr. Happy takes the beanburger out of the dumbwaiter and places it on the counter)

Mr. Happy: You heard him, Miss Magic!

(Little Miss Magic gets an idea and walks a few feet away from the counter)

Miss Magic: Oh! I'll fix it meself, then!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Bibble-dee-boo and bibble-dee-beal, make these burnt beans a proper meal!

(Little Miss Magic turns the burnt beanburger into a pineapple)

Mr. Happy: (gasps) Fantastic! But that's not a burger!

Miss Magic: Yes!

(A devious face forms on the pineapple as Little Miss Magic takes it)

Miss Magic: But who wouldn't want a magic pineapple of their very own?

(Little Miss Magic leaves with the magic pineapple. The pineapple starts chomping as Little Miss Magic carries it to the dining room. The scene cuts to Mr. Happy over at the dumbwaiter with some dirty dishes inside)

Mr. Happy: Oh, Mr. Rude! I'm sending down a pile of plates that need washing!

(Mr. Happy sends down the dirty dishes but nobody is in the kitchen downstairs to reply)

Mr. Happy (over the speaker): Mr. Rude?

(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Rude is outside on a lawn chair sunbathing)

Mr. Rude: Tell the customers if they want clean dishes, they can wash them themselves!

(Mr. Happy opens the upstairs window and call out to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: Wonderful idea! But we're very busy with customers up here! I'm sure you'd love to help out!

(Mr. Rude takes off his sunglass and puts on his chef toque)

Mr. Rude: I am the chef!

(Mr. Rude blows a raspberry)

Mr. Happy: But someone is supposed to be doing the dishes! (laughs)

Mr. Rude: Tell it to Mr. Messy! That's his job.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy washing dishes in the kitchen. Mr. Messy finishes washing a plate, but Mr. Messy being Mr. Messy is not happy with this. He uses a slice of pizza to dry a plate and cheese and sauce stain the plate. Mr. Messy puts the plate on the "clean" plate pile as Mr. Rude walks by)

Mr. Rude: (burps)

Mr. Messy: MR. RUDE!!!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Rude sends the dirty dishes back up in the dumbwaiter. The dishes fall out of the dumbwaiter and shatter onto the floor)

Miss Magic: Oh! What a disaster!

(Little Miss Magic takes out her magic wand again)

Miss Magic: Alright!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Blibble-dee-blaut and blibble-dee-blean, make this mess nice and clean!

(Little Miss Magic manages to use her magic to remove the dirt and fix the dishes but she also gives the dishes wings)

Dishes: (cawing like seagulls)

Mr. Happy and Miss Magic: Ooh!

(The dishes fly out the window and Mr. Happy struggles to keep his smile)

Miss Magic: (chuckles) Sometimes my magic surprises even me! By the way, Table Six needs an order of mashed potatoes.

(Little Miss Magic leaves)

Mr. Happy: Oh, Mr. Rude! One order of mashed potatoes, please!

(Mr. Rude is shown getting a massage from Mr. Strong)

Mr. Rude: (sighs) I don't feel like it!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: I said, "please!"

(Mr. Rude sends something up in the dumbwaiter)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): Ugh! Here! Now leave me alone!

(The dumbwaiter doors open to reveal a raw potato)

Mr. Happy: Why, that's just a raw potato, Mr. Rude! The customer wants it cooked and mashed!

(Mr. Happy sends the potato back down. A squishing sound is heard over the speakers)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): There!

(The dumbwaiter doors open to reveal that the potato has been squished)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): I sat on it!

(Mr. Happy struggles to keep himself from breaking down under the stress)

Mr. Happy: Oh-ho-ho! That's disgusting, Mr. Rude!

(Mr. Happy sends back the squished potato and Mr. Rude gets an idea)

Mr. Rude: I'll show you disgusting!

(Mr. Rude sends Mr. Messy up in the dumbwaiter. Mr. Messy has been made into a sandwich)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! I've never been somebody's lunch before!

(Mr. Happy sends Mr. Messy back down in disgust. Little Miss Magic returns and Mr. Happy puts of a fake smile)

Miss Magic: All right! Maybe what Mr. Rude needs is some extra workers down there.

(Little Miss Magic walks a few feet away from Mr. Happy and Mr. Happy is trying to tell her silently not to use anymore magic)

Mr. Happy: (faint whining)

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Blibble-dee-blee and blibble-dee-blelp, give Mr. Rude a whole lot of help!

(Little Miss Magic shoots some magic out of her magic wand. Mr. Happy avoids getting hit and the magic enters the dumbwaiter. The dumbwaiter goes downstairs and the magic hits Mr. Messy (who was eating a sandwich). The ground shakes and the dumbwaiter is shown to have gone up. A magic cloud is shown inside. Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy look inside only for an unexpected surprise to come out and bury the two. Thousands of tiny Mr. Messys come pouring out of the dumbwaiter ready to help out)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic pop out of the pile of tiny Mr. Messy's in shock

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(A group of tiny Mr. Messy prepare to serve the guests and head into the dining room)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam!!!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy's table in the dining room. Surprisingly, the tiny Mr. Messys give Mr. Fussy 5-star service and serve him the best lunch he's ever had. One ties a napkin around Mr. Fussy's neck, two serve Mr. Fussy his lunch and drink, two more bring a basket of bread and dessert, one brings a bouquet of flowers, another brings a dish of butter and a knife, one more brings a salad, and the last one brings a beanburger)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Uh...thank you! I have never had such marvellous service!

