Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Wildlife." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Car Wash" Next: "Dillydale Day"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big orange screen comes up with "Wildlife" written on it, an owl, a squirrel, a branch with a few pinecones hanging on it, and who created the episode underneath)

Birds (offscreen): (chirping)

Bear (offscreen): (bellows)

(The episode begins with Mr. Noisy seeing Little Miss Daredevil sitting on an elephant)

Elephant: (trumpets)

Narrator: To the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(The camera pans to the right to show Mr. Scatterbrain dancing with a snake)

Narrator: There is no greater thrill...

(The camera continues moving towards the right to show Little Miss Whoops looking at a rhinoceros)

Narrator: Than coming face to face with an animal in the wild.

(The camera continues panning towards the right and shows the viewers Mr. Quiet looking at a squirrel)

Narrator: We salute...

Squirrel: (chatters)

(Mr. Quiet tickles the squirrel under their chin)

Narrator: The brave people of Dillydale who seek out a closer look...

Eagle (offscreen): (shrieks)

(An eagle swoops down and picks Mr. Quiet up by their talons. The eagle flies Mr. Quiet away)

Narrator: At the Earth's most fantastic beasts!

Squirrel: (giggles)

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity putting up a "do not feed the animals" sign)

Narrator: And celebrate those who take ...

Bears (offscreen): (roaring)

(Little Miss Calamity does a take upon hearing the bears and looks up)

Narrator: Time to enjoy...

(Three bears, one purple, one blue, and one orange, are shown running towards Little Miss Calamity to give her a bear hug)

Narrator: And protect...

Miss Calamity: (screams)

(The bears trample over the "do not feed the animals" sign and push Little Miss Calamity offscreen)

Narrator: These magnificent creatures!

Miss Calamity (offscreen): What a calamity!

(The screen fades to black and the next scene begins. The scene starts by showing the viewers Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy up in a tree)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Dillydale Magazine is expecting photographs of BIRDS,

Mr. Bump: (winces)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): BIRDS,

Mr. Bump: (winces)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): AND MORE BIRDS! And so far, all we have..."

(Mr. Noisy shows Mr. Bump a picture of Mr. Bump's rear end)

Mr. Noisy: "Is a picture of your rear end!"

Mr. Bump: I would’ve moved out of the way if you would've told me you were taking a picture.

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): We need to be taking pictures of birds!!

Mr. Bump: (winces)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Where could they be!?

Mr. Bump: Maybe, I-if you didn't make so much noise...

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): That's it! My patience has run out!

Mr. Bump: (grunts and winces)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): It's time to deploy my secret weapon!

Mr. Bump: And that would be?

(Mr. Noisy takes out a panpipe)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): My Finicky flamingo panpipe.

(Mr. Noisy plays the Panpipe)

Mr. Bump: "Do you really think that-"

(A flock of 3 flamingoes appear on the tree)

Mr. Bump: "Whoa!"

(Mr. Noisy stops playing the panpipe)

Mr. Noisy: Hold that pose!

(Mr. Noisy grabs his camera)

Mr. Noisy: It's a great shot!

(The camera zooms in on the flamingos)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Say cheese!

(The flamingos fly away)

Flamingos: (squawks)

(The flamingos defecate on Mr. Bump's head)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

Mr. Noisy: One more!

(The camera cuts to the POV of Mr. Noisy's camera)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): You weren't smiling!

(Mr. Bump gives Mr. Noisy a stern glare as the latter takes another photo)

Mr. Bump: Hmmm!

(A map unrolls across the screen showing Mr. Bump, Mr. Noisy, a trail, a flamingo, a buffalo, and an alligator. The map rolls back up and Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown hiking on the African plains)

Mr. Noisy: I also promised the magazine a picture of the Great Caped Buffalo!

Mr. Bump: Really? Uh, I mean they're awfully big. Are you sure the magazine wouldn't be just as happy with that picture of a...gerbil?

(Mr. Noisy turns to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): No way!

Mr. Bump: (winces)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): If it's a buffalo they want, it's a buffalo they will get! With my other secret weapon...

Mr. Bump: Oh no!

(Mr. Noisy takes out a set of bagpipe)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): My two-toned bamboo buffalo bagpipes!!

(Mr. Bump covers his ears as Mr. Noisy starts playing the bagpipes)

Mr. Bump: (winces) Oh!

(Mr. Bump notices that nothing has happened)

Mr. Bump: Oh well! (chuckles) Too bad! Doesn't work!

(The camera zooms out to show a Great Caped Buffalo behind Mr. Bump)

Buffalo: (grunts)

(The buffalo sits down on Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is squished by the buffalo's rear)

Mr. Bump (from under the buffalo): Oh!

(Mr. Noisy stops playin the bagpipes and takes out his camera)

Mr. Noisy: Another great shot! Say cheese!

Mr. Bump (from underneath the buffalo): I... can't!

Mr. Noisy: I was talking to the buffalo.

(The map unrolls across the screen showing Mr. Bump, Mr. Noisy, a trail, a flamingo, a buffalo, and an alligator. The map rolls back up and Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown trudging through some Florida marshes)

Mr. Noisy: And now to get a picture of the rare Great White Alligator!

(Mr. Bump stops trudging upon hearing the word "Alligator")

Mr. Bump: Alligator!? You didn't tell me we were looking for an alligator!

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Not just any alligator, the Great White Alligator!

(Mr. Noisy lowers his megaphone)

Mr. Noisy: It looks like I'll have to rely on my secret, secret weapon!!

Mr. Bump (very nervously): Oh no!

(Mr. Noisy takes out a flute-like whistle)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): An all-aluminum alligator whistle!

(Mr. Noisy starts playing the whistle. The Great White Alligator surfaces from underneath Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump ends up sitting on top of the alligator's snout)

Mr. Bump: Wah!

(Mr. Noisy, who is playing the whistle with his eyes closed, does not see the alligator)

Mr. Bump: Uh, Mr. Noisy?

(Mr. Noisy continues playing the whistle)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Mr. Noisy?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: MR. NOISY!! WOAH!!

(The alligator tosses Mr. Bump off their snout and eats Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump (from inside the alligator): Oh, poopity-

(The alligator spits Mr. Bump out)

Mr. Bump: POOP!!!!

