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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Yard Work." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Sleep" | Next: "Parade" |
UK Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red screen comes up with "Lawns" written on it with a lawn mower, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of leaves being raked is heard)
(The episode begins with Mr. Tickle fixing his sprinklers)
Narrator: Ah, the lure of the most satisfying of activities...
(One of the sprinklers squirts water in Mr. Tickle's face. The screen moves to the right to show Mr. Bump trimming his hedges into topiary designs. More specifically, a poodle and a rabbit)
Narrator: Tending to your lawn!
(The screen moves over to Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox is talking on the phone while she is watering her garden. This results in a flowerbed sprouting up)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): (incoherent talking)
Narrator (overlap): They take pride in the appearance of their homes.
(Little Miss Calamity is shown being chased by a lawn mower that mows over Little Miss Chatterbox's flowerbed)
Narrator: And find comfort in caring for their lawn.
(The camera moves over to Mr. Lazy, who is staring at his leaf covered lawn)
Narrator: Of course, not everyone does the work themselves. Some Mr. Men and Little Misses hire others to do it for them.
(Mr. Small walks over to Mr. Lazy and Mr. Nosey uses their leaf vacuuming machine to clean up Mr. Lazy's lawn)
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Rude's homes. Both of their lawns are covered in leaves. Little Miss Chatterbox is outside her home raking the leaves up and chatting with a squirrel)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) I just love raking leaves! Don't you?
Squirrel: (chatters)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) What am I saying? You're a squirrel! You probably never held a rake in your whole squirrel life!
(Little Miss Chatterbox pats the squirrel on the head)
Miss Chatterbox: I bet you wish you had thumbs.
(Mr. Rude steps out of his house with some coffee. The squirrel scurries back up the tree)
Miss Chatterbox: Let's get together again real soon!
(Little Miss Chatterbox notices Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! Hi there, Mr. Rude!
(Little Miss Chatterbox skips over to Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: Coming out to rake? You must be. Your lawn is a real mess.
(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude's lawn which is covered in leaves and trash. The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Rude: Ask me if I care!
(Mr. Rude slams his door shut. The scene cuts inside Mr. Rude's house. Mr. Rude is drinking some coffee when Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head through the window)
Miss Chatterbox: But it's really bad to let leaves stay on your lawn!
(Mr. Rude does a spit take)
Miss Chatterbox: It'll ruin the grass! I have an idea!
(Mr. Rude walks away)
Miss Chatterbox: Let's rake together!
(Mr. Rude returns and pulls down the blinds)
Miss Chatterbox (muffled): That'll make the job go faster!
(Mr. Rude walks away. The scene cuts to Mr. Rude brushing his teeth. Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head through the bathroom window)
Miss Chatterbox: We could even have a contest to see who rakes the biggest pile!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude walking outside to fetch his mail. Little Miss Chatterbox is still talking to him by his mailbox then in front of him as Mr. Rude turns around)
Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) I love contests! Don't you? Except pie-eating contests, of course. They make me sick.
Mr. Rude: "I can think of several things that make me sick!"
Miss Chatterbox: Really? Hmmm that's too bad.
(Little Miss Chatterbox gives Mr. Rude her spare rake)
Miss Chatterbox: Here you go! I always keep a spare handy! Come on! It'll be fun!
Mr. Rude: I'll give you fun! (chuckles)
(Mr. Rude farts)
(The Angry Heads appear)
Angry Heads: MR RUDE!!
(Mr. Rude proudly looks at the camera as Little Miss Chatterbox starts raking)
Miss Chatterbox: I think a lawn looks so much better without leaves all over it. But trees look better with leaves all over them!
(Mr. Rude begins grinding his teeth in frustration)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) Which is funny when you think about it. Oh, look! My leaf pile's bigger that your leaf pile
Mr. Rude: "Does your mouth ever stop?
(Little Miss Chatterbox stops raking)
Miss Chatterbox: "No, I don't think so."
(Little Miss Chatterbox resumes raking)
Miss Chatterbox: "You'd better hurry, Mr. Rude or else I'm going to win our raking contest!"
Mr. Rude: "Humph!"
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small drive up to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox's houses in an unusual contraption. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then walk over to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Small: "Good tidings on this brisk autumn day! Doing a little gardening, I see."
Mr. Nosey: "Oh, Mr. Rude. There's an awful lot of leaves on your lawn."
Mr. Small: Which is why my associate and I are here to offer the services of our new...
(Mr. Small gives Little Miss Chatterbox a card)
Mr. Small: Wind-powered, leaf raking machine!
Miss Chatterbox: "Oh, no! We won't be needing that, Mr. Small!"
(Little Miss Chatterbox pulls Mr. Rude in for a side hug)
Miss Chatterbox: "We like raking the old-fashioned way!"
(Mr. Rude pushes Little Miss Chatterbox away)
Mr. Rude: "Zip it, Miss Chatterbox! You mean, I could pay you to get out of this crummy job?"
Mr. Small: "No payment necessary. We do it for the joy of helping others."
Mr. Rude: "You are hired."
Miss Chatterbox: "But Mr. Rude, what about our contest?"
Mr. Rude: "You win."
(Mr. Rude hand Little Miss Chatterbox his rake)
Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) "Hooray!"
(Mr. Nosey is shown on the machine waiting for Mr. Small)
Mr. Small: "I advise you all to stand back! Ready, Mr. Nosey?"
Mr. Nosey: "Ready Mr. Small!"