(Mr. Fussy tries his lunch)

Mr. Fussy: Mmm! Delicious! My compliments to the chef!

(The scene cuts to the main room that is still full of tiny Mr. Messys)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(The dumbwaiter opens up to reveal Mr. Rude inside it)

Mr. Rude: Keep you compliments to yourself!

(One of the tiny Mr. Messys walks to the dumbwaiter, pushes the down button and sends Mr. Rude further down to the kitchen)

Mr. Rude: Ooh!

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Daredevil does a handstand and tries to use her rocket boots as a replacement burner. This works for a moment. But because Little Miss Daredevil's rocket boots are meant to push her up, she ends up bringing the hot air balloon into the ground. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude pop up from the ground in a daze before the balloon loses all of its air and falls on top of them again. The scene then transitions to two bats doing a brief dance before flying towards Little Miss Scary's mansion)

Bats: (clicking)

Narrator: Down at the spooky end of town...

(Mr. Noisy is shown walking over to Little Miss Scary's house holding a vacuum)

Narrator: Mr. Noisy is about to find out...

(The scene cuts inside Little Miss Scary's mansion. Mr. Noisy rings the doorbell from outside)

Narrator: What's up at Miss Scary's mansion!

(Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs to the door)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce opens the door to find Mr. Noisy outside)

Mr. Bounce: You rang, Mr. Noisy?

Mr. Noisy: Hello, Mr. Bounce! Is Miss Scary home? I happen to be going door-to-door with an incredible offer!

(Mr. Noisy walks inside)

Mr. Bounce: Yes. But, she's unfortunately busy upstairs.

(Mr. Bounce closes the door)

Mr. Bounce: Feeding her bats.

Mr. Noisy: Well, perhaps she could come down for a-

(Mr. Bounce cuts him off)

Mr. Bounce: And then they must be washed and hung out to dry!

Mr. Noisy: Of course! But-

Miss Scary (offscreen): Who is it, down there?

(Mr. Noisy and Mr. Bounce look upstairs)

Mr. Bounce: One minute!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Up we go! Boing! Whee!

Miss Scary (offscreen): Well, who is it?

(Mr. Noisy tries to listen in on the conversation but doesn't hear anything)

Miss Scary (offscreen): What's he want?

(Mr. Noisy tries to explain what he's doing but is stopped when Mr. Bounce bounces back downstairs)

Mr. Bounce: Down we go! Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: What is it you want?

(Mr. Noisy points to the vacuum)

Mr. Noisy: I'm going door-to-door, selling-

(Mr. Bounce cuts him off)

Mr. Bounce: Door? One moment!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs again. Mr. Noisy starts getting annoyed)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Up the stairs! Whee!

(Mr. Noisy tries to listen in on the conversation but doesn't hear anything. So, he tries to present the vacuum hoping Little Miss Scary will understand Mr. Bounce's message)

Miss Scary (offscreen): What!?

(Mr. Noisy frowns in frustration)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Why would I want a door? This place is loaded with doors! Tell him "no thanks!"

(A door is heard closing upstairs. Then, Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs again)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Boing! Down the stairs again! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: Thank you. But she does not need a door.

Mr. Noisy: No! No! I'm going door-to-door...

(Mr. Noisy shows Mr. Bounce the vacuum)

Mr. Noisy: Selling this vacuum!

Mr. Bounce: Vacuum?

Mr. Noisy: Yes!!

Mr. Bounce: Got it!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs for the third time)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Whee! What a day I'm having! Up the stairs! Up the stairs!

(Mr. Bounce is heard entering the room Little Miss Scary is in offscreen)

Miss Scary (offscreen): A vacuum cleaner?

(Mr. Noisy smiles confidently)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Is he saying my house is dirty?

(Mr. Noisy frowns and hits himself in the face in frustration)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Tell him to go vacuum his own house!

(Mr. Noisy thinks for a moment and gets an idea. Mr. Noisy steps back as Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs for the third time)

Mr. Bounce: Down we go! Boing Boing!

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: She said-

(Mr. Noisy cuts Mr. Bounce off)

Mr. Noisy: I don't want to vacuum her house, I want to sell her a vacuum!

(Mr. Noisy gestures to the vacuum, which is now on the floor)

Mr. Noisy: And what's more, she doesn't have to come downstairs! Because "Mr. Noisy's Super Noisy Vacuum Cleaner..."

(Mr. Noisy pushes a button on the vacuum and it expands in size)

Mr. Noisy: Can be heard in every room of the house!

(Mr. Noisy activates the vacuum with a pull of a lever. Mr. Bounce is sucked into the vacuum along with pictures of black cats and bats that are hung up on the walls, Little Miss Scary's telephone, two desks, an umbrella holder and two umbrellas, a chair, Little Miss Scary's Terrifying Train Set, and two spiders. Not surprisingly, this creates tons of noise that Little Miss Scary hears from upstairs)

Miss Scary (offscreen) (overlap): Hey!