(The alligator dives back underwater. Mr. Noisy stops playing the whistle)

Mr. Noisy: Well, Bump, I don't think we're gonna be seeing any alligators today.

(Mr. Noisy realizes that Mr. Bump is no longer there)

Mr. Noisy: Mr. Bump?

(A notebook appears, then a drop of orange paint is dropped onto the page and outlined to create Mr. Small. A magnifying glass shows him close-up and he tips his hat. The notebook goes away and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown wearing a safari hat and is setting up a tent. Once he finishes, Mr. Quiet looks at his tent proudly. Suddenly, an elephant gallops into the frame and tramples Mr. Quiet's tent. Mr. Rude walks on screen from the right, sits down and changes the segment like it were a TV channel happens. The next scene shows an unknown somebody watching TV. On the TV screen, a fish leaps across the screen and splashes into the water. Then, Little Miss Scary pops up)

Miss Scary: Tune in and join me for a special edition of Trout Tuesday! Here, on the Dillydale Channel!

(The channel changes to Mr. Nervous exploring his attic)

Mr. Nervous (on the TV): I'm Mr. Nervous and today we're going to talk about things in your attic that you should really fear.

(Mr. Nervous takes out a teddy bear from an old chest which squeaks when grabbed)

Teddy Bear: (squeaks)

(Mr. Nervous jumps up in terror)

Mr. Nervous (on the TV): (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away. The channel changes to the Dillydale Home Shopping channel. Little Miss Sunshine is advertising pink fuzzy slippers)

Miss Sunshine (on the TV): These fuzzy slippers made from genuine pink sheep...

(Little Miss Calamity is revealed to be the one watching TV)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen on the TV): Will make wearing slippers twice as much fun as it already is!

Miss Calamity: Oh, those are adorable!

(Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone and dials the number)

Miss Calamity: I really must have them.

(A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Dillydale Home Shopping! This is Mr. Scatterbrain. How may I give you excellent service today?

Miss Calamity: This is Miss Calamity. I'd like to order the pink fuzzy slippers I see on the TV right now

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, abso-positi-lutely.

Miss Calamity: Now, do they have the non-slip rubber soles?

Mr. Scatterbrain: What's that?

Miss Calamity: The slippers.

Mr. Scatterbrain: What slippers?

Miss Calamity: The ones on the television.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, why do you need to buy slippers if there's a pair on your television set?

Miss Calamity: No. I'd like to buy the pair being advertised on your show right now?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! (chuckles) Well why didn't you say so? Thank you for using Dillydale Home Shopping.

(Mr. Scatterbrain pushes a button on his keyboard and the split screen goes away. Little Miss Calamity hangs up the phone. The doorbell rings. Little Miss Calamity answers the door and finds Mr. Grumpy delivering a huge package from Dillydale Home Shopping. Mr. Grumpy is wearing a hat representing Dillydale Home Shopping)

Mr. Grumpy: Delivery from Dillydale Home Shopping.

Miss Calamity: That's an awfully big box for fuzzy slippers.

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm? Yes. That's why we use it for monkeys.

(The monkeys inside the box break out from the top)

Monkeys (from inside the box): (screeching)

Miss Calamity: Oh dear! I didn't order a pair of monkeys.

(The monkeys move around inside the box)

Monkeys (from inside the box): (screeching)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, I'm not talking them back. You should see what they did to my truck. Goodbye.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves, slamming the door behind him. Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone and dials the number for Dillydale Home Shopping. A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Dillydale Home Shopping!

Monkeys: (screeching)

(The monkeys chase each other out of the frame)

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mr. Scatterbrain. How may I give you...

(One of the monkeys throws a plate like a frisbee. Little Miss Calamity ducks and the plate crashes and breaks offscreen)

Miss Calamity: Ooh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Excellent service today?

Miss Calamity: Well there seems to be a mistake. I ordered pink slippers, and you sent monkeys!

(The monkeys appear next to Little Miss Calamity)

Monkeys: (chattering)

Mr. Scatterbrain: That's funny. The zoo just called to say they got a pair of fuzzy slippers. I wonder what happened. We'll have a new pair of slippers sent right out to you. Thank you for using Dillydale Home Shopping.

(The split screen goes away. The doorbell rings and Little Miss Calamity answers the door. Mr. Grumpy is there holding a lizard by their tail)

Mr. Grumpy: Here's the angry lizard you ordered.

(Little Miss Calamity becomes troubled over the sight of a lizard)

Lizard: (hisses)

(The lizard flicks their tongue out and then climbs on top of Little Miss Calamity's head)

Miss Calamity: Oh dear. I don't like lizards.

Mr. Grumpy: Neither do I.

(Mr. Grumpy closes the door. The lizard notices the two monkeys and attacks them)

Lizard: (hisses)

Monkeys: (chatters)

Miss Calamity: Oh! Leave my monkeys alone!

(The doorbell rings and Little Miss Calamity answers the door. She is shocked to see Mr. Grumpy return with two purple tigers)

Miss Calamity: Tigers? I didn’t order those!

Tigers: (growls)

Mr. Grumpy: This is getting tedious.

(The tigers leap into the house)

Tigers: (growls)

Miss Calamity: What a calamity!

(Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone. A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mr. Scatterbrain.

Miss Calamity: Now there are tigers...

Tigers (offscreen): (growls)

Miss Calamity: Chasing my lizard

Lizard (offscreen): (clicks)

Miss Calamity: Who's chasing my monkeys

Monkeys (offscreen): (shrieks)

Miss Calamity: And no one's getting along. And all I wanted was a pair of...

(The split screen goes away and the camera zooms in on Little Miss Calamity)

Tigers (offscreen): (growls)


(The scene cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain typing on his keyboard)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh my! Well, I will take care of this personally!

(Little Miss Calamity opens the door. Mr. Scatterbrain arrives at Little Miss Calamity's house with a large box)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Alright! Everyone...

(The monkeys, tigers, and angry lizard stop in their tracks)

Tigers (overlap): (growls)

Monkeys (overlap): (chatter)

Lizard (overlap): (clicks)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen and overlap): BACK IN THE BOX!!