(Mr. Small hops onto the machine and he and Mr. Nosey start pedaling. The two suck up the leaves in front of and behind Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox first. The camera zoom in on the nozzle to show the viewers how powerful it is when it comes to sucking up all the leaves. Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox watch with no reaction and in awe respectively. Slowly, the bag holding all the leaves begins to expand. Something Mr. Rude notices and shows slight concern over)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasp) "Look at my lawn! You could almost eat off of it! Not that you'd want to while there are dirt and worms and bugs."
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. The bag holding all the leaves expands as more and more leaves are sucked into the machine)
Mr. Rude: "Uh, I think that is enough!"
Mr. Small: "We want to give you both excellent service today!"
(The machine sucks all the leaves off of the trees. The camera then cuts back to a concerned Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Rude: I am telling you...it is going to blow!
Mr. Nosey: Eh...just a few more leaves and we'll be done!
(The machine continues to suck up the leaves)
Mr. Rude: "No you nincompoops! ENOUGH!!"
(The bag holding all the leaves the machine sucked up explodes and the leaves land in Mr. Rude's yard)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) "Wow! All those leaves landed in your yard. What are the chances?"
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey realize that they're in trouble)
Mr. Small: "Oh! Look at the time, Mr. Nosey! We're late for our submarine tour."
Mr. Nosey: "Right behind you, my friend!"
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey start pedaling their machine again and ride away)
Mr. Rude: "Wait! Come back! And get rid of all of these leaves!!"
(Mr. Rude chases after Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Small: "Yes! Keep pedaling back there! Yes!"
(Paper appears on the screen and a pencil draws Mr. Happy and fills him in with yellow paint. The drawing comes to life and Mr. Happy waves to the viewers watching at home. The paper goes away to transition to the first bumper)
(Mr. Strong walks up to a small flower bed)
Mr. Strong: (whistling) "Yeah!"
(Mr. Strong grabs the entire flower bed and pulls all the flowers out of the ground. When he pulls out all the flowers, Mr. Strong also pulls out Mr. Scatterbrain. Mr. Scatterbrain has all the flowers growing out of his head. Mr. Scatterbrain haves hello to Mr. Strong)
(Mr. Bump is shown riding a wave across the screen to transition to the next scene)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(The next scene begins with Mr. Quiet working on an elephant-shaped topiary bush)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): "Could you start my lawn mower, Mr. Tickle?"
Mr. Quiet: "Huh?"
(Mr. Quiet accidentally cuts the trunk off the topiary bush)
Mr. Quiet: (groans)
(The camera moves over to show Mr. Tickle helping Little Miss Calamity start up her lawn mower)
Mr. Tickle: (grunting)
Mr. Quiet: "She should not be around machinery."
(Mr. Tickle gives up trying to start the mower)
Mr. Tickle: "It's not starting, Miss Calamity."
Miss Calamity: "Don't give up yet Mr. Tickle. Sometimes it takes about four or five tries to start this lawn mower."
Mr. Tickle: "Well my arms are getting tired. And that almost never happens."
Miss Calamity: "Okay! Here! Let me try it!"
(Little Miss Calamity struggles to get her mower started and ends up landing on Mr. Quiet. Luckily, she did get her mower started)
Mr. Tickle: "You did it, Miss Calamity!"
Miss Calamity: "Sorry about that Mr. Quiet. But at least my mower's running."
(Little Miss Calamity gets on her mower)
Mr. Tickle: "How about a tickle to celebrate?"
Miss Calamity: "Not now Mr. Tickle. I've got to mow my lawn before this mower runs out of petrol."
(Little Miss Calamity starts mowing her lawn. She ends up hitting a lawn gnome, a basket of leaves, and a rake before the mower starts backfiring)
Miss Calamity: "Oh no! Oh dear! Oh, this isn't right! Something is terribly, terribly wrong!"
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Little Miss Calamity's lawn mower goes out of control)
Mr. Quiet: "Oh, now should be a good time to go inside."
(Mr. Quiet stands up and starts running)
Miss Calamity: "Whoa!!"
(The lawn mower starts chasing Mr. Quiet to the right)
Miss Calamity: "Whoa! Oh!"
(The lawn mower starts chasing Mr. Quiet to the left)
Miss Calamity: "Ooh! Ooh!"
(Little Miss Calamity gets an idea)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! I know! I can stop this thing with the handbrake!"
(Little Miss Calamity grabs the handbrake)
Miss Calamity: "Gah!"
(The handbrake breaks in two when Little Miss Calamity tries to use it)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Or not!"
(The lawn mower continues chasing Mr. Quiet)
(The lawn mower mows over a topiary poodle and the topiary poodle's smile becomes a frown)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Not the poodle!"
(Mr. Quiet runs past a chicken coop)
Chickens: (clucking)
(The lawn mower drives through a chicken coop)
Chickens: (distressed squawks)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Sorry little chickies!"
(Mr. Quiet runs past a birdbath)
Mr. Quiet: "Oh!"
Miss Calamity: "Doh!"
(The lawn mower avoids hitting the birdbath but Little Miss Calamity is knocked off the lawn mower and hits the birdbath instead)
Miss Calamity: "Oh!"
Bird: (chirps)
(The bird flies away in annoyance)
Miss Calamity: "Don't worry, Mr. Quiet! It can't chase you forever!"
(The lawn mower continues to chase Mr. Quiet as the sun sets and the day turns into night)
Mr. Quiet: (breathes heavily) "I need to find a new place to live!"