Bats (offscreen) (overlap): (clicking)

(Mr. Noisy turns off the vacuum)

Miss Scary (offscreen): You're scaring my bats! What's all the racket down there!?

Mr. Noisy: That, Miss Scary, was "Mr. Noisy's Super Noisy Vacuum Cleaner!" The noisiest vacuum cleaner you can buy! I'm here to sell you this fine product!

(Mr. Noisy gives a big smile)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Well, why didn't anybody say so?

(The scene cuts to a dumbfounded Mr. Noisy)

Miss Scary (offscreen): I always come downstairs for salesman!

(Little Miss Scary slides down the staircase's handrail wearing one of her scary masks with bats flying next to her)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Mr. Noisy: (screams)

(Mr. Noisy runs through the door and leaves a Mr. Noisy shaped hole in it. The bats chase after Mr. Noisy)

Bats: (shriek)

(Mr. Bounce pops out of the vacuum)

Mr. Bounce: Bye!

(Little Miss Scary takes her mask off)

Miss Scary: I always come downstairs to scare salesman! (laughs)

(A bat lands on Little Miss Scary's arm)

Miss Scary (in a baby voice): Don't I, my scary poppets!

(Little Miss Scary starts kissing her bat as the scene transitions outside Little Miss Scary's house for a wide shot (now showing the Mr. Noisy shaped hole in the door)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Aw!!

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Helpful have given up on getting the hot air balloon into the air. Mr. Rude then farts thinking that Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil wouldn't notice)

Mr. Rude: (grunts)

(Not surprisingly, the two Little Misses do notices and reprimand Mr. Rude inaudibly. However, the hot air that Mr. Rude has produced causes the balloon to rise. Mr. Rude continues to fart as Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil celebrate that they are now up in the air. The scene then transitions to the cat at the beginning of the episode climbing down from the tree into Little Miss Helpful's arms)

Narrator: Our day of ups and downs draws to a close!

(Mr. Bump, who has his left leg in a cast and two plasters on his head, hobbles over to Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: To the good people of Dillydale...

(Mr. Bounce bounces passed Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful and gives one final bounce up into the air where the viewers see both the sun going down and Little Miss Daredevil parachuting down off a building)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Narrator: This one ends with the sun going down!

(Mr. Bounce is heard splashing into a duck pond offscreen)

Ducks (offscreen): (quacking)

Narrator: Except for those...

(A hot air balloon already carrying Mr. Rude and Little Miss Helpful picks up Little Miss Daredevil)

Narrator: Who find someway to stay up!

(Mr. Rude farts to keep the balloon in the air)

Miss Helpful and Miss Daredevil: MR. RUDE!!!

(Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil wave goodbye to the viewers as the balloon flies into the sunset and the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(Static appears on the screen before cutting to the "a word from Mr. Tickle" screen. Then the scene transitions to Mr. Tickle, wearing a lift operator hat, outside a building)

Mr. Tickle: Hey there, friends! Are you tired of the same old, predictable lift rides?

(The camera moves up and down to reply with a "yes")

Mr. Tickle: Then join me! Mr. Tickle!

(The camera zooms out to show a building with six lifts going up and down)

Mr. Tickle: For a lift ride you'll never forget!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle poking his head out from inside one of his lifts to ask Little Miss Chatterbox a question)

Mr. Tickle: What floor, Miss Chatterbox?

(Little Miss Chatterbox walks to the lift)

Miss Chatterbox: Floor seven, please! I guess that means that I'm going up!

(Little Miss Chatterbox enters the lift)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the lift): That's the best part about lifts!

(Mr. Tickle peeks out of the lift with his arms in the air and fingers wiggling. He gives the viewers a wink before going back inside)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the lift): They go up and down, down and up!

(The lift goes up to the seventh floor)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the lift): But never sideways. Hmmm...I wonder why no one has ever invented a lift that goes sideways?

(The lift door opens to reveal Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: (laughs)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh!! That tickles! (laughs)

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox moves to the top right corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Happy in the same scenario. The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Happy moves to the top left corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Helpful in the same scenario)

Mr. Tickle (voiceover): No matter what floor you want...

Miss Chatterbox: (laughs)

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Helpful moves to the bottom right corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Scatterbrain in the same scenario)

Mr. Tickle (voiceover): One thing's for certain!

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox moves to the bottom left corner. Then, Mr. Tickle's face pops up in the middle)

Mr. Tickle: You'll leave this particular lift with a smile!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Scatterbrain: You know, that really was as fun as a barrel full of donkeys! (laughs)

(A pink monkey pops up in Mr. Scatterbrain's place)

Monkey: (chatters)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): Or monkeys even!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle poking his head out from inside one of his lifts to talk to the viewers)

Mr. Tickle: So, if you need a good tickle to improve your mood...

(Mr. Grumpy walks to the lift)

Mr. Grumpy: Going down! Second floor! Make it snappy!