(The tigers, monkeys, and angry lizard head back into the box)

Tigers (overlap): (growls)

Monkeys (overlap): (chatter)

Lizard (overlap): (clicks)

(Mr. Scatterbrain closes the box)

Mr. Scatterbrain: And here...are the slippers you ordered.

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Little Miss Calamity the fuzzy pink slippers)

Miss Calamity: They're lovely!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Along with these Pygmy Fruit Bats!

(Pygmy Fruit Bats fly out of the shoe box and chase Miss Calamity away)

Miss Calamity: No!

(Little Miss Calamity pushes Mr. Scatterbrain and the box full of animals outside, slams the door shut, and runs away from the bats. A notebook appears, then a pink marker draws Mr. Messy's scribble. Mr. Messy completes himself and eats a slice of pizza. The scene cuts to the next bumper. Mr. Quiet (who is wearing a safari hat) is shown standing by his tent. An elephant starts charging towards the tent, but Mr. Quiet stops them by pulling out a stop sign. The elephant stops charging. Nothing happens for a moment. Then the elephant sucks up the tent with their trunk and runs away. Leaving behind a very annoyed Mr. Quiet. The next scene takes place in the Dillydale Woods)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): There is definitely a sandwich thief in this forest!

(Park Rangers Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Lazy are with concerned campers Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Bounce)

Miss Chatterbox: At first, I thought maybe I forgot to pack a sandwich. But I remember making the egg salad. I don't like the smell of boiled eggs, do you? Anyway, when we woke up, we realized someone had stolen our food.

Miss Helpful: Not just anyone, Miss Chatterbox!

(The camera zooms out to reveal bear prints in the dirt)

Miss Helpful: Those are bear prints!

(Mr. Bounce nearly jumps in shock)

Mr. Bounce: Bear!? Ooh! Ooh! Bears are very bad!

Miss Helpful: Oh, don't you worry, Mr. Bounce. We'll set up a trap and cart that big old bear away.

Mr. Lazy: Set up a trap? Sounds like a lot of work.

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy, we are park rangers. This is part of our job, like emptying rubbish bins.

Mr. Lazy: Are we supposed to do that too?

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy wearing a bear costume without the head)

Mr. Lazy: This is a pretty manky bear costume.

(Little Miss Helpful puts the head of the bear costume over Mr. Lazy's head, making him look just like a bear)

Miss Helpful: Don't you worry! You'll be very attractive to other bears. Now you can't attract just any bear. We need to attract a sandwich-loving bear. That's why I baited the trees.

(The camera cuts over to a tree with sandwiches tied to the branches. Then the camera cuts back over to Mr. Lazy (inside the bear costume) and Little Miss Helpful)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): Can I have one of those?

Miss Helpful: After we catch the bear!

(Little Miss Helpful takes out a walkie-talkie)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): This job keeps getting harder and harder.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit) asleep under the sandwich tree)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

(Mr. Bounce and Little Miss Chatterbox pop up from behind a nearby bush)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh my gosh! Look over there!

Mr. Bounce: Oh. Let's get out of here before we become the sandwich.

(Mr. Bounce and Little Miss Chatterbox run away)

Miss Chatterbox: (yelps)

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out her cellphone and calls Little Miss Helpful as she and Mr. Bounce run)

Miss Chatterbox: Miss Helpful It's Miss Chatterbox. You are never going to guess what we saw back in our campsite! Besides trees. Because there are lots of trees everywhere. But I bet you could guess that. (breathes heavily) But I bet you wouldn't bet that the bear is back!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit) asleep under the tree)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

(The real bear Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Bounce encountered that ate their sandwiches appears next to Mr. Lazy)

Bear: (sniffs)

(Mr. Lazy wakes up, turns his head, and sees the bear)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (gasps)

(Mr. Lazy jumps up in fear)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (screams)

(Mr. Lazy runs away. The bear looks at the viewers. The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful driving a park ranger truck in the woods. Little Miss Helpful is calling Mr. Lazy on her walkie talkie)

Miss Helpful: Come in, Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy?

(Little Miss Helpful comes to a conclusion to why Mr. Lazy isn't answering)

Miss Helpful: Oh, I'll bet he's asleep again.

(Little Miss Helpful sees something)

Miss Helpful: (gasps)

(Little Miss Helpful stops the truck)

Miss Helpful: There he is!

(Little Miss Helpful walks to the sandwich tree where, mistaking him for Mr. Lazy, sees the bear sleeping under the tree)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy, wake up and get in the van!

(The bear wakes up. Little Miss Helpful grabs the bear's paw and drags him to the truck)

Miss Helpful: The real bear has been spotted and we have to get him.

(The scene cuts back to the truck. The bear is already sitting in the truck. Little Miss Helpful gets into the truck and closes the door)

Miss Helpful: Alright, here's the plan. Where we find the bear, we'll put him to sleep for a little while. Relocate him deep into the woods where he won't bother anyone else. Got it?

(The bear blinks)

Miss Helpful: Good.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy (still in the bear costume) running to a small cave and hiding his head into it. Little Miss Helpful and the bear show up in the truck)

Miss Helpful: There's the bear!

(Little Miss Helpful stops the truck and approaches the quaking Mr. Lazy. Little Miss Helpful takes out a syringe and injects it into Mr. Lazy's behind)

Miss Helpful: There.

Mr. Lazy (offscreen in the bear suit): Oh!

Miss Helpful: That'll put him to sleep.

(Little Miss Helpful removes the syringe from Mr. Lazy's behind)

Mr. Lazy (offscreen in the bear suit): (snoring)

Miss Helpful: Do you mind giving me a hand with the bear.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful and the bear relocating Mr. Lazy to a different spot in the woods)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy. One of us should probably stay to make sure the bear's okay.

(The bear sits down and hugs Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

Miss Helpful: That's the spirit. Maybe I've been wrong about you Mr. Lazy.

(Little Miss Helpful leaves and the bear starts caressing Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (yawns)

(Mr. Lazy takes off the bear costume head)

Mr. Lazy: Great nap.

(The bear jumps up in fear)

Bear: (screams)

(The bear runs away. Mr. Lazy is shown with a sandwich)

Mr. Lazy: Again, a problem's been solved by my quick thinking. Oh this job's exhausting.