(The scene iris' out. The scene cuts to a bumper. Mr. Bump is shown approaching a flower bed. Mr. Bump admires the flowers, plucks a yellow one from the ground, and sniffs it. A swarm of bees fly out of the flower and start chasing Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump screams and tries to outrun the bees, but they are heard stinging him offscreen. A plethora of yellow circles appear to form Mr. Bounce. The camera zooms into Mr. Bounce's mouth to transition to a music video. What would eventually become Mr. Funny's theme starts playing in the background. The music video begins by showing a lawn mower in a green rectangle, a garden rake in a yellow rectangle, and a landscaping rake in a sky blue rectangle. Transparent yellow rings expand on the screen and disappear. The green, yellow, and sky blue rectangles also disappear. The rings return for a moment and flowers with the faces of Mr. Quiet, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine appear in three separate white rectangles. A basket of peaches appears above in a yellow rectangle. A sun slides into frame. All five items disappear and Mr. Grumpy comes in from stage right driving his lawn mower. The scene fades to Mr. Happy mowing his lawn with his push mower passed the flowers Mr. Quiet's, Mr. Scatterbrain's, and Little Miss Sunshine's faces. Mr. Happy walks offscreen. Four rectangles appear. A red rectangle featuring Mr. Grumpy driving his lawnmower, an orange rectangle with Mr. Happy mowing his lawn, a yellow rectangle featuring Mr. Pernickety carrying pails of rotten food for pigs, and a sky blue rectangle featuring Mr. Scatterbrain wearing a straw hat and tending to his yard with a hoe. A garden rake appears and makes it seem like it's in Mr. Pernickety's path. Mr. Pernickety eventually steps onto the rake and is launched stage left offscreen. All the rectangle disappear. The black screen transitions to an orange background with a sun shining those transparent yellow rings on it. Mr. Pernickety is shown sitting in a mud puddle, Mr. Scatterbrain is using a hoe to tend to his lawn, Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy are mowing their lawns, and Mr. Small comes onscreen and waters Mr. Pernickety with a hose)
(The music video ends and a bumper begins to play. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to the small flower bed and gets an idea)
Mr. Scatterbrain: "A-ha!"
(Mr. Scatterbrain plucks the big yellow flower, sniffs it, takes out a giant lollipop and sticks it into the spot on the ground where the yellow flower was)
(A scene transition of flowers and Miss Chatterbox jumping up plays. It leads to the next scene. Mr. Nervous is watering his lawn when Little Miss Naughty pulls up in front of Mr. Nervous' house in a truck with a smiling leaf on it. Little Miss Naughty steps out and walks over to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "Hello, Mr. Nervous. You called about a problem lawn?"
Mr. Nervous: "No, Miss Naughty. That wasn't me."
Miss Naughty: "Well it should've been!"
(Little Miss Naughty grabs a fist full of grass)
Miss Naughty: "Look at this grass! It's all dried out!"
Mr. Nervous: "I'm not very good at growing things."
(Little Miss Naughty moves closer to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "That's where I come in! Let me just test your soil."
(Little Miss Naughty gets on her stomach, grabs a handful of soil, and sniffs the soil)
Miss Naughty: "Ah! Just as I thought!"
(Little Miss Naughty runs back over to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "You need my special lawn fertilizer!"
Mr. Nervous: "Oh no! No! No! No! I don't like chemicals!"
(Little Miss Naughty moves closer to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "Oh, it's all natural! With just three tiny drops, you'll have nice green grass by morning! Ha-ha!"
Mr. Nervous: "Goh!"
(Mr. Nervous faints and Little Miss Naughty takes out an eye dropper full of her fertilizer. Little Miss Naughty carefully drips out three tiny drops onto Mr. Nervous' lawn.)
Miss Naughty: "One, two, three!"
(Mr. Nervous recovers and gets worried)
Mr. Nervous: "Geh! Are you sure three drops isn't too much?"
Miss Naughty: "Yes! Positive." (laughs mischievously)
(The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous' house. The sun sets and the moon rises. Tons of jungle plants grow in Mr. Nervous' yard. The moon sets and the sun rises to transition to the next day. Mr. Nervous opens his front door)
Mr. Nervous: (yawns)
(Mr. Nervous sees what has become of his yard)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Nervous's plant-covered yard. Little Miss Helpful passes by and tosses Mr. Nervous' newspaper onto the sidewalk near his house. The camera zooms back in on Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Nervous: "Miss Naughty said my lawn would grow fast, but this is...very fast!"
(Mr. Nervous' retreats back into his house)
Mr. Nervous: (breathes nervously)
(Mr. Nervous creeps towards his window and sees his newspaper outside and the jungle that was once his lawn standing between him and his newspaper)
Mr. Nervous: Oh...oh dear! My paper!
(Mr. Nervous realizes what he has to do)
Mr. Nervous: (sighs heavily)
(Mr. Nervous bravely steps out of his house wearing pillows on his chest, a strainer on his head, and carrying an umbrella like a sword)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah. Nothing to fear! They're just leaves! And stems! AND THORNS!"
(Mr. Nervous starts swinging his umbrella around)
Mr. Nervous: Don't...even...think of...getting...close to me, you plants!
(A red Venus Flytrap slurps at Mr. Nervous and tries to bite him)
Mr. Nervous: (screams) Oh-ho!
(Mr. Nervous sheds his armour, drops the umbrella, and runs away. Mr. Nervous lands by a small lizard on a rock)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah!"
(The lizard sticks their tongue out at Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Nervous: "Geh!"
(Mr. Nervous backs away from the lizard)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh!"
(Mr. Nervous trips over a log and falls into a quicksand puddle)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah! No! No! No! Quicksand!"