(Mr. Grumpy enters the lift. The scene cuts to the lift reaching the second floor. The doors open up to reveal that Mr. Grumpy tied Mr. Tickle's arms into a knot)

Mr. Grumpy: Ahem!

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Tickle: Come on down to Mr. Tickle's Lift!

(Mr. Tickle unties his arms)

Mr. Tickle: Where almost every ride is sure to get you a tickle!

(The screen fades to black)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big orange screen comes up with "Up and Down" written on it with Mr. Bounce bouncing up and down, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of something falling and bouncing up and down are heard)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(The episode begins with Mr. Bounce walking down the street)

Narrator: In Dillydale, like anywhere else...

(Mr. Bounce starts bouncing)

Narrator: Things are either up...

(Mr. Bounce bounces high)

Narrator: Or they're down!

(Mr. Bounce lands on the ground offscreen and car horns are heard offscreen as well)

Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Hello!

(The shown is shown rising and Little Miss Daredevil is on top of a nearby building)

Narrator: The sun is coming up and Miss Daredevil is going down!

(Little Miss Daredevil jumps off the building and deploys a parachute after falling about halfway. The camera pans to Mr. Tall, who is holding a can of fizzy pop)

Narrator: Mr. Tall is way up high.

(Mr. Tall accidentally spills some fizzy pop onto Mr. Small but he shields himself with an umbrella)

Narrator: While Mr. Small is far down below!

(Mr. Tall and Mr. Small walk passed Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful, who are trying to get a cat out of a tree)

Narrator: Mr. Bump is up on a ladder. While Miss Helpful is down on the ground!

Mr. Bump: Uh, a little higher please.

(Little Miss Helpful cranks the ladder to raise Mr. Bump up, but accidentally cranks it the wrong way and brings him down)

Narrator: And now, he's down too!

(Little Miss Helpful tries to free Mr. Bump but the crank ends up turning the other way on its own really fast and launches Mr. Bump into the sky)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The scene transitions to Dillydale Stadium where a game of Dillyball is being held)

Crowd of fans (offscreen): (cheering)

Narrator: Over at Dillydale Stadium...

(Mr. Bump soars over the stadium)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong guiding Mr. Grumpy to the first row of the stadium. Mr. Grumpy is carrying a drink, a beanburger, and a team pendant)

Narrator: Mr. Grumpy's spirits are up because he's got great seats down by the field!

Mr. Strong: Here you go, Mr. Grumpy. Best seat in the house!

(The camera zooms out to show the entire first row)

Mr. Strong: seats! I noticed you bought the whole row.

Mr. Grumpy: Yes, I did. I always do. That way, no one can sit next to me and I can enjoy the game in peace.

Mr. Strong: Hey! Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Grumpy. Enjoy the game!

(Mr. Strong leaves and Mr. Grumpy moves into the first row)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! The warm sun, the gentle breeze, and the smell of fresh cut grass!

(Mr. Grumpy sits down in one of the seats)

Mr. Grumpy: There's nothing like sitting down by the field for a game of Dillyball. Best of all, no rowdy jokers to bother me!

(Mr. Small (who is the referee) blows the whistle and the game starts)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh good, it's starting! That's it! Kick it to the moon!

(Nacho cheese drips onto Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Messy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Noisy are revealed to be in the seats above Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Look out down below!

Mr. Noisy and Mr. Rude: (laughs)

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Messy?!

(Mr. Messy wipes the cheese goo off his head)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, for noodles' sake!

(The scene cuts up to Mr. Messy holding a nacho covered in tons of cheese that's dripping everywhere)

Mr. Messy: Sorry about that! This cheese goo is super messy!

(Mr. Messy eats the nacho and cheese squirts out of his mouth and onto the seat Mr. Grumpy was sitting in. Luckily, Mr. Grumpy dodges the cheese and sits down in the seat next to it on the right)

Mr. Grumpy: Just keep your cheese goo to yourself!

(The camera cuts back to the upper seats where Little Miss Whoops is giving three sets of dillydogs, French fries, and a drink to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Rude)

Miss Whoops: Here you go!

(The three Mr. Men hand a snack tray to each other. Mr. Rude eats his dillydog whole before getting disgusted and spits it out of his mouth)

Mr. Rude: This dillydog is disgusting!

(Mr. Rude takes the dillydog out of the bun and tosses it away. The dillydog bounces on the stairs, rolls along a gutter between the upper and lower seats, and finally lands on Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: Hey! Mr. Rude!

(The camera pans to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Get a grip of your dillydog up there!

(Mr. Rude covers his ears with the hot dog buns)

Mr. Rude: I cannot hear you.

Mr. Messy: Sorry again!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Maybe down there's not such a good place to sit!

(The dillydog falls off of Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: You ask me, the problem is up there in the cheap seats!

(Mr. Grumpy moves to a different seat in the row. A whistle is blown offscreen and the scene cuts to Mr. Small down on the field)

Mr. Small: Goal!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Okay! Now you're talking! That's some lively action!

Mr. Grumpy: 🎵Go team, go! Go team, go! Go...Dillydale!🎵

(The ground starts shaking due to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy's chanting and stomping)

Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy (offscreen): 🎵Go team, go!🎵

(The scene cuts above Mr. Grumpy to show Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy's chanting and stomping as well as shaking their drinks in the process)

Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy: 🎵Go team, go! Go...Dillydale!!🎵

(Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy accidentally toss their purple-colored drinks (likely fizzy pop) into the gutters at the highest point in the stadium)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Yeah!