(Mr. Lazy takes a bite out of the sandwich)

Mr. Lazy: (gulps)

(The screen iris' out. The next bumper plays Mr. Quiet (who is wearing a safari hat) is shown standing by his tent. Mr. Quiet looks around to see or hear if anything is coming. Just as Mr. Quiet thinks nothing is near, an elephant sticks their trunk out from inside the tent and sucks up Mr. Quiet from behind. Safari hat and all. The elephant, still wearing the tent, gets up and scampers away. The bear from the previous scene is then seen driving the park ranger truck towards the left side of the screen. Exhaust pours out from the truck and covers the screen. When the exhaust clears, the next scene begins. It is late at night over at Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's duplex. Outside, Mr. Pernickety is with Mr. Messy, the latter being by his partially opened trash cans. The trash cans are overflowing with trash)

Mr. Pernickety: Uh, Mr. Messy. You might want to put those bin lids on properly. I've heard reports of a skunk in the area.

Mr. Messy: Aah. There's nothing like the stink of skunk.

Mr. Pernickety: I find it repulsive. So please, do make certain your rubbish is secure.

(Mr. Pernickety leaves. The scene transitions to sometime later that evening. Mr. Pernickety is asleep in his bed)

Mr. Pernickety: (snoring)

(The sound of rustling is heard from outside. Mr. Pernickety wakes up to the sound)

Mr. Pernickety: I knew it! That sound can only mean skunks have found their way into Mr. Messy's rubbish.

(The scene transitions to a shadowed figure digging in Mr. Messy's garbage. Mr. Persnickety arrives shining a torch)

Mr. Pernickety: Shoo, you repulsive animal. Shoo!

(The light shines on the figure. The figure is revealed to be Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is holding a garbage lid that's carrying trash)

Mr. Messy: Hi there, Mr. P!

Mr. Pernickety: What are you doing out here? It's 3 o clock in the morning!

Mr. Messy: I just remembered!

(Mr. Messy digs in his trash can and pulls out a chicken wing)

Mr. Messy: I accidentally threw away a chicken wing.

(Mr. Messy puts the chicken wing on the trash lid holding the trash he wanted to save)

Mr. Pernickety: Well, clean up this mess before an army of skunks comes to make our lives miserable.

(Unbeknownst to Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy, two skunks sneak into Mr. Pernickety's house through the door he accidentally left open)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Come on, Mr. P. Skunks can be our friends.

Mr. Pernickety: No doubt in your world, but not in mine. I have a very sensitive nose.

(Mr. Messy just shrugs)

Mr. Messy: Mmm!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Pernickety's bedroom. Mr. Pernickety is walking back to his bed)

Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Messy. Such a grimy, gritty, grubby little man. (gasps)

(Mr. Pernickety sees the two skunks asleep in his bed with their tails letting out their ghastly stench. The scene cuts to outside of Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Messy's duplex)

Mr. Pernickety (from inside his house): "SKUNKS!!!!"

(Mr. Messy is shown taking a pizza crust out of the trash can)

Mr. Messy: Why did I throw away a perfectly good pizza crust?

(The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Messy digging through his trash can for stuff as skunks pass by)

Narrator: So while it's true that wildlife...

(Mr. Messy takes something out of the trash and shows it to Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary is wearing her orange cyclops mask and is in Little Miss Sunshine's carrot garden with Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Persnickety trying to scare three rabbits away)

Narrator: Occasionally makes an unexpected appearances in Dillydale,

(Mr. Quiet is shown tickling a squirrel underneath their chin)

Eagle (offscreen): (screeches)

(An eagle swoops down, grabs Mr. Quiet by their talons, and flies away)

Narrator: Most of the time...

(Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown with a Great Cape Buffalo. Mr. Noisy is playing his buffalo bagpipes with Mr. Bump covering his ears)

Narrator: These wonderful animals are where they should be...

(Mr. Bump tries to say something when the buffalo sits on Mr. Bump. Mr. Noisy stops playing the bagpipes and takes out his camera)

Narrator: In the wild!

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(The scene begins with Little Miss Sunshine showing Mr. Pernickety her carrot garden. Several carrots are shown to have been eaten from underground)

Miss Sunshine: Something has nibbled my carrots right down to the roots! I was planning to serve those tonight at my carrot party.

(Mr. Pernickety figures out the problem)

Mr. Pernickety: That looks like the work of rabbits.

Miss Sunshine: What should I do?

Mr. Pernickety: Get rid of them, of course. Uh, scare them away!

(Mr. Pernickety takes out his mobile phone and dials a number)

Mr. Pernickety: And I know just the person to do it.

(A truck soon pulls up. Little Miss Scary steps out of the truck which is revealed to be for rabbit removal. Little Miss Scary then walks over to the three rabbits eating Little Miss Sunshine's carrots)

Miss Scary: Stand back and let Miss Scary work her magic. (screams)

(The rabbits continue chewing the carrots and act as though nothing happened)

Miss Scary: So you're gonna play tough guys, are you? Show up at that party and you'll be scared out of your fuzzy bunny wits.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Sunshine's carrot party. Several rabbits have attended the party along with Mr. Strong, Mr. Messy, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Bump, Little Miss Chatterbox, and, of course, Little Miss Sunshine)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, Miss Sunshine. I just love your theme party. Rabbits, what a great idea. (giggles) I'm suddenly craving a carrot.

Miss Naughty: (giggles)

Rabbits: (chattering)

Miss Sunshine: Lucky for you, there's a whole bowl of them over on the table.

(Little Miss Scary jumps down from the ceiling wearing her purple scary mask)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

(The rabbits tremble in fear)

Miss Scary: Hey rabbits! Go find a party of your own!

(The rabbits run away and the camera cuts to the scared party guests)

Miss Chatterbox: She’s the most really frightening person I’ve ever seen in my life!

(Little Miss Sunshine's party guests run away. Little Miss Scary notices one rabbit that was left behind)

Miss Scary: That means you too!

(The rabbit runs away)

Miss Scary: Huh. That takes care of your rabbit problem!

Miss Sunshine: Now I have a party guests!

(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask and grabs a bowl of punch)

Miss Scary: Good! More fruit punch for us!