(Mr. Nervous starts to sink into the quicksand but manages to escapes it by grabbing onto a vine and pulling himself up)
Mr. Nervous: (grunts)
(A snake's head lowers down from the same tree the vine is one. Turns out, the vine Mr. Nervous grabbed is really that snake's body. Something Mr. Nervous finds out quickly)
Mr. Nervous: "GAH! SNAKE!!"
(Mr. Nervous jumps down. In a blink and miss, Mr. Nervous' glasses land on his face after Mr. Nervous reaches the ground.)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh!"
(Mr. Nervous runs as fast as he can)
Mr. Nervous: "My yard is now a rainforest! Thanks to Miss Naughty and her three tiny drops!"
(Mr. Nervous makes it out of the forest with Little Miss Naughty waiting for him on the other side)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh! Ho! Ho!"
Miss Naughty: "Mr. Nervous! What happened to your lawn?"
Mr. Nervous: "You tell me! Your special fertilizer turned my lawn into a jungle!"
(A wide shot shows Mr. Nervous' now plant covered home)
Miss Naughty: I don't know what could have happened! But...since I'm here...
(Little Miss Naughty brings Mr. Nervous in really close)
Mr. Nervous: Oh!
Miss Naughty: "Let me be your jungle guide! And get you safely back to your house."
Mr. Nervous: Gah! Oh...
Miss Naughty: For 20 pounds.
Mr. Nervous: That seems rather expensive.
Miss Naughty: "You can always do it by yourself!"
(Three plants (including the red Venus Flytrap) move in front of Mr. Nervous. The snake that Mr. Nervous mistook for a vine appears above Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous looks at them)
Snake: (hisses)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The plants and snakes move away)
Mr. Nervous: "Never mind!"
(Mr. Nervous gives Little Miss Naughty 20 pounds)
Mr. Nervous: "Keep the change! Can we go now?"
Miss Naughty: "Certainly! Follow me!"
(Little Miss Naughty grabs Mr. Nervous' arm and drags him back to his house)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh! Thank you, Miss Naughty!"
(Mr. Nervous enters his house)
Mr. Nervous: "Bye!"
(Mr. Nervous closes his door and Little Miss Naughty walks away in triumph)
Miss Naughty: (laughs triumphantly) "Sometimes, I just can't help myself!"
(A wild boar is heard squealing offscreen and glares angrily at Little Miss Naughty)
Wild Boar: (squeals)
Miss Naughty: (screams)
(Little Miss Naughty tries to run away from the wild boar but the wild boar chases after her)
Miss Naughty: (whines) "Get away! You naughty pig!" (screams)
(Mr. Messy drops down onto the scene)
Miss Naughty (offscreen): "No!"
(Mr. Messy starts shaking. This causes a mass of dust to envelop the screen as a transition to the next bumper. Little Miss Scary walks over to the small flower bed, looks at the flowers unenthusiastically, and gets an idea. Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask and scares the flowers)
Miss Scary: "AHHHH!!!"
Flowers: (screams)
(All the flowers except for a magenta colored flower run away in fear. The magenta flower passes out from fear)
(The scene cuts to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous seeing his plant covered lawn, Little Miss Calamity being chased by her lawn mower, and Mr. Strong pulling the entire flower bed out of the ground and finding Mr. Scatterbrain underneath with the flowers growing out of his head)
Narrator: "As satisfying as lawn work can be for the Mr. Men and Little Misses..."
(Mr. Bump is shown trimming his bushes into topiary sculptures)
Narrator: "Everyone can probably agree..."
(Mr. Rude's lawn is shown covered with leaves while Little Miss Chatterbox is finishing raking her lawn)
Narrator: "The best part is when the time comes that the lawn work is finished!"
(Just as Little Miss Chatterbox finishes raking all the leaves in her yard, Mr. Rude is shown chasing after Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small as the screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Happy are shown walking through a peach orchard. Mr. Happy is shown carrying a large basket of peaches)
Mr. Happy: Well, now, Mr. Stubborn. It was awfully nice of you let me come pick these wonderful peaches.
Mr. Stubborn: I was not being nice. I don't like peaches.
Mr. Happy: Even so, it was very generous of you.
(Mr. Happy steps in a large hole and drops all the peaches. He then quickly pops back out again)
Mr. Happy: I stepped in a hole.
(Several moles pop out of other holes)
Mr. Happy: I think you have a mole problem!
Mr. Stubborn: I do not have a mole problem.
Mr. Happy: You know I'm not one to argue, Mr. Stubborn. But I am fairly certain that-
Mr. Stubborn: How do you know? Are you an expert?
Mr. Happy: Actually, I do lawn care in my spare time. Now how about we take a look with my expert tunnelscope! (chuckles)
(Mr. Happy uses the tunnelscope to look into one of the holes)
Mr. Stubborn: I'm telling you, there are no moles in those holes!
(Mr. Happy sees moles in the hole)
Mr. Happy: Ah-ha! Just as I thought. See for yourself.
(Mr. Stubborn looks into the hole through the tunnelscope)
Mr. Happy: Now do you believe me?
Mr. Stubborn: Humph! That tunnelscope is cheap!
Mr. Happy: Okay. But let me know if there's anything I can do to help with your...little problem!
Mr. Stubborn: I do not have problems! Now take your peaches and leave!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves)
Mr. Happy: Oh well. Who can blame them? (chuckles)
(Mr. Happy eats a peach and the screen irises out)
US Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red screen comes up with "Yard Work" written on it with a lawn mower, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of leaves being raked is heard)
(The episode begins with Mr. Tickle fixing his sprinklers)
Narrator: Ah, the lure of the most satisfying of activities...yard work!