(The fizzy pop sloshes through the gutters until one of the gutters breaks and sends the fizzy pop down the stairs into another set of gutters that separate the upper seats from the lower seats. Then that set of gutters breaks and almost drenches Mr. Grumpy in fizzy pop. Luckily, Mr. Grumpy moves out of the way at the last second. Unfortunately, Little Miss Whoops comes by pushing her dillydog cart and the umbrella shielding it causes the fizzy pop to be redirected onto Mr. Grumpy. Soaking Mr. Grumpy from head to toe)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Little Miss Whoops walks away and pushes her cart with her)

Mr. Grumpy: Someone is trying to ruin my good mood.

(Mr. Grumpy walks away. Up in the high seats, Mr. Messy notices that Mr. Grumpy has disappeared)

Mr. Messy: Hey! Where'd Mr. Grumpy go?

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Noisy, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll tell you what, why don't you three blockheads take my seats downstairs and I'll sit up here. That way we can all enjoy what's left of the game.

(Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Rude leave to take Mr. Grumpy's seats down below)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Much appreciated!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Rude: Just don't spill anything on me!

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

(Mr. Grumpy sits down in one of the seats)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, maybe up here, I can actually enjoy the game in peace!

(Suddenly, Mr. Grumpy gets covered in bird feces courtesy of the pigeons up in the gutters of the stadium)

Pigeons: (tweeting)

(Mr. Grumpy looks up at the pigeons before crossing his arms in defeat)

Mr. Grumpy: I hate birds!

(The scene transitions to outside the stadium)

Crowd of fans (offscreen): (cheering)

(Mr. Bump is shown being launched to the screen)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump lands on the screen)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(Mr. Bump slides down and this acts as the transition to the first bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Helpful activates the burners by pulling a cord and the balloon starts going up. A second pull of the cord accidentally causes the burner to turn away from the skirt and is given so much juice that is detaches and is launched away. This causes the balloon to fall back to the ground and the balloon to lose air and fall to the ground. Covering Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude. The screen fades to black and static appears on the screen before cutting to the "a word from Mr. Tickle" screen. Then the scene transitions to Mr. Tickle, wearing an elevator operator hat, outside a building)

Mr. Tickle: Hey there, friends! Are you tired of the same old, predictable elevator rides?

(The camera moves up and down to reply with a "yes")

Mr. Tickle: Then join me! Mr. Tickle!

(The camera zooms out to show a building with six elevators going up and down)

Mr. Tickle: For an elevator ride you'll never forget!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle poking his head out from inside one of his elevators to ask Little Miss Chatterbox a question)

Mr. Tickle: What floor, Miss Chatterbox?

(Little Miss Chatterbox walks to the elevator)

Miss Chatterbox: Floor seven, please! (chuckles) I guess that means that I'm going up! (chuckles)

(Little Miss Chatterbox enters the elevator)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the elevator): That's the best part about elevators!

(Mr. Tickle peeks out of the elevator with his arms in the air and fingers wiggling. He gives the viewers a wink before going back inside)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the elevator): They go up and down and down and up!

(The elevator goes up to the seventh floor)

Miss Chatterbox (from inside the elevator): But never sideways. Hmmm...I wonder why no one has ever invented an elevator that goes sideways?

(The elevator door opens to reveal Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: (laughs) Hey! That tickles! (laughs)

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox moves to the top right corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Happy in the same scenario)

Mr. Happy: (laughs)

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Happy moves to the top left corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Helpful in the same scenario)

Miss Helpful: (laughs)

Mr. Tickle (voiceover): No matter what floor you want...

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Helpful moves to the bottom right corner. Then the viewers see Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Scatterbrain in the same scenario)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs)

Mr. Tickle (voiceover): One thing's for certain!

(The scene of Mr. Tickle tickling Little Miss Chatterbox moves to the bottom left corner. Then, Mr. Tickle's face pops up in the middle)

Mr. Tickle: You'll leave this elevator car with a smile!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Scatterbrain: You know, that really was as fun as a barrel full of donkeys! (laughs)

(A pink monkey pops up in Mr. Scatterbrain's place)

Monkey: (chatters)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): Or monkeys even!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle poking his head out from inside one of his elevators to talk to the viewers)

Mr. Tickle: So, if you need a good tickle to improve your mood...

(Mr. Grumpy walks to the elevator)

Mr. Grumpy: Going down! Second floor! Make it snappy!

(Mr. Grumpy enters the elevator. The scene cuts to the elevator reaching the second floor. The doors open up to reveal that Mr. Grumpy tied Mr. Tickle's arms into a knot)

Mr. Grumpy: Ahem!

(Mr. Grumpy leaves)

Mr. Tickle: Come on down to Mr. Tickle's Elevator!

(Mr. Tickle unties his arms)

Mr. Tickle: Where almost every ride is sure to get you a tickle!