(Little Miss Scary gulps down the fruit punch)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

(The screen fades to black)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big orange screen comes up with "Wildlife" written on it, an owl, a squirrel, a branch with a few pinecones hanging on it, and who created the episode underneath)

Birds (offscreen): (chirping)

Bear (offscreen): (bellows)

(The episode begins with Mr. Noisy seeing Little Miss Daredevil sitting on an elephant)

Elephant: (trumpets)

Miss Daredevil: Ta-da!

Narrator: To the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(The camera pans to the right to show Mr. Scatterbrain dancing with a snake)

Narrator: There is no greater thrill...

(The camera continues moving towards the right to show Little Miss Whoops looking at a rhinoceros)

Narrator: Than coming face to face with an animal in the wild.

(The camera continues panning towards the right and shows the viewers Mr. Quiet looking at a squirrel)

Squirrel: (chatters)

(Mr. Quiet tickles the squirrel under their chin)

Narrator: We salute the brave people of Dillydale who seek out an up-close look...

Eagle (offscreen): (shrieks)

(An eagle swoops down and picks Mr. Quiet up by their talons. The eagle flies Mr. Quiet away)

Narrator: At the Earth's most fantastic beasts!

Squirrel: (giggles)

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity putting up a "do not feed the animals" sign)

Narrator: And celebrate those...

Bears (offscreen): (roaring)

(Little Miss Calamity does a take upon hearing the bears and looks up)

Narrator: Who take time to enjoy...

(Three bears, one purple, one blue, and one orange, are shown running towards Little Miss Calamity to give her a bear hug)

Narrator: And protect...

Miss Calamity: Woah!

Narrator: These magnificent creatures!

(The bears trample over the "do not feed the animals" sign and push Little Miss Calamity offscreen)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): What a calamity!

(The screen fades to black and the next scene begins. The scene starts by showing the viewers Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy up in a tree)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Dillydale Magazine is expecting photographs of BIRDS, BIRDS, AND MORE BIRDS! And so far, all we have..."

(Mr. Noisy shows Mr. Bump a picture of Mr. Bump's rear end)

Mr. Noisy: "Is a picture of your rear end!"

Mr. Bump: Uh, I would’ve moved out of the way if you would've told me you were taking a picture.

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): We need to be taking pictures of birds!! Where could they be!?

Mr. Bump: Maybe, If you didn't make so much noise...

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): That's it! My patience has run out!

Mr. Bump: Gah!

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): It's time for my secret weapon!

Mr. Bump: And that would be?

(Mr. Noisy takes out a panpipe)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): My Finicky flamingo panpipe.

(Mr. Noisy plays the Panpipe)

Mr. Bump: "Do you really think that-"

(A flock of 3 flamingoes appear on the tree)

Mr. Bump: "Whoa!"

(Mr. Noisy stops playing the panpipe)

Mr. Noisy: Hold that pose!

(Mr. Noisy grabs his camera)

Mr. Noisy: It's a great shot!

(The camera zooms in on the flamingos)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Say cheese!

(The flamingos fly away)

Flamingos: (squawks)

(The flamingos defecate on Mr. Bump's head)

Mr. Bump: G'oh!

Mr. Noisy: One more!

(The camera cuts to the POV of Mr. Noisy's camera)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): You weren't smiling!

(Mr. Bump gives Mr. Noisy a stern glare as the latter takes another photo. A map unrolls across the screen showing Mr. Bump, Mr. Noisy, a trail, a flamingo, a buffalo, and an alligator. The map rolls back up and Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown hiking on the African plains)

Mr. Noisy: I also promised the magazine a picture of the Great Caped Buffalo!

Mr. Bump: Really? I mean they're awfully big. Are you sure the magazine wouldn't be just as happy with that picture of a...gerbil?

(Mr. Noisy turns to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): No deal! If it's a buffalo they want, it's a buffalo they will get! With my other secret weapon...

Mr. Bump: Oh no!

(Mr. Noisy takes out a set of bagpipe)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): My two-toned bamboo buffalo bagpipe!!

(Mr. Bump covers his ears as Mr. Noisy starts playing the bagpipes)

Mr. Bump: Guh-huh!

(Mr. Bump notices that nothing has happened)

Mr. Bump: Oh well! Huh! Too bad! Doesn't work!

(The camera zooms out to show a Great Caped Buffalo behind Mr. Bump)

Buffalo: (grunts)

(The buffalo sits down on Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump is squished by the buffalo's rear)

Mr. Bump: P'ah!

(Mr. Noisy stops playin the bagpipes and takes out his camera)

Mr. Noisy: Another great shot! Say cheese!

Mr. Bump (from underneath the buffalo): I... can't!

Mr. Noisy: I was talking to the buffalo.

(The map unrolls across the screen showing Mr. Bump, Mr. Noisy, a trail, a flamingo, a buffalo, and an alligator. The map rolls back up and Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown trudging through some Florida marshes)

Mr. Noisy: And now to get a picture of the rare Great White Alligator!

(Mr. Bump stops trudging upon hearing the word "Alligator")

Mr. Bump: Alligator!? Uh, you didn't tell me we were looking for an alligator!

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Not just any alligator, the Great White Alligator!

(Mr. Noisy lowers his megaphone)

Mr. Noisy: It looks like I'll have to rely on my secret, secret weapon!!

Mr. Bump (very nervously): G'oh boy!

(Mr. Noisy takes out a flute-like whistle)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): An all-aluminum alligator whistle!

(Mr. Noisy starts playing the whistle. The Great White Alligator surfaces from underneath Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump ends up sitting on top of the alligator's snout)

Mr. Bump: Gah!

(Mr. Noisy, who is playing the whistle with his eyes closed, does not see the alligator)

Mr. Bump: D-uh, Mr. Noisy?

(Mr. Noisy continues playing the whistle)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Mr. Noisy?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: MR. NOISY!!

(The alligator tosses Mr. Bump off their snout and eats Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump (from inside the alligator): Oh, poopity-

(The alligator spits Mr. Bump out)

Mr. Bump: POOP!!!!

(The alligator dives back underwater. Mr. Noisy stops playing the whistle)

Mr. Noisy: Well, Bump, I don't think we're going to be seeing any alligators today.

(Mr. Noisy realizes that Mr. Bump is no longer there)

Mr. Noisy: Mr. Bump?