(One of the sprinklers squirts water in Mr. Tickle's face. The screen moves to the right to show Mr. Bump trimming his hedges into topiary designs. More specifically, a poodle and a rabbit)
Narrator: "The good people of Dillydale enjoy tending to their yards."
(The screen moves over to Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox is talking on the phone while she is watering her garden. This results in a flowerbed sprouting up)
Miss Chatterbox: (incoherent talking)
Narrator: "They take pride in the appearance of their homes."
(Little Miss Calamity is shown being chased by a lawn mower that mows over Little Miss Chatterbox's flowerbed)
Narrator: And find comfort...
Miss Calamity: (screams)
Narrator: In caring for their lawn.
(The camera moves over to Mr. Lazy, who is staring at his leaf covered lawn)
Narrator: "Of course, not everyone does the work themselves. Some Mr. Men and Little Misses hire others to do it for them."
(Mr. Small walks over to Mr. Lazy and Mr. Nosey uses their leaf vacuuming machine to clean up Mr. Lazy's yard)
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Rude's homes. Both of their lawns are covered in leaves. Little Miss Chatterbox is outside her home raking the leaves up and chatting with a squirrel)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) I just love raking leaves! Don't you?
Squirrel: (chatters)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) What am I saying? You're a squirrel! You probably never held a rake in your whole squirrel life!
(Little Miss Chatterbox pats the squirrel on the head)
Miss Chatterbox: "Bet you wish you had thumbs."
(Mr. Rude steps out of his house with some coffee. The squirrel scurries back up the tree)
Miss Chatterbox: "Let's get together again real soon!"
(Little Miss Chatterbox notices Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: "Oh! Hi there, Mr. Rude!"
(Little Miss Chatterbox skips over to Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: "Coming out to rake? You must be. Your yard is a real mess."
(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude's yard. It's covered in leaves and trash. The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Rude: "Ask me if I care!"
(Mr. Rude slams his door shut. The scene cuts inside Mr. Rude's house. Mr. Rude is drinking some coffee when Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head through the window)
Miss Chatterbox: "But it's really bad to let leaves stay on your lawn!"
(Mr. Rude does a spit take)
Miss Chatterbox: "It'll ruin the grass! I have an idea!"
(Mr. Rude walks away)
Miss Chatterbox: "Let's rake together!"
(Mr. Rude returns and pulls down the blinds)
Miss Chatterbox (muffled): "That'll make the job go faster!"
(Mr. Rude walks away. The scene cuts to Mr. Rude brushing his teeth. Little Miss Chatterbox pokes her head through the bathroom window)
Miss Chatterbox: "We could even have a contest to see who rakes the biggest pile!"
(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude walking outside to fetch his mail. Little Miss Chatterbox is still talking to him by his mailbox then in front of him as Mr. Rude turns around)
Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) "I love contests! Don't you? Except pie-eating contests, of course. They make me sick."
Mr. Rude: "I can think of several things that make me sick!"
Miss Chatterbox: "Really? Hmmm that's too bad."
(Little Miss Chatterbox gives Mr. Rude her spare rake)
Miss Chatterbox: "Here you go! I always keep a spare handy! Come on! It'll be fun!"
Mr. Rude: "I'll give you fun!" (chuckles)
(Mr. Rude farts)
(The Angry Heads appear)
Angry Heads: "MR RUDE!!"
(Mr. Rude proudly looks at the camera as Little Miss Chatterbox starts raking)
Miss Chatterbox: "I think a lawn looks so much better without leaves all over it. But trees look better with leaves all over them!"
(Mr. Rude begins grinding his teeth in frustration)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) "Which is pretty funny when you think about it. Because what would a lawn be without trees? Right?"
Mr. Rude: "Does your mouth ever stop?"
(Little Miss Chatterbox stops raking)
Miss Chatterbox: "No, I don't think so."
(Little Miss Chatterbox resumes raking)
Miss Chatterbox: You'd better hurry, Mr. Rude or else I'm gonna win our raking contest!
Mr. Rude: Humph!
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small drive up to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox's houses in an unusual contraption. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey then walk over to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Small: "Good tidings on this brisk fall day. Doing a little yardwork, I see."
Mr. Nosey: "Gee Mr. Rude. There's an awful lot of leaves on your lawn."
Mr. Small: Which is why my associate and I are here to offer the services of our new...
(Mr. Small gives Little Miss Chatterbox a card)
Mr. Small: "Wind-powered, leaf raking machine!"
Miss Chatterbox: "Oh! We won't be needing that, Mr. Small!"
(Little Miss Chatterbox pulls Mr. Rude in for a side hug)
Miss Chatterbox: "We like raking old-fashioned way!"
(Mr. Rude pushes Little Miss Chatterbox away)
Mr. Rude: "Zip it, Miss Chatterbox! You mean, I could pay you to get out of this crummy job?"
Mr. Small: "No payment necessary. We do it for the joy of helping others."
Mr. Rude: "You are hired."
Miss Chatterbox: "But Mr. Rude, what about our contest?"
Mr. Rude: "You win."
(Mr. Rude hand Little Miss Chatterbox his rake)
Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) "Yay!"
(Mr. Nosey is shown on the machine waiting for Mr. Small)
Mr. Small: "I advise you all to stand back! Ready Mr. Nosey?"
Mr. Nosey: "Ready Mr. Small!"