(The screen fades to black. The next scene begins outside of "Mr. Happy's Happy Hot Café" and shows the happy upper half of the restaurant)

Narrator: Things are upbeat upstairs at "Mr. Happy's Happy Hot Café!"

(The camera zooms out to show the expressionless lower half of the restaurant)

Narrator: But that's not the case downstairs, in the kitchen!

(The scene transitions to inside the kitchen. Mr. Rude is finishing up cooking a burnt beanburger, places it on a bun, and puts the dish into a dumbwaiter)

Mr. Rude: Pick-up! One stinking beanburger!

(The camera pans upstairs)

Mr. Happy: Thank you, Mr. Rude!

(The scene cuts downstairs)

Mr. Rude: Oh, be quiet. You talk too much.

(Mr. Rude places the beanburger inside a dumbwaiter, pushes a button, and sends it up to Mr. Happy. Mr. Happy takes the beanburger out of the dumbwaiter and places it on the counter. Then, Mr. Happy rings a bell to call Little Miss Magic over)

Mr. Happy: Order ready for Table Five, Miss Magic!

(Little Miss Magic enters the room on a magic cloud that disappears as soon as she gets to the counter. Little Miss Magic falls to the floor)

Miss Magic: Hello.

(Little Miss Magic sees the burnt beanburger)

Miss Magic: (gasp) Oh, Mr. Happy! I cannot serve the customer this! It's burnt to a crisp!

(Mr. Happy grabs the plate)

Mr. Happy: Uh, (chuckles nervously), Mr. Rude! (chuckles nervously) Miss Magic doesn't think the customer will want this wonderfully burnt brick of a beanburger.

(Mr. Happy sends the dish back down. Downstairs, Mr. Rude is shown reading a newspaper when the dumbwaiter door opens)

Mr. Rude: Too bad! I am not making another!

(Mr. Rude sends the beanburger back up)

Mr. Happy: (laughs)

(Mr. Happy takes the beanburger out of the dumbwaiter and places it on the counter)

Mr. Happy: You heard him, Miss Magic!

(Little Miss Magic gets an idea and walks a few feet away from the counter)

Miss Magic: Oh! I'll fix it myself, then!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Bibble-dee-boo and bibble-dee-beal, make these burnt beans a proper meal!

(Little Miss Magic turns the burnt beanburger into a pineapple)

Mr. Happy: Fantastic! But that's not a burger!

Miss Magic: Aye!

(A devious face forms on the pineapple as Little Miss Magic takes it)

Miss Magic: But who wouldn't want a magic pineapple of their very own?

(Little Miss Magic leaves with the magic pineapple. The pineapple starts chomping as Little Miss Magic carries it to the dining room. Most likely to Mr. Bump as he is heard screaming after Little Miss Magic exists the kitchen)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screams)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Happy over at the dumbwaiter with some dirty dishes inside)

Mr. Happy: Oh, Mr. Rude! I'm sending down a pile of plates that need washing!

(Mr. Happy sends down the dirty dishes but nobody is in the kitchen downstairs to reply)

Mr. Happy (over the speaker): Mr. Rude?

(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Rude is outside on a lawn chair sunbathing)

Mr. Rude: Tell the customers if they want clean dishes, they can wash them themselves!

(Mr. Happy opens the upstairs window and call out to Mr. Rude)

Mr. Happy: Wonderful idea! But we're very busy with customers up here! I'm sure you'd love to help out!

(Mr. Rude takes off his sunglass and puts on his chef toque)

Mr. Rude: I am the chef!

(Mr. Rude blows a raspberry)

Mr. Happy: But someone is supposed to be doing the dishes!

Mr. Rude: Tell it to Mr. Messy! That's his job.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy washing dishes in the kitchen. Mr. Messy finishes washing a plate, but Mr. Messy being Mr. Messy is not happy with this. He uses a slice of pizza to dry a plate and cheese and sauce stain the plate. Mr. Messy puts the plate on the "clean" plate pile as Mr. Rude walks by)

Mr. Rude: (burps)

Mr. Messy: MR. RUDE!!!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Rude sends the dirty dishes back up in the dumbwaiter. The dishes fall out of the dumbwaiter and shatter onto the floor)

Miss Magic: Ugh! What a disaster!

(Little Miss Magic takes out her magic wand again)

Miss Magic: Alright!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Blibble-dee-blaut and blibble-dee-blean, make this mess nice and clean!

(Little Miss Magic manages to use her magic to remove the dirt and fix the dishes but she also gives the dishes wings)

Dishes: (cawing like seagulls)

(The dishes fly out the window and Mr. Happy struggles to keep his smile)

Miss Magic: (chuckles) Sometimes my magic surprises even me! By the way, Table Six needs a side of mashed potatoes.

(Little Miss Magic leaves)

Mr. Happy: Oh...Mr. Rude! One order of mashed potatoes, please!

(Mr. Rude is shown getting a massage from Mr. Strong)

Mr. Rude: (sighs) I don't feel like it!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: I said, "please!"

(Mr. Rude sends something up in the dumbwaiter)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): Ugh! Here!

(The dumbwaiter doors open to reveal a raw potato)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): Now leave me alone!