(A notebook appears, then a drop of orange paint is dropped onto the page and outlined to create Mr. Small. A magnifying glass shows him close-up and he tips his hat. The notebook goes away and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown wearing a safari hat and is setting up a tent. Once he finishes, Mr. Quiet looks at his tent proudly. Suddenly, an elephant gallops into the frame and tramples Mr. Quiet's tent. Mr. Rude walks on screen from the right, sits down and changes the segment like it were a TV channel happens. The next scene shows an unknown somebody watching TV. On the TV screen, a fish leaps across the screen and splashes into the water. Then, Little Miss Scary pops up)

Miss Scary (on the TV): Join me for a special edition of Trout Tuesday! Here, on the Dillydale Channel!

(The channel changes to Mr. Nervous exploring his attic)

Mr. Nervous (on the TV): I'm Mr. Nervous and today we're going to talk about things in your attic that you should really fear.

(Mr. Nervous takes out a teddy bear from an old chest which squeaks when grabbed)

Teddy Bear: (squeaks)

(Mr. Nervous jumps up in terror)

Mr. Nervous (on the TV): (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs away. The channel changes to the Dillydale Home Shopping channel. Little Miss Sunshine is advertising pink fuzzy slippers)

Miss Sunshine (on the TV): These fuzzy slippers made from genuine pink sheep...

(Little Miss Calamity is revealed to be the one watching TV)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen on the TV): Will make wearing slippers twice as much fun as it already is!

Miss Calamity: Oh, those are adorable!

(Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone and dials the number)

Miss Calamity: I must have them.

(A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Dillydale Home Shopping! This is Mr. Scatterbrain. How may I give you excellent service today?

Miss Calamity: This is Miss Calamity. I'd like to order the pink fuzzy slippers I see on TV right now.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, abso-positi-lutely.

Miss Calamity: Now, do they have the non-slip rubber soles?

Mr. Scatterbrain: What's that?

Miss Calamity: The slippers.

Mr. Scatterbrain: What slippers?

Miss Calamity: The ones on the television.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, why do you need to buy slippers if there's a pair on your television set?

Miss Calamity: No. I'd like to buy the pair being advertised on your show right now?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! (chuckles) Well why didn't you say so? Thank you for using Dillydale Home Shopping.

(Mr. Scatterbrain pushes a button on his keyboard and the split screen goes away. Little Miss Calamity hangs up the phone. The doorbell rings. Little Miss Calamity answers the door and finds Mr. Grumpy delivering a huge package from Dillydale Home Shopping. Mr. Grumpy is wearing a hat representing Dillydale Home Shopping)

Mr. Grumpy: Delivery from Dillydale Home Shopping.

Miss Calamity: That's an awful big box for fuzzy slippers.

Mr. Grumpy: Yes. That's why we use it for monkeys.

(The monkeys inside the box break out from the top)

Monkeys (from inside the box): (screeching)

Miss Calamity: Oh dear. I didn't order a pair of monkeys.

(The monkeys move around inside the box)

Monkeys (from inside the box): (screeching)

Mr. Grumpy: Well, I'm not talking them back. You should see what they did to my truck. Goodbye.

(Mr. Grumpy leaves, slamming the door behind him. Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone and dials the number for Dillydale Home Shopping. A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Dillydale Home Shopping!

Monkeys: (screeching)

(The monkeys chase each other out of the frame)

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mr. Scatterbrain. How may I give you excellent service today?

Miss Calamity: Oh!

(One of the monkeys throws a plate like a frisbee. Little Miss Calamity ducks and the plate crashes and breaks offscreen)

Miss Calamity: Well there seems to be a mistake. I ordered pink slippers, and you sent monkeys!

(The monkeys appear next to Little Miss Calamity)

Monkeys: (chattering)

Mr. Scatterbrain: That's funny. The zoo just called to say they got a pair of fuzzy slippers. I wonder what happened. We'll have a new pair of slippers sent right out to you. Thank you for using Dillydale Home Shopping.

(The split screen goes away. The doorbell rings and Little Miss Calamity answers the door. Mr. Grumpy is there holding a lizard by their tail)

Mr. Grumpy: Here's the angry lizard you ordered.

(Little Miss Calamity becomes troubled over the sight of a lizard)

Lizard: (hisses)

(The lizard flicks their tongue out and then climbs on top of Little Miss Calamity's head)

Miss Calamity: Oh dear. I don't like lizards.

Mr. Grumpy: Neither do I.

(Mr. Grumpy closes the door. The lizard notices the two monkeys and attacks them)

Lizard: (hisses)

Monkeys: (chatters)

Miss Calamity: Oh! Leave my monkeys be!

(The doorbell rings and Little Miss Calamity answers the door. She is shocked to see Mr. Grumpy return with two purple tigers)

Miss Calamity: TIGERS!?!

Tigers : (growls)

Miss Calamity: I didn't order those!

Mr. Grumpy: This is getting tedious.

(The tigers leap into the house)

Tigers : (growls)

Miss Calamity: What a calamity!

(Little Miss Calamity picks up the phone. A split screen forms. Little Miss Calamity is on one side and Mr. Scatterbrain, the Dillydale Home Shopping representative, is on the other side)

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mr. Scatterbrain.

Miss Calamity: Now there are tigers...

Tigers (offscreen): (growls)

Miss Calamity: Chasing my lizard

Lizard (offscreen): (clicks)

Miss Calamity: Who's chasing my monkeys

Monkeys (offscreen): (shrieks)

Miss Calamity: And no one's getting along. And all I wanted...

(The split screen goes away and the camera zooms in on Little Miss Calamity)

Tigers (offscreen): (growls)


(The scene cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain typing on his keyboard)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh my! Well, I will take care of this personally!

(Little Miss Calamity opens the door. Mr. Scatterbrain arrives at Little Miss Calamity's house with a large box)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Alright! Everyone...

(The monkeys, tigers, and angry lizard stop in their tracks)

Tigers (overlap): (growls)

Monkeys (overlap): (chatter)

Lizard (overlap): (clicks)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen and overlap): BACK IN THE BOX!!

(The tigers, monkeys, and angry lizard head back into the box)

Tigers (overlap): (growls)

Monkeys (overlap): (chatter)

Lizard (overlap): (clicks)

(Mr. Scatterbrain closes the box)

Mr. Scatterbrain: And here...are the slippers you ordered.