(Mr. Small hops onto the machine and he and Mr. Nosey start pedaling. The two suck up the leaves in front of and behind Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox first. The camera zoom in on the nozzle so show the viewers how powerful it is when it comes to sucking up all the leaves. Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox watch with no reaction and in awe respectively. Slowly, the bag holding all the leaves begins to expand. Something Mr. Rude notices and shows slight concern over)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasp) "Look at my lawn! You can totally eat off of it! Not that you'd want to. Yuck! Dirt and worms and bugs."
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small. The bag holding all the leaves expands as more and more leaves are sucked into the machine)
Mr. Rude: "Uh, I think that is enough!"
Mr. Small: "We want to give you both excellent service today!"
(The machine sucks all the leaves off of the trees. The camera then cuts back to a concerned Mr. Rude and Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Rude: "I am telling you...it is going to blow!"
Mr. Nosey: Eh...just a few more leaves and we'll be done!
(The machine continues to suck up the leaves)
Mr. Rude: No you nincompoops! ENOUGH!!
(The bag holding all the leaves the machine sucked up explodes and the leaves land in Mr. Rude's yard)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) "Wow! All those leaves landed in your yard. What are the odds?"
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey realize that they're in trouble)
Mr. Small: "Oh! Look at the time Mr. Nosey! We're late for our submarine tour."
Mr. Nosey: "Right behind you buddy boy!"
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey start pedaling their machine again and ride away)
Mr. Rude: "Wait! Come back! And get rid of all of these leaves!!"
(Mr. Rude chases after Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Small: "Yes! Keep pedaling back there! Yes!"
(Paper appears on the screen and a pencil draws Mr. Happy and fills him in with yellow paint. The drawing comes to life and Mr. Happy waves to the viewers watching at home. The paper goes away to transition to the first bumper)
(Mr. Strong walks up to a small flower bed)
Mr. Strong: (whistling) "Yeah!"
(Mr. Strong grabs the entire flower bed and pulls all the flowers out of the ground. When he pulls out all the flowers, Mr. Strong also pulls out Mr. Scatterbrain. Mr. Scatterbrain has all the flowers growing out of his head. Mr. Scatterbrain haves hello to Mr. Strong)
(Mr. Bump is shown riding a wave across the screen to transition to the next scene)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(The next scene begins with Mr. Quiet working on an elephant-shaped topiary bush)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): "Could you start my lawn mower?"
Mr. Quiet: "Huh?"
(Mr. Quiet accidentally cuts the trunk off the topiary bush)
Mr. Quiet: (groans)
(The camera moves over to show Mr. Tickle helping Little Miss Calamity start up her lawn mower)
Mr. Tickle: (grunting)
Mr. Quiet: "She should not be around machinery."
(Mr. Tickle gives up trying to start the mower)
Mr. Tickle: "It's not starting Miss Calamity."
Miss Calamity: "Don't give up yet, Mr. Tickle. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to start this lawn mower."
Mr. Tickle: "Well my arms are getting tired. And that almost never happens."
Miss Calamity: "Uh, okay! Let me try it!"
(Little Miss Calamity struggles to get her mower started and ends up landing on Mr. Quiet. Luckily, she did get her mower started)
Mr. Tickle: "You did it Miss Calamity!"
Miss Calamity: "Sorry about that Mr. Quiet. But at least my mower's running."
(Little Miss Calamity gets on her mower)
Mr. Tickle: "How about a tickle to celebrate?"
Miss Calamity: "Not now, Mr. Tickle. I've got to mow my lawn before this mower runs out of gas."
(Little Miss Calamity starts mowing her lawn. She ends up hitting a lawn gnome, a basket of leaves, and a rake before the mower starts backfiring)
Miss Calamity: "Oh no! Oh dear! Oh this isn't right! Something is terribly, terribly wrong!"
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
(Little Miss Calamity's lawn mower goes out of control)
Mr. Quiet: "Oh, now should be a good time to go inside."
(Mr. Quiet stands up and starts running)
Miss Calamity: "Whoa!!"
(The lawn mower starts chasing Mr. Quiet to the right)
Miss Calamity: "Whoa! Oh!"
(The lawn mower starts chasing Mr. Quiet to the left)
Miss Calamity: "Ooh! Ooh!"
(Little Miss Calamity gets an idea)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! I know! I can stop this thing with the handbrake!"
(Little Miss Calamity grabs the handbrake)
Miss Calamity: "Gah!"
(The handbrake breaks in two when Little Miss Calamity tries to use it)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Or not!"
(The lawn mower continues chasing Mr. Quiet)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Huh!"
(The lawn mower mows over a topiary poodle and the topiary poodle's smile becomes a frown)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Not the poodle!"
(Mr. Quiet runs past a chicken coop)
Chickens: (clucking)
(The lawn mower drives through a chicken coop)
Chickens: (distressed squawks)
Miss Calamity: "Oh! Run little chickies! Run for your lives!"
(Mr. Quiet runs past a birdbath)
Mr. Quiet: "Oh!"
Miss Calamity: "Doh!"
(The lawn mower avoids hitting the birdbath but Little Miss Calamity is knocked off the lawn mower and hits the birdbath instead)
Miss Calamity: "Oh!"
Bird: (chirps)
(The bird flies away in annoyance)
Miss Calamity: "Don't worry, Mr. Quiet! It can't chase you forever!"
(The lawn mower continues to chase Mr. Quiet as the sun sets and the day turns into night)
Mr. Quiet: (breathes heavily) "I need to find a new place to live!"