Mr. Happy: Why, that's just a raw potato, Mr. Rude! The customer wants it cooked and mashed!

(Mr. Happy sends the potato back down. A squishing sound is heard over the speakers)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): There!

(The dumbwaiter doors open to reveal that the potato has been squished)

Mr. Rude (over the speaker): I sat on it!

(Mr. Happy struggles to keep himself from breaking down under the stress)

Mr. Happy: Oh-ho-ho! That's disgusting, Mr. Rude!

(Mr. Happy sends back the squished potato and Mr. Rude gets an idea)

Mr. Rude: I'll show you disgusting!

(Mr. Rude sends Mr. Messy up in the dumbwaiter. Mr. Messy has been made into a sandwich)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! I've never been somebody's lunch before!

(Mr. Happy sends Mr. Messy back down in disgust. Little Miss Magic returns and Mr. Happy puts of a fake smile)

Miss Magic: All right! Maybe what Mr. Rude needs is some extra workers down there.

(Little Miss Magic walks a few feet away from Mr. Happy and Mr. Happy is trying to tell her silently not to use anymore magic. Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand)

Miss Magic: Blibble-dee-bee and blibble-dee-blelp, give Mr. Rude a whole bunch of help!

(Little Miss Magic shoots some magic out of her magic wand. Mr. Happy avoids getting hit and the magic enters the dumbwaiter. The dumbwaiter goes downstairs and the magic hits Mr. Messy (who was eating a sandwich). The ground shakes and the dumbwaiter is shown to have gone up. A magic cloud is shown inside. Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy look inside only for an unexpected surprise to come out and bury the two. Thousands of tiny Mr. Messys come pouring out of the dumbwaiter ready to help out)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic pop out of the pile of tiny Mr. Messy's in shock.)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(A group of tiny Mr. Messys prepare to serve the guests and head into the dining room)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy's table in the dining room. Surprisingly, the tiny Mr. Messys give Mr. Fussy 5-star service and serve him the best lunch he's ever had. One ties a napkin around Mr. Fussy's neck, two serve Mr. Fussy his lunch and drink, two more bring a basket of bread and dessert, one brings a bouquet of flowers, another brings a dish of butter and a knife, one more brings a salad, and the last one brings a beanburger)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Uh...thank you! I have never had such marvelous service!

(Mr. Fussy tries his lunch)

Mr. Fussy: Delicious! My compliments to the chef!

(The scene cuts to the main room that is still full of tiny Mr. Messys)

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

(The dumbwaiter opens up to reveal Mr. Rude inside it)

Mr. Rude: Keep you compliments to yourself!

(One of the tiny Mr. Messys walks to the dumbwaiter, pushes the down button and sends Mr. Rude further down to the kitchen)

Mr. Rude: Ooh!

Tiny Mr. Messys: Shazam! Shazam! Shaza-

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Daredevil does a handstand and tries to use her rocket boots as a replacement burner. This works for a moment. But because Little Miss Daredevil's rocket boots are meant to push her up, she ends up bringing the hot air balloon into the ground. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude pop up from the ground in a daze before the balloon loses all of its air and falls on top of them again. The scene then transitions to two bats doing a brief dance before flying towards Little Miss Scary's mansion)

Bats: (clicking)

Narrator: Down on the spooky side of town...

(Mr. Noisy is shown walking over to Little Miss Scary's house holding a vacuum)

Narrator: Mr. Noisy is about to find out...

(The scene cuts inside Little Miss Scary's mansion. Mr. Noisy rings the doorbell from outside)

Narrator: What's up at Miss Scary's mansion!

(Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs to the door)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce opens the door to find Mr. Noisy outside)

Mr. Bounce: You rang, Mr. Noisy?

Mr. Noisy: Hello, Mr. Bounce! Is Miss Scary home? I happen to be going door-to-door with an incredible offer!

(Mr. Noisy walks inside)

Mr. Bounce: Yes. But, she's unfortunately busy upstairs.

(Mr. Bounce closes the door)

Mr. Bounce: Feeding her bats.

Mr. Noisy: Well, perhaps she could come down for-

(Mr. Bounce cuts him off)

Mr. Bounce: And then they must be washed and hung to dry!

Mr. Noisy: Of course! But-

Miss Scary (offscreen): Who is it, down there?

(Mr. Noisy and Mr. Bounce look upstairs)

Mr. Bounce: One minute!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Up we go! Boing! Whee!

Miss Scary (offscreen): Well, who is it?

(Mr. Noisy tries to listen in on the conversation but doesn't hear anything)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Well what's he want?

(Mr. Noisy tries to explain what he's doing but is stopped when Mr. Bounce bounces back downstairs)

Mr. Bounce: Down we go! Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: What is it you want?

(Mr. Noisy points to the vacuum)

Mr. Noisy: I'm going door-to-door, selling-

(Mr. Bounce cuts him off)

Mr. Bounce: Door? One moment!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs again. Mr. Noisy starts getting annoyed)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Up the stairs! Whee!

(Mr. Noisy tries to listen in on the conversation but doesn't hear anything. So, he tries to present the vacuum hoping Little Miss Scary will understand Mr. Bounce's message)

Miss Scary (offscreen): What!?

(Mr. Noisy frowns in frustration)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Why would I want a door? This place is loaded with doors! Tell him "no thanks!"

(A door is heard closing upstairs. Then, Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs again)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Boing! Down the stairs again! Boing! Bo-

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: Thank you. But she does not need a door.

Mr. Noisy: No! No! I'm going door-to-door...

(Mr. Noisy shows Mr. Bounce the vacuum)

Mr. Noisy: Selling this vacuum!

Mr. Bounce: Vacuum?

Mr. Noisy: Yes!!

Mr. Bounce: Got it!

(Mr. Bounce bounces up the stairs for the third time)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Whee! What a day I'm having! Up the stairs! Up the stairs!

(Mr. Bounce is heard entering the room Little Miss Scary is in offscreen)

Miss Scary (offscreen): What'd he say?

(Mr. Noisy smiles confidently)

Miss Scary (offscreen): He what!?

(Mr. Noisy frowns and hits himself in the face in frustration)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Is he saying my house is dirty?

(Mr. Noisy thinks for a moment and gets an idea)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Tell him to go vacuum his own house!

(Mr. Noisy steps back as Mr. Bounce bounces down the stairs for the third time)

Mr. Bounce: Down we go! Boing Boing!

(Mr. Bounce lands in front of Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Bounce: She says-

(Mr. Noisy cuts Mr. Bounce off)

Mr. Noisy: I don't want to vacuum her house, I want to sell her a vacuum!

(Mr. Noisy gestures to the vacuum, which is now on the floor)

Mr. Noisy: And what's more, she doesn't have to come downstairs! Because "Mr. Noisy's Super Noisy Vacuum Cleaner..."

(Mr. Noisy pushes a button on the vacuum and it expands in size)

Mr. Noisy: Can be heard in every part of the house!

(Mr. Noisy activates the vacuum with a pull of a lever. Mr. Bounce is sucked into the vacuum along with pictures of black cats and bats that are hung up on the walls, Little Miss Scary's telephone, two desks, an umbrella holder and two umbrellas, a chair, Little Miss Scary's Terrifying Train Set, and two spiders. Not surprisingly, this creates tons of noise that Little Miss Scary hears from upstairs)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Hey!

Bats (offscreen): (clicking)

(Mr. Noisy turns off the vacuum)

Miss Scary (offscreen): You're scaring my bats! What's all the racket down there!?

Mr. Noisy: That, Miss Scary, was "Mr. Noisy's Super Noisy Vacuum Cleaner!" The noisiest vacuum cleaner you can buy! I'm here to sell you this fine product!

(Mr. Noisy gives a big smile)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Well, why didn't anybody say so?

(The scene cuts to a dumbfounded Mr. Noisy)

Miss Scary (offscreen): I always come downstairs for salesman!

(Little Miss Scary slides down the staircase's handrail wearing one of her scary masks with bats flying next to her)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

Mr. Noisy: (screams)

(Mr. Noisy runs through the door and leaves a Mr. Noisy shaped hole in it. The bats chase after Mr. Noisy. The bats chase after Mr. Noisy)

Bats: (shriek)

(Mr. Bounce pops out of the vacuum)

Mr. Bounce: Bye!

(Little Miss Scary takes her mask off)

Miss Scary: I always come downstairs to scare salesman! (laughs and snorts)

(A bat lands on Little Miss Scary's arm)

Miss Scary (in a baby voice): Don't I, my wittle baby!

(Little Miss Scary starts kissing her bat as the scene transitions outside Little Miss Scary's house for a wide shot (now showing the Mr. Noisy shaped hole in the door)

Miss Scary (offscreen): (laughs and snorts)

(The scene fades to the next bumper. Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Rude are shown in a hot air balloon. Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Helpful have given up on getting the hot air balloon into the air. Mr. Rude then farts thinking that Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil wouldn't notice. Not surprisingly, the two Little Misses do notices and reprimand Mr. Rude inaudibly. However, the hot air that Mr. Rude has produced causes the balloon to rise. Mr. Rude continues to fart as Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil celebrate that they are now up in the air. The scene then transitions to the cat at the beginning of the episode climbing down from the tree into Little Miss Helpful's arms)

Narrator: Our day of ups and downs draws to a close!

(Mr. Bump, who has his left leg in a cast and two plasters on his head, hobbles over to Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: For the good people of Dillydale...

(Mr. Bounce bounces passed Mr. Bump and Little Miss Helpful and gives one final bounce up into the air where the viewers see both the sun going down and Little Miss Daredevil parachuting down off a building)

Narrator: This one ends with the sun going down!

(Mr. Bounce is heard splashing into a duck pond offscreen)

Ducks (offscreen): (quacking)

Narrator: Except for those...

(A hot air balloon already carrying Mr. Rude and Little Miss Helpful picks up Little Miss Daredevil)

Narrator: Who find someway to stay up!

(Mr. Rude farts to keep the balloon in the air)

Miss Helpful and Miss Daredevil: MR. RUDE!!!

(Little Miss Helpful and Little Miss Daredevil wave goodbye to the viewers as the balloon flies into the sunset and the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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