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Little Miss Calamity the fuzzy pink slippers)

Miss Calamity: They're lovely!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Along with these Pygmy Fruit Bats!

(Pygmy Fruit Bats fly out of the shoe box and chase Miss Calamity away)

Miss Calamity: (screams)

(Little Miss Calamity pushes Mr. Scatterbrain and the box full of animals outside, slams the door shut, and runs away from the bats)

Miss Calamity: No! Woah!

(A notebook appears, then a pink marker draws Mr. Messy's scribble. Mr. Messy completes himself and eats a slice of pizza. The scene cuts to the next bumper. Mr. Quiet (who is wearing a safari hat) is shown standing by his tent. An elephant starts charging towards the tent, but Mr. Quiet stops them by pulling out a stop sign. The elephant stops charging. Nothing happens for a moment. Then the elephant sucks up the tent with their trunk and runs away. Leaving behind a very annoyed Mr. Quiet. The next scene begins. Little Miss Sunshine is showing Mr. Persnickety her carrot garden. Several carrots are shown to have been eaten from underground)

Miss Sunshine: Something has nibbled my carrots right down to the roots! I was planning to serve those tonight at my carrot party.

(Mr. Persnickety figures out the problem)

Mr. Persnickety: That looks like the work of rabbits.

Miss Sunshine: What should I do?

Mr. Persnickety: Get rid of them, of course. Uh, scare them away!

(Mr. Persnickety takes out his mobile phone and dials a number)

Mr. Persnickety: And I know just the person to do it.

(A truck soon pulls up. Little Miss Scary steps out of the truck which is revealed to be for rabbit removal. Little Miss Scary then walks over to the three rabbits eating Little Miss Sunshine's carrots)

Miss Scary: Stand back and let Miss Scary work her magic. (screams)

(The rabbits continue chewing the carrots and act as though nothing happened)

Miss Scary: So you're gonna play tough guys, are you? Show up at that party and you'll be scared out of your fuzzy bunny boots.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Sunshine's carrot party. Several rabbits have attended the party along with Mr. Strong, Mr. Messy, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Bump, Little Miss Chatterbox, and, of course, Little Miss Sunshine)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, Miss Sunshine. I just love your theme party. Rabbits, what a great idea. (giggles) I'm suddenly craving a carrot.

Rabbits: (chattering)

Miss Sunshine: Lucky for you, there's a whole bowl of them over on the table.

(Little Miss Scary jumps down from the ceiling wearing her purple scary mask)

Miss Scary: AH!!!

(The rabbits tremble in fear)

Miss Scary: Hey rabbits! Go find a party of your own!

(The rabbits run away and the camera cuts to the scared party guests)

Miss Chatterbox: She’s the most totally frightening person I’ve ever seen in my life!

(Little Miss Sunshine's party guests run away. Little Miss Scary notices one rabbit that was left behind)

Miss Scary: That means you too!

(The rabbit runs away)

Miss Scary: Huh. That takes care of your rabbit problem!

Miss Sunshine: Now I have a party guests!

(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask and grabs a bowl of punch)

Miss Scary: Good! More fruit punch for us!

(Little Miss Scary gulps down the fruit punch)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

(The screen fades to black. The next scene takes place in the Dillydale Woods)

Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): There is a sandwich thief in this forest!

(Park Rangers Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Lazy are with concerned campers Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Bounce)

Miss Chatterbox: At first, I thought maybe I forgot to pack a sandwich. But I remember making the egg salad. I don't like the smell of boiled eggs, do you? Anyway, when we woke up, we realized someone had stolen our food.

Miss Helpful: Not just anyone, Miss Chatterbox!

(The camera zooms out to reveal bear prints in the dirt)

Miss Helpful: Those are bear prints!

(Mr. Bounce nearly jumps in shock)

Mr. Bounce: Bear!? Ooh! Ooh! Bears are very bad!

Miss Helpful: Oh, don't you worry, Mr. Bounce. We'll set up a trap and cart that big old bear away.

Mr. Lazy: Set up a trap? Sounds like a lot of work.

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy, we are park rangers. This is part of our job, like emptying garbage cans.

Mr. Lazy: We're supposed to do that too?

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy wearing a bear costume without the head)

Mr. Lazy: This is a pretty mangy bear costume.

(Little Miss Helpful puts the head of the bear costume over Mr. Lazy's head, making him look just like a bear)

Miss Helpful: Don't you worry! You'll be very attractive to other bears. Now you can't attract just any bear. We need to attract a sandwich-loving bear. That's why I baited the trees.

(The camera cuts over to a tree with sandwiches tied to the branches. Then the camera cuts back over to Mr. Lazy (inside the bear costume) and Little Miss Helpful)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): Can I have one of those?

Miss Helpful: After we catch the bear!

(Little Miss Helpful takes out a walkie-talkie)

Miss Helpful: Now when you see him you call me on your walkie-talkie.

(Mr. Lazy takes the walkie-talkie from Little Miss Helpful)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): This job keeps getting harder and harder.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit) asleep under the sandwich tree)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

(Mr. Bounce and Little Miss Chatterbox pop up from behind a nearby bush)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh my gosh! Look! Over there!

Mr. Bounce: Oh. Let's get out of here before we become the sandwich.

(Mr. Bounce and Little Miss Chatterbox run away. Little Miss Chatterbox takes out her cellphone and calls Little Miss Helpful as she and Mr. Bounce run)

Miss Chatterbox: Miss Helpful! It's Miss Chatterbox. You're never gonna to guess what we just saw in our campsite! Besides trees. Because there are trees everywhere. But I bet you could guess that. (breathes heavily)But I bet you wouldn't bet that the bear's back!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit) asleep under the tree)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (snoring)

(The real bear Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Bounce encountered that ate their sandwiches appears next to Mr. Lazy)

Bear: (sniffs)

(Mr. Lazy wakes up, turns his head, and sees the bear)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (gasps)

(Mr. Lazy jumps up in fear)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (screams)

(Mr. Lazy runs away. The bear looks at the viewers. The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful driving a park ranger truck in the woods. Little Miss Helpful is calling Mr. Lazy on her walkie talkie)

Miss Helpful: Come in, Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy?