(Iris out)
(The scene cuts to a bumper. Mr. Bump is shown approaching a flower bed. Mr. Bump admires the flowers, plucks a yellow one from the ground, and sniffs it. A swarm of bees fly out of the flower and start chasing Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump tries to outrun the bees but they are heard stinging him offscreen)
(A plethora of yellow circles appear to form Mr. Bounce. The camera zooms into Mr. Bounce's mouth to transition to a music video)
(What would eventually become Mr. Funny's theme starts playing in the background. The music video begins by showing a lawn mower in a green rectangle, a garden rake in a yellow rectangle, and a landscaping rake in a sky blue rectangle. Transparent yellow rings expand on the screen and disappear. The green, yellow, and sky blue rectangles also disappear. The rings return for a moment and flowers with the faces of Mr. Quiet, Mr. Scatterbrain, and Little Miss Sunshine appear in three separate white rectangles. A basket of peaches appears above in a yellow rectangle. A sun slides into frame. All five items disappear and Mr. Grumpy comes in from stage right driving his lawn mower. The scene fades to Mr. Happy mowing his lawn with his push mower passed the flowers Mr. Quiet's, Mr. Scatterbrain's, and Little Miss Sunshine's faces. Mr. Happy walks offscreen. Four rectangles appear. A red rectangle featuring Mr. Grumpy driving his lawnmower, an orange rectangle with Mr. Happy mowing his lawn, a yellow rectangle featuring Mr. Persnickety carrying pails of rotten food for pigs, and a sky blue rectangle featuring Mr. Scatterbrain wearing a straw hat and tending to his yard with a hoe. A garden rake appears and makes it seem like it's in Mr. Persnickety's path. Mr. Persnickety eventually steps onto the rake and is launched stage left offscreen. All the rectangle disappear. The black screen transitions to an orange background with a sun shining those transparent yellow rings on it. Mr. Persnickety is shown sitting in a mud puddle, Mr. Scatterbrain is using a hoe to tend to his lawn, Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy are mowing their lawns, and Mr. Small comes onscreen and waters Mr. Persnickety with a hose)
(The music video ends and the next scene begins. Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Happy are shown walking through a peach orchard. Mr. Happy is shown carrying a large basket of peaches)
Mr. Happy: "Gee, Mr. Stubborn. It was awfully nice of you let me come pick these wonderful peaches."
Mr. Stubborn: "I was not being nice. I don't like peaches."
Mr. Happy: "Even so, it was very generous of you."
(Mr. Happy steps in a large hole and drops all the peaches. He then quickly pops back out again)
Mr. Happy: "I stepped in a hole."
(Several gophers pop out of other holes)
Mr. Happy: "I think you have a gopher problem!"
Mr. Stubborn: "I do not have a gopher problem."
Mr. Happy: "You know I'm not one to argue, Mr. Stubborn. But I am fairly certain that-"
Mr. Stubborn: "How do you know? Are you an expert?"
Mr. Happy: "Actually, I do lawn care in my spare time. Now how about we take a look with my expert tunnelscope!" (chuckles)
(Mr. Happy uses the tunnelscope to look into one of the holes)
Mr. Stubborn: "I'm telling you, there are no gophers in those holes!"
(Mr. Happy sees gophers in the hole)
Mr. Happy: "Ah-ha! Just as I thought. See for yourself."
(Mr. Stubborn looks into the hole through the tunnelscope)
Mr. Happy: "Now do you believe me?"
Mr. Stubborn: "Humph! That tunnelscope is cheap!"
Mr. Happy: "Okay. But let me know if there's anything I can do to help with your...little problem!"
Mr. Stubborn: "I do not have problems! Take your peaches and leave!"
(Mr. Stubborn leaves)
Mr. Happy: "Oh well. Who can blame them?" (chuckles)
(Mr. Happy eats a peach and the screen irises out)
(A bumper begins to play. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to the small flower bed and gets an idea)
Mr. Scatterbrain: "A-ha!"
(Mr. Scatterbrain plucks the big yellow flower, sniffs it, takes out a giant lollipop and sticks it into the spot on the ground where the yellow flower was)
(A scene transition of flowers and Miss Chatterbox jumping up plays. It leads to the next scene. Mr. Nervous is watering his lawn when Little Miss Naughty pulls up in front of Mr. Nervous' house in a truck with a smiling leaf on it. Little Miss Naughty steps out and walks over to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "Hello, Mr. Nervous. You called about a problem lawn?"
Mr. Nervous: "No, Miss Naughty. That wasn't me."
Miss Naughty: "Well it should've been!"
(Little Miss Naughty grabs a fist full of grass)
Miss Naughty: "Look at this grass! It's all dried out!"
Mr. Nervous: "I'm not very good at growing things."
(Little Miss Naughty moves closer to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "That's where I come in! Let me just test your soil."
(Little Miss Naughty gets on her stomach, grabs a handful of soil, and sniffs the soil)
Miss Naughty: "Ah! Just as I thought!"
(Little Miss Naughty runs back over to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "You need my special lawn fertilizer!"
Mr. Nervous: "Oh no! No! No! No! I don't like chemicals!"
(Little Miss Naughty moves closer to Mr. Nervous)
Miss Naughty: "It's all natural! With just three tiny drops, you'll have nice green grass by morning! Ha-ha!"
Mr. Nervous: "Goh!"
(Mr. Nervous faints and Little Miss Naughty takes out an eye dropper full of her fertilizer. Little Miss Naughty carefully drips out three tiny drops onto Mr. Nervous' lawn. Mr. Nervous recovers and gets worried)
Mr. Nervous: "Geh! Are you sure three drops isn't too much?"
Miss Naughty: "Oh! Positive." (laughs mischievously)
(The scene transitions to Mr. Nervous' house. The sun sets and the moon rises. Tons of jungle plants grow in Mr. Nervous' yard. The moon sets and the sun rises to transition to the next day. Mr. Nervous opens his front door)
Mr. Nervous: (yawns)
(Mr. Nervous sees what has become of his yard)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Nervous's plant-covered yard. Little Miss Helpful passes by and tosses Mr. Nervous' newspaper onto the sidewalk near his house. The camera zooms back in on Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Nervous: "Miss Naughty said my lawn would grow fast, but this is...geh...very fast!"
(Mr. Nervous' retreats back into his house)
Mr. Nervous: (breathes nervously)
(Mr. Nervous creeps towards his window and sees his newspaper outside and the jungle that was once his lawn standing between him and his newspaper)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh...oh dear!"
(Mr. Nervous realizes what he has to do)
Mr. Nervous: (sighs heavily)
(Mr. Nervous bravely steps out of his house wearing pillows on his chest, a strainer on his head, and carrying an umbrella like a sword)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah. Nothing to fear! They're just leaves! And stems! AND THORNS!"
(Mr. Nervous starts swinging his umbrella around)
Mr. Nervous: Don't...even...think of...getting...close to me, you plants!
(A red Venus Flytrap slurps at Mr. Nervous and tries to bite him)
Mr. Nervous: (screams) Oh-ho!
(Mr. Nervous sheds his armor, drops the umbrella, and runs away. Mr. Nervous lands by a small lizard on a rock)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah!"
(The lizard sticks their tongue out at Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Nervous: "Geh!"
(Mr. Nervous backs away from the lizard)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh!"
(Mr. Nervous trips over a log and falls into a quicksand puddle)
Mr. Nervous: "Gah! No! No! No! Quicksand!"
(Mr. Nervous starts to sink into the quicksand but manages to escapes it by grabbing onto a vine and pulling himself up)
Mr. Nervous: (grunts)
(A snake's head lowers down from the same tree the vine is one. Turns out, the vine Mr. Nervous grabbed is really that snake's body. Something Mr. Nervous finds out quickly)
Mr. Nervous: "GAH! SNAKE!!"
(Mr. Nervous jumps down. In a blink and miss, Mr. Nervous' glasses land on his face after Mr. Nervous reaches the ground.)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh!"
(Mr. Nervous runs as fast as he can)
Mr. Nervous: "My yard is now a rainforest! Thanks to Miss Naughty and her three tiny drops!"
(Mr. Nervous makes it out of the forest with Little Miss Naughty waiting for him on the other side)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh! Ho! Ho!
Miss Naughty: "Mr. Nervous! What happened to your lawn?"
Mr. Nervous: "You tell me! Your special fertilizer turned my yard into a jungle!"
(A wide shot shows Mr. Nervous' now plant covered home)
Miss Naughty: I don't know what could have happened! But...since I'm here...
(Little Miss Naughty brings Mr. Nervous in really close)
Mr. Nervous: Oh!
Miss Naughty: "Let me be your jungle guide! And get you safely back to your house."
Mr. Nervous: Gah! Oh...
Miss Naughty: For 20 bucks.
Mr. Nervous: Oh! That seems rather expensive.
Miss Naughty: "You can always do it by yourself!"
(Three plants (including the red Venus Flytrap) move in front of Mr. Nervous. The snake that Mr. Nervous mistook for a vine appears above Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous looks at them)
Snake: (hiss)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The plants and snakes move away)
Mr. Nervous: "Never mind!"
(Mr. Nervous gives Little Miss Naughty 20 bucks)
Mr. Nervous: "Keep the change! Can we go now?"
Miss Naughty: "Yes! Follow me!"
(Little Miss Naughty grabs Mr. Nervous' arm and drags him back to his house)
Mr. Nervous: "Oh! Thank you, Miss Naughty!"
(Mr. Nervous enters his house)
Mr. Nervous: "Bye!"
(Mr. Nervous closes his door and Little Miss Naughty walks away in triumph)
Miss Naughty: (laughs triumphantly) "Sometimes, I just can't help myself!"
Wild Boar (offscreen): (squeals)
(A wild boar glares angrily at Little Miss Naughty)
Wild Boar: (squeals)
Miss Naughty: (screams)
(Little Miss Naughty tries to run away from the wild boar but the wild boar chases after her)
Miss Naughty: (whines) "Get away! You disgusting pig!" (screams)
(Mr. Messy drops down onto the scene)
Miss Naughty (offscreen): "No!"
(Mr. Messy starts shaking. This causes a mass of dust to envelop the screen as a transition to the next bumper. Little Miss Scary walks over to the small flower bed, looks at the flowers unenthusiastically, and gets an idea. Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask and scares the flowers)
Miss Scary: "AHHHH!!!"
Flowers: (screams)
(All the flowers except for a magenta colored flower run away in fear. The magenta flower passes out from fear)
(The scene cuts to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous seeing his plant covered lawn, Little Miss Calamity being chased by her lawn mower, and Mr. Strong pulling the entire flower bed out of the ground and finding Mr. Scatterbrain underneath with the flowers growing out of his head)
Narrator: "As satisfying as yard work can be for the Mr. Men and Little Misses..."
(Mr. Bump is shown trimming his bushes into topiary sculptures)
Narrator: Everyone can probably agree...
(Mr. Rude's yard is shown covered with leaves while Little Miss Chatterbox is finishing raking her yard)
Narrator: The best part is when the time comes that the yard work is finished!
(Just as Little Miss Chatterbox finishes raking all the leaves in her yard, Mr. Rude is shown chasing after Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small as the screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)