(Little Miss Helpful comes to a conclusion to why Mr. Lazy isn't answering)

Miss Helpful: Oh, I'll bet he's asleep again.

(Little Miss Helpful sees something)

Miss Helpful: (gasps)

(Little Miss Helpful stops the truck)

Miss Helpful: There he is!

(Little Miss Helpful walks to the sandwich tree where, mistaking him for Mr. Lazy, sees the bear sleeping under the tree)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy, wake up and get in the truck!

(The bear wakes up. Little Miss Helpful grabs the bear's paw and drags him to the truck)

Miss Helpful: The real bear has been spotted and we have to get him.

(The scene cuts back to the truck. The bear is already sitting in the truck. Little Miss Helpful gets into the truck and closes the door)

Miss Helpful: All right, here's the plan. When we find the bear, we'll put him to sleep for a little while. Relocate him deep into the woods where he won't bother anyone. Got it?

(The bear blinks)

Miss Helpful: Good.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Lazy (still in the bear costume) running to a small cave and hiding his head into it. Little Miss Helpful and the bear show up in the truck)

Miss Helpful: There's the bear!

(Little Miss Helpful stops the truck and approaches the quaking Mr. Lazy. Little Miss Helpful takes out a syringe and injects it into Mr. Lazy's behind)

Miss Helpful: (sighs). That'll put him to sleep.

(Little Miss Helpful removes the syringe from Mr. Lazy's behind)

Mr. Lazy (offscreen in the bear suit): (snoring)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Lazy, give me a hand with the bear.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful and the bear relocating Mr. Lazy to a different spot in the woods)

Miss Helpful: Hmm. One of us should probably stay to make sure the bear's okay.

(The bear sits down and hugs Mr. Lazy)

Miss Helpful: That's the spirit. Maybe I was all wrong about you Mr. Lazy.

(Little Miss Helpful leaves and the bear starts caressing Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy (in the bear suit): (yawns)

(Mr. Lazy takes off the bear costume head)

Mr. Lazy: Great nap.

(The bear jumps up in fear)

Bear: (screams)

(The bear runs away. Mr. Lazy is shown with a sandwich)

Mr. Lazy: Again, a problem has been solved by my quick thinking. Man this job is exhausting.

(Mr. Lazy takes a bite out of the sandwich)

Mr. Lazy: (gulps)

(The screen iris' out. The next bumper plays Mr. Quiet (who is wearing a safari hat) is shown standing by his tent. Mr. Quiet looks around to see or hear if anything is coming. Just as Mr. Quiet thinks nothing is near, an elephant sticks their trunk out from inside the tent and sucks up Mr. Quiet from behind. Safari hat and all. The elephant, still wearing the tent, gets up and scampers away. The bear from the previous scene is then seen driving the park ranger truck towards the left side of the screen. Exhaust pours out from the truck and covers the screen. When the exhaust clears, the next scene begins. It is late at night over at Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's duplex. Outside, Mr. Persnickety is with Mr. Messy, the latter being by his partially opened trash cans. The trash cans are overflowing with trash)

Mr. Persnickety: Uh, Mr. Messy. You might want to put those lids on a little tighter. I've heard reports of a skunk in the area.

Mr. Messy: Aah. There's nothing like the stink of skunk.

Mr. Persnickety: I find it repulsive. So please, do make certain your garbage is secure.

(Mr. Persnickety leaves. The scene transitions to sometime later that evening. Mr. Persnickety is asleep in his bed)

Mr. Persnickety: (snoring)

(The sound of rustling is heard from outside. Mr. Persnickety wakes up to the sound)

Mr. Persnickety: I knew it. That sound can only mean skunks have found their way into Mr. Messy's garbage.

(The scene transitions to a shadowed figure digging in Mr. Messy's garbage. Mr. Persnickety arrives shining a flashlight)

Mr. Persnickety: Uh, shoo, you repulsive animal. Shoo!

(The light shines on the figure. The figure is revealed to be Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is holding a garbage lid that's carrying trash)

Mr. Messy: Hey there, Mr. P!

Mr. Persnickety: What are you doing out here? It's 3 o clock in the morning!

Mr. Messy: I just remembered!

(Mr. Messy digs in his trash can and pulls out a chicken wing)

Mr. Messy: I accidentally threw away a chicken wing.

(Mr. Messy puts the chicken wing on the trash lid holding the trash he wanted to save)

Mr. Persnickety: Well, clean up this mess before an army of skunks come to make our lives miserable.

(Unbeknownst to Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy, two skunks sneak into Mr. Persnickety's house through the door he accidentally left open)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Come on, Mr. P. Skunks can be our friends.

Mr. Persnickety: No doubt in your world, but not in mine. I have a very sensitive nose.

(Mr. Messy just shrugs. The scene transitions to Mr. Persnickety's bedroom. Mr. Persnickety is walking back to his bed)

Mr. Persnickety: Of all the unwholesome, unkempt, perfectly horrendous--

(Mr. Persnickety sees the two skunks asleep in his bed with their tails letting out their ghastly stench. The scene cuts to outside of Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy's duplex)

Mr. Persnickety (from inside his bedroom): (screams)

(Mr. Messy is shown taking a pizza crust out of the trash can)

Mr. Messy: Why did I throw away a perfectly good pizza crust?

(The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Messy digging through his trash can for stuff as skunks pass by)

Skunks: (chatters)

Narrator: So while it's true that wildlife...

(Mr. Messy takes something out of the trash and shows it to Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary is wearing her orange cyclops mask and is in Little Miss Sunshine's carrot garden with Little Miss Sunshine and Mr. Persnickety trying to scare three rabbits away)

Narrator: Occasionally makes an unexpected appearance in Dillydale,

(Mr. Quiet is shown tickling a squirrel underneath their chin)

Eagle (offscreen): (screeches)

(An eagle swoops down, grabs Mr. Quiet by their talons, and flies away)

Narrator: Most of the time...

(Mr. Bump and Mr. Noisy are shown with a Great Cape Buffalo. Mr. Noisy is playing his buffalo bagpipes with Mr. Bump covering his ears)

Narrator: These wonderful animals are where they should be...

(Mr. Bump tries to say something when the buffalo sits on Mr. Bump. Mr. Noisy stops playing the bagpipes and takes out his camera)

Narrator: In the wild!

